J' ; GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, r MONDAY, DECEMBER ID, 1910. is TE'VE Vi fabbet Cooking l Tlppesi Jonathan Eating Apples I ftrsan Dafes T fancy Cai'a Fgs ! Oranges, banan as, nufS; candies Pattison Bros; Use either, phone ... SPECIAL nr a f t n a nrn iT'SALEf-: in order to make room I have reduced the ; price on Wall Paper lO to 50 per cent a Many choice patterns as low as 7 l-2c double roll High Grade ; paper cut in two JATiIES A. BUGG i U29 Adams - Franklin Would Have Been V If his rlslon could bare extend ed far- enough Into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of incandesant electric lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. The sage old phlosopher flew his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but evolution decreed that modern inventive genius should discover an lncandescant lamp that Is revolutionizing artificial light THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP gives ; nearly three times the light of the or dinary carbon lncandescant nd costs no more to operate. In addition to this it gives light of vastly superior duality a clear white light like ther sun's rays. ' Everywhere people are having ' their houses, wired for electric I'sht, since the Invention of the v GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity s cheap as it is convenient ' ome In for a moment today and let us prove to your entire sat isfaction that there Is no longer Possible excuse for you to be without the greatest of all , household , conveniences alec tric light TV. EASTERN OREGON I- light and Potter any r Comp V PKOFESSIOXAI DIEECTOBr. $ niisicuxs AXD scbgeox -. M0L1T0R. M. D. f Uj siciaa au: Surgeon. Corner. Adams Ave. au Depot street Offlce. Main 5S; Resi dence 69. H. UPTON. Ph. G. il. D. Physiciai and surgeon. Special attention . Ear, Nose and Throat. OrHc in La Grande'Natiunal Bank Bulli. ,'ng. Phones: OMce Main S. Kefti dtitit e Main 32. V L. RICHARDSON Physician an surgeon. Office Hours; 2 to 5 p. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint men s. Telephones: Office. blac 13C2; Ind. 35i; residence. Main .V ind. 312. . ':0. ' W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopat: i'hyalclan. Sommer Eldg.. Rooms 9 and 10. Phones: Home 133: . Pacific, Main 63. Residence phon. CUack i)51. Success to Dr. C. t Moore. ,; it M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor o Optics., Spectacles and Eye Classe Kitted and made to order, ; All et ors of Refraction Corrected. 1 10: . Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. L. ramie. Oregon. ; . .1 u ' v . tTMnirom tr ... t. DORA J. UNDER WOOD Office o er "Wright Drug store. Special at ; tentloa paid to diseases and surgerj ' of the eye. -Phonee Office Main 22; residence Main 728. V ' : C. PRICE. D. M. I). Deutist Roc 23, La Grande National Bank Build tag. Phone Black 399. 1? . , 1R, R. L. LINCOLN, DENTIST Firs class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. iR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur r geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande.' Residence phone, R 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Inde "pendent phone 63; both phones si residence. : ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys ; Cbas. S. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch- , ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande. Oregon. r. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of th State and United States. Office In La Grand NbUmai Buna Bldg., Lb GrandeOregon. ;' P. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City, Oregon, r C. a WILSON Teacher of Violin Call any time at 881; Malt a?