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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1910)
PAGE BIS LA GRANDE feVENING OBSERVER,' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910. r i i i us J A a n7i f ti ll LL M J7 JO SEMIS ARETHEULH OF THE WEEK BIT DT AX EXCISE ' A nice box of Selders Fresh Candies are Just the Thing ARTISTIC BOXES A COMPLETE LINE 1 I Next Door to Post Office the Neatest Line of X-mas Cards in the City 77ie George Palmer mm iro cdDo fcETM DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your'orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening Felt,lBuildlng Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. Is IhFistmas OYING' B to! My store is full of real bargains in Cut Glass, Silverware, CCiaf in Dishes, Hand Painted China, Chafing Dishes, Cassa rolls, Coffee and Tea Perculat ors, Electric Lamp and Irons, Caning Sets, Silver baking Dishes, Knives and Razors. Our 10-25-50 and 75c counters exceed anything m have had heretofore. Two Baker City Men Escape Death la SUraculous Manner. - Fred Brown and Ben Huber had a miraculous escape from death at noon today when the wagon In which they were riding -was struck by a freight engine and completely demolished, says the Baker Herald. Brown was badly Injured, being struck in .the forehead and the lower part of his back, but Huber escaped with only a few scratches. One of the horses had a leg broken and had to be killed, but the other was bruised a' littie. ." The accident' occurred about 12 o'clock as the men were driving across the track at the Dewey avenue cross ing. Brown, who runs a dairy "was delivering milk and had an enclosed wagon with doors on the sides. They were driving south on Dewey and had driven onto the track before they knew any Jraln was near. The engine, which was running loose without any cars, was coming toward Baker and was onto the rig before Engineer Peter son suspected any danger. The horses had crossed the track and the wagon was struck fairly In the center by the pilot of the engine. It was carried for a distance of about 20 feet before It was torn complete ly to pieces and thrown down both sides of the embankment The front wheels and top of the wagon went on the south side of the track while the rear wheels and part of the body were thrown on the north side. The two iiieii were aitto tiirowu iuiu lite uiicu on the north side, the engine having struck the wagon just in front of them. : v , : Brown was given a severe blow on the head and appeared dazed and stun ned when taken to the hospital. , He appeared to suffer the greatest pain in his back, which was Injured a cou ple of days ago In a runaway. Huber was scratched on the fact but did not require any ' medical aid or assist ance. ' X: x ' ' -According to witnesses who ' were near the crossing at the time of the accident the engineer on the train did not blow the whistle until with in a few feet of the wagon. . This crossing is on of the most dangerous In town and every few days some person has a narrow escape, ac cording to people who live near there. It Is Impossible for ; drivers going south on Dewey avenue to see an ap proaching train coming toward Baker until they are almost onto the track. The, brewery buildings shut off the. view to the east until within almost 20 feet of the track and a driver must be very careful not to get caught there. ' ' It has only been a little more than a year since Lee Wallace was killed at the Fourth street crossing, which le only a block away. His wagon wns completely demolished, his team In jured and his life snuffed out instant ly. At that time there was consider able talk about compelling the rail road to make these crossings' safer, but nothing was ever done to the mat ter, except to pass an ordinance which has never been enforced. The cross ings are dangerous to pedestrians and It Is nighttime that something was done to safeguard the lives of the people who have to cross the track at these places. , Xonnalltes Hare Spread. -Lewlston, Dec. 23 (Special) A luncheon, which was given this week ly the young women of the rural school training course, at the Lewlston State Normal school, would go Tory far toward disproving the statement that living is high these days. The luncheon, which consisted of Chili Rice. Cabbage Salad with Cream Dressing, Biscuits, Tea, Cookies and Apple Sausa, was served at a cost of 10c for each person. . It Is quite evident that the young women at the State Normal, who are taking this course lh Domestic Sci ence, are learning, not only how to cook, but how to economize. Wash That Itch Away. It is said that there are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eczema and other skin dis eases. If you knew that by washing In these waters you could "be reliev ed from that awful Itch, wouldn't you make every effort to take a trip to Eu rope at once? Would you not be will'-! lng to spend your last cent to find that cure? , ' ; . . " ' ' " But you need not leave home for these distant springs. Relief is right here In your own home town? , A simple wash of Oil of Winter green, Thymol and other ingredients as compounded only In D. D. D. Pre scription' will bring instant relief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the skin as smootn and healthy as that of a child.,... . X', ; it you have not already tried It, f et at least a 25 cent bottle today. We assure you of Instant, relief. The Newlin Drug Co., Nov. 20-22 Hkt. -At Deslrlus of Curing the Drlng Habit? We are honestly desirous .of cur ing alt who are addicted to drink; and If you are Interested In any one needing Orrlne we invite you to write us.. Our correspondence Is confiden tial and our replies are sent In plain sealed envelopes. Orrine No. l is the secet treatment and No. 2, for those who wish the voluntary treatment. $1 per box. Write for free booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." The Orrlne Co. 274 Orrlne Building, Washington, D. C. The. leading drug gists endorse Orrine. Sold in this city by Sllverthorne's Family Drug store. Dec. 19, 21, 23. UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 60 cts (to Three Dollars, L. C. Smith-La Grande GOOD .THgjGS -TO EAT -: " FOR YOUR X-MAS DINNER Cranberries Cabbage Turnips s Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Bell Peppers ' Rutabagas H. HrLettuce Malagr Grapes Pine Apple Oranges Lemons Bananas Grape Fruit First Class Apples FIGS - DATES - NUTS and CANDIES of all kinds r Sweet Cider - Pop Corn and Heinz Bulk Picldes Ripe and Green Olives Booth's fortra Select Fresh pyster$ pint and quirt cam and BMERY x THE HOME of Fancy Groceries FEED AND GrandeRorideXashCo FUEL PHON E, MAIN 6 "1 bnd been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thog. E. Williams, Middlehoro, Ky. "Two rackatres of Cham 'rliiin'a Stommh and Lwer Tablets curet' For sale bv all dealent. ' 1 Jewel Silverware etware, Novelties s, Toil Cut Glas Umb me. Go to the Toggery for all kinds of Christmas presents. Open day and night. ' Xotice to Troperty Owners. Notice is hereby , given that the Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, did on the 2l8t day of December. 1910, pass a resolution declaring its intention of Improving ""X! Avenue in front of lots 1 and 16 In Block 22, Riverside Addltfon to the city of La Grande by building a board sidewalk five feet wide thereon; All property owners are hereby notified that they may do said work or have the same done, provided the Improvements are made within 45 days from the last publication of this notice, otherwise the City will cause the safd improve ments to be made according to the City Charter. D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande. Deo. 23. 28. . "When von have a cold get a bottle o! wiamtwrlaiB s Unigb Kemedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward ofl anv tcnlwcr toward pneumonia, Thia remedy containa no opium or iher narcotic land mat l uiwn fl corfuWrnW to ababr rellas The Largest Stock Ever Shown in Eastern Oregon for Christmas Gifts Diamonds and Watches are Our Specialty. Examine Our Stock and Get Our Prices before huvinn It mil pzy you. . If they see our name on the box the gift will be more highly prized. They know it is good. vv. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY lewlst amoan nwi.iiani EASTERN OREGON ' I PROMPT mEtmotl GIVEN TO UM ORDERS Si i,f v If If it "itifit mi tnir-T trr