111 jm. . .A v. A 'mi 7 t& rtisffrr mVl p VOL. XIV. LA GRANDE, TJNION COUNTY, OREGON. ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1910. NUMBER 51 DROPS 2,1 FEET AS BOMBSHELLS AVIATION MEET MAY SEE BEPRE. SENTATION OF GRIM WAR FARE WEDNESDAY FALLSSEVEHTHDUSAflDFEET Released Ills Engine, Hoxey Dropr Himself Over Seven Thousand Feet to Within Fire Hundred Feet of the round and Then Bights Himself Nicely Oranges Dropped Like Bombshells With Good Aim. JOHN BATTO HEBE TONIGHT. Seat Sale of Lyceum Coarse Is Brisk and Crowd Will b- Large. The seat sale for the .first number of the 1910-1911 lecture course Is a brisk one and all indications point to a capacity house tonight when John Ratto, the Impersonator, holds the boards at the Steward. iEr. Ratto's national reputation has attracted lov ers of clean entertainment and the house tonight should be one of the Urgent of the year, Judging from the number of seats disposed of in ad vance. O O Q Q $ Today being a legal holiday the Observer reaches read ers as a four-page paper, publication being made sole ly because of legal features. o o o o SHHEEDP :li TUT CABINET IE SHORTLY MacYAGn, WILSON, KNOX AND BALLINGER ALL SLATEDTO DROP FOLIOS. scon fiio fin fin Generally Conceded that Scott Will Succeed MacYagh as Treasurer See retary Present Private Secretary Also. Slater for New Position Knox Dissatisfied With His Loss of. Poll Los'Angeles, Dec. 26 Archie Hoxey, Is the hero of the aviation meet today. Yesterday he ascended to a height of 7500 feet, turned oft the engines, and shot earthward. He didn't right the planes until within BOO feet of the ground. His height record yesterday waa corrected today and shows he as cended 9,288 feet during his flight. Williard shows he is the premier marksman of blrdmen. Armed with oranges representing bombs he drop- pen ten out of 25 on a space the size of a battleship deck at the height of 2,000 feet. Aerial warfare will be offered avia tion enthusiasts Wednesday if the consent of the avlaticm "committee to a scheme proposed today can be secur ed. Wlllard plans to carry aloft real bombs constructed on specifications '! ; ;ied by the federal war depart- j and hurl them at targets in San Pedro hills near , the, field, He" will . maneouver as though fortification or battleships were his objectlce and the aerial attack will have the character istics of a grim reality. The consent of the committee must be obtained be cause of the daniger that attaches to such an expedition. - -. . SEEK PAROLE OF 11 R. BARE FROM SALEM WALLOWA COUNTY FRIENDS PLAN TO SAVE HIS LIFE. . Ailing in Health He Is Unable to Stand Confinement of Prison. n OWIB OUTRAGES FREQ0E1T IN LOS ANGELES LLEWELYN IEON WOBKS PABTLY RUINED BY DYNAMITE YES TEBDAY MORNING. POLICE ARE ON THE TRML Evidence Sufficient to Warrant Suppo sition that Crime Was Committed by Disgruntled Union Men, Involved in Recent Iron Workers' Strike One -Man Slightly Injured Tare Floor Wrecked. f TBY WEST TOMORROW. Shooting Proclhitles of Earl West to be Hashed Over in Court Earl West, the man who shot up the town a few days ago will be put on trial in justice court tomorrow and given trial for his alleged offenses. It J is believed- he will be bound over to the circuit court and it is plain that there is evidence enough to land him In the penitentiary. S1T0 DOUGH iinmpmn in SERIOUS BUSINESS AT STANDSTILL. Banks and Business HoO Closed today in Observance of "Yule." Business was a minus element . In La Grande today. Few wheels of In dustry turned. The shows' crew' was cut down to absolute necessity;' the banks and stores almost exclusively postofflce, court house and iprofeS' slonal officers were closed. AMERICAN SHIPS ORDERED TO TURBULENT WATERS AS PEACE MAKERS. USURPTIOri PLOT EXPOSED "DAD" MOON MARRIED. Pioneer Engineer of . This . Country Takes Unto Himself a Bride. O. W. Moon, the pioneer engineer of the entire state the man who long since ceased to physically be able to keep his Elgin branch line run and was transferred to a less ardorous run out of Pendleton has been married The news of his marriage has Just commenced to reach Mr. Moon's for mer habitat. The Pendleton East Ore- gonian says: . In a quiet home wedding at 200 High street last Sunday at 5 o'clock Mr. O. W. Moon and Mrs. J. L. Dray were married by Rev. R. E. Storey. After