PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, DECEilBEK 21. 1910. 4 SANTA CLAUS SAI House Crowded Every Day...Sales force unabl e to wait on the ureal rush Is f WE URGE YOU TO COME AND DO YOUR SlIOPPiiUG and get your choice of oi many glittering bargains fnmnrrni mnrnitid onrfir and get your choice of our A '. p o no o - ""' , ..TTr ::: "rzm ti' On ready-to-wear clothing for Men and Women. For this week only we will make the following unheard of combination prices on the following: fl BOHAFIDE OFFER On Ladies Suits and Coals. None resented- . .. , fc . , all so as listed . ;, , LiDIES HATS FREE. With tlG0 Ladles Salt, $ IUt free. -With 2tW Lsdles Ssl 17-0 Bat Free. ! With tl-COO Ladies Salt, Hat Free. With f 12Jd Ladies Fait, $4Jtf Hat Free. Skirt and Corset Combination Offer With fliO Skirt, one $150 Corset. With IliiO Skirt, one &09 Corset ' Wlta flOjQO Skirt, one $2Z0 Corset. Wlta 40 Skirt, ne IL7J Corset. ' With UJM Skirt, one IU0 Corset our autism as cm to you Sit aaj Shoe Combination Ladjfs Here Is year op pertanity. II9.M Bat takes s fiOQ pair of Shoes. . I. MO Hat takes s $3Jtf pair of Shoes. $ M Hat takes a $S pair of shoes, f iM Hat takes a $00 pair of Shoes. FOR t.m 0HLY For jeor Head and 5eek. Me gtat a sew headpiece BOW.' With a $SJ0 Hat, en Xaffler. With a U0 Hat, en ILO0 baffler. With a 13-00 If at, a 50 cent silk tie. With $2J Hat, a 0 tent Handkerchief. FOR MEll Otliy This combination offer on lien's Suits and urciivoo, uu yuur ui iiutt -.-.-."- With eiery Man's $200 Sid t, one pair $ZM Shoes. With every JIaa's $20J)0 Salt, oao pair Shoes. With every Van's $134H Salt, one pair $IM Shoes. With every Van's UM Salt, one pair $SJU Shoes. jnlll DEAD OUES VmilE UP the Oaes Cet Basy(Kr Men Only) Treat joar FEET to a Hew pair of shoes. With MM Shoes free one pair "5e Hose. With 15.00 Shoes, free, pair Me Hoe. With UM) Shoes free, one pair S5e Hose. ' c7 lyiiyMiLJi Buy Your CANDY Here HHnsBBBBsaaaaaaVHBBMHK Santa suggestions save You Much Wo Indian Robes -Handkerchiefs - Silk Mufflers - Bath Robes - Smoking Jackets - Fancy Slippers - Sweaters SilkScarfs - Purses and Bags - Fancy Boxes - Imported Dolls - Dressing Cases - Toys open Events : Tfe f air DDelbairtMeirof St we Open Evenings 1 11 ""' '"" T -;,.,- ..,...,,, , , , - - . ,,;.,.,. g IB II HEN SHQVJ Kil D. B. ST0DDAED ASD W. C. HAS ; SOX CABEI OFF PIUZES. rVhea WeU Scattered and Scores Are Large When Totaled. W. C. Hanson and D. B. Stoddard carried off the most prizes, in the big j sweepstakes at the recent poultry ahow Jn thla city. The acting set ro tary haa Just totaled the list of. ecores and the cash prize winners have been announced today. The awards were made on the point system and aa one of the best skilled poultrymen of the country Miliar Puria made -; the award they cm be taken aa about perfect. Wblfe there are aeveral prizes not mentioned in the appended, tbe list of cash an4 regular prize winners Is attached herewith tbe merchants' special prizes will be announced to morrow: Sweepstakes. Largest and best display, all ra rletlea W. C Hansen. Largest and best display, one va riety W. C. Hansen. Best cock, WTilta Rock, score 96 1-4 D. D. Stoddard. Best Hen. White Rock,, score 94 1-4 D. B. Stoddard. . Best cockerel. Black Orphlngton, score 94 1-4 Robert Masterson. Best pullet, White Leghorn, score 93 1-4 W. C Hansen. Best solid color . male, White Rock D. B.. Stoddard. . ; i Best solid color female, White Rock D. B. Stoddard. Best partly colored male, Houdan W. C. Hansen. ' ' Best partly colored female, Brown Leghorn W. C. Hanson. Best solid colored female, Brown Leghorn, W. C Hansen. Best solid colored male, Hunman W. C Hansen. Fijmootb Rocks. Barred Rocks D. B. Stoddard, 1st cockerel, I,1 2, 3, pullet. Jap Stevens, second cockerel. White Rocks D. B. Stoddard. 