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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1910)
PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1910. Ladies desiring Facial Massage, Shampooing, - Manicuring or Scalp Treatment should visit the Paris Hair Store. Switches, Carls, Puffs and Comb lngs made to order can also supply the trade with Hair Goods and Novelties, Massage Cream and Facial Remedies. TIE PARIS HAIR STORE BUS. PALXZ2 tCf Fir Street La Grande, Ore. 1 had been troubled with constipation for two Years and tried all of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and tliey could do nothing for me," writes lhos. wiiiwms. Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham ierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure me." For aalo by all dealers- 31 The cuffs on your shirt have the proper shape if done on our Press Ma chine. . Call and see how it's done New Transfer Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED J3762 D raying of All Kinds The Up-Building I T - , , , of This Bank j; la due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we wive I adhered to a .wllcy has I been cpnsegrvative, yet aloutf progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper .tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for ', ', storing and safe-guarding of ; their moccy, notes, Insurance policies and other valuablemp- era and such liberality of treat- I ment as Is consistent with pru- t aeni canning. YOUR account is cordially soli- I cited. The United States National Bank, LA GRMWE, OREGON 532251 Plumbing Md Heating John Melville 1M5 Adams Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE MCiif i mmnv 1 illu VV LM-kUHUlXl g l ' ,n i r If, , hi 1 U CITY OBDERS ALL DOGS MUZZLED TO PREVENT ACCIDEST. Scarlet Fever Cases Break Oat In Jos eph Other Sews Items. Joseph, Dec. 26 (Special) The city council at a special meeting last night passed a resolution restraining dogs from running at large unless muzzled. This action was taken at the request of State Vetenarlan W. H. Lytle to prevent the possibility of the spread of hydrophobia aa It la rumored that some cases of the rabies have been no ticed among animals evidently orig inating from coyotes. Scarlet Fever Cases In Joseph. A few mild cases of scarlet fever have been quarantined as a precaution against the contagion and for, the present all public functions are post poned. ; Robert Baughman of Baughman & Son, will combine business with pleas ure in an extended trip east Miss Eva Roup returned from Boise where she has been attending; school to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roup. The new water system is being rapidly connected to the many resi dences who heretofore have not en joyed "the privilege of water accom modations and the water committee of the city council is working overtime arranging a ratescalc to meet the necessary requirements. A Jolly gathering of the young mis ses of Joseph met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Fleenor In honor ot Miss Helen Fleenor. , , Taft Works Today. Washington, Dec. 26 President W. II. Taft jarred White House clerks to day by arriving at his office at the usual time for work. Secretary of the Navy, Meyer was the only caller. He confrerred half an hour. Other govern ment offices were closed. "Want Tardon for McCann. Springfield, Dec. 26 Governor De noen will be asked to pardon Former Police Inspector McCann of Chicago, who igoes to Joilet prison Wednesday to begin a five year term. McCann'was convicted of having protected. vice In the West Side district. IIOGAS FUNERAL TODAY. Pomp Attends Burial of Late CIiIouoa Fire Chief. Chicago, Dec. 2C The funeral of Fire Chlef'llogan, who was killed in the stock yards fire last week, was hold today with military honors. May or Busse, the city council, representa tives of the fire department and 5,000 Knights of Columbus attended. An Archbishop officiated. Mounted police accompanied the remains to Cavalry cemetery. Jhe bodies of 11 other vic tims were also burled. Rob Cats Seem Plentiful. Mr. Crane, who' some two weekB ago was exhibiting a good sized wild cat on the streets, Saturday night, brought In another specimen, one of the largest seen here this winter, it measuring four feet from tip to tl;. The Larson lads, living In Old Town, caught another the same night and had quite a time' when they took it from their trans Christmas