1 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1910. PAGE TERES 2 8 .Have is i ear a;; Larger j; Stock; mm warn n. fr.fci urtwaanfryjfc 7KT1 k h Wftk W m 1M k4 IM Wl, A. M -On j '. f 0 F C than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christma Gifts, including Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Brass jS and Silverware, all the best quality money can buy, and i which you can procure at lowest prices, quality considered. Gall and examine gobds and prices before buying, You will save money and get fully guaranteed goods which, if by any chance should f ..... ...... . , . , . . ... .... 1 V.1 . 1 ." . 1 1 . . . . ' f not prove k : : satisfactory you know you can have made right or exchanged, p o 6 o A 1 ' f tDo OIL' IP E A C8 g Established 1891....0pposite Land Office -o- , LA GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELER 8 $10,000 CITY OF LA GRANDE, OEE K)!, B0DS FOB SALE. Proposala will . be received by1 the undersigned Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesday, December 28th. 1910. at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the (mirchase of $10, 000 Additional Sewer Bonds. Denomi nation $1,000, rate 5 per cent per an num to be paid semi-annually, ma turity twenty years from the ; date thereof, optional after ten years from , date. . , Proposals shall be sealed and mark ed "Bids for Additional Sewer Bonds", and a certified check for $1,000 must accompany each bid. Bonds to be sold for not less than their par value. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. La Grande, Oregon, December 14th, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder, Dec' 15-5t .: .':..,.. "I bad been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi jians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thou. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham ierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." ror sale by ail dealers. M elk ' f 4 ;!. -S JjT.ni-;' f-:rf ':; WHEK YOU HAVE EXTRA GOOD MEATS YOU HAVE AN, EXTRA GOOD DIMER 1 WE SERVE YOU WITH 3 GEESE, DUCKS and CHICKENS oUce. , ." NoUce of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the improvement of Jefferson ave nue, from Fir street to Greenwood street by building cement sidewalk on the pouth side thereof. ., ) v .Notice Is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement of Jefferson avenue , from Fir street to Greenwood street, being In im provement district No. 17, In the city of La Grande, Oregon, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 603, Series 1910, entitled "An Ordinance declar- Mng the cost of Improving Jefferson avenue between Fir street and Green wood street,-assessing the property benefitted, thereby declaring such as sessment, directing the entry, of the same on the Docket of City j , liens, authorising the; issuanco of, Improve ment bond3 to pay for said improvo- ment,f and declaring an emergency, the same being? in" imprbvement Dis trict No. 17 . in said city, is now in my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may bo-paid to me at any t!me within sixty days from December 20th. 3910, which 13 the first date of . publication of. this notice, without penalty,. Interest or cost; and each property owner la hereby notified that on application to the undersigned, within ten days, from the 20th day of December 1910, which is the first date of this piibHoa- to pay such assessment in ten annual installments, , the first installment Choicest Guts of Well Selected Beef can always be had from us La Graiifle Meat Go. . . -.s-.- .. i....:; . , , f belna; due and payable on or before the 20th day of February, . 1911, If appli cation is not made as above provided the whole amount' will be and become duo and "payable at the expiration of Fnid sixty days. All troyerty owners Interested are herby notified to ap pear at my office in the City Hall and pay the same. ..'V ' By order of the Council, December 14th, 1910. a-''- '.,'.;:; , : .C ', i;..,- ;,; D. E. .COX, r ' Recorder of the City , of La Grande. Asfissment Roll No. 10. , , U t 6, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to la Grande, Lucy Woods,;$84.66. Lot 6, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grnde, Lucy Woods, $84.60. . ! Lot 7, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to l.a C.rariderLucy. Woods,J$84.60. . ' j One half lot 8, Block ,111, Chap lin's dd. to La Grande Lucy Woods. $42.!:o:. -;-:r -i. One half lot R," Block ' ill, Cha;i I'n's Add."to Ia Grande, John WM son. $42.30. ','": Z Lot 9, Block HI, Chaplin's Add. to 1 a Ci ande, . John Wilson, $84.60. Lfl 10; Block lit;. Chaplin's Adl. ftp I.a Grande, John Wilson, $84Q.;' lot 11, Block 111. Chaplin's Add. to l.a Grande, John Wilson, $84.C0. It 12, Block 111, Chaplin's Adl. to l.a Grande. John Wilson, $84.60. . Lot 13, Block HI. Chaplin's Add, to La G. ande, John Wilson, $84.60. Lot 14; Block 111. Chaplin's Add. to La Grando, Jennio Mastorson, $90.60. Lot 15, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande. Jennie Masfcrson; $90.60, Lot 16. Block 111, Chaphn's' Add. to La Grande, P. Pengruber, $S4.6o. ' Lot 17." Block 111.' Chaplin's Add. to La Grande,' P.' Pengruber, $133.08. WOXDERFt'L REMEDY. That's What is Said of Stomach Pre scrlptlon Guaranteed by The Xewlln Drug; Co. Stephen Walte of Lansing, Mich- writes: "r; r ' "For over three 1 years I suffered much pain and annayance from stom ach disease, t hadr no- help from my digestive -organs apparently, and my food would stay in my stomach and ferment, causing gas; there was also a dizzy headache; I doctored and used every remedy that. 1 heard of, but it remained for MI-O-NA to cure-me en tlrely. Before r had7 used three' boxes nry. .appetltt and digestive organs be came all right. It is a wonderful renv edy " w-j.-.-- . MI-O-NA stomach tablets are small and easy, to swallow. They stop the most painful stomach distress In five minutes., They, drive out sourness and gas and make; the stomach clean and sweet. hey are Bold by tho Newlln Drug Co. upder a positive guarantee to cure any caso of indigestion, or money back. ': .. V"'"" : . i They' put t'igor and vitality Into pepplo run down by indigestion.' Sold by the Newlln Drug Co. and loading druggists everywhere at 50 cents a large box. " . . Dec. 20-29. ' Haradon's Tru-Fruit Chacolates. Made Just right, At alt ..of Jib leading conrecuoners. Wapt ads nay. one Vent a word. VJ H.hy pay. Rent ?wVVe oaa money fo build,' and yora pay us as you would' nut, ' . l R, QUVW. : European Plan 'Only! 1 Rooms 50c to $1.60' First class .Throughout mm M HI U D.-O. BRIGHOUX ' . Proprietor. ONE BLOCK Fi?0M DtPOl La Grande, Otegon 1 .A. . ... ,,' ." . to decide on that gift You'll make no mistake if you give SHOES and SLIPPERS Useful - Practicable - Acceptable GET THEM AT . . SMITH & GREENE ' DEPOT STREET Visit our Furniture Department Every article on the second floor 'riTTnnm... ' " i i" Tumi T. fii T Vli. I -lriii.,i.,iiii,li.i.l.MMiiniT;'iM..ili.i.iM.g 1 i.l.i,im,i,i.i ' ! M,-,;rmiV Wi Furniture, Carpets; Rugs, ; Trunks Suit Cases j V and o pumng an investfgtaionr ' ' W'Mexica. were arscrxargeff twayrwtw-MaMmffl 3 3 if- i