I LA GRA25D2 EVENING OBSERVE!, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. fTVfl" .. i V - - rl . a o o FE0FESSIONAL DIRECTORY. O 5r 3T Tf l( S ."N r-!sn -.;;v , ; Having your Christinas presents all Bought it is now time to think about uu li ! f ill fit'. 3 L ' ! ! I oil ii LK... ) Pvasent ycursslf..' Good Things J physicians and suegeons. N." MOUTOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams, Ave. an3 Depot street Office. Main (8; Resi dence 69. ' : '. Mr Svjell)ressei! to Eat Fruits and vegetables will bo f fcpre fresh every morning, which X irlth the line of Groceries we T carry will enable. you to satisfy f the inner man w penccuen. tbata Tonr order as soon as possible now, so that we can I fill It and deliver it nrst tning j Saturday morning. Pattisori Bros. Use either phone ; J Mil II It SPECIAL WALL PAPER :-;.sALE; ;;; in order to make room I have reduced the price on Wall Paper 10 to 50 per cent Many choice patterns as low as 7 l-2c double roll HigK Grade i paper cut in two JAMES A. BUGG 120 Adams Franklin Would Have Been t .Amazed if his vision could have extend ed far enough into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of lncandesant electric , lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. ' The sage pld'phlosopher flew his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but erolutlon decreed that modern inventive genius should discover an lncandescant Jamp that is revolutionizing artificial light THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP gives ; nearly three times the light of the or dinary carbon lncandescant and costs no more to operate. In addition to this It gives light of a vastly . superior quality a clear white light like the sun't rays..- ; T- " yi" Everywhere people are having their houses wired for electric -light, since the Invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity as cheap as it Is convenient Come In for a moment today and ' let tu. prove to your entire sat Uf action that there Is no longer a possible excuse for yon to be without the greatest of all household conveniences elec tric tts&t V: V ' easterK OREGON light and Power Company C. H. t'PTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician , and surgeon. Special attention ie ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat' Offlce ' in La Grande'Natlonal Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Rest ' deoce Main 32. 4- L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; Ind.: 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. f . ISO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteoma " Physician. So-anier Bldg., Rooms 1 8, 9 and 10. Phones:' Home 1332. ' Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone ..Black 95L Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. OR. Iti P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of .Optics'. Spectacles and Eye Class Fitted and made to order. . All 'er- Adams Ave. Foley" Hotel Bldg. La Grande. Oregon. . DR. R I UNDERWOOD and DR DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er Wright Drug ttere. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery , of the eye. 'u' , ' ! i Phones Office Main 22; residence. Main 728. - - I C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 13, La Grande National Bank Build Ing. Phone Black S99. DR. R. L. LINCOLN, DENTIST Firs; ' class Services given. Office over LU ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. DR. P. A.' CHARLTON .Veterlaary Bar- j geon. Office at HOI'S Drug Store ; ,La Grande,, .Residence phone, Re , 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Inde ; pendent phone S3; both phones at -.- residence. " '"' " ATTORXETS AT LATT. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys Chas. IS. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch- , ran. la Grande National Bank Bldg La Grande, Oregon. - T, H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of the SUte and United States. Office la La Granae MatwMU But Bldg..La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. C. C. WILSON Teacher of Violin. , Call any time at 801 Main are- LENA McREYNOLDS Teacfler of Pi ano and Voice Culture. At 142f Washington Avenue on Wednesdsj and Saturday. Telephone, on the dates to Red-1122. lxnon.vnnv ff an, wot ami eoltL and . MVM J " " - J your body chilled through snd through from j expOtare, Utse Dig uoeo m tnuuwruiu Congh Remedy, bthe your fert in hot water before going to bed, and yon ar most certain to ward off a severe cold. Fot lale by all dealers. i Want ad nav. one ftent V r NOW IS THE TIME V to order your Fruit j Cake. Any size you n want and also dec- i orated if you want it. : Order in Time. I DON'T I FORGET We use a sanitary dough mixer for our bread instead of the hands. Royal Grocery lg Bakery ,''''' 1 ; . ,. f . ' . 