UA UKAtfDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910. TP!? ' ill I THE OBSERVER . J.) Rt G -. Dp r; u l s Edift and Owner. Entered at the jjostofcice at la Grande as 8'fi :id-cla8 mattiT. SUBS(xlirTIO KATES Daily, fclnsflt copy 5c Daily, per tk, lie Daily, per c. iitn.. C5c This papt. will not publish an ar- tide appear .ig over a nora de plume. : out of Wallowa every year. The hay, Signed artues will be revised sub-j hogs, cattle, horses and other pro ject to th,. discretion ot the editor. , ducts roll up a tremendous total for Flease si ,u your articles and 8ave that excellent region. disappointment C0'FIDEXC No city, no community, no common wealth ever got very far without the people having perfect confidence in it This statement la something for the Grande Ronde valley to bear in mind. Lack of coaSdence would strangle the strongest financial Institution in all the world; It would paralyze any enterprise and turn the prices of land downward to an alarming extent in a rural community, The Idea that any certain locality Is self-sustaining Is without founda tion of troth. Try It once, and aee bow long you can exist without consuming something your neighbor produces. Let the man living In the town try to iv - wiiuum me country and bow long will he last. But this Is no more Impossible than it is for the country to live without the town. Suppose for Instance, La Grande should be wiped off the map and nothing was here but a wheatfield. How do you suppose that would affect the valuation of land? Very materially, we assure yon. It takes a good healthy city in a valley to make land worth good prices, and it requires a good valley to keep up that city as well. The two are inseparable, except in a mining section, and all will agree that a mining town goes up and down it may be good this month and a grave yard the next But the farming com munity goes on and on forever. The city located in the mldat of a farm ing community is in luck for Its re sources are permanent. Yet, it is po alble to seriously cripple the ad vantages of both the country aud city if there is not perfect confidence of one one in the other. . : La Grande cannot be what she should unless the people of the val ley have confidence In hert And there is every reason why confidence should exist Look over La Grande ana take an invoice of the many things that a?J making land prices good. You will be convinced she is entitled to the cm . fldence of all of her neighbors. . THE WEALTH OF COUNTY, WALLOWA , Some one said a few days ago that money Is getting tight in Wallowa county. That Is really amusing. Let us say fthls: When money really ne comes tight in. Wallowa county there will not be enough money in other parts of the state to pay the janitor at the state house his monthly sal ary. . , If there Is one county in the whole northwest where money fluctuates In chunks it is in Wallowa. The people there have hardly gotten over the YOU CAN SAVE ALMOST ONE-HALF ON YOUR CHRISTMAS STATIONERY AND HAVE A BETTER SELECTION THAN ANY PLACE ELSE IN LA GRANDE. WE CAN SAVE YOU QUITE A LITTLE ON BRASS GOODS, PERFUMES, BURNT'WOOD AND JEWEL CASES. WE CAN SHOW YOU THE BIGGEST, BEST LINE OF PE RFTJMES YOU EVER SAW IN THIS COUNTY. OUR LINE OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES CAN NOT BE BEATEN ANYWHERE. AND WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON LADIES' HAND BAGS AND SHOW YOU THE LARGE LINE TO PICK FROM' Cut Glass and Pickard . . . : .; ' REXALL "two-bit" habit and there is no small ! "New Nationalism" that the Supreme number that seriously regret the day j Court should remember that If Amer when tome Yankee brought nickels j leans were in a stats of tutelage In and dimes in that section. j the firt days of the republic that i3 There has for years been more no longer their case, money per capita in Walowa county ! But if this view be taken, the very tban cny place outside of Nevada. It is a money getting county. Th peo ple there da things in a large way. Wool transactions that would stagger an eastern manufacturer are always reported in the fall. Shipments of lumber that would stock a hundred lumber yards in boom towns come And yet, someone got it into his head that money was tight in Wallowa county. No, no. it cannot be true, According to the report filed by the Oregon railroad and Navigation com- , pany it does seem to be losing mon ey on the Oregon division. THE SITREME COURT. Next month there will be brought for a final decision before the Supreme Court of this nation many questions of vital and national Importance re marks a western exchange. These in clude not only such matters as the action of the Sherman anti-trust law in the cases of the Standard Oil and the tobacco trusts, but also the valid ity of the corporation tax, and three or four other questions which are of aimost equal Importance. Now these questions can only be settled in one way, and that way is with the great est possible Judgment, with due re gard to law. Constitution and prece dent, and without regard to what may be the state of popular prejudice for and against More than one Eastern journal in with the. popular views of the ques tion of hese decisions, which are at tributed to utterances of Theodore Roosevelt and which are generally classed under the name of the "New Nationalism." This is that the Su preme Court should lean towards the view of public opinion. They class this as a most dangerous doctrine, and, indeed, construed so to mean that judgment should be rendered regard less of facts and the law, because popular opinion might for a moment be against the facts and the law, it it Indeed a dangerous doctrine. put, after all, the recommendations of the VNew Nationalism" in this re gard do not go nearly as far as this. It merely wishes to remind the Su ipreme Court that in the past there has been too much attention paid to the letter rather than to the spirit- too much attention paid to verbal quibbles and "technicalities'' which do not prejudice the case vitally, and that If an error is to be made In the one direction rather than in the oth er, there is a desire that it should