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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDxlY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. THE HEHGHUTS Mill Dr. W. H. Keating -A,. v w3 (' , rlaEdsomeeerFybet FOCXTItY Al'TJIOJUIT COHPLIi MEMS LOCAL Bt SIXESS 3IEV. ' j List of Donators of Spcrlul Trlzos and Their Winners. :1 ARE THE TALK OF THE WEEK s Js PAGE BIS V. 1 0 I. fcs A nice box of Selders Fresh $ Candies are Just the TKing j ARTISTIC BOXES A COMPLETE. LINE The Neatest Line of )(-masl Catds in the City, r v siiLoiiirs ; Next Door to Post Office 4 i The Wei! Known Eyesight Specialist again in the city 77ie George Palmer RETAIL DEPARmENI We solicit yourjorders for SAngcs, Rubberoid RooVng . Deadening Felttfuildinq Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, v promptly. Phone Main 8. CIirisfLsiias UYING Is EiS My store is full of real bargains in Cut Glass Silverware, Cftaf I n g Dishes, Hand Painted China, Chafing Dishes, Cassa rolls, Coffee and Tea PerculaU ors, Electric Lamp and irons. Carving Sets. Silver baking Dishes, Knives and Razors. Our 10-25-50 and 75c counters exceed anything we have had heretofore. 1 G' 'rank Lilly ', Just before returning east after having judged the poultry'sbow here. Millar Purvis the premier poultry au tbirity, stated that with the EDlendld support given the poultry show here by the merchants and the press, that nothing could stand In the way of success. He based his assertion on the fine line of special premiums offered by the merchants for the best "exhi bits. The winners of these nrlzes and the men and business houses who of fered them follow: Specials Offered by the Merchants. , 0. R. Coolldge, Paint and Wall Pap er Store offers $5.00 in merchandise for the highest scoring bird In the show. Won by D. B. Stoddard, a White Plymouth Rock hen scoring - 96 1-4 points. .; ;' Fred Gelbel of the Fair Store offers one pair of $5.00 Diamond shoes to the best pair of Barred Rocks. Won by D. B; Stoddard. . . ; ,Y . - oocn oc nonr or tne la Grande Cash Meat Co. a 10-pound pail of -the best lard on Hamburgs. Won. by W. C. Han sen. ' ; ;-' f C. Clements offers $3.50 cash on the highest ..scoring ; single-comb White Leghorn. Won by. W. C. Hansen, a hen scoring 95 1-4 points. . . . A. S. Geddea of Geddes Bros. Groc ery gives $?.00 worth of Peerless cof fee for the;' best display of ' Barred UAfiTf. TTT V T v. rii J a . UU vy U. B. BlUUUarQl ' The .Art Store Artistic Picture Frames' a specialty; Frank Harris, proprietor, will give to the best ipen of Andllusian, a beautiful picture. Won by-W.11. Rllej ' i Harris Market will gpve 100 pounds Blue Stem Patent Flour to the high est scoring S.'C' R. I. Red male. Won by F. E. Wright. ' W. C. Hansen offers one pair of Hamburgs for the best pen ;of S. C. Brown Leghorns. Won by W. C. Han-, sen.' ' The Toggery, Al Andrews, proprie tor, offers a $5.00 Stetson hat on the best Orphlngtori hen. Won by C. E. Perry.- ' 'l :. " Evening Observer offers 1 year's subscription (the Daily) to the beet display of Black Orphlngtons. Won by R. A. Masterson. , I The Mormtng Star offers 1 year's subscription (the Dally) to the best ,display of Buff Leghorns. Won by Jno. Dlmmlngton. People's Store offers a .fln Indian robe on the best display of Single Comb R. I. Reds. Won by F. A.Day Grande Ronde Cash company. Press !,Lewls, proprietor, offers 100 pounds of granite grit On the best pen of Houdans. Won by W. C. Hansen. . Robert Masterson offers a setting of Black Orpblngton eggs to heaviest male chicken in show. Won by R. A. Masterson. . v Star Quick Print, Jack Nice, offers $5.00 of Job printing on best pen of .White Rocks. Won by D. B. Stoddard. Waters Stanchfleld Co., offers 100 lbs. of Snow Drift Flour on the best pen of Buff Orphlngtons. Won by Fred .Nelson. ' F. D. Haisten offers a fine $3.00 rug .to the best White Orphlngtons. Won by R. W. Shrouder. The Great Bargain Store j (S. H Dalton, prop.) offers a fine $4.00 pic ture in. oak frame to the best "pen of .White Wyandottes. Won by W. C. Hansen. The M. & M. Co. offers a $1.00 pack age of International Poultry Food to the best pen of Anaconas. Won by W. N. Monroe. Pattlson Bros., Grocery, offers 5 pounds gunpower tea to the 2nd high est scoring White Leghorn. Won by H..C. Ball. , La Grande Flouring Mill Co. offers one sack of their best Hour to the best pen of R. Comb R. I. Reds. Won by Mrs. Willard Couch. City Grocery and Bakery, (E. Po lack, pnti.) offers a . $2.00 ham to the best forak chkken exhibit Won by Mrs. C.- W. Ellsworth. 5 r?4Mhm and is kept very busy, as so many have been waiting for this noted er glasses fitted, as they run-noJ cnances or being misfitted. He has with him a-special grinding outfit so you can have your glasses the same day, or In two hours' notico, af ter having your eyes examined and and carries the latest in3trumenti for testing the eyeB. No guecs work In fitting glas3es with the. use of these Instruments, So don't fail to see him about your 'eyes or glasses this visit if you are having trou ble with them. If glasses are reonlr. ed they are fitted scientifically, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Call and let him give you references" of th many satisfied people who ,lng glasses ; fitted by him in La uranae. , . : . JTow at O'COXXELL Booming nonse. WITH THE Daily Evening Observer C a by Carrier, One Year in Advance lit UU Daily Evening Observer ij C $1.00 Cash, 10 Months, per mnth Vac UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 60 cts to Three Dollars L. C. Smith-La Grande Daily, by Mail, 1 Year A A a in Advance . . . ; vU yeekly, by Mail, 1 Yr 1 C A in Advance V 4 W These beautiful gifts can be seen at the Observer Off ice.; If theoIicitor misses you call us on the phone La Grande Evening Observer BELL PHONE, Main 13; IND. PHONE 1342 Remember, a Butiful Berry Set FREE on the above terms 3 FEED AND GrandeRondeXashCo FUEL PHONE, MAIN6 - ' ' Dlamomidlso " Watote Jewelry, Silverwarg Toiletware, Novelties Cut Glass, Umbrellas The Largest Stock Ever Shown in Lastern Oregon for Christmas Gifts Want ads xts. one cent a word. ' TOww wo have a cold get a bottle el ChamberUm'i Cough Kerae.1?. : It 'will soon fix you up all right nd "will wan! ofl any tendency toward pneumonia. TliU rtmwy contain no npinra cr oilier 1 nmi m W girn x mn?,!,.t!T to naivotk n babv X t Diamonds and Watches are Our Snprhlu, i.-,, Our S ock and to 0uf PriKs befqfe buykgelsenheKt It mil pay you. If they see our naAe.on ffie box the gift will be more highly prized. , They know it is good. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Comtimv UMEST JEKUtr SrOM m EASTERN ORECON ! PROMPT ATTEHTION GIVEN TO HAIL ORDERS karisf 4