tit I i A A A A A J A . -Vi - At HI I :- xrv. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER GO, 1910. NUMBER 55 S IHE llfffl 3Y FLEETS I OF SEYEX SCOUTS TO PRO CT THE NATION FROM INVASION. V WIRELESS Willi! to Ships LeaTe Hampton for Un ;n Corners of the Seas and Will en Attnek on the " United States ctly Game Is the Most Exten di One ETcr Commenced by the rj Department for Drill. x ' ; IMPBLER DEFEATS N. POWDER. North Powder Goes Down to Defeat Before Fast Imbler Team. . The Imhbler basket ball team de feated the aggregation from North Powder last night by the score of SO to 3. The visitors did not seem to be able to stand up against the Imbler quintet Imbler showed great im provement over their last game in throwing baskets. The North Powder team plays Summervllle tonight. RE COED MARKS IX DANGER. IshingUn, Dec. 30 Sixteen bat ijps of the Atlantic, fleet passed It Hampton Roadi today and be i an "enemy" In the most exten Iwar game ever played by the f. Simultaneously a scout fleet of h vessels started defending the on against the invaders until the fels report at Guantanamo for fer target-practice they will en r to keep their whereabouts a et They will endeavor to appear iln range of some part of the it without its presence being re- ;ed by the scout fleet. ear Admiral Schroeder commands enemy. The home fleet la com lded by Rear Admiral Stanton, laborate plans for testing thead ibillty of the wireless during the e has been made. Ships under roeder are expected touse. a code Shelr own,' thus necessitating act- sighting them by defenders be 1 their whereabout will be known. .dmlral Stanton is expected to head the fleet enroute to Guantanomo establishing a patrol line in the e through which the battleships it pass. Once the enemy Is sight- 'wireless will be call dto aid and f remainder of the Bcouts will be lifled. During the game the where- buts of the fleet Is unknown to the Frenchman Is Setting ew Mark for long Flight This Afternoon. " - Paris, Dec. 30 Flying 357 miles in 7 hours and 40 minutes Aviator Tad atena today set a new record for the Mlchelin prize of f-t.000'. At .3:20 this afternoon the blrdman was still in the air reeling' off miles and threatening to eclipse the record of. 8 hours 'and 13 minutes held by Henry Farman II; uZCCi.uCu.av turn mui'uing ana cerrled an unusually large amount of petrol. He planned to keep aloft as long as he could keep the machine working. . ' Ifllli IFFfi STIRS STRIFE Oil ISUl CIYIL AXD MILITARY AUTHORI TIES AT OUTS OYER SECRE. CY BEING MAINTAINED. E llil Chll Authorities Not Being Called to , Assistance of the Army .in Ferreting 'Out the Alleged Spying of Japanese - certain tnnt Wireless Oper ator Has Been Deported Fortlflca tlon Maps Drawn. . . Elffl MB.. I Toivnsiup is VOTELESS WHOLESALE INDICTMENTS IN OHIO ESTABLISHES PECUL IAR CONDITION. ' HO MEfl FOR OFFICES Eiery Single Voter In Adams County is Disfranchised and. There are No Men to Take OfiW fi Tt Fhe Years New Teoiile Will Have to Mov In td Take Offices Other Townships In Danger. WHITE SLAVE OIER v city authorities, now that we have a supply of pure water, to make it available for use by all the people, whether they are owners of their own houses or belong to that very numer ous class in our city who are renters and many of whom during the past year and at the present time, are. glad to get any kind of a house to live in. . It is my opinion that the .City Coun cil has the power to condemn all wells and should do so at once in the areas of the city to which water mains are distributed and by continuing the policy followed in the last year of extending the water system as rapidly as possible may put Into operation a system under which such lamentable occurrences as are, mentioned above cannot be and families shall not be deprived of the father or ulster be cause some one wants to save a few dollars a year. In my opinion ' the time has also come when some place for the treatment of infectious, dls- eubttM occurring In translenty" should be 'established. Very truly, i " "M. K. HALL. TIG MURDERS PI FOR li! ite NATION PEACE COMPACT SIGNED BETWEEN WARRING FAC TIONS OF CHINESE. PORTLAND POLICE GET ACCUSED OF CRIME. Ills Victim Finally FInds Aid Months of Slavery. : MAN After Manila, Dec. SO Unusual Becrecy cloaks the movements of the military authorities who are investigating the activity of the Japanese in the Phil ippines. Civil authorities are no lon ger called upon to aid as heretofore, Every effort is being mad to guard the "movements of the officials Inves tigatingt the conditions at Corrlgedor Island where the alleged Japanese spies were found with maps of forti fication of Manila and data concern ing them. . - " Some bitterness between the mili tary and (Civilians developed as a re sult of the search and contradictory reports given out concerning the Jap- anee found by the military. -It is understood however that Jap anese spies were found and one wire. less operator deported as first report ed.' West Vnion,' ' Ohio., . Dec. 30-With every voter in Jefferson township of Adams county disfranchised for five years, because they sold their votes, the residents are .wondering how the offices will be filled during, the next few years. The situation is unparal lelledln the history of the country. If the indictments continue to be turned cut s. rapidly as now, soon other towus will be in the same fix. Judge