LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEilBER 23, 1910. fl" n U IU V i 1 PAGE EIGHT 1 i Time waits for no one. Only one day more. This is your opportunity to MAKE' SOME ON HAPPY. The joyous X-mas Day is the time to do it. Join the crowd at the Fair. BELOW YOU'LL F1JD SUGGESTIOHIS for thousands of useful and very reasonable articles. BUY NOW WHEN YOU CAN PLEASE MOST! - "BMMBBMM Indian Robes Many Dolls Handkerchiefs Slippers Fancy Boxes Clocks Many Toys Neckwear Dishes Suit Cases GRAND ORANGE CONTEST Suspenders Fancy Hose Way Mufflers Linens Belts Work Boxes Rafk P,UAn I T1-IK v Scarfs Marij Bags . , r , ' mmmmlmmnti1 I 111 UK Willi HtMlM - - ,1WM; f Kmhtiim.... . , , . u.-l-. "."'' "TrTU ' ' ' ' . prizes teat i money where it goes farthest. BRIM YOUR CHILDREN TO SEE SMIA i : 1 THE GENUINE OLD SAWTA WILL BE HERE FRAUD CASES IN OBLIVION HENEY ORDERS THEM DROITED WITH 0E EXCEPTION. Over Two Score Cases Dismissed on Motion of Specuil Prosecutor. Further details pertaining to the bulletin la last evening's Observer relative to the dropping of the Ore gon land fraud cases, are contained In a Portland paper of yesterday: All charges against Dinger Her mann,' ex-Congressman and ex-Commissioner of the General Land nfflw. ... , . I . . ... a -. t. growing oui or me ratnous land fraud Indictments were dismissed this af ternoon In the Federal court by Judae C. E. Wolverton, on the motion of Booth's Fresh Oysters!! kt,:it ' ... :i:rra t in Quart Cans SWEET POTATOES -LETTUCE CELERY CABBAGE SQUASH CAULIFLOWER ' - FRESH TOMATOES . ORANGES BAXASAS ArrLES 3HXCB MEAT JAPAXESE ORAXGES Royal Grocery Bakery tt -:44M : Francis J, He'ney, the special prose cutor of the federal government. WUlard N. Jones, the timber deader and political worker, has been finally sentenced to serve four months In the county Jail .and pay a fine of $10, 000, to which fine Mr. Jones definitely and finally accedes. The primary sen tence Imposed upon Jones was. one year In the McNeill's Island peniten tiary and a fine of $2,000. Two score other charges that are the remnants of the Oregon land fraud prosecutions were dismissed this af ternoon at Mr. Ileney's suggestion, saving some of the more important cases, '. v J. N. Williamson, ex-Congressman from this state, whose case has been remanded for another trial, was not dismissed, and 'presumably will have to be tried again. Franklin Pierce Mays, whose case Is now up to the point of filing the mandate of the Circuit Court of Ap peals, got no comfort, nor was he or dered Imprisoned as -was expected. Mr. Heney made no recommendation In court with regard to Hays, and will have to dispose of this case later, pro- .bably after the appeal for pardon has been acted upon. George 'Sorenson and a few others charged In the primary Indictments will have to stand trial again, as the charges against them were explicitly j kept on the docket this afternoon, when the sweeping dismissals began. Sorenson has been one of the bitterest fighters against the special prosecutor and will probably fac a Jury on two charges yet pending against him. Some of the defendants In what is known as the Blue Mountain case are not dismissedthe charges being Din ger Hermann In this connection being selected from the, others. In connection with the Hermann case, the special prosecutor filed '"a long statement explaining why he recommended the dismissal. This went at considerable length Into the de tails of the case, and recited the poor health of Mr. Herrman, his trial and the hung Jury. His friends are Im mensely relieved at the dismissal, as th narrow margin by, which the inry hung before was pot at all com forting. In the defamation of character cases, In which John II. Hall, George Soren son, Charles F. Lord, Henry P. Ford, and others were arrlgned for '. ob structing the ways of Justice, all were wi,ped from the docket. In the case af fecting the two Downes, no dismissal was made, as the two are fugitives from Justice. - Heney leaves for San Francisco to night . HIGH SCORE DN RANGES WALLOWA MAX MAKES A Rl X OF ' SIXTY.SEYEX STRAIGHT, Elghty.Three out of Elghty.four Was Ills Record Yesterday. Using, Selby loads,- B. W. Brady, the Wallowa nlmrod yesterday Bet a mark at the Tod Conrad shoot west of La Grande which is considered to be one of the best made In Eastern Ore gon, during the many shoots held this year. He made a straight run of 67. targets and missed but one out of 84. His total score was 83 out of a pos sible 84. This Indicates the sort of shooting going on In the three de partment shoot which ends tonight Many are entered and scores have been especially good. VALUABLE HORSE PURCHASED. J no, M. M itchell & Sons of Cove Buy Glenn, a Big Clyde Stallion. J. E. and S. H. Mitchell of Cove were in the city today concluding the purchase of Glenn, the well known big Clyde stallion, known as the Leadbetter horse., The purchase price was 11400. This fine animal is nine years old and is recognized as a prize among the stockmen. ; 4 Nearly ons hnlf ton of choice candy arrived late , at the A Fair and will be sold at half 4y price. WHY NOT? Since the tendency of the Holiday Gift has turned toward the useful as well as the Arnamental, why not consider our great display of o ' o o o THINGS ICE BE M EN ST!' Cravats Gloves Handkerchiefs 25c 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 75c $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 10 and 25c 35 and 50c $1.00 $1.25 Housecoats- Suspenders Mufflers $4.00 TO $7.50 50c TO $2.50 50c TO $2.00 11' I o " IP SUCCESSOItS TO C C PENINGTON & CO.