morning. All tlueo of these cats were caught within n mile of La Grande and their fira are being made into rugs for home parties by C. N. Palmer, a local taxidermist. Jlob Shoots Alleged Mnrderer. Hot Springs, Ark., Dec 26 While officers were trying to take Oscar Chltwood, a mountaineer quietly out of town, thirty masked men overpow ered the deputies and Bhot Chltwood to death today. Chltwood was (granted a change of venue to Renton county, Arkansas. lie was being taken there for trial on the charge of having mur dered Jacob Roupt last August Notice. Notice is hereby given that the an cual Btock-holners meeting of the Cove State Bank will be held at their oince in Cove. Oregon, on Tuesdav I January 10th, 1911 at the hour of ?! ( p. m. for the purpose of tlsctins offi- cers for the year sad hmcI i otner business tnat may properly J 1 IT come oerore sam meeting. O. A. STOCK, Cashier, Dec. 3 Jan. 10. 01 OF T WEATHER VARIES ASD CHANGES OFTEN' OS UP RIVER. Personal Mention and Sews Items From Starkey Prairie Region. Starkey, Dec 24 (Special) The weather is mixed, rain, enow and sunshine, but very pleasant Mr. Aldin and two daughters have been to La Grande on Christmas bus iness. . Mrs. B. P. Burnett made a hurried visit to La Grande to her son. Law rence, who is suffering from the ef fects of a bad fall. John Robertson, the buatiinir ranches of west S&rkey, is putting in a busy winter Improving his proper ty. The ladies of the Starkey Needle- craft club are preparing a. Christmas tree and an envenlng of entertainment and fun is anticipated. Mr, Sullivan and son vhare taken their horses to the Grande Ronde val ley for the winter, where the soni will be With th horP tty Innlr of tiCIS Henry Hagey has finished an. addi tion to his house on his ranch. Mrs. K. E. Burnett expects to wel come her two daughters home for Christmas. They have been living in Pendleton since last August D. B. Hagey is employing his slack time to break a few of his young horses ready for spring work. Starkey people going to town miss the friendly face of Grandpa Hagey from his home on the river, but La Grande wins, where we loose. Birth Record. Born to City Recorder-elect, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Humphrey, Dec. 24, a seven pound daughter. AGED LADY TRAVELS FAR. Though Eighty Years of Age She Conies to Visit Her Son. Geo. Hyatt, manager of the E. M. & M. Co., of Enterprise, returned Sat urday from Ohio and other eastern points. Mr. Hyat was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Weekhan of Adrian, Mich., and his mother of West Unity, Ohio. Mrs. Hyat Is over 80 years of age and stood Jhe trip equally as well as the younger ones of the party. Mr. Hyat In speaking of the East, says that money conditions are good but that after once, living in the Grande Ronde or any other point In Oregon, no' one could be satisfied with eastern ways. TWO GAMES THIS WEEK. M. I. A. tt Meet Sorlh Powder Next Wednesday Evening at Rink. Two games are on the boards for this week and basketball lovers will ecoinid. ?1 fl - I 3 ? Itm. ', - i have plenty to do. The first game is one between the M. I. A. champions of Iat year, and the North - Powder Squad. The North Powder team is now coached by a first class basketball man and has Improved greatly over last year. . Next Friday night the High School five and the high school alumni five meet The alumni was out, for, prac tice this morning and showed its old time form. The five contains the best stars turned out from the school in five years and the present youngsters will have to show speed to keep up. BAXCII MANAGER MARRIED. S. S. Johnson, Ranch Manager, Mar ries Daughter of Fellow Foreman. A quiet yet ha'ppy wedding occur red yesterday at 2 o'clock, when, at the home of Hon. and Mrs. Walter M. Pierce, N. S. Johnson and Carrie V. Benge, were united in marriage. Rev. J. D. Gillilan officiating. Mr. Johnson is ranch foreman for Mr. Pierce and the bride is the daughter of the stock manager on the same ranch. AS APPEAL TO WIVES. Cure the Drinking Husband by Using Orrlne Can be Given Secretly. No more terrible affliction can come to any home than the craving ' for strong drink of husband and father. We appeal to wives, mothers and sis ters to save the husband and father or the brother with Orrlne, a scientific cure for the liquor habit. Can be given secretly. Orrlne is sold under an absolute guarantee that it will cure the drink habit or