I i LA GRAND EVENING 0E3EEVE2, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1910. I MB' 4 i i H4t Vidunj You at Merry Chrktma and Happy New Year -store closed all day Mon day; I Pattisoii Bros. I Use either phone in order to make room I have reduced the price on Wall Paper 10 to 50 per cent Many choice patterns as low as 7 l-2c double roll High Grade paper cut in two JAMES A. BUGG .A Amazed If his vision could have extend ed far enough Into the haze of '. evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of lncandesaht electric lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. The sage old phlosopher rflew , his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but evolution decreed that modern ' Inventive genius should discover an Incandescent lamp that is revolutionizing! 'artificial light - THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP gives nearly three times the light of theor dlnary carbon ; lncandescant , and costs no more to operate. In addition to this It gives light of vaatly superior quality- clear white light Mke the sun's ' -rays.- ". - -Zi- Everywhere people are having their houses wired for electric light, since the invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity , s cheap as it Is convenient ' " Come In for a moment today and 'et u prove to your tntlre sat- ' faction that there la no longer Possible excuse for you to be without the greatest ' of all , household . conveniences elec tric iigkt ''mlr.;;'X :. I EASTERN- d OREGON Ught and Power Company;: o - o IT THE ISIS. Russian Wolf Hunt Graphically Told by Moving Picture Machine. Lovers of sport will not be disappoint ed at A Russian Wolf Hunt at the Is U tonight. The hunt is so graphically told by the pictures and the scenes so realistic that one seems to be seeing the wolf hunt himself. The hunt takes place on tha cold snow timber lands of that mysterious country, Russia, and the hunters can be seen riding over the plains on horseback, leading those long legged wolf hound3 until a wolf Is sighted, when the dogs are reieasea and the chase begins. The wolf goes loping across the Dlains and the dogs come closer and closer until one dag with en extra burst of speed nips the wolf in the flank and whlls It around and then the other dogs close In for the death struggle, and dogs and wolf are mixed ud In a cloud of fling snow. The hunter rides up and throws himself into the fighting snarling ma,BS of fur and beats the dogs off, ties the feet of the wlf together and .the "hunt is over. Ever devotee of hunting should sje this n'.cture. Love Laughs at Lock smiths, is a romantic love story, wherein cupid plays a prominent part flnd the lovers succeed in esean'ng parental yrjllance and are married under trying circumstances. Suspi cion. Is a human interest etorv of uiomer, aner tne- death of her child, turning her Interest to the orphan Miss Estelle, the Attractive Feature BATTO A RARE MAX. Comes to" La Grande December Twen C ty-slxth'for One Klght , 7 . John B, Ratto Is peculiar In his sympathetic interest, a careful , and shrewd psychologist Mr. Ratto al ways studies, his audlenceB before op ening his program, and adjusts his of- fering to th? tastcB of those before him. The result Is alnraat magical. Absorbent interest lights- up every face: enthusiastic attention crowds out the indifference so manliest when , . !J0II. RATTO asylum to distract her attention from her bereavement and the husband growing suspicious of her visits finally hires 'a detective to watch her and .finds her amidst the little orphans, and he begs forgiveness and of coruse the picture ends In a happy reuniting. The Key of Life-, a picture shoving the reincarnation of a kitten into o spiteful woman and vice versa, .taken amidst the superstitions of tha Hin dus. AT THE ORPIIEOL Wealher Has Little Effect on the At tendance at the Yudrnie House. - . .t.,, "--tuitions of the past few days has had little fleet upon the at tendance at the Orpheum. The excel lent program of this week has been, a ery pleasing one apd all the Indiv- ".'s have been above the ordi nary run of vaudeville. Jim Smith in his Chinese Impersonator and mono- luguist continues to be faorite in his clever sketch. Willis & Estelle the Australian entertainers are also a good drawing crowd with their nov el ventroloquist and sinking and talk 're act. Wellington Bros., the boys that makes music out of roller skates "id a singing and