PAGE EIGHT v I -:: : : y o S S I o o W . -$11.5.6 ; - ' I nr73rr' r nn 9 ' --"-r,T, ,t:. 1 ' Store Open Evenings II ""'...-.;'.. ; fJL LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910. PEG ooo .-. v t i LA . c, , Xa , : ajija,- . j J 0 IN ONE TO FIVE DOLLAR wm BILLS and MERCHANDISE A PRIZE ITH EVERY Wrapped in Tissue Paper AROUND ORANGES i III Lin This is Something New and First Time Tlws Contes1 has Ever Been Offered. You will be given an Orange with EVERY ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE. Bright, new and attractive features will be inaugurated bv this firm as new methods of putting our wishes before the public. Every offer and every feature will be above re proach, clean arid legitimate advertisinsr. expecting something and entire satisfaction in every department T1 in 1 raege is being advertised all over this county for Christmas week only. These r fine prizes ; are our expression of high appre ciation for your loyal patronage. o o 0 o Ciaus will Mm2m Gkln& M w ran WW 4 9 to 1 "t i a J . Z-AiJ Lli ?toreOpen 1 T?i ooo M 1 uu