1..'MiW'm ii i-nn i.w.. w mmm.0m hi i ipiii iui li. ri" 'I f- " ' " TTIlils & Eslelle, the stellar Go to the Toggery for all kinds of Christmas presents. Open day and ntfht v '" - The cuffs on your shirt have the proper shape if done on our Press Ma chine. ... Call z rid se how it's done CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY rz Plumbing and John Melville H28 Adams An LA GRAKDE, - ORE Heating attraction at the Orpheam. RATTO A WISSER. , ; John B. Ratto Spoken of In Compll- mentary Terms. : , , Mr. Rattor Is an Impersonator of remarable abikllty and swayed his audience from screams of delight to tears of , sadness at will. While most of the program' wag of a humorous na ture, here, and there he slipped in a touch of the darker Bide of life tha: never failed to. score : heavily and b-Jng handkerchiefs to the eyes of tv.any.One of the features of his en Urfftlnment that was a dlBtlnct nov f lty, was the "making-uD" of the char arter before the audience. The make ups were quickly done and as true as was his impersonation of the chnr ac'ei Itself. It would be hard to any n-hn-h number pleased best. Lea yen vorth (Kansas) Times. Mr. Ratto comes to La Grande, Dec e rjlier 26.' on a local lecture course. Ptetiarations for housing a large aa denci hat been made, as it is beKev- M maty will avail themselves of the opportunity to hear him. V At the O'rphenm. Wilmington Brothers appear at tho Orpheum tonight instead of Weiser ft Welser, who take their departure, This is the only change In the pro gram for the week end. The new num ber comes es a Pantages circuit fea ture act The team does a colored comedian stunt, singers, dancers and roller skaters. .'Their reputation la "high class, . - ye i . 'J ' At the Isls. ' ' The Little Station Agent is the title of a very good railroad love story now running at the Isis. The picture tells the story of the rivalry of two brake men who are in love with the little Station agent The brakemen are pals and the little station agent shows a pieference for one. The rejected suitor assaults his pal on the top of a box car and then cuts two box cars and a caboose loose and, they go whirling down the -mountainside . toward the Overland Limited. The little Station Agent secures help and by a wild ride In a motor car. rescues her sweetheart and averts a wreck by' running' the runaway cars into a siding. Oh You Skeleton is a comic, picture 'of the pranks of medical students with the chambermaid and a skeleton. Girl Drowned Jfear Grouse. ' ; . , Grouse, Dec. 19 A telephone mes sage from Cloverland received this mornfcg says while Ellas Sargent's two oldest children were returning from school yesterday evening, . they Btopped by the way and were playing on the Ice on a small pond by the way side. The Ice broke and Abble, the girl was drowned. Her body wtfs not found until 9 o'clock last night She" was about 11 years old. The boy was found In time to save him all to but badly strangled and chilled. Go to the Toggery for all kinds of Christmas presents. Open day and night . ( A aglttTf with choice and exclusive ere. atlons that would make the most ap propriate of Christmas GUIs for any Han, any Tonng Han or any Boy. Neckwear, Gloves, Shirts, Sight Robes and Pajamas, Heue Coats, Bath Robes, Hosiery, Collars and Cuffs, Xutflers, Shirt Protectors, Sas- PRICES MODERATE 1L17AVS : ' S. A. OARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE PICTURES ' WEEK BEGINNING DECEftlBER 19 WEISEB WEISER Comedy Acrobats. 1 JIM SMITH Chlense Impersonator.' WILLIS & ESTEIXE Australia's Most Versatile and Xovelty En tertalners. Ventriloquists. , rrH v , f -SUBJECT FOB DISSECTION" A one act farce. Cast Dr. Sawbones Mr. Doubles. : . v Charles Sweet Mr. Willis. , J VS-'B" ' '. Pat Jim Smith. . - - . - 7-a v- - Kitty Miss Estelle. ....V . " "' rry: '' : " ,"T- ' Evening Prices 15 and "T"-XEW PEOPLE MONDAYS AND TUUESDAIS. Matinees Wednesdays-Saturday s-Sundays, 2 o'clock and all Holiday ' " ,fCvl Matinee Prices, 10c and 15c : "' s : fT" R I S T I A N S O N' S ii I T CHE N LA GRANDE : FOR ALL KlllDS OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES 1316 Adams Avenue GEORGE PALMER, PBes. F. J. HOLMES, Tke Pres. W. L. BBENHOLTS, Ai't Cash. EARL ZCNDEL, 2d Asst Cash. F.L. METERS .Cashier. ' La Grange National Bank of La Grande, Oregon; United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 V DIRECTORS. GEOCGE PALMER, '. W. I. BBENHOLTS W. jr. CHURCH F. L. MET ESS F. J. HOLMES W. M. PIERCE With enr ample resources and elent service aid handle year n n Ilandkerchlefg, etc, ctr, . Our Ilaberdanhery is not U;e kind that confronts yon fevtrywbf re. We show exclosWe styles from the best manufacturers that w31 be ep preclated because H shows Its caste at a glance, Clothiers anil Furnklic? 25c Dozes 50c C C. PENINGTON W. D. CLEATEB F. M. BTRIT facilities we caa rtnaer job eS baslaess to your entire satisfaction. "V j