dancing skit ends the.oroeram for this week, but they havesome th'ng doing every minute nnd receive reneated encores at every nerformance. The nerformance ends tonight as a Bpccial matinee nrogram vtll be nut on Sunday afternoon "Cutter's Last Stand." ithe story of .the greatest Indian battle in Amerl , :zn history. Manager Gardinler . an 1 pounces for next week the greatest . wW4ll ... .V- 1 west." For particulars of this pro , gram see the house ad Monday. , v. .; Team Member at the Orphcaum Tonlghi they filed into the asembly hall. They leave convinced that Ratto is an artist. Ratto lives every character he stu dies; when, for example, he repre sents Gunga Din (Kipling) he i Gun ga Din. r.y ' '..'-'.'.' , Seldom can an unprofessional aud ience appreciate this poem, but Ratto has the rare quality of popularizing classics, simplifying them without having to make apologies to their builders. - , While his programs are miscellan eous. ach number naturally and log ically ' follows the one which went before, combining to make a grand panorama ; of associated characters. In presenting each, number, Mr. Ratto "makes up." ' He pencils In full view of his audience, telling an appropriate story the while. Pencilling finished, he turns quickly to the table mirror to adjust his wig. facing about to sur prise you with the. accuracy of the renrewntatlon. -X ' Ratto has a noble personality, Is zealous." gentlemanly, unselfish he wants to please. He worts hard, which explains his success. "Custer's Last Stand. . A 4.000 foot film ipicture made on the Crow Indian reaeratl n ' with In dians end soldiers by special arrange ment with the government The most thrilling and realistic motion picture ever conceived, or constructed. His torically correct. Many Indian scenes and relay races on horses." Magnificent Indian parades. Six hundred painted warriors of the Sioux, Cheyenne and Crow tribes. These pictures were ex hibited one hundred days In New York with lecture as we. show them. The chance or a lifetime to see cor rect reproduction of Custor's f last stand. Notice t ProiKrty Owners. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City cf La Grande, Ore gon, did on the 21st day of December, 1910, pass a resolution declaring its Intention of Improving "X" Avenue in front of lots 1 and 1G In Block 22, Riverside Addition to the city of La Grande by building a board sidewalk five feet wido thereon; All property owners are hereby notified that they may do said "work or have the same done, -provided the improvements are made within 45 days from, the last publication of this notice, otherwise the City will cause the said improve ments to be made according to the City Charter. v; D. E. COX. ., Recorder of, the City of La Grande. Dec. 23. 28. ITaradon's Tru-Fruit 1 Chacolates. Made Just right At all of the leading confectioners. '!.. : Notice. . Notice Is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank will be Iveld at their office la Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 19U at the hour of ?. p. m. for the purpose of tlectlns offi cers for the etsuln? year sd sac! other business that may preperl:. come before said meeting. G. A. STOCK, Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10. Newly furnished ifhro'ighovt, Keefer Hotel, Mrs. M. L. Barnhill Prop. Rooms 25c and 50c. Board by day or week. Phone Ind. 1212.. 1421 Adams avenue. ! t 0 o o o PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PIllSICLVSS AND SUEGE0NS. N. MOLITOR.' M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot atreet Office. Main 68; Real dence 69. J.-'-'.v:;'A';; C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office - In La Grande'Natlonal Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Mala 2, Real dence Main 32. J L. RICHARDSON Physician and , surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m except Sunday. Sunday by appoint . menta. Telephones: Office, Black ' 1362; . Ind.-353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. r GEO. "Wl ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician, . Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7 ; 8. 9 and 10. Phones:, Home 1332 Pacific, Mala 63, , Residence phone, , Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. & Moore. '' ' DR. M. P, MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er V rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams Ave. FoleyHotel Bldg. Ls Grande, Oregon. V DR. H. L."'