- nue. i ' "' ' ; . -' liENA McRETNOLDS Teacaer of Pi ano and voice Culture. At 142f Washington Avenue on Wednesda and Saturday. Telephone, on the dates to Red-1122. i When Tfinr fpet. Ira wt and imlri mnR jourDouy cniiiea inrougn ana inrougn irom '. L - J M, 1 . .1.1 1 r exposure, take a big doee of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy,' bathe vour feet in "fcot water reiore going io neu, ana you are al most certain to ward off a severe cold. For lale by all dealers.' Want ad nay, one cent won!. OF ALL KIHDS Hazel Nuts Brazil Nuts Pecans Walnuts Almonds Peanuts Cocoanuts and Don't forget our bread is made by the Sanitary bread mixer 800 loaves every 15 minutes. ; mm : Royal Grocery Bakery O 00 OOOOOOOOO O 10CAL THEATERS 0 0 O O v O O O r At Hie Oriilicnm. Presenting an entirely new i?t of Titraotiona and introducing a one act farce, the Or;tuura announces an at tractive program to cpon tonight The souse ad in thia i3cue explains the d3 til8 of the show, which Manager Gar :l:nier aCirms will be up to a h'fih standard. , At The Isls. TK.e Isis Sunday afternoon and ev ening showed to its usual big crowds vith the U2w change of pictures. The Hough Rider's Romance, a p'cturf story with, heart interest throughout ie tivld and graphic war scenes d!s ltyed. A young man leaves his 5aace? fo go with the Hough Riders and ir The Paris Hair Store wl!l open u; special hair manufacturing depart i-.ent and all weaving turned cut wil; fully guaranteed to give absolute clsfaction. M'ss Marie Swain, late tos Angeles, Cal., is now located this store. We do' private work by polntaent , rur nun nTnnr oiunc TRfflO 9 Tit etreet La Craadc, Ore. Dr. W; H; Keating The Wei! Known wuuviuudi again in the city and is kept very busy, as so many have been -waiting for this noted specialist to visit here to have Dron- er glasses fitted, as ther1; run ":no i chances of being misfitted. He has! with him a special grinding outfit I so you can have your glasses th same day, or In two hours' notlco, af- j . I - a..ms ;Uur efe, examinea ana . v- iaiOBl iiwirumems Julius uie eyes. WO guetS WorK I in fitting glasses with the use of these instruments. So don't fail to th7- ,w 7f V " 'I Z " this visit If you are bavinB: trou-1 tv- t. .Z I uu iuwii. i4 ftiaoses ere reauir-1 ed they -are fitted scientifically, and To'the'PubKc ; i . I H V - '.v'M r 6uaioulCcu. van anaioia enemy. lumbago." cfc mm s've you reierences or ne P . . I many aausnea people wno are war ms classes fitted hv htm i t I Grande. Kow at 0T05XELL Rooming House, ' l' I -is-. ...,.j"ank of La Grande, Oregon, that the The cuffs on your shirt have the proper shape if done on our Press Ma. chine.':.;-' v - V Call and j?ee how it's done CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY) wounded, but is nurstd Luck to fc.-ultl Ly a nurse whom he afterwards u.ar r'.es. He br!ng3 his wife hack honu but fails in love asain wita his cC sweetheart. The picture em's with t Cuing climax in which ha ifxij. that it is better to disappoint a i; women for a time than one woman fo life. Another good picture is The Widow of Mill Creek Flats. A tale o the wooing of a widow boardinj house mistress in a gold camp and th trials and tribulations of married life afterward. Item for Women. , Marlboro. Mass., June 1, 1310. 1 can frankly say that Parisian Sage has given me perfect satisfaction, and will h'ghly recommend it a3 a hair grower and beautifier, and a sure curt for dandruff. I also have recommend ed it to several people, and it has gi ven wonderful results. Mrs. G. Dar teaux. 26 Main St. Cynthianna, Ky., June 3, 1910. I have only used two bo.ttles of Paris ian Sage, and I find my hair has In creased wonderfully In thickness and luxuriance and beauty. The dandruff all disappeared. I was wonderfully surprised, as I have tried many hair restorers, though I have found none that ever has helped my hair except Parisian Sage, so I can say it is wot all of the hair restorers I have ever found, and I will tell many friends about it Gratefully your mend, Miss M. Clough. Box 212. V wSw --..' '';. . .... (tf .