f j I ! I 4 1 it J VOL. XIV, ' MURDERER SANG r LOVE SONG TO THE COURT ELLEXSON SENTENCED TO- LIFE OF WALDO FERRY. INFATUATED WITH VJOMAN Sends Communication to Judge Plead In? Bis Innocence of Murder But Admitting Ills Ardent Love for Mrs. - m-t Tr- t ..... f torn Court Willingly Attaches Pen. alty ProTlded by law. 1 - HIS VERBATIM CONFESSION. To the honorable court t I, T. R. Ellexson, dont denigb the fact that I love Mrs. Perry, .for I do with all my heart and with all my soul, and there Is'nt a shodow of a doubt, but what she lores me the same, but as of being my medatlon between her and me, or of me, for the murder of Waldo Perry, such a fact, never ex clsted, and if I had of went to Perrys house that night, I couident of pos sible got there before 10 o'clock and by that time Waldo would of been Iir bed, and Waldo wouldent of had any reason to carry a lamp up stairs for me, for I had slept there ; so " many times, that I would of knew where the bed was at, without him to of showed me, and Jusa as sure as one and one. Is two and Just as sure, ins my name Is, T. B, Ellexson I never killed Waldo Ferry.. :"V-"",; : No. honorable Judge, yon can be lieve, or not believe me, Just as yon choose, but I have told you nothing.. . (but the( Truth.) N Brazenly admitting his lore for an other man's wife and claiming her affections in fully as . authoritlve terms, Tom R. Ellexson, convicted of the murder of Waldo Perry at Union on September 11, this year, this morn lug cemented the missing link between himself and the crime for which he is accused and for which he Is now sentenced to life Imprisonment by asserting in a written statement that he loved Mrs. Waldo Perry, in the next sentence he denies he killed Per ry and advances what to him Is suffi cient grounds to prove that he is un justly accused and the "link" continues to be circumstantial. it was 10 o'clock this morning and the court room was empty or practi cally so when Ellexson was led be fore the court. The usual reading of the statue under which he is convict ed opened the customary question to the defendant if there Is any reason why sentence should not be named at this time. Diverting from the routine, the defendant fumbled in his coat pocket as he fought vallently with his tears the fight, by the way, was a victory for the man for the floodgates were kept closed and though he wined his eyes repeatedly, the tears failed . to come. ' Letter Read to Conrt. Deputy County Clerk Ivanhoe read the missle. It was written on the Sher iff's office stationery, and though not signed, except by a cognomen, the writer's name appears at the begin ning. Court and listeners pricked up their ears at the unusual confession. Court Compliments Jurors. Expressing his hellef that Ellexson 's communication to the court was the untruth in bo far as It applied to the actual killing of Perry Judge Knowles read the riot act to Ellexson. He con fesses that he would have returned a verdict Identical with the one record ed, had he heen a Juror In the case. The evidence, said the Judge, was con clusive beyond question of a reason able doubt, that Ellexson killed Pery, and that In his opinion every Juror ' believed that he was guilty but re frained from hanging the man by re turning a verdict of first degree mur LA GRANDE, UNION der, for the reason that Uie evidence was purely circumstantial. ..' Prisoner Interrupts Court. The court was commenting on the character of a man who would violate the confidence of a man who had done him nothing but kindness (according to Ellexson's testimony on tie stand) when the prisoner interrupted with the statement: "I never tried to win her love." Judge Knowlea ventured the opin ion that few women showed their af fections on a man who makes no advances1 to them or expressed a re turn of love. That the Jurors were -Justified in their verdict, and, had there been an alternative in the matter.. The court would affix a sentence of life Impris onment in punishment of the crime, were the substances of the Judge's comments. . ... ,k A Sentenced to Life Imprisonment "It is the sentence of this court that this state for the term of your natural life. Th prisoner is remanded to the aheriff." - . ' I Ellexson turned without flinching, glanced at the sheriff and followed stolcaliy to his cell to await the day when the Salem prison doors will clang on his past life and he enters a life of gloom and solitude ahd-hard labor to expiate the killing of Waldo