TWr, who is sentencing the men, will be 'asked to consider the casesand provide Borne form of legal government until the disfranchise ment expires or new voters move in. Over 1,000 are Indicted eo far and most of them pleaded guilty, ' ' j Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 While his ' alleged white slave victim shivered and sobbed in a room nearby, Chas. Peters, a Greek, was examined today by. Deputy United States -District At torney Maguire. He was then placed under $4,000 bond and the girl under $500 bond as a witness. The man's preliminary examination Is set for next Tuesday. The girl 1 claims he took her from Redding BRAKEMAN MEETS DEATH. Ground to Pieces Under Wheels When Extra and Freight Meet Chehalls, Wash. Dec. 30 S. M Hanley, a brakeman was killed and J. B. McMillan, a brakeman was In jured In a rear end colHsslon between an extra and a freight train this morn log near this city. Hanley. was ground to death beneath the wheels department and the commander California, 4 years ago. Later he took after he wag knocked from the top of fen carte blanche as to where he rant Suit Against Standard, i London, Dec. 30 Agitation .to start In It against the Standard Oil in Eng- hd is being urged by the London Kith. The paper charges the "com- ny through its subsldarles, the 1 w. African Oil company and Vacauana ompany to have been invading incove tax. The Truth urges the nmencement of a suit to compel f m to diverge their earning so the S can be collected. her to Medford and made her a prey to his greek Laboring friends. Later he came to Portland where she asked for aid from the authorities. the car. He leaves a widow and daugh ter who reside at Elma. RESURRECTION OF IRS, EDDY DEM1ED Police Will b Called In When Mnr. ders Do Occur Bat There Ar t b io More War Between the Warring Factions Oldest Feud In the Unit ed States Is Thus Settled Money to Expiate Murders by Chinks. BASKETBALL TONIGHT. Local Teams' Will Come Together on the Rink Floor for Fast Game, I PI S TO KILL RECALL PET LLEGES GROSS IRREGULARITIES IN THE DOCUMENT. 'akes First Outward Cognizance of the Monster Petition. Seattle, Dec. 30 Mayor Gill, against fhom a monster petition for recall fas been filed, today took his first utward cognizance of the movement hlch has been started to oust him fom office. The law firm with whom lie mayor Is associated, filed a no- of application to be made in sup A contest that is sure to be close and filled with exciting moments takes place tonight when the alumni, teamjof the high-school, comprising old-time stars, meets the youngsters of the present" age. Cecil Bolton, one of La Grande's forwards may not be able to last the entire game and con sequently the team will be weakened considerably. He has recently under gone an operation that may forbid his playing an entire game. - , The other members of the high school team are fit and ready for a fast mill. The lineups for the two teams, which includes some of the best men turned out of the high school In years, follows: Alumni: , Chllders and Carpy, Forwards. Earls and Reynolds, guards. Geddes, center. High School: . Bolton and Reynolds, Forwards. Ralston and Lottos, guards. Bohnenkamp, center. Crawley and Kelly, subs. The game starts promptly at o'clock. Lodge Room Owners Accused. Seattle, Dec. 30 Information charg ing T. Inobeye, and T. Naklshama, the owners of a Jodglng houBe In which four men were aspyxiated by- gas Christmas, with criminal neglect was filed today. The Investigation went to show the gas main was broken by a plumber and that the Japanese al lowed the guests to go to bed knowing the house was filled with gas. . Communication. Editor Evening Observer: Numerous deaths from typhoid fever have occurred In this city dur ing the past three months. In almost every case the cause could be defin itely located in a well. These families have all lived In rented houses and have- had no choice in the matter, but have been compelled to use the water from the Infected wells on the pfem lses. The city haa extended the water supply pipes very widely during the last year and city water whkh Is known to be pure la now available for use by the people In almost every block In the city In one block on Division Btreet two deaths have rec ently occurred from' typhoid fever caused by the use of infected water taken from wells. There is a city wat er main on Division street, but the people living In the block cannot use the water because the proprietors of the houses in which they live have re fused to bring the water into the houses or even to establish an outside hydrant ' ' , In the opinion of the .writer .lt Is time something shoud be done by the CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST LEADERS DISAGREE WITH STETSON. Published Story 'of Probable Resur. . rectlon of Leader Scouted. New York, Dec. 30 Peace has been declared between Chinese tongs of the United States, the compact was seal ed last night In the presence of offl- clals of the Chinese legation at Wash-' ington by leaders of the principal tongs,. ,: - ' The peace agreement is being cir culated today. ' v ... Under the peace terms it extends throughout the United States and lo cal police will bo called in by the tongs wherever a murder occurs, In stead of continuing the tong wars, It has been declared. Whenever a tong members kills a member of another tong, under the