. UNDERWOOD and, DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er -Wright Drug, store. Special- at- tention paid to diseases and surgery ; of the eye. " Z ?,''''." Z a Phones Office Main 22;. residence, Main 728. - ' : J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room , ' 23, La Grande National Bank Build '. Ing. Phone Black 399. DR. R, L. LINCOLN, DENTIST First class services given. Office over Lll ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451.' DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store ; La Grande. Residence phone, Ret 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both, phones ai , residence. ' ;' . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCERAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank ; Bldg., Ls Grande, Oregon. , T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al Ithe courts of the State and United States. Office In ; La Grande National Banc Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. ' ' D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer ; Bakef City. Oregon, - v " C. C. WILSON Teacher of Violin. Call any time at 801 Male ave nue.""1 ' I.ENA McREYNOLDS Teacner of Pi ano and Voice" Culture. At 142f . Washington Arenue on Wednesd&l and Saturday. Telephone, on the dates to Tted-1123. ' ii F vH) orrery?; S. A. GARDINIER, VAUDEVILLE WEEK BEGINNING DECEMBER 19 REISER & REISER Comedy Acrobats. JIM S51ITII-Chhnse Inspersonator. WILLIS & ESTELLE Australia's Most Versatile and JioTeltj En tertainers. Ventriloquists. SUBJECT FOR DISSECTION" A osc act farce. Cast Dr. Sawbones Mr. Doubles. Charles Sweet Mr. Willis. - V . t . , " " r" Pat Jim Smith.1', : . r Kitty Miss Estelle, Evening Prices 15 and 25c V SEW PEOPLE MONDAYS ASD THURSDAYS. Matinees Wednesdajs-Satnrday s-Sundays, 2 o'clock and all Holiday JIatinee Trices, 10c and 13c. , RISTIANSON'S a m n v L I T C H LA GRANDE for m mos of CHRISTFMS CHIME 1316 Adams Avenue GEORGE PALMER, PEcs. F. J. HOLMES, Vice Vtt. Tf. L. BRESH0LT8, Asst Cash, EARL ZUXDEL, 2d Asst Cash. ' 'V ,, F.L.JIIEYERS, Cashier..;- ' , : ' La G$ anJe nationaI;;.:Baii!i of La Grande, Oregon Capfa, Surplus snd Vndhldzd Profits $200,000X0 ' . r . : :. :;' - I :; . DIEECT0SS. -' . ; - . : . ; . ( GEORGS PALMER, i X. L. ,ESE3fI?0LTS C TESI5GT0N Tf, J. CnUECH F. L mitees w. d. CLEAVER F. J. nOLKES Vf. M.PIEEC3 j F. M. BYEJT With our ample resources and facilities ire eaa rentier jou cS clest service aid handle yenr baslaesi to your entire satisfaction. Directory of the Fraternal Orders v,.', of La Grande, Oregon A, P. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. 1 JOHN S. HODGIN, W. M. A. C WILLIAMS, Secretary, a P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 . meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of D ' . pot street and Washington arenue. . Visiting brothers are cordially In : tlted to attend. ' . 1 ; , '.' ,; ' DR. G. L. SIGGERS, Ex Rul. V ; ) HUCH McCALL, Reel See. WOODMEN OF THE . WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. I meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem ; hers welcome. .". ; i NERI ACKLES. C. C. - ' J. H. KEENET, Clerk. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No, 7703 ', meets every Monday In the month at ' the? 1. O. O. F. hall. All visiting ' nelghbprs are cordially Invited to .attend. " ; : ; i. r. snook, c ;; v - ; ; D. E. COX, Clerk. .1 -14 KCK ' A lin Uptown office Main 720 lw ItL Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE e. l bussey Prop, and Mgr. PICTURES' Coxes EOc E N REBEaHS--r.rystal Lodge No. CO meets every Tuesday evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem- : bers are Invited tov attend. ; MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. Q. ; MRS. JENNIE M. SJIITH, Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all vlsltlnt : Knights.;.. v '.i'-'-'- JESS PAUL, C C; . ' V ,' Ri L. LINCOLN, M. of 11. 4 8. . O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesday ol each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. MARY A. WARWICK. Sec I ':' PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M ' WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grand t , Rondo Circle No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday evenings " In the month at the I. 0. O. F. hall All visltlig members are welcome. ' CHLOE ROBINSON, G. U. ' , LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk.