'SW Few PARCELS POST IS T 10CAL BCSISES3XO WILL PETI TIOX OREGOX C0XCEESSXE3T. Defects ef Law and Its Working 1Mb. cfple Described f DUIL Within the next few days La Grande business men are going to join the ranks of petitioners all orer the country and will appeal to the Oregon congressmen to fight against the par cels post law. The purposes and in tents and what will revolt to smaO town businessmen and merchants, is graphically told In the following cir cular lettter receded by local busi nessmen from the prime movers in the fight against the law. The advocates of the rural parcels post claim that this syitem of mer chandise traEsportatkrtj would enable the farmer to hare small packages of merchandise delirered at his mail box quickly and. cheaply. No one disputes till bat there are two more sides to the Question. Here is one: Evry rural dellrery carrier is now authorized to carry merctaciiie par cel! weighing orer four posads frca your farm to town or froaa town to your farm nd yea, or the town maa, pay the carrier whaterer jm agree la right The proposed postage charge nU Trage oi fcigier than whit yV3 vyzld pay Sifr ti Present tyvrx V dtllrtrj. J5w there is no t&.z1&ua weight for the carrier t aaythhrg far r that he U fiV 4rry. ba It te pr- pcsed to J:;; fSt t elwea pounds TJ.'s wJd grea:!y cur tail th J::tt7 trir!:gs &7W to evry frr who dtlres to as them aa1 &ake I2ry cost fcta nrrf)r tiaa sar the prtt t&vCttA. Kri is jiioffc? s!f tJ tlon th g, t7 ycr csA frier. s. fh h.Tr. cwrcfcasfs; ' ; PAGE 4 I I i 1- 'Y. X f I I - V. I 1 : VI I 1 7 ?2( Ltd, Imd O- ... . . . . g'JIl'L-.L'MLI.MU.U - .....MM, .U, , , , .,. .....J , !!,,.,, '". ! ..' 11 J " "" I III ,. , ' ' , ' ' ' 1 ...m-r--, ,.,-- Tir-L,,, 7 ' Tl',',,, j i "Tr 1 ; IA GRANDE EVENING AEPEAl in JLa 3 chances there are outside of Larger Cities to hear such men as Bancroft. Be sure and attend. I . I i " 1 i i i i I Kig-ciyt mercnants or ail kinds would be quick to sieze the rural par cels post as a delierery outlet , through the use of local agents, to j whom parcels' would be shipped in large quantities by express or freight for deposit in the local postoSce and delivery by rural carriers. There is absolutely no way in which this couM be prevented. , The opportunity thus afforded these mail-order houses for the develop ment of a gigantic trust is a most serious menace to the farmer's wel fare. Every necessary of life could in time b monopolized through the operation of this government postal subsidy, taxed against al lthe people and applied for the sole benefit cf the Mail-Order Trust. Already Wall street sees the trend cf events and "big business" has become interested in fostering and zlna&cisg the. par cels post agitation. Its appetite has been stimulated by the results of the past, few years, which have enabled one mail-order house to pay an an nual dividend of 7 per cent on its many minions of capital and recently to declare a special dividend cf 33 1-3 per cent. What farmer caa ever top to equal that record? The big-city merchants pay no tax es of any kind direct or indirect la yoar community. They do not he!? it ainfafn your schools, churches. li braries, hospitals aai other piblie ia-stitatkms.-. They do net help yoa brId asd maintain- good rea.ii. They do not give yea ereilit and they givet yoi neither sympathy est he'? wiu ( misfortune ' comes. . These fefg-ciry t merchant have alsotutely so inter- est ia yax. except to get held cf as many cf yea ricliars as t!y caa asd give as little re&xra tierefsr as" pcasih!. I F-artir3.5r. the tig-cizr cerch-; ants do t hI ia aiy way to main-1 tain and t-iiid e? tie tcsit E-irlsts fcr yonr jrodacts that ablf yoi to get swt casl cr its eirniiEi trx ererything ysi taw to sea. Tour t-1 cation ta.r meJk z towx iacras ti , tafs cf yoxr fara aid sai Car farm easy to sa at fill tali wlttt-' ever' yea desire. 