new, treaty, the death ; wilt he nald for,io coin, and no war started. :. ' ';,. ' The peace agreement ends the old est f eudx between the warring tongs in the United States. These two tongs engaged in fights in the Chinese quar ter here and other cities, notably San Francisco ever since the Chinese Im- Boston, Dec. 30 "The statements that Mrs. Eddy, will rise from the dead are said to have been made by Mrs. Augustus Stetson and will be Ignored by the Christian Scientist church," said Alfred Farlow, chair man of the publicity board of the church today. "I and other scientists migration to this country obtained can' make nothing of Mrs. Stetson's statements published today except to classify them as a lot of speculations. Mirs. Stetson is quoted as having said: "Mrs. Eddy will surely rise from the tomb to demonstrate her ev erlastlng life." Eugene Cox, head of the committee of publicity of the church in eNw York, declared the statement attributed to Stetson who was the direct ODDoaitlon to the teachings of Christian Science. Nothing In the Statement. " New York, Dec. 30 Nothing in the OLDFIELD 10 JEFFRIES IN SPILL BOTH HA YE NARROW ESCAPES FROM DEATH TODAY. Connecting Rod Breaks and into ts Precipitated With Force. 8 Mexican Rebels Lose Fight. Galveston, Tex., Dec. 30 Private dispatches received here today con firm the report that Malo Paso, a revolutionist strong hold in Mexico rfor court restraining the city camp- has been captured fly the federalists. poller from certifying to the recall it is also reported that General Gu- Etition. The mayor brings the suit zan has been killed. The federalists I i h's own name and alleges gross are pursuing the rebels who fled to I f pgularitles in the recall petition; I the mountains, San Diego, Dec, 30 Barney Oldfleld the daredevil auto driver and James Jeffries both narrowly escaped death this morning when the connecting rod on Oldfield's Knox car broke. The car went into the ditch. They were traveling about 40 miles nn hour and both were. hurled from the car but escaped and were only slightly Injured. They were starting on a hunting trip. , ORIENT FIGHTS OCCIDENTAL TRADING Sheriff Wins In 3-Year Chase.- v Another evidence of the preserver- - enco of Sheriff Taylor as a tracker of criminals was furnished this morn ing when he arrived from Lebanon with Harry Queen, wanted t here for stealing a horse three years ago from James Baldwin of Uklah. The crime was committed in July, 1907, and at that time the . sheriff chased Queen for several months but he sue- -ceeded in covering his trail finally. It ' wen thrnueh' ih railroad eomnanv ' teaching of Christian Science or the that th6 receJ trace of hlm wa8 Bfl. workings , of Mrs. Eddy Justify tne . d T , annrehended him GIGANTIC ASSOCIATION FORMED TO FIGHT OFF THE WEST. 'statements looking toward a physical resurrection and any tendency in that direction Is abnormal, according to Eugene Cox, chairman of the Christ lan Science publicity committee tor New York state today. He replied to the statement of Mrs. Augusta Stet son, the excommunicated leader of the church who said Mrs. Eddy occupies the same position now as Jesus did previously and would return to earth after death. ' , , Cox continued:' "Any attempt to Deify Mrs. Eddy or make her equal with God and JeBus Christ 'was equal ly 'repugnant to normal teachings of Christian Science.' Once when asked if she was a second Christ, Mrs. Ed- d bald, 'Even, the question shocks n.e What I am is for God to declare In bis infinite mercy. There, was, is and never can be but one God and one Jesusu." in the Linn county town where he was employed. A broken nose and other well defined marks of Identification were the direct cause of his capture. Pepdleton, East Oregonian. Half Dozen Countries Represented In the Association Formed Today.' , Toklo, Dec. .' 30 An organization, formed ostensibly to promote a better understanding between the far east em corporation, but reported to be in reality a combination to fight off occi dental ' encroachment on oriental trade has been completed by a coterie of Japanese politicians, It was an nounced today. The organization . is known as the Pan Asia Association and Is composed fo members repres en ting large financial enterprises in China, Japan, Slam, Turkey, India Persia and other oriental countries. II VILLAGES LEEED 01 Fireman's Ball Tonight . The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen holds Its an nual ball this evening. The ball starts at 9 o'clock and will end when the dancers tire. : nome From Pocatello. " Rev. J. D. Glllllan arrived home this morning from Pocatello where he was called to officiate at the wed ding of an intimate friend. ' Durkee Bnslness Man nere. " 8. O. Markman, a prominent bus! nessman of Durkee, spent last night In the city. He went on to Pendleton on ' bislness matters this morning. FIRST REPORTS INDICATE LOSS OF LIFE. BIG Island off Ellis Suffered Terribly by Earth Disturbances. Athens, Dec. 30 Whole villages In Ells province have been leveled by yesterday's earthquake and many kill ed, according to a report reaching this city today. Only a few details thus far, have been received In a roundabout way as telegraph lines -throughout the province Is prostrat ed. V ' Many reports are " alarming but most of the damage was done to small .towns and cities escaped de morlltion as the first reports indicat ed. ; i t