money will be refunded. Save the happiness and prosperity of the home with Orrlne. ft per box. Write for free booklet "How to Cure Drun kenness." Orrlne Co. 574 Orrlne Build ing, Washington, D. C. Orrlne is sold In this city by Silverthorne's Family Drug Store. Dec. 26, 28 30. Every family tins need of good, reliable liniment. For ppif.lns bruises, sorenesj of the muscles nrid rlicumntic pins there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers. f I " Iff Advertising WANTED Position by man and wife as cook, wife as helper. Camp preferred. Inquire Observer. v FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire Clipton Van Fleet, Golden Rule. FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms. Inquire of W. R. Baxter. . LOST 4-In. plug with brass valve of oil wagon. Leave at Fowler's office and receive reward. FOR RENT Furnished house. In quire E. C. Tuckey. v . uasswe 1 HI! See the Elegant Card Tables W Erio Citation. In the County Court, for the Coun ty of Union. State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of L. M. Blackledge, Deceased. To Roy Blackledge, Mrs. E. P. Brannen, Emmet Brown, Wayne On stott, Charles Onstott and Irene On stott, heirs of L. M. Blackledge de ceased, and to all others unknown, If any such there be, Greeting: In the name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande, In the county of Un ion, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Jan uary, 1911, at 10 o'clock, in tha fore noon of that day, then and there to show cause if any exist, why on order for the sale of the following described real property of the above named estate, towlt: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 19 and 20 in Block 21 In Imbler, Un ion County, Oregon, should not be granted as prayed for, In a petition filed in this court on the 21st day of November, 1910, by S. L. Brooks, Ad ministrator of the estate of L. M. Blackledge, deceased, for the purpose of paying the charges, expenses claims and debts against the estate of said deceased in the manntr pro vided by law. ' This citation Is published in the La Grande Observer, by virtue of an order made and entered' by the Hon. J. C. Henry, County Judge of Union County, Oregon, on the 6th day of December, 1910, ordering publication thereof for fou weeks the date of the first publication being "Decem ber 6th, 1910. Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the County Court of , the State of Oregon, for the County of Union, with the seal of said Court affixed this 5th day of December, 1910. Attest: . ' ., ED. WRIGHT, Clerk, By Forest Ivanhoe, By FOREST IVANHOE, " Deputy, Dec 5-12-19-2G-Jan. 2. Yon Must Send This If you Want Benefit J. W. Greer, Greenwood, La., suffer ed with a severe case of lumbago. "At times the pains were so intense, I was force:! to hypodermic injections for relief," he says. "Theeo attacks started with a slight pain in the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing in effect My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wonderful medicine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy, lumbago." Hills Drug store. UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts - to Three Dollars L. C. Smith-La Grande pi JLLm lolhoiOTScaQilb (Dn Choice Bakery Goods I i Angel Cakes Devil Cakes Chocolate Cakes Coacoanut Cakes Loaf Cakes Nut Cakes Found Cakes Pies; Etc. Royal Grocery 1 ' and For Quick Messenger Service "mil Mmtm tit . I.J AYt Purchase an Acre Lot In GRAND VIEW ADDITI0S. This most sightly Addition Is sit uated at the Intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. .We are beautify ing It by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil is the best Good drainage and sufficient water. We are Belling these acres planted with trees at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a small building lot and our terms are mofe liberal. Our price A $500.00 per lot. Our t,rms are $50 down and $10.00 per month with no Interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after tin treeo during th contract period. Can you not see your money grow on an investment like this. Give us an opportunity to explain this magnificent Investment in detail, by cutting out and mailing the en closed coupon. 1910. La Grande Investment Co., La Gratde, Oregon. Please mail me full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part l& O O t Uaherv '-"" " "i f i i Twit Tl on the gr.'Mft.'g