the ceremony a luncheon was served to the friends present. The groom is the popular pioneer engi r.ccr cn the Pilot Rock run and is familiarly known by his wide circle of friends as "Daddy" Moon. Among those present were eMr. and Mrs." Guy E. Chopin, Mr. Chopiin being his fire man. They will reside at 200 High street DELEGATION WILL SEE GOVERNOR BAKER MAKES LAST AND FINAL PLEA FOB ASYLUM. Intend to Get Last Word in Struggle For Proposed Building. Enterprise, Dec. 26 The News Rec ord says: Friday and Saturday of last, week friends of John R. Bare who is now doing time lal the state prison, for the killing of "Brick" Johnson in Ott's saloon in Enterprise four year's ago, began circulating a petition for his parole and are meeting with much success In all parts of the county. Mrs, Bare's efforts to secure her hus band's release are meeting with liber al support and assistance from her friends and his and six copies of the petition are being circulated in differ ent parts of the county. Backed by am davits showing new evidence discov ered corroborating Bare's Btory . as toW on the stand at the time of the trial and by. a statement of the prison physician. Dr. J. N. Smith, that Bare is suffering from a nervous disorder resulting from a burp received in his cell two years ago and Is gradually growing worse, the petition signed first by the twelve Jurors who con vlcted Bare, has already a large num ber of leading citizens of the county endorsing, it. The crime for which Bare is in carcerated was the killing of M. M. Johnson, commonly known as "Brick" Johnson in Ott's saloon at Enterprise, June 11, 1906, where Johnson was employed as bartender. Bare was drunk and Johnson addressed vile language to him defaming tne char acter of Bare's wife, his mother, and his wife's mother. Bare resented this and went home and got a gun and killed John.son, He told this on the stand, but It was not corroborated. Now affidavits have been secured from a number of residents of this county that will cor roborate this story, A letter from the prison physiclon states . that Bare cannot recover in prison but will probably get well if out where he can have proper care and treatment A position has been secured for Bare In Baker county where ha will be able to support his wife and three children who are now destitute. The petition asks for a ten year pa role on the conditions that Bare ab stain entirely from the use of intoxi actlng liquors, support his family as long as physically able to do so, es tablish a residence in the state and outBlde Union and Wallowa counties, Washington, Dec. 26 Rumors of a coming shakeup In- the cabinet is re newed today. It is reported changes are contemplated by President Taft involved the resignations of Secretary of State, P. C. Knox, Secretary of the Treasury MacVagh, Secretary of the Interior, R. A, Ballinger and (possibly Secretary , of Agriculture, Wilson, Secretary Knox, it Is ktiown, is dis satisfied over his loss of .Influence in administration , policies. Politicians say the time has arrived for Mr. Ea linger to quit, now that he is; vindi cated. The report. that Congressman Scott of Kansas will succeed Wilson Is generally credited. President's Sec j retary, Norton is named by politicians to succeed Macvagh who Is suffering from ill health. . MANY IN FAMILY ILL. One Dead, Three Others HI is Yule tide Sorrow of ColoraJ) Family. With their daughter, Rebekah Col- omb, late of Coeur . d'Alene, dead and burled, a son very 111 at the hospital with typhoid, and another son and daughter ill at tbelr home with typhoid fever Is the distressing yuletide for the Colomb family in this city. They moved here from Coeur d'Alene about eight weeks ago,' and the entire family was taken down with tyiphold fever. The only death' In the family thus far occurred Satur day and 'Interment was made from the Henry & Carr undertaking parlors this morning. The others in the fam lly are seriously 111. Los Angeles, Dec. 26 That the ex plosion that partially wrecked , the plant of the Llewellyn Iron Works yesterday was caused hy dynamite, is the unanimous belief of the plant own ers and the police who have begun an Investigation. It Is believed, a low grade of dynamite was set off by a lorfg" fuse. A nortion of the fuse. was found. The loss is about $20,000 and night watchman J. Ashburg, a. negro, was only slightly injured. The author! ties are searching for three men who were seen running away shortly be fore the explosion. - " Many believe some disgruntled for mer employes are guilty. The first floor was badly wrecked and the sec ond floor was afso damaged. The third floor was weakened. The company Is one of the largest in the west and has been Involved in the rec.ent iron work er's strike. -r". ' "Our plant was dynamited," said Secretary John Llewellyn. "This mis erable affair is part of a plot to get us, It was committed by enemies of the company and I am willing to say they were not non-union men, We will spare no expense to get at the bottom of this affair." ifi'V Mm IILIIIILI yL.uuu INGRHSLFOR Soldiers of Fortune, Americans, and Revolutionists are Planning on Mftk. lag Bombardment of Principal City today American, Interests .... to be rroiened Ightlng on the Frontier Has Started. BASED ON SALARIES NOW RECEIY i ED INCREASE MEANS $1,S,"9.57. Agreement Will be of Material Bene. .fit to Local Engineers. " THREE MILLION STARVING. North Provinces of China Suffering Terrible With Hunger. . Four Dead From Gas. Seattle, Dec. 26 Four men are dead today and another is dying because the gas in the Pacific lodging house yesterday. Charles Draft a laborer, Is the only one identified. Physicians say Wm. Parker, at the hospital will die. Four others are in a critical condition are ' at the Municipal lodging house. All occupied different rooms. Authori ties are investigating. ENTERPRISE GIRL VERY ILL. . Shanghai, Dec. 26 Reports from the interior state that three million Chi nese are starving in the northern part of the province of Kaign Su and An nul Efforts of foreign missionaries to relieve the distress have failed.. The total population of the produces is 37,000,000. The International board of foreign missions has appealed for a million "dollars to relieve the famine. The Red Cross Is urged to collect the funds; y Brought Out From Enterprise In Last Stages of Fatal Appendicitis. Lady Claire Mover, a young girl of Enterprise, was brought to thd Grande Ronde hospital yesterday afternoon and this morning was operated on for appendicitis. The disease has worked such fearful inroads on her system that chances for her recovery are very remote. Relief In the way of an oper ation was accorded the young sufferer this morning by Dr; Molltor; Though shrouded In secrecy and known to but a few, It is nevertheless a fact that Baker businessmen are unking a last and valient stand to gain not leave the Jurisdiction of the state the Eastern Oregon asylum. A delega- and report to the governoror warden "on from Baker people leave tonight as often in writing' as to his where for Salem to confer with Jay Bow- ennan again. As the time Is nearlng tor the decision to be made, it is nre- "umed that the, Baker people Intend to make the last appeal and have the last word to say. ohnnts. notions and conduct as the governor may desire. Ten years' com pllaace to entitle him to a full par don but any failure to be the Instance S IS 111 A SUCCESS Portland, Dec. 26 The annual Christmas swim of Multnomah Ama teur Athletic club in the Willamette river was today witnessed by thous ands of people who crowded the piers and big 'bridges. , Lewis Thomas of the club won the first distance, 100 yards, time 1 min pte, 2 3-4 seconds. Previous to the race Ralph Wlthycombe dove from the Morrison street bridge a distance of 60 feet. No accident occurred. . RE LIG THEATRE SA El Portland, Dec. 26 Expert cracks men during the night blew the safe of the Hells theatre and escaped with $2100 of the-night's receipts for the "Burgomaster". Manager Pangle and of his return to the prison to finish j his wife slept in a room on the, top his term. ' floor but were not awakened by the explosion which wrenched loose the steel door of the big safe in the base ment. The robbers used nltroglycer ene and muffled the sound with the canvas scenery, wrapped nround the safe. The robbery was discovered this morning. . ' , Stated in dollars and cents, , the victory won by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at Chicago rep- resents an average increase . each month to La Grande's engineers of $1,859.57 or 65 cents a day in addition to the $5.20 now