1m a;r?ciat4 Cut fact thai tisj OBSERVER, THE WORLD'S GREATEST PSYGHIG: RESEARCHER - fill KAVOAttO sift Tl ram6ie9 jamiiary tanner trade Keeps up the country towns and that any system such as the parcels . post which will divert the farmer trade from the country town to the big city will ruin the country town. It ths country town is ruined, the, farmer's borne market will be de-1 stroyed or at least very seriously fm- f paired. Property values fn the conn-' try towns would certainly depreciate as store after store was forced out of business and greater burdens of taxation would be placed upon the tanners overburdened shoulders. Lack of funds raised by taxation would curtail the schools of the coun try towns. Churches now so largely supported by the home merchants could no longer be kt supplied with ministers, unless the farmer members heavily increased their contributions. Public spirit would be destroyed. Trefc Uc Institutions would safer and pub lic improvements become a thing cf the past The plain fact is that the interests of the' farmer and the home merch ant are mitaal. They are partners la the bwfaesj cf prodactifiB and dis trfbutioo ia tie . ' upbuilding . and maiateaaiice cf the best possible Lme market. And the best horn market is one that buys everything the farm er has to s0 at top market prkes and sells hha everything fce seeds at fair competitive crkes. Therefore. Mr. Farmer, stand by yosr home merchants eyw as , yoj would expect tlin to stand by yet. Ia doing this yoa ' ar" erxserring yonr cwa test feteresrts- AS 1FFE1L TO WITES. Care tS Dviaiiaf HsiiUad j Zlrz Orrfse Cam ke CIv Seemly. So mere trrfil aidictrcii cas tcme tff'aaj heme than the craving lex srrccg dis.k of hisSaad father. We a;5al to wrres, EGf-hers an.1 s tsrs to tare the hiataad asd father r tie ircther wfei Orrixe,' sfeaSS err tor tie i:.icr hai'it. Cai le glT3 :rtly.- Orrne k nn-ier an ai".re ptanatee tla: & 3 eot ' drfut halit cr coney vCl a rfmdL Sa ! H SasnSnesa and prosjerity cf tS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1910. l n:-: c ;WARD THEATR horoe with Orrine. 1 per box. Write for free booklet "How to Care Drun kenness.' Orrine Co. 571 Orrine Build ing. Washington, D. C, Oriine is sold In this city by SUverthorne's Famllr j Drug Store. Dec. U. 1 20. 5tlce 1 Property Owaers. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, did on the 2it day of December, 1319, pass a resolution declaring Its intention of Improving "X" Avenue In front of lots 1 and I in Eck 22, Riverside Addition to tie city of La Grande by building a board sidewalk live feet wide thereon; All property owners are hereby notified that they may do said work or tara the same dose, provided the Improvements are made within i days from the last publication of this notice, otherwise the City win ca-use the said toprove tsents to be made according to the City Charter. D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of Ia Grande. Jstiee to $Uctkrfrv Katie is heresy gfvea to tie StocJc tclders of tie Tnited Sates Xalotsal Bank cf La Grande, Oreg-s, that the annual meeting of the stockholden cf tie said bask, will be held at their basking hOTse fa La Grande, Ore- tzn. ' oa Tsetfay Jasisary 15th, fce- tweea the holers cf If a. as. and 4 p. at. for the pcrjose cf e!c!iaff a bflrd cf directors fcr the Sasniag year sad for the prpcae cf traxiieting asy other toslaess that cay ecoe. before tie sseetiag. ' DatM at La Grande, Ory.ta tsis sixth diy cf December, III. T. I. SCECWIIX Cashier. De. f-Xajs. li, rM irey gliea that the as- rsal srjiwk-ia'jfers meeting c the C--re State Bssk wil It he'f at their Cre !2 Ccv. Origsts, es Jasiary IKi. IKI ar tie Sfi-KT f ? at. Sr tie pqcrj't'ie cers ror ta? etrt:a-? r Ktier tois,i rhae t-i.it j--r;r ensse tefare sajf meet-z. G. A- ST'OCSu. Cashier, Ecc 2 Jax : 7r fT3T7rr LEWL IJIILDI5G 5x BOTH That's What It's Good ForWhatAils You BUY DISLZCT AJfO rf'U f s-v&wt t!T.f?a iRt?I r4 t a I as tie tie sjr w t.v tA 4.r v &f u h s.'r if tr. ab4-r ,wi .til" aA prft-r Karjfcibf t&a.rMb 1 54 VT YOU K!DDli32r3 ttQFTT3 ts?- La Orande, OiiBaoN PJI05ES t I tE TIIEJf They All Say U W SAVE HQXZY 1