Perry. - ' ' X PROMINENT CITIZENS CHEERED AS THEY , RECEIVE SENTENCE. Accused of Buying Votes and Investl . gatlon Causes Confessions. '. West Union, Ohio, Dec. 27 Thirty five of the most prominent citizens of Manchester, Ohio, were arraigned be fore Judge Blair here today on charges of having bought votes. The pharges are the outgrowth of an investigation into the alleged election frauds of Adams county. All pleaded guilty and were punished by small fines. The men left Manchester In a body and were cheered as they left the town for trial. A telegram from Governor Harmon saying he would appoint a special committee" to continue the investi gation of frauds when the legislature meets. Boujfht, Their Stolen. x ; Charges that the votes purchased by one party were stolen by another before they could be cast, were made to Judge Blair today during the hear ings of the Indictments growing out of the alleged election frauds In Ad ams county. Voters from the infirmary who have been paid $6 to vote the Republican ticket, were kidnapped,, and given $10 to vote the Democratic ticket, It was alleged. ROOSEVELT SCOFFS RUMORS. Says He lias Never Discussed the 1912 Question With President Taft. New York, Dec. 27 "All talk of me supporting Taft In 1912 is most ab surd," said Roosevelt today In reply to the story that he and Taft had reached an understanding regarding the presidential possibilities, two years hence. The Colonel continued saying nothing like it had been dis cussed, asserting he never talked to Taft concerning it. HOLD CONFERENCE TODAY. .Methodist Ministers nold Monthly Meeting This Afternoon. The monthly conference of the Un Ion County Ministerial Association of the Methodist church Is In session this afternoon in the Methodist church. Among those in attendance are Rev. Stevens of North Powder, Rev. Haley, district superintendent Rev. Winters of Union, Rev. Martin of Cove. Rev. Hamilton of Allcel and Rev. Peterson of SuTjrnervHle. VOTE BUYERS AT MANCHESTER ; PUNISHED COUNTY, OREGON. ANY FIRST CLASS NATION AT LIB. ERTT TO INVADE THE UNIT, 'El STATES. Evidence of Major General Wood Made , Public 1 Today-tWliile He Believes the Seacoast Is Well Fortified He Be ..... - .. .'-. . . .. nvtirs me iuuuus m uij juquip- . meat Plans for Reorganization of Militia. ; Washington; Dec. 27 Before the house committee on military affairs, Major Geitfiral.Wood, as chief of staff, declared the United States is unpre pared to wee'; the hostile moves of a first class 'nation. The testimony was made public today. I The ammunition at the army's dis posal he testified, is not sufficient to last through a single engagement. He explained the plan of organization of the militia for a more mobile force, and be ready for tha field in an emer gency. ; He said to the Committee: "It is of no use talking about our patriotism and fighting qualities. We have them, but brave men are unorganized. In the Spanish American , war we lost about 200 volunteers in battle, but burled foar thousand from disease." He said the field artillery is practi cally useless, although he believed the seacoast is well fortified. : Wood continued. "If we were called to war tomorrow we would be practl cally without a fleld artillery or ammu- I nltion.' As far as the sea coast goes, I feel we are well fortified. I don't believe the foreign fleets would at tempt to Bail Into any port In the face of the sea coast fortifications unless the object was one of tremendous im iportance, Woodurged the adoption of the bill prepared by Congressman Hobson providing for a "council of de fense." EARL WEST BOUND OVER, Placed Under Bonds of $500 by Jus tlce of the Peace Williams Today. Earl West, the true blue bad man vho terrified the Fir street pedestrl ans and shop keepers a few days ago with a bad gun play, was arraigned in Justice of the Peace Williams' court today. He waived examination and was bound over to the grand jury on $500 bonds. He was taken to the county jail this afternoon. To avoid more trouble he was handcuffed while between jails. AGREEMENT ON TRAINMEN AND CONDUCTORS WILL GET INCREASE. Matter wOl be Definitely Decided a Few Days After New Years. , Chicago, Dec. 27 A settlement of the demands of 75,000 members of the . Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and the Order of Railway Con ductors employed by 61 western rail roads, is looked for within a few days after New Years.. It is reported the settlement will be along the same Hres as the settlement with the engi neers. Probably there v, ill be a ten per cent Increase. The conference suspended over Christmas was re sumed todav. mod mimed UilUIIISHD! THEM TUESDAY, DECEMBER ELECTS TRUST OBJECT OF THE T MOVE GOVERNMENT WILL INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE BIG CORPORATIONS. fiDT WAIT STANDARD CASE Disregarding Big Trust Cases ' Now Pending Before tit - Supreme Court, the Government Will Bring Proceed logs Against toe Electrical torpor- atlon Charging Restraint of Trade Ellis to Handle It Washington, Dec. 27 A suit to dis solve the alleged electrical trust will be instituted as soon as papers can be drawn up, It was seml-officlally an nounced today. Wade Ellis, former as sistant attorney general, is handling .tha case for the government. The government won't wait for the Supreme Court decisions of the Stan dard Oil and American Tobacco com panies now under appeal, but will start a new Issue.-" ' The electrical companies are charg ed with a conspiracy to restrain trade through the operation of the patent laws. They are the General Electric, Westinghouse and several others. It will be one of the roost important cases this year. NOISE LIKE BOMBS. Jones Dray Wagon Figures In Mys- terlous Accident This Morning. Something akin to a dynamite out rage occurred about noon today when a manner deeply veiled In myster the rear trucks of the Joe JoneB van were lifted in the air by an explosion, the nature of which can not even be determined. The driver is not dead, Is even not hurt, but he thought he was for a time. The explosion was a loud one and accompanied by cop Ioub volumes of smoke. It happened on Depot street be tween the Elks' club and the Chris tian .church. While driving peacefully along the sttreet the driver was horri fied to find his rear wheels hoisted Beveral Inches from the pavement A loud report and plenty of smoke ac companied it. Stopping his team he commenced to Investigate, but aside from the smoke could Bee-nothing. The snow under the dray was not even disturbed, refuting the dynamite theory. That there was an explosion and lots of smoke is not disputable, but how It happened and what it was is another matter which the driver nor anyone else can fathom. THEBIG RAILROAD DEED FILED DOCUMENT A SMALL ONE, TARATIVELY. COM. Printed in Book Form and Is as Brief as Possible. A deed representing millions In money, was placed on, file In the re corder's office this morning which, by the act, conveys all the property of the late corporation, the Oregon Rail road & Navigation company to the newly formed holding company, the Oregon-Washington FaUrond & Navi gation company. Contrary to general belief the document Is not a large and voluminous one, rather a simple, printed book form deed, costing less than $5 in the recording. This la the TO 27, 1910 first deed cf tte new company to be filed in the state, though all counties traversed by the railroad will have similar deeds on record shortly. The b!g. bulky document comes when the rebondlng takes place. AH the metes and bounds of the compan ies holdings will be gone Into In de tail then, whereas the present deed merely conveys the "property of the dying company In Union t aunty." Recorder Snook awaits the bonding papers. COMMENCE MONSTER HOTEL. Greely Square Hotel Site Alone Costs Oier Thirteen Millions. New York, Dec. ?7 Work of demol ishing the old buildings at the Thirty fourth street and Broadway site, pre- J paratory to the erection of the Greely Square hotel, the largest In the world, began today. The hotel will be 23 stories, exclusive of the basement and will contain 1600 sleeping apartments. A total Investment for a site for the building cost $13,500,000. Charles Taft a brother of President Taft, Is one of the directors of the hotel company. , Five Killed In Freight Wreck.' Galllpolls, O., Dec. 27 Five persons were killed in a colllssion of two freights on the B. & O. near Salt Creek today. ORIENT BING BITTER IF! IS ''J CHINA AND JAPAN SUD TO N EARING ACUTE STAGES. BE Border Outbreaks Soon to Ensue aud Then Will Come War. St. Petersburg Dec. 27 War be tween Japan and China is predicted by Rech newspaper. The prediction Is contained Is a dispatch from Vladvl dok. It Is alleged relations between the two countries, which has been strained since the Manchurian affairs, obtruded themselves Into diplomatic questions and are rapidly becoming acute. It is said that border outbreaks will occur soon and then oten hos tilities will follow. DEPRIVE MEN OF VOTES. Colorado Women on Warpath and Plan to Send Ont a Boomerang. 