received by the en gineers on an average. This is as re gards to engineers alone and does not Include the additional payments, to be made to hostlers and similar de partments. , This estimated increase in wages to the La Grande Brotherhood of Engl neers Is based on the assumption that the average wage for the engi neers here is $175 a month. The salar the average of $175 Is a fair one. There are eighty-five engineers now on the working board and more will come when the new shops are completed The average increase In toto or to individuals Is easily computed from these premises. The chief Items of Interest in the new wage sdale reached Saturday and which averted a strike are: Amount of Increase in yearly wages $1,000,000. Average Increase, 10 1-3 per cent, Average demand by engineers 15 per cent. Original demand, 17 per cent. Increase offered by roads, 9 1-2 per cent. , ' Increase asked on Mallet type en gines, 100 per cent. 75 cents to $1 differential. Other Increases granted aje: Forty cents per day In passenger service. Forty cents per, day In suburban( service. - Forty cents per day in through freight service. - Twenty-five cents differential on en gines of 215,000 pounds on drivers. v Engineers or helpers on wreck trains, snow-bound or mixed, train service, increase of 40 cents per day. Switching rates, 50 cents Increase In yards and transfer service. Twenty-five cents Increase per day for hostlers of the Brotherhood of Lo coraotive Engineers. Controlers' of motor cars, 40 cents Increased. Roads Involved,'6l. f J . Engineers affected, 37,000. It will be noticed that engineers who are to be sent out on the mallets hereafter will get a material Increase In pay. Locally, It was chiefly the Mallet Issue that prompted the vote to strike. - Washington, Dec. 26 Reports of an uprising in Santa Domingo are substantiated by official advices re ceived here today. At the legation of the republic it was said the trouble is the result of efforts to capture the smugglers, transferring goods from ,' Hajti. It is learned howeveri that Don , Du Bucha, son of General De Bucha has. recently admitted to friends here ' that the plot was to make his father president. It is said In some quarters that this may be the real Issue of the , disturbance. " American Ship on Grounds, i Secretary of the Navy today ordered the gunboat Yorktown to Amapala, and Its officers ordered to "observe and report on conditions existing on the west coast of Honduras." York town will arrive at Amapala tomor row. , .'' ' L ' Trouble Eipectcd This Afternoon ; Puerto Cortez, Dec. 26 The arrival of the converted yacht Pernet, manned by revolutionists and American sold iers of fortune is expected here today,, It is feared they will bomhard this city, The United States Cruiser Ta- coma in the harbor will protect Amer lean interests. Former President Bo nllla who Is leading the" present re bellion is reported aboard. ' Fighting In HaytL San Domingo, Dec. 26 Troops were sent today to Dominican, the Haytlen frontier, as a result of a report that a battle occurred there. General An-t tenor Firman Is leading the rebels. HEAVY FOG LASTS LONG. Two New Moons, Blnnied for Unusual Climatic Conditions Yesterday. The fact that there are two new moons in the month of December a condition which exists only occa sionally Is blamed for the mild win ter thus far and Jokingly at last is being blamed for the heavy fog yes terday. The fog hung heavy over the entire valley during the entire day, In a manner seldom seen in this val ley. It is not uncommon to have fogs for a few hours, but an all-day affair Is unusually rare. IIN BURNED IN SANTA ROLE PORTLAND WOMAN MAY DIE FROM INJURIES RECEIVED. If She Survives Chances are She Will : be Blinded by the Burns. Portland, Ore., Dec. 26 Severely burned about the face, bead and the shoulders, Mrs. Eva Baker aged 60, is believed to be dying at a local hospi tal, as ther esult of a Christmas tree fire yesterday. The woman wag dress ed as Santa Claus, and was lighting the candles preparatory to a surprise to the two children of her employer, ChaTles Crogster. Her false beard was Ignited and burned off before the flames were extlngltshed by Crogster. If she, recovers she will probably be blinded as the eyeballs are seared. I ' :- ( '. I . ) ... i': t i- i If .. ! v I