be in the direction of the spirit rather than of the letter of the law. If this were all there would pro bably be but little harm done, and the advice is probably 'salutary. But there is no doubt that the spirit of the law, insofar as that law was laid down at the close of the eighteenth century, was that the people of this country were not fit to govern them selves without endless restrictions;, If the spirit is to be the guiding prin ciple, popular prejudice will still find itself in woeful case. Therefore, there is the following Interpolation by the your .. .r- nnstin9 lilillil constitution itself is attacked and the Judges of the supreme court may well and truly say that the meaning of the Constitution is none of its business, which is merely its Interpretation. If a new constitution be desired by We supreme will of the people let that su preme will be manifested. In other words, it is up to the "New National-. Ism" to show the Nation the way out of this embroglio of its own malfing.. Marriage Licenses Issued. County Clerk Ed. Wright today is sued a marriage license to John .L. Carter and Charlotte Burrett, both of this city. Birth Record. Eorn to Mr, and Mrs. Wnl. Miller in this city, Dec. 19, a son. THEY ALL DEMAND IT. La Grande, Like Every City and Town . . in the inion, Receives It , People with kidney ills want to be cured. When one suffers the tortures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for. There are many remedies today that relieve but do not cure. Here is evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and the, cure ' is lasting.':' ...' .'!.:'-' ' H. P.- Swisher, . 2467 Madison St, aaaer City, Ore., says: "Kidney "comi plaint in my case was caused by ex cessive horseback riding. The back ache steadily became, worse as time passed and there were other annoy ing symptoms of kidney complain in evidence. Learning of Doan's Kidney Pillc I began their use and theysnot only restored my kidneys to a normal condition, but rid m of the backache and pains. I shall always take pleas ure in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." (Statment given November 4, 1907.) , V Lasting: Results. Mr. Swisher was interviewed on May 28, 1910, and he added to the above. "The cure made by Doan's Kidney Pills in my case has been per manent I gladly confirm all I have previously said abotty this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., ' Buffalo, Ney York, sole agents for the United States. ' '." Remember the name Doan's' and take, no other. Dec. 19, 21 23 Notice. Notice Is hereby, given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank will be held at their office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at the hour of 2 p. m. for the purpose of electing offi cers, for the ensuing year and such other business that may properly come before said meeting. O. A. STOCK, Cashier. Dec S Jan. 10. Treasurer's Call for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to ipay all out standing warrants issued on General Fund of La Grande City, up to and in. eluding No.: 8474 endorsed Aug. 13 1909. ' .:.".''...' Interest on all warrants on General Fund from No. 8311 to No. 8474 Inclu sive, ceases from this date. La Grande, Oregon, Dec .17, 1910 RAY W. LOGAN. City Treasurer. Christm Hand Painted China arc Two Good Things Yoii Should Wot Overlook - -- ' . ..'w-''- r-- t . r-f .. .. - . - It 8 I i)0- YOUR I In the afternoon Fi VOID our large salesforce endeavoring to wait on all our cus- R fnmarc hiif hv rnmincf in thf mnrnincr vnn .will Knir I- plenty of time to You can select many useful and 'appropriate rrifts for It thb entire facility fSee bur; line of unbreakable, talking The most N. Si, 9. i Mvertisma i LOST Purse calling card and receipt, and- some change. Between Thorns store and L. M. Hoyt's resl flenceFinder leave at the Hoyt resi dence! and receive reward. . WANTED Position by man 'and wife as cook, wife as helper. Camp preferred. Inquire Observer. FOR SALC 2 heavy work teams, cash or on time by easy terms.' In- qulre at 1108 First street FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet, Golden Rule. FOR SALE OR RENT House and lot one acre of ground, 75 fruit trees, seven room : bouse, and new ( barn'" in city ' JimUs of Cove. Inquireat'Cove bank.' ' J; v . LOST Sunday morning in postof Cce several opened letters addressed to W, R. Klvette. Return to Observer office. , WE f 1 I 'uasswea 3 as Presents at Our Store sssssssssssssst roM Ster r-f r" tf i at uiun RUSH! SHOPPING Ml THE you will find the store crowd d and J mak your selections from oar large line durable gift for the A1 In' All; ; Peop Prices 35c to $1.25 ffHt QUALITY SWRE O The Fair Store will be op- 0, en every evening until Christmas.' , -. ':: V' ' indigestion! Belief in Five Minutes and Permanent Core or Money Back. ' When the Newlln Drug Co. states that they have a remedy that only costs 60 cents and Is guaranteed to cure any man or woman who, suf fers from food fermentation or money back, what are the poor stomach sufferers in La Grande and vicinity going to do about it? Food fermentation causes belching, sour stomach, gas eructation, heart Mahaffey Building WE CLEAN ANYTHING, 'HORSE BLANKET. Work Elite Dying and . PHONE TrTi I. ' f.J i i, f M0RfJ 3 and avoid delay rices. of Holiday 1 and acrobat dolls. 1 little one; burn and that lump of lead feeling as you probably know. , . The name of this most remarkable stomach prescription is MI-O-NA Most people call them MI-O-NA stom- acn taDiets because they known that there is no remedy so good for indi gestion or stomach disorders. Here Is one opinion: : V "I have been troubled with indiges tion for, more than a year. I bought one box of MI-O-NA and it cured me. Now I would not be without a box in the house for $5.00. It saves a lot of doctor bills when you can be cured Nicholas St, Wakefield, Mass. MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 60 cents a box at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere and money back if they don't cure, v Dec 13-22 Jan 3. Depot street t FROM A NECKTIE TO A aUed fotznldelivtred Cleaning Works MAIN 'A REXALL i