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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1910)
PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910. leople are usually holocausts. Light, Inflammable decorations make fires easy to start, and easy to spread. A match, a gas flame or an electrical effect may do it. Watch gas Jets. Decorations may be carried against them by air currents. Watch smokers! Do not perm't them to light cigars inside buildings. Do not make the -slightest change In electric wiring without-consulting an "electric inspector. - ' Nev Shipment of SWISS and (PFWRQ CREAM . . ii iiiiLLiJ, 4 SUCCESSORS TO C. C. PENINGTON & CO. The best the World Afford 1 fcaw- J ' WHEN we sav that '17 ' we are now showing by far the best values and the Finest Assortment of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Fur nishings for Men ever shown by any store in La Grande, we know we are not exaggerating in the least. An inspection of new goods will prove a pleasure to you, we are sure, and will be ap preciated by us. Men s Outfi tfcere 23 ' Notice of Annual Meeting. : Notice U hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank of La Grande, of La Grande, Oregon, will be held at their banking house In La Grande, Oregon on Tuesday, January 10th. 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of direc tors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly present ed to said meeting. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 10th, 1910. P. L. METERS. Cashier. ifflmsmias UYING Is in! 1Z3 My store is fuli of real bargains in Cut Glass. Silverware, Chafing Dishes, Hand Painted China, Chafing Dishes, Cassa rolls, Coffee and Tea Peculat ors, Electric Lamp and irons. Carving Sets, Silver baking Dishes, Knives and Razors. Our 10-25-50 and 7Sc counters exceed anything we have had heretofore. 'ii mm n IK lily YULETIDE FlflES AVERTABLE DANGERS OF FIRES FROM CHRIST. MAS TREES. Iuuranre Companies Warn Feople to ' ; Beware of Certain Things. Imprisoned in the garb of a Santa Claus nltile advertising the Dalton supply house, a young ninn named or man was scTerely burned about the neck Saturday night when the cotton in his costume wns nrriilon. j tally Jjrnlted. He got rid of the garb as soon as possible, but Is todny bundled up about the neck and his hand Is badjjy burned. t A week hence and Christmas trees with inflamable decorations will again become menaces to public property and lives too, will become Berlous unless advice in this respect is heed ed. The National Fire Protection as sociation has sent letters to J. W. Oliver, a local insurance man, 1 and others too," outlining a series . of short 'don'ts." Strict adherence to the appended will prevent disaster during Yuletlde: Do ' not . decorate your Christmas tree with paper! cotton or any other Inflammable material. ; , . V Use metallic tinsel and other non inflammable decorations only, and set the tree securely so , that , the children in reaching for the things cannot tip it over. : Do not use cotton to represent snow. If you must have enow use as bestos fibre.. Do not permit children to light or relight the candles while parents are not present They frequently set fire to their clothing instead. The tree It self will burn when needles have become dry. ' ' Keep matches out of the reach of children at holiday time. Candles are meant to be lighted, and if the child- I ren can get matches they will experi ment with tnam, ' .. :, ; Nolo A house of merriment Is bet ter than a house of mourning. StcrsR, churches and bazaars -;ToI-iiV'Kia lu' tac-s -ii! fill! wia O O Q niRISTJTAS FOODSTITFS IX LA GRANDE ARE O PLENTIFUL. 4 ' . o O o o Christmas shopping readily presents a problem to La Grande housewives. The prices are In keeping with the spirit of the times, and though local merchants are holding down and cut ting their own profits, the prices are high and It can't be helped locally where the fault really l'e3 the Ob server or anyone else can't specifically say., Of course, everyone knows the cheaper grades of cpffees have gone up to thirty cents and all local deal ers are quoting that price. : The high priced coffees have 1 also' gone ,, up slightly but so far the retailers have been content with reduction , of their profits to let thegoods go at the usual price. The discouraging part of the situation is - uiai there is uunser ui still greater increases. - v La Grande Is fortunate this year in the line of fresh vegetables carried by all the dealers.1 VTlcra is every Indi cation to warrant the statement that there will be plenty of the green rel ishes on the local Christmas tables a week hence. , Nuts this year .have gotten In the band wagon and are selling ' much higher to the retailer who is In turn cutting proHU In allowing them to go at 25 cents. Cranberries, that re quisite of the Christmas dinner, has raised ?300 on the barrel, yet they retail at 15 cents a pound at least are today. Eggs of the fresh variety are selling at 55 cents a dozen, Ju:rt what the dealer pays the farmer for them. "'''Y';-;;;'-:, ;".',,'".' As to poultry the dealers prophesy supplies In plenty' The prices will change but little -and there la goliu to be enough to ifill all demands, say the dealers. This Includes chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Bear meat is on sale In several of the markets, adding to the line to se lect from for either tomorrow or Christmas dinner. . ' r Dill Pickles Saratoga Chips HOLLY FOR SALE HERE mss Grocery Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IR0l W0RJ(S D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. . . COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY We Clean, Press, Repair and Make Clothes to Please You HATS BLOCKED. GIVE US A TRIM. T H E W A R D R O B E; 1118 Adamt Ave,Tel Main 735 BERT.THOMAS FEED ANI GrandeRondeXashCo FUEL PHONE, MAIN 6 mm ' j l:JH. A Jewc liy,: Silvewre iO 1 nem rare, Cut Gks .Novelties Umbrelfesi The Largest Stock Ever Shown in Eastern Oregon for Christinas Gift Diamonds and Watches are Our Specially. Examine Our Stock and Get Our Prices before buying elsewhere It will psy you. If they see our name on the box the gift will be more highly prized. They , know it is good. . WE WILL SAVE YQlf MONEY LARGEST JEWELRY STORE IN EASTERN OREGON ; prompt