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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1910)
LA GILA2-TDE IXUHUG OLIVET MONDAY. DECKMDi:i: i; i: 7 , A' i " m n ? 1 ' V ' r ' ) flEii Trtf tr cVrA tt-? '1 tuu vr- - -rr - . SSFIS?!? tis s2? ef lss rf s s?:Sd rc---::t tilt .LL7isrr TOY- JA i ' LAKD DXmniG HIS STAY. Er-3 yc Brothers tzi iti-a, yisr cc&tsrf &s:, i Largest asd Ecat trirp'.eie I:t c! Eeckwear ever sLoto. IV&h gra-I? sCks ia sJl t!i iiew'vfavea. c?tt si teras and new ttj'.es. Icancbjrs. 23c ralaM v ......... 50c Ttlaes, t&re for .......... &9e 5c Ta!n Fine boxed ties In fancy Christia boxes, also fc'gb grade t5ea and Lcs iery to match In boxes, speciaj for Cnristmaa trade. TTES AXD ITE COATS. The wife or perhaps the daughter, majtw both, would be highly pleas ed with the nice set of furs ur far coat It is cot an expense eath jvat, tut a set of furs or far coat l p-rre-thing that will last almost indefin itely. The styles do not change much. A coat bought ten years ago is !n style today. We are agents for th line in the United State FREE CANDY Bring- Ihls vesk in tojlmi tts niks a rrcciil iadccsncnt fcr cxtcners to luy drczd dolls. TTe hive lalicn hundreds cf cur test niters, are selling Hen at zzi half t!i3 criginal pri:c-. Ths lius censht cf dclb frcn 75c to $3X3, erpedally inperted by us. This is a bargain yen ttiII fad you haTe sev er had the opportunity cf gcttia before, jest at Chmtaiast tine. This rill cuabb yoa to bay a 2k dreaced doll as cheap or even cheaper than yea can bay the cans dell m-dreared. sriciiL uyt rca icnc st. Cia nore tli 2 a t'.ce cr ss': fr . Clriit is. O-r Cir;cj line Is e?;-i '. UIlj cai fw tie jc t 22. a. It a! irtk-s tie o!i cia a-ftr ycc-.z iz.i .feel ycrEg. P.ze vorsteJ. f'.v.I-? t Ciilnervs 3 tl tew tit- r?a ita o T; u t.;.trri te-rs aaJ Tall we gits froa f S.C'S to JiS.i?. Drf4 jlirts t'Oi for hell- UMCSf IffJE OF DRESS- D D OILS in Eastern 0r- I egon at JUm BULB PRICE, El S V". ' i . . '- i Si'ulJe fixttrrs tird ?- I ;:1 tCy cr soft. -c::?,;i-i ilvrU, la c".Ju?y 3-'x s'.'.l i.r3 frjea. mi5A. Ore tri7-l scLil tis rt- E-eci::y for cur Clfs'jzj. tn.e. tesstlfi'.ly CKcmSei Nw lij la L!gi rnie cilia. 7e are clwrrg c-t all o:tr llts la KiT'ir.l tai Cer- ciaa clla. Tlfy :A s:t yta. Ttrre , arc aus a&d u EuSarj sets tzi lots cf oil i s tiat wiU suit ew;lival Cirstxis gift. Ei try htm ca tirrsia rr:cs. your Children to Toylahd agrl let them cea Smta Ciau3 and get a sack of candy every afternoon emm I. ,1. iL .1 QOL DE N T-Tn: COMPANY i " ; t ii f i 3 ST lit ISIS -TOIIEBT'S PfiSSHIU The Rough Rider's Romance Kalem. The Toymaker, the Doll and The DeTil Edison. ' .-' "T3 The Widow of Mill Creek Flats. Selig. ; books, aH kinds of good nereis. Too : can find all of these and many more t EaTerthorn't Family Drug Store. The prices are Terr reasonable Beautiful ClMbea glrea to lady patrons of the mUnee. See das Play in lobfry. IB lie- I '..Lb CMS t o o Christmas presents like these: LAd tes watches, lockets, watch charms tat pins, cuff buttons, tie pins, clocks, hand mirrors, fountain pens, brash nd comb sets, manlcnre sets, picture SCIENCE In one's profession is conscience applied; It Is honesty, veracity and fidelity. Mechanical equipment Is a matter of purchase. Professional equipment is the result of study, acquaintance Uh conditions, appreciation of what Ton need when you need it 30 years of practical experience In fitting- glas es is at your service. "We feel that it is all right to tell rou that we haTe satisfied nearly M people and among them are over W children between the ages of 6 and 15 years in Tales and Wallowa counties. Ask your neighbor or your physi cian where is the most reliable place to haTe your eyes fitted. ; Tbe Doctor ia endorsed by all ci the leading occullsts of Portland aaJ H of the leading physicians of La Grande. - The entire gmjblem lies In these three words Elghtly Filled Lesfes. ntted by the right man. All broken lenses replaced while wait Charges are reasonable. Satisfaction, guaranteed and my Grantee U as good as my bond. . l P. LlILSDmi Dccroit or OPTICS AT 1105 ADAX3 AVE. rCLCT PCTFX BCTLDLVr,. . Only seTen days more In which to select your Christmas presents. To be ' honest and frank about IL You can do no better and find a finer class of goods at SilTerthorn's Family Drug Store, than most stories that yon may visit Their stock of Lad les' hand bags la very fine and of a superior class and at very reasonable prices. ; .' O $ & PESSOIALS. o o A. IL Hanson of Elgin spent Sun day at the Foley. C Jensen of Baker was a Sommer hotel guest today. C M. Jensen of Walla Walla Is here on bnsiness matters. Afrs. W. Hogoboam of Walla Walla was In the city yesterday. B. J. Harvey, of Flint, JUch, was 'at the