'Denver, Dec. 27 A bill to deprive men of the ballot In Colorado will be introduced In the state legislature if a measure now being framed by the men intended to disfranchise women, because it is alleged ihey have not proven to have been good voters is presented at the coming session. That is the answer the Colorado suffragettes have for tho men, it was learned today. The fight promises to be a warm one. There are both men and women in tho legislature and women members have mapped out a campaign of disfranchisement which is predicted , to be spectacular. CUDAHYS NOT REUNITED. Story Given Ont a Few Days Ago Denied by Relation There. Los Angeles, Dec. 27 "John Cuda hy today denied emphatically that his ! nephew tJohn Cudahy and his former wife, estranged by the LIUIs Incident at Omaha last year, would reconcile and remarry. Jack and his former wife are both at Pasadena where their two children are at school. SCORES OF SHITS WRECKED. HnlN Wattied Ashore Indlratln; Great Lces bv Shipping. Vineyard Haven. U., IVc 27 Scores of hulls of w.-rM veiHs have bfn driven on vks on the coast near Martha's isyard and Nantucket shoals acrorlHg to marl nera who reached here tw.ir'. PR TON XUMI1KK 52 LEADER OF BLACK IS NEW YORK JIDUE CREATES (ON. STERNATION" BY ATTACHING HEAVY PUNISHMENT. Woman and Man Who Kldusppcd and Held Two Children for Ransom la New York Is Glien Long Sentence and Territtc drilling Jndp lakes Life la His Own Hands In So Doing V However, But Is Gritty. New York, Dec. 27 Ignoring their threats of violence and open threats of death from other'quarters, County Judge Fawcett today sentenced Stan islo Pattenza, a reputed leader of the black hand society and Mary Roph to indeterminate sentences from twenty-five to forty-nine years In prison. They were convicted of kid napping and holding' for ransom twenty days. Michael Rlzzle and Lul seppl Longo, both aged eight, the children were released when the mon ey was paid. The sentence brought consternation to the ranks of the ex tortionists and many are sai to be1 fleeing the city. " ' ;. ' Jndge Daring In Speech. .The Judge said to them: "It is almost unbelievable thnt you held two broken hearted children twenty days knowing their parents were al so suffering." When spntenclng the woman he said: "You have no spirit or lnstlct for mother love. It Is stronger In beasts than In you." To Pattenzo he said : "You are the brains and acknowledged king of the black hand society. Your companion would have confessed If the agent of your denization had not called at the jnil and told her that If she revr!el the secrets she would be killed. Crim inals of your type should never be permitted to land In th's country. I regret the law does riot permM tas ileath penalty for such crimes." Will Save Much to Onlrc. Washington, Dec. 27 (Speclcl) Secretary MacCeagh, of the Treasury Department, noteworthy discipline of government economy has a new schema for saving money for Uncle Sam, which is now being put Into ef fect, and wh!h. Incidentally, 's ecus Ing a loud voiced wall to emanate from a majority of the 6.000 lerks ia his department. The plan Is to make It lmponi!M for clerks to hi late, w'thout havinj the fact duly chronicled by a watch man, and having a rorreffpondlng amount of time taken off the clerk's annual leave of absence. Secretary MacVeanh expects to arrompllfh bis ends by requiring ail employe to r-ntor the building by a single set of doors now being mnde. In the past, there hare Wen iloxki. who, when they were lite, entered the building by some door cither thsn that they were acruRtomed to um. In case the watchman attempted to hnlt them they would wave him gracefully aside with the theerful in fo mm ''en that they wrre vUlxrt it I" (" ' r sUht-seelng trip. The ne plan, however well It may work out. Is extremely dlstrnteful to the ctrks. Thrxi who would w-ora t filch a ffW minutes frotn their rovemment. rewnt the Implied erltl clera of th"!r honesty .f mrpr. Those who have uA pnny enfrtnee to thr ndvinn. peeved br(ni thoy ' a good tt.!rg takea from them. And th.vi there fa another cbjer tlcnab'o future to tti ptn. irrord Inp to the vlwpo:r.fi rf th rtnVs. It will y n n'cerry for many of them to wr.lk a blcrk farther thsn has heretofore v been recetMry In order to get Into the building, and from the ame entrsne Ink tgtia In order to t to their drfcj. RID GANG PATTEHZA BITTERLYSGQRED