( ete4 Parisian Sage to kill dandruff germs eradicate dandruff, stop falling hal. and Itching scalp, or money back. It 's the most delightful and refreshing hair dressing in the world and is not sticky or greasy. The Newlin Drug Co., and druggists everywhere sell it for 60 cents a large bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair is." on every package. . ; Dec. 17-18, Jan. 7 'HEAD-tniS. , All Who Suffer From Catarrh, Sore Throat or fnlrta Millions of people throughout Amer Icfe have breathed HYOMEI (pro nounce it HiKh-o-mnl ftTirl Tirwff nwn a Hiuaiii;! in baler made of hard rubber. .. If you own a HTOMET Tn halnr nn matter where you live, you can get a ootue or HYOMEI at the Newlin Drug Co.. and drusrelsta wr vmj ouc. Ask (for an extra hnttlo nf ttvomttt Inhalent; It Is only 50c and with it you can cure a conch nr a rnM i a day. ' ' .. YOU Can Itet relief trtm rntarrh a siunea op Head In two minutes and nawking and snuffling in a weet wusi uuur a. lev nrona nr TivnuirT Into the Inhaler and hi-entrta it mars au. " V Air It's so easy and so nlA!iJunt an DO mUCn morn iiaefrarilA fhm w -s.. vuau onai' lowing nauseating drugs. Breathe Hyomel over the Inflmi mimKH.. of the nose an dthroat and its sooth ing, neaiing action will be felt im- uieuiaiety. . , If you have not a HTrnfmr Tn.oi. er, get a complete HYOMEI outfit at once.. -mm only costs $1.00 and with it comes a HYOMEI Inhaler that will iasi a meume and ought to be in every xamiiT. Fivr froa mniA niuM&i write Bootnls Hyomei Co. ounaio, i. , Des. 9-19-30 Yob Vast Beal-Thls If von Want '--"Benefit J. W. Greer, Greenwood. La., suffer. ed with a severe case of lumbarn. "At ttmna tha natna . . 00 miense, 1 was forced to hypodermic Injections! ror relief." . he says. These attacks atarfal wits a -Ho .. 7 wv "I T "maul fairly paralyzing in effect. My atten- "n Vaa attracta to Foley's Kidney) vtmA .. T - . MU W1U ,oa w say aner nHinr th! wn.,t . . longer bothered In any way bray ntlti rim. t. - " "wv. KQUc to SfOCkBolders. LnZT .1 to tt Bt0c)L' I"! of the United States NaUonal ai annua meeting ,oi the stockholders ! of the said bankvwlll be held at their banking bouse in La Grande. Oreeon. on Tuesday, January 10th. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for tne purpose of transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. ' tted at La Grande. Oreeon. thia sixth day of December 1910. T. J. SCROGGIN. Cashier. The Quicker a cold In onttpn rA nt tlia less the danger from pneumonia and other J serious oiseases. wr. JO. w. t ilall, o( Waverly, Va., tun: "I 6rmlv believe Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to fie aiiwlutely the "noil rcpanuii un me uiarxei ior cuius. 1 have recommended it to my friends end tttev an agree with me." J? or sale by ail 7 ' . ... r !'( !t A V ) Present yourself ?v now. suit . ; xA Our Haberdashery Department Is aglow with choice and exclusive ere ations that would make the most ap propriate of Christmas Gifts for any tmmmf mmj MM mm vja Seckwear, Gloves, Shirts. Sight Robes and Tajamas,' House Coats, hm munjitumn that will be ap. Dath Kobes, Hosiery, Collars and ' PteeJated becanse It shows Its casta Cbffs, Kafflers, Shirt Protectors, Sus. ' at a glance. PRICES MODERATE IUXJIWS 4sEn mm S. A. OARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE PICTURES WEEK BEGINNING DECEMBER 2 v WEISEB & IVEISEB-Come dy Acrobats. JIM SMITH Chlense Impersonator. . WILLIS & ESTELLE Asstra lla's Most TersaUle and Sovelty En tertainers. Ventriloquists. SrBJECT FOR IISSECTIOS,'-A one act farce. Cast Dr. Sawbones Mr. Doubles. Charles Sweet Mr. Willis. ' '4 Pat Jim Smith. , Kitty MIbs Estelle; ; Evening Prices 15 and -."''.,.'"-'''--HEW PEOPLE aOXDATSASD TIIUKSDAIS. Matinees Wednesdays-Saturday g.Snndajg, 2 o'clock and all Holiday Matinee Prices, lOe and 15c TT RISTIANSON'S , ANDY : JLi i-s I T C HEN LA FOR ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES 1316 Adams Avenue - GE0EGE PALMER, PEes. " F. J. HOLMES, YIca Pres. TT. L, BKEXHOLtS, Ass't. Cash. EAEL ZUHDEL, 2d Ass't Cash. ' F.L.MEYEBS, Cashier. La Grande National Bant r of La Grande, Oregon United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,00)lOO 'diBECTOBS. ": ' GE0BGS PALME B, W. L..BBEXnOLTS r, r vvxixnrnx TT. J. CDUBCII F. L. MLTEES P. J. HOLMES Tf. M. PIERCE p. hyiiit With onr ample resoarces and dent service atd handle your e ,1 i SIM jiSv1 i; : jam uti it 1 V A -i ' - X 1 . penders, , Tiahrcllas, X'nderwear, Handkerchiefg, etc, etc. Our Haberdashery !s cot tho kind that confronts yon everywhere. ; I;- ITe shdw exclusive styles fro?a the Clothiers and 25c Boxes EOc GRANDE . w n nvivrn facilities we can render yon efO. baslsess to yoir entire satisfaction. long . e tc ttion ; e, a thr6ugh at aysfetu J to wht 1. II I i; aeaJers. , ,