Foley over Sunday. W. E. Arcson of WaHa Walla stop ped at the Foley yesterday. F. H. Watt, a resident of Baker City spent yesterday at the Foley. C A. Keys" of Peoria. I1L, was a guest at the Foley over Sunday. A. C Miller of Enterprise Is here for a few days Tislting fr lends. Mr. A. D. Crawford and wife were here from Wallowa over Sunday. Walter Pierce is In Portland and is not expected home for seeral days. . Fred A. Falconer of Enterprise was quartered at the Foley over Sunday. Mr. L. Smith and sister1, Miss Ethel left this morning to spend the holi days. . ; J. D. McPhee and wife of North Powder were here yesterday stopping a' the Sommer. , County School Superintendent E. E. Bragg Is in Portland this week on business matters. XL J. Kirk wood of Portland was a Sunday visitor visitor here yesterday, stopping at the Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Enterprise were Sunday visitors In the city stopping at the Foley. Sam Beed of North Powder Ttslted in the county capital over Sunday, registering at the Foley, Mrs. J. L. C&viness left this morn ing for Joseph, where she will aend the winter with her son Mr. and Mrs." F. R. Bridges took '-heir departure this morning for Ocl orado Springs 5aad.Denver. Mr. and Mff. George W. Browa of Baker were in La Grande over San day stopping at the Sommer. " Joseph Canle and Mrs. G. Marlott and daughters of Three Creek. Idaho, were at the Sommer over Sunday. Mrs. C A. Crab tree, IL A. Nelson, and B. IL Pnrsell are some of the Wallowa people who spent Sunday in La Grande. "VT. O. Fooch who Is super'nfndlng the wiring of the new machine shops has gone to his home In Portland to spend the holidays. Murdo McDonald of Walla Walla re turned ot his home this morning. Fe has been in Wallowa county visiting fiiends and attending to bnsiness matters.. Ed. Waldren, a retired rancher of Walla WaHa is here visiting; hi brother-in-law, H. S. Massee today. "Jo Intends to veturn to the Garden Cify-tomorrow. ; Mr. and Mrs. C IL Conkey have moved ia from their May Park fruit ranch to live in town during the win ter months. They have leased the Jack Child 1 residence. XtaJrJit ef Cuing the Brits BaUt! ' We are honestly desirous of cur ing all who are addicted to drink, en$ if roa, are Interested in any one ne&icOrHne we Invite you to write us. Our correspondence is conSden- ttial and oar replies are tent In plain sealed envelopes. Orrine No. 1 is the 11 by Silierthornea Faciiy Drug store, seeet treatment and No. X. for those' Dec. IS. 21, 23. who wish the voluntary treatment ; 1 11 per box. Write for free booklet o aaaaaaaaaaaa "How to Care Drnnkennees." Th Orrine Cv. 27 Orrine Banding, Washington, D. C The leading drug gists endorse Orrine. Sold In this dry O ;, The Fair Store will be cp- Q ea every evening nstll Q ChristEa. , O X C9-sTiBalesw TIsltor. ; "Uncle Learn" Thompson, the art ist of Baker. City who puts the ebony hue on the pedal extremities of deni zens of that city. Is In La Grande to day visiting his friend, "Tom" the bootblack. "Uncle" Learn asserts without reservation that all the "corn publicans'' in the state of Oregon were not true to their "corupsrupu lous" convictions thia year. He also says La Grande : shows remarkable and "perniicious" aptitude of being a big town and the old colored man ad mits that he might invest some of his "predatory4? wealth here. "Uncle Learn" is a good Christian man. While his flow of language la out of the ordinary, as will be seen In the fore going he never forgets his spiritual bleggjngs and delights In telling of the good things a Christian life has done for him. For sale cheap, 15,000 feet of lum ber consisting of ship lap 2x42x6 and 1x12. Will sell cheap. Apply to B. S. Davis, sewer contractor. ;i:,i:::;,:;:ii::,"-''i"r:::::::::;;::i.z:.,l-.;zTr3 Do .:'lfpi!p;3Siiias IiopraiiM NOW 5j1 Listeiiitd.a that yill Keljbu decide V':,r;:-on presents";,; ;.:'V' " ' Scarfs . -'' ' Hand Bags, : . Jewel Cases Fancy Toilet Sets Hanicuxe Sets Pictures Post Card Alburn Fancy Baskets Fancy Stationery Silverware Cuff Buttons Ladies Rings Sash Pins Stick Pins Handkerchiefs Fancy Belts Clocks and Watches Watch Chains . Shaving Sets Hufflers , Suit Case3 Smoking Sets Umbrellas ' Hand Mirrors Suspenders Traveling Bags Pipes Rugs 2-Piece Brush Sets Ties in Fancy Boxes Pocket Knives Candle Sticks . Petticoats Gloves, Handkerchief Boxes Combs, . Barrettes, Etc: v OOOOOOOOOOOO O The Fair Store will be op- O O n rT evening until O Christmas. ' . OOOOOOOOOOOO Closing out entire stock of Fancy China. OUR TOYLAND IS COMPLETE. Our 5, 10 and J 5c counters are loaded down wfth most wonderful bargains. Ladies, Mens and Children Sweaters Ckristma Post Cards, 3 lor 5c hade where your money lasts longest at DI)ALLTEdDN:--. il Z3