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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1910)
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1910. PAGE SIX LATEST SPORTING NEWS LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, ii 4 9 I i I i SCBSCEIBIXG FOB BASEBALL Twefltj-fire Hire Taken lnlatton la Booking the Club. Twenty-five businessmen of this city have already subscribed (25 each per month for the maintenance of a base ball club next summer and with the statement la Inaugurated and set In motion that annual much ado about baseball thank goodness it comes about three monthB earlier than usual and will be carefully rehashed before the season breaks out The Lincoln ball grounds have been leased by another party, though defi nite announcement of this matter can not be made at this time. Grant Lin coln, the former promoter, will have nothing to do with baseball, he says, and others have leased the grounds from him. The same old proposition of getting Walla Walla, Pendleton, La Grande and Baker City together again will come up. Whether it Is to be along Class D or C lines Is not decided per haps It will be along amatuer lines en tirely with a $1000 forfeit posted at the beginning to Insure elimination of Fourth of July blowups. The encouraging phase of the mat ter is that the talk Is starting early and something will come of it before the season 1b half over. That Enter prise will be anxious to get In on 'some deal Is evident, and that Elgin may come Is also possible though, not rcLLlo Tut ii iitut been given out by the powers that be, that baseball is to be dropped for a season there. How ever Elgin has such ardent fans that this sounds preposterous on tie face of It Union and . Cove are erattc, though the former is more so. Cove always has a fast team, one that would travel in any company, but blowups occurred there last year too. Until a heavy forfeit Is posted it la simply child's (play to attempt to hold amateur teams together. The almighty dollar is stronger than anything else when It comes to cementing rival base ball teams when one of the lot Is ahead, as la a most likely situation.' BAKEK HIGH HAS HIGH HOPES Baker City. Dec. 24. (Special) A fast basketball game -will be played In the armory hall next Monday night UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 60 cts to Three Dollars L. C. Smith-La Grande when the high school team will meet a quintet composed of alumni who are home from college for the Christmas vacations. - There are several good players who have been working out at college and they will be in shape for the contest. The bWh school team has been rounding into good form under the able direction of Prof. G. S. Wood ward, who is instructor of math ematlca In the high school. - Ha is an experienced coach and has trained sev eral championship teams. He is pleas ed with the material here and is con fident that Baker will make a good showing In competition with other teams of the state. The high schxtl players will probably be Burke, Ma lone, Finley, Howard and Bronaugh. The game will be called at 8 o'clock. Johnson Backs Advisor. (Chicago Tribune) : After being in court all day as de fendant in a breach of contract suit, Jack Johnson, world's heavy , weight champion, left last night for Pitts burg, where he will be chief second nd adviser of Walter Monahan in the six round bout tonight with George ("Kid") Cotton, i Johnson is confident Monahan will win from Cotton, and if he accoranlishes the feat inside of the limit Jack asserted he will seek a match for Monahan with Tommy Ry an's protege. Con O'Kelly. Monahan, accompanied by Barney Furv. left for me smoky city on Sunday night. ; Johnson is taking a keen Interest In this fight, as it will be Monahan'g first battle of importance, and Jack has been boastln? so much of his partner's prowess that Monahan must make good tonight. l " Aside from taking a keen Interest In the Monahan-Cotton mill, Johnson will have a conference with the promoters of the Pittsburg club In regard to a six round bout sometime during the iflrst week In January. The champion will return to Chicago Immediately after the fight and on Sunday will open a week's theatrical engagement in Milwaukee. AUTO PAINT SHOP SOON. DIttebrandt Company to nave Plant ' Working In January Some Time. Perfection of an auto paint shop in the Dlttebrandt garage -will be ac complished sometimes In January ac cording to announcement of the com pany, A competent paint man from Portland will be here to supervise the tplant-which is to be made up to date in every respect. The company's plan is to have the institution in working order In time to have the autos spick and shiny bv the time the roads ease up with mud. : Ckistmas BUYING Onl My store is full of real bargains in Cut Glass, Silverware; Cfiaf in g Dishes, Hand Painted China, Chafing Dishes, Cassa rolls, Coffee and Tea Perculat ors, Electric Lamp and Irons, Carving Sets, Silver baking Dishes, Knives and Razors. Oar 10-25-50 and 75c counters exceed anything we have had heretofore. . t a Fifaek IMly HlnirtiiiTTn'r"'T Fackey Says Attel "Crawled" Chicago, Dec. 24 (Special) Packey McFarland, the stockyards lightweight whoss ten round bout with Abe Attel, featherweight champion fell through because of the rivalry between the promoters of two rival New York clubs returned to Chicago yesterday a much disappointed fighter. Packey believes that Attel crawled out of the match and the Chicago fighter asserted the featherweight champion does not want to meet him. McFarland will remain In the city all week and although he has several offers for fights in the east, he has not closed with any. of the pro moters. Rational League Scared. - . That the National league is taking a step backward and will lower the stan dard of its sport It Is true the mem bers of the umpire staff will be sub ject to dismissal by vote of the club owners hereafter was the opinion ex pressed by President JohnBon of the American league yesterday as he was leaving for St Louis to act as god fath er at the christening