PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910. . ; 1 Come to our store and see! Every section in complete readiness to assist you in your buying !! TH P Oil Beautiful China and Silver Premiums for all Gashl Purchases, of $5,00 or over Opera House Block HE P FOP 7S La Grande Store Open Evcnirtgs This Week Tv 69 all kinds or furniture and carpet work, unholstering and vac aum tonaa cleaning. Call I L. Bell laser, phones Eed-681 and Red-Ill. ABE YOU DEAF J The cuffs on your shirt have the proper shape if done on our Press Ma. 'chine. ) v. Call and see it's done how CHERRY'S lfeWi;:L46HDRY; 'Nev Transfer; M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE REDp762 Draying of All Kinds Catarrh Is Probably the Cause. Get Rid of the Cause. : ii you oare caiarrn and nave con stant ringing; noises In your ears look into the matter at once. It's a pretty sure sign that catarrh Is spreading and Is making its way through the Eustachian tubes that lead from the nose to the ears. When cttarrh gets to the ears par tial deafness follows. If you have ringing noises In your ears go to the rjewlln Drug Co., and get a HTOMEl outfit and drive out catarrh. To cure catarrh .HTOMEl should be breathed through a pocket inhaler for .a few minutes, four or Ave times a day. Just pour a few drops Into the hard rubber inhaler and brea'ho it -.; , ... II kills the germs; soothes the : no tation; heals the inflamatlon; stops hawking, spitting and snuffling. HYOMEI keeps the throat free trora mucus and prevents cruBta In nose. The complete HYOMEI outfit 'whii.h includes the little Indestructible nard rubber inhaler, a bottle of HYOMEI and simple instructions for use, coets 11.00. Separate bottles of HYOMEI costs BO cents at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere, on monev back Plan. Dec. 12. 23 Jan Z Newly furnished throughout, Keefer Hotel, Mrs. M. L. Barnhlll Prop. Rooms 25c and 50c. Board by day or week. Phone Ind. 1212. 1421 Adams avenue, r . . . ' k ONE t hundred souvenir plates to be given away each day this week. See them in our window display. ' The Golden Rule Co. ' When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a' big doae of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedv bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed. and vou arenl most certain to ward off a severe cold. For ale by all dealers. TO 01R FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year Will be closed all day Monday I --store open tonight re.dleloB Licenses Strict That the new saloon regulating or dinance as adopted recently by the be prohibitory is proven by the num ber of persons who have made appll-, cation for license, says the Pendleton East Oregonlan. Every man who Is at present conducting a near beer estab lishment, and there are thirteen of these, either has already filed or will file before the council meet this ev ening, his application with Recorder Fits Gerald and it is probable that two or three others not now in busi ness will do likewise. As the new ordi nance limits the number of saloons to 12, it is certain that Pendleton will have the full number allowed.! Up until 2 o'clock this afternoon the following men had filed their ap plication with their $2,000 bonds: An tone Nolte, Alfred Schneiter, William A. Hock, W. Q. Bogart, Antone Kraft, David Gorgon, James Harvey Taylor, and W. A. Brown, while Martin Ander son, George Darveau, and others have signified their, intention of applying before evening. The Pendleton Drug Store, Tallman Drug company and the Red Cross Drug store, had filed their applications and bonds for drug store licenses, while ,Gus Lafontalns, pro prietor of the Quelle had applied for a restaurant license. The council will receive these appli cations at the meeting this evnlng but will probably refer them to a com mittee for a week. Snod vrzss Grocery IJTDIGESTIOS. Relief in Five Minutes and Permanent t Cure or Money Back. When the Newlin Drug Co. states that they have a remedy that only costs 50 cants, and is guaranteed to cure any man or woman who suf fers from food fermentation pr money back, what are the poor stomach sufferers in La Grande and vicinity going to do about it? . Food fermentation causes belching, sour stomach, gas eructation, heart burn and that lump of lead feeling as you probably know. . The name of this moat remarkable stomach prescription la MI-O-NA. Most people call them MI-O-NA stom ach tablets because they Known tnat there is no remedy so good for indi gestion or stomach disorders. Here Is one opinion: "I have been troubled with indiges tion for more than a year. I bought one box of MIO-NA and it cured me. Now I would not be without a box in the house for $5.00. It saves a lot of doctor bills when you can be cured for 60 cents." Arthur Sederquest, 6 Nicholas St., Wakefield, Mass. MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 60 cents a box at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere and money back if they don't cure. Dec 13-22 Jan 3. 5 . . Notice.-' . Notice Is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank will be held at their office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at the hour of 2 p. m. for the purpose of electlnc offi cers for the ecsulnt; year std bucl: other business that may properly come before said meeting. G. A. STOCK. Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10, P ..Hi C..MM1:MM WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH GRANULATED BONE. OYSTER G III llV UUPPIICS SHELL GRIT. SCRATCH FOOD, PROTEINA, FLAX SEED MEAL. AL- -a, FALFA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT E? " PRICES. - Sold By Water-StancMietd Produce Co. K tVOO , ' HAY, HOUR 125 Mfetson Arenue Ordinance If. 606, Series 1910. An Ordinance levying a general ix, a special tax and poll road tax for the van 10 11 ... , .. i.. - TheCity of La Grande does Ordain as follows: : , --' 7 ; Section 1. ' That ft general tax of 3.5 mills on the dollar be, and the same Is hereby levied on all the property within the City of La Grande, Oregon, assessed for the year 1910. for State and County purposes, to' be used and expended for paying the current mu nicipal expenses for the year 1911.' Section 2. That a special tax of 9.5 mills on the dollar be, and the same is hereby levied on all the property within the City of La Grande, Oregon, assessed for the year 1910, for State and, County purposes, apportioned as follows: ; For paying the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City, for the year 1911 estimated at $HP 50.00, 6 mills; for the sinking fund for the payment of the Beaver Creek Pipe Line Bonds,' estimated at $8,000 00 as provided by Ordinance No. 433, Series 1909, 3 mills; for park fund, .5 of one mill. 5 ' ,. a ''Section's. That a poll road tax of $2.00", is hereby levied upon each male Inhabitant of the City, between " the ages of twenty one years and fifty years .except active and exempt fire men, to be set apart and ' used for working and improving the streets, al leys, roads' and highways, within the City, for the year 1911. Section 4 That the Recorder is hereby directed to report the above levies of taxes to the County Clerk of Union County, Oregon,' on or before the first day of January, 1911. 1 Section 6. Inasmuch as It is ex pedient and necessary that the levies of taxes hereby made, be reported to the County Clerk, at once, now, there fore, in order to preserve the peace health and safety of the City, an em ergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect after Its approval by the Mayor, and its publication In one issue of the La Grande Evening Ob server, on and after the 24th day of December, 1910. , . Passed the Council on the 21st day of December, 1910, by 8 members vot ing therefor. ' Approved this 22nd day of Decem ber, 1910. - '.. ' F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. Attest: ' . '. I ' ' - -. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is ' hereby given that the Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, did on the 21st day of Decem ber, 1910, pass a resolution declaring its intention to improve Cherry Street from the "North side of Adams avenue to the South side of Cove ave nue by grading said Cherry Street to the proper grade and by building a wagon road crossing over the railroad track; all property owners are here by notified that they may do said work or have same done, provided the improvements are made within 30 days from the last publication of this notice, otherwise the City will cause the said improvements to be made ac cording to the City Charter. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Dec. 23. Dec. 28. Tru-Fruit Chocolates. No imitation flavors. - Every family hut need of good, reliable liniment For sprain, bruises, sorenesj of the muscles and rheumatio pains there is none, better than Chamberlain's. Soldi by atl aeaiera. ' Ladies and Gents shoe Shine Parlors v "TOM, ME BOOTBLACK" HAS MOVED to 1118 Adams Ave., ; where he will serve all custom : ' ers, new and old Purchase an Acre Lot la 1 ' ' GRAND TIKW ADDITION. : This most sightly Addition la sit uated at the Intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road, leading to South La Grande, .We) am beautify ing it by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil is the best Good drainage and sufficient water. We are selling these acree planted with treea at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a smaty building lot and our terms are ' more liberal. Our price is $500.00 per lot Our t.rms are $50 down and $10.00 per month with no Interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after thi trees during th eontract period. Can you not see your money grow on an Investment like this. Give us an opportunity to explain this magnificent investment in detail, by cnttlng out anT mailing the en closed coupon. ; . . 1910. La Grande Investment Co., . La Grande, Oregon. ; Please mail me full particulars re garding Grand View "Addition, with out any obligation on my part. , Czll1ztt2k, or Ind. K2i Mrs.Robsrtfalti5sa 'agent for mssMb CORSETS I ? PRICES ' $3.50 arid Up PHONE Black 81J)r Black 1481. The Up-Buildin7 1 i of This Bank t U due t tki fact that ws have ample oayttai ad that we bave adhered te a policy wbta has been ; eriserratlve, yet alo; progreasive lines.1 Wt offer to 'our customers modern faciliaes for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs;1 ample vault and safe room for' atorlng and vsaf eHruardlng ' of J their money, notes. Insurance X policies and ether Valuable pap-1 X ers and such liberality of treat dent as is consistent with pru- dent banking. . , , ' YOUR account is cardiallr soli cited. ':.,-.,'; ''.::. iThe United States National Bank. LA GRANDE, OREGON I'll. 4 . We Clean, Press. Repair and Make Clothed HATS BLOCKED. GIVE US A TRIAL. THE WARDROBE 118 Adams Aye.,Tel. Main 735 BERT THOMAS Complete Equipment tor Resetting ami Repairing ' ' Rubber Buggy Tires v LA GRANDE IRON WORM , D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor , COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY I ! r