1st cockerel. 1st and 2nd hen, 1st pullet. W. C Kurtz, 2nd and 3rd pullet Wjandottes. White W. C. Hansen, 1st and 2nd cock; Bert Oilman 3rd cock. W. C Hanson, Island 2nd hen; Bert Oilman 3rd hen. C. K. Perry. 1st cockerel; W. C. Hanson, 2nd and 3rd cockerel. W. C. Hanson. 1st and 2nd pullet Partridge W. N. Monroe, 2nd cock erel.' W. N. Monroe, 2nd and 3rd hen. J. N. Menhall. 3rd cockerel; J. N. Menhall. 2nd pullet Donble Somb Rhode Island Red. W. Couch. 3rd cockered, 3rd hen, 2nd cockerel, first and 2nd pullet Single Comb, Rhode Inland Red. F. E. Wright. 1st cockerel; F. A. Day, 1st and 2nd pullet Leghorns. White Cbaa. Clements. 1st cock-1 erel; Mrs. G. H. Chapman. 2nd; W. C Hanson, 3rd. ' ; W. C. Hanson. 1st and 3rd pullet; H. a Ball. 2nd pullet Brown W. C. Hanson first, 2nd and 3rd cockerel: 2nd and 3rd hen; 1st arid 3rd pullet; W. . N. Monroe, 2nd pullet Buff John Dunnington, 1st cocker el; 1st and 2nd pullet W. N. Monroe, 3rd cockerel and 3rd pullet ' . . . ' Orphlngtons. Black Rob Masterson, 1st cock, 1st 2nd and 3rd cockerel; 1st and 3rd pullet C. E. Perry, 2nd and 3rd cock, 1st 2nd and 3rd hen, 2nd pullet ' Buff Fred Nelson. 1st and 2nd hen; 2nd cockerel, 2nd and 3rd pullet White B. W. Scrouder 1st, 2nd. and 3rd pullet Hondans. ' W. C. Hansen, 1st cock. 1st and 2nd' hen. Hamburg. W. C. Hanson. 1st and 2nd. cockerel; 1st and 2nd pullet Bantams. G. E.. Wright, 1st cockerel; 1st and 2nd pullet. , Elsin.Vaa Married. Gola Fine of Elgin and .Henrietta C. Wllliama of Wallowa were united In marriajre In the parlor of Grande Ronde Valley House Monday evening, Ford A. Ellis, minister of the Cen tral Church of Christ was the officiat ing: minister. Only the mother and brother of the bride were present. Mr. I and Mrs. Fine went to Elgin Wednea t day morning where they will make I their future nome. 11 ;i!a;a:jv;iia!iaytoiMifiiUY(ijJii I 1 ZTI BUY DIRECT AND &l VE MONEY BuiUcrtrtaed I MONEY ChHoads of perfect bulldtnff material, cut to a hair, to tit like the papr on the wall, shipped dally Our t-crnna panel $1.60 Door la tha bnt vatua ever offered anywhere for thki remarkably low f rlo. anil It Is only a sample of the many good hlnwa and rtc-4vra contained In our catalogue. . We own and operue our own rolU In BeatUe and SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS Rend In a 1lt of whnt you need and let us show yoi U ACTt.'At, KIUL'RKS what wo aave you. i Vi Ben v'vn:.iy r . r wu anywnere. gave hl Meirrn'o rt-.!e "FuK THE CH1L.DKKN." w fur Camiosuf. Oae price to everybody BuiiJcrslfeedi flXeijrttc I Sew Aerial Record. . Chalons. France, Dec. 21 A ., new world's record for non-stop passing er carrying record m an, aeroplane waa made here today. Lleiitpnant Cammerman of the French Army avi ation, corps accompanied by Saptaln Hugonl flew 143 miles. Time, 4 hours and three minutes. ' . Xotiee. Kotlce Is hereby given that the an rual stock-holders meeting of tbe Core State Biak will be held at their fittce In Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, Jnnuarr IfKh. 1911 at the hour of ! p m. tor the purpose of electing offi cers for th ensuing year and such other business that may properly SUCCESSORS TO C. C. PENINGTON & CO. . , a : a ... t ' i ,..,. ..rszsa -' ' i mas. ' 1 " . " - IHOSN' -. VSy.-;:. ":a3jr;--: bskft " we are now showing by far the best values and the Finest Assortment of Glotfiing, Hats, Shoes and Fur nishings for Men ever shown by any store in La Grande, we loiow we are not exaggerating in the least An inspection of new goods will prove a pleasure to you, we are sure, and will be ap preciated by iis. n it M uun liters come oerore said meeting. O. A. STOCK. Cashier. Dec S Jan. 10.