of a new set of club owners In that city, says a Chi cago exchange. ' A SPORTING JiOTESs Football may have been a losln? proposition from a financial, stand point in the high Bchool this year but there is consolation itf the fact that earlier in the year the, track team turned a neat sum over to the school after raying all its expenses. " , ' ' : ' ' . ' : There la considerable Interest afloat over the coming workout of Bob Lyman, the local glove artist, who will give the Owls' nest an exhibition next Tuesday evening. Bob is one of the coming 115 pounders in the squared arena and while he will not be pitted againBt anyone Tuesday night, the bugs will get a fair notion of how he acts in trunks.. s ... ..,.' The B. M. A. will soon have some thing classy to announce In the way of an athletic carnival at Its winter quar ters. The event will not take place for about a month yet but arrangements to make It "some class" aro already under way. . . The novel treat to local high school students of having regular classes in gymnasium work, will soon be real ized for as soon'aa the new year is well under way physical culture will go hand In hand with brain cell propaga tion at the new building. OLD MO EETIEED. Industrial Concerns Will Engage Only Toon? Men. In these days of strenuous compe tition when dividends count for more than men, the man who retains his youth is the man who holds his job the longest That is why one of the most success ful dermataloglst in Paris has warn er young men ta take good care of the hair. Jf you grow bald at 30 or 35 or even when you are older, that bald spot will so, far as appearance goe add 10 years to your life. . - Men who have hair should by all means keep it. In later years It may mean a livelihood to yourself and fam ily. "V " Dandruff means falling hair; fall ing hair means dandruff. Co to the Newlln Drug Co., and get a large 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. They will guarantee it to stop falling hair; to drive out all dandruff and kill the dandruff germs, or money back. Remember that the man with a bald head who seeks a' position Is handi capped at the start. Parisian Sage trill llo Lau- isrwwr, win five it a lustrous appearance that denotes: health and youthfulneso. For saye by the Newlln Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Girl with Auburn hair on every bottle, Dec. 14 24 Jan 4 I PRESENTS ME THE TIiLli OF THE VJEEK A nice box of Selders Fresh i Candies are Jiist the Thincr j: x Take Caret ' , Remember that when your kidneys are affected your life is in danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. T., says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wonderful discov ery and I heartily recommend their use. My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my - back, which grew worse each day. I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney action was Ir regular and Infrqeuent with a fine sand-like substance. While' the dis ease was at its worst I started using Foley( Kidney JMlls. Their prompt and efficient, actlpn was marvelous. Each dose seemed to put new life ; and strength into me, and now I am com pletely cured .and feel better and stronger than for years." " Hill's Drug Store. , . . I I ARTISTIC BOXES A COMPLETE LINE The Neatest Line of X-masl t . Cards in the City . selder's . Next Door to Post Office ,1 1 We do all kinds of furniture and carpefi work, unholsterlng and vac uum house cleaning., Call L. L. Bell inger, phones Red-662 and Red-141. Mahaffey. Building .Depot street WE CLEAN ANYTHING, FROM A NECKTIE TO A HORSE BLANKET. Work called for smi delivered Elitc':J)yingr andfClhningWorks' FEED AND GranaRondeXashCo 7V PHONE, MAIN 6 When Brady, the Wallowa nlmrod, killed sixty-seven birds without a miss Thursday, he demonstrated that bast- em Oregon has its steady hand and a .- curate eve when trained along tne shotgun barrel. Importation of pedigreed dogs rei ceived a serious' impediment this week when D. C. Brlschoux lost three valua ble hounds. A man that will do the cowardly poisoning act well what the , words don t suffice to express ones abhorance of such, a person. Handball and wrestling, two direct ly a'iDOslte exponents of sports will be cultivated by the B. M. A. this winter, j Basketball games are soon to be played In the big high school building. where adequate lacimies wni do pro- -l.1uil nn iha ffvm flnnr. ; A Chalmers "30" is to be In the Dlt- etbrandt garage by the first of January at the very latest. The macmne nas been shinned and should be here now. tt la also -ossible that a Hudson wm reach here soon after. Fred Dltte brandt goes to Portland next week to look after the shipment of the Hudson car. ' Lee Reynolds and RuBsel Ralston were taken In the Blue Mountain Aa- i eoclatlon last night. . L. C. Smith will receive a four door 1911 model Ford soon after the 1st of the year. B. W. Brady of Wallowa ran 150 birds with three misses during the Tod Conrad shoot It is really a re markable showing. Wlndom. a Ileal artist, rushed him hard but had to tnke second place. Another feat which Brady pulled off was to get 99 out or a possible 100 points, another ining which is seldom accomplished. P. A.' Foley, manager of the Foley hotel received today BO pounds of the finest mountain trout ever seen In this city. They are from the Provo valley, Trout county, Provo, Utah. These will be served for the Christ mas dinner tomorrow commencing at 5:30 p. m. .Diamond 9 Wate .lies Jewelry, Siiverw are To netware Novelties Cut Gla ss Umbrellas Tni-Fruit Chocolates, flavors. No Imitation The Largest Stock Ever SKavvii in Eastern Oregon for Gnristmas Crffts Diamonds and Watches are Our Specialty. Examine Our Slock and Get Our Prices before buying elsewhere. It iv71 pay you. If they see our name on the box the gift will be more highly prized. They know it is good. ' WE WILL SAVE YOU MOr ,V.-,,',. : , - t k , -l,rTt, ,'ir J$ IARGEST Eimjr STORE IN ASTERN OREGON PROMPT mEtlTlOtt GlVEU m I r. ! o o o 0 ' ( . ' ' It , I) l ' . .: ( ; ( I ' ( : 1 0 , o 1 : 0 .. i 1 : :: . & : . . . .-4 I