Zk GEAND2 ETEimrO OBSERVER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910. PA02 Til 1 i -Ui"' ' 8 I H lave I Md Year " ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' a tsiirger Stock TP 0 n (O than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas i Gifts, including Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China. Brass and Silverware, all the best quality money can buy, and which you can procure at lowest prices, quality considered. Call arid examine goods and prices before buying. You will save money and get fully guaranteed goods which, if by any chance should not prove satisfactory, you know you can have made right or exchanged, o o" o o i. UU .......... : !l 3 Established 189r....Opposite Land Office -o-; LA GRANDE'S LEADI The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Ir. u. W. l. Iiaii, ot Waverly, Va, says: "I firmly believe Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to ray friends fnd they all agree with me," lor sale by all dealer. ' ' ' ', (Continued from ipage 2) For Quick Messenger Service Call Main 2t; or Ind.km UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars. L C. Smith-La Grande PJbmbing and Heating 6.00 '12.00 ' 7.00 ' 20.00 31.25 32.50 , 8.00 1.00 76.26 , 3.25 4.8S ,80 70.52 3.08 6.00 '' 10.00 25.00 John Melville H28 Adams Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE O. H. Sloan, Making voting booths 1 S M. Hayues, Making voting1 'booths .,. 1 E. B. Long, Making voting booths .. i , P. A. LUlie, M. D., Professional services per bill.,... Mrs. J. D. Suodgrass, Hospital fees per bill C. L. Biggers, Professional ser vices per bill Newlin Drug Co., Supplies for Court house Pattlson Bros., Supplies for Court House-.....'.... G. M. Richey, Stamped envel opes per bill I. Ii. Snook, Stamps, etc ' E. E. Bragg, Stamps, etc... .... T. A. Rinehart, Express Ed. Wright, Freight, per bills attached . , Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams for sheriff . ... ....... L. It. Lay, Mak'g voting booths C. T. Bacon, Coroner's fees, Young Inquest ............. P. P. Childers, Auto hire secur ing 1 witnesses F." P. Childers, Prisoners' board for Nov..... ..... 121.00 Bay & Zweifel, Plumbing as per bill ....... i. 84.85 Valentine Kraemer, Digging graves for paupers '. . . 12.00 H-.nry & Carr, Funeral expen sea, paupers ........... .7 50.00 Tlonrv Sr Carr R ' ft tara tnr paupers .............. ...... fao Henry & Carr, Mattresses etc, for county jail ;;.'... ....... 111.25 Henry & Carr, Tent & Supplies for election 33.00 C. A. Galloway, Commission' ers' fees per bill 19.20 State of, Oregon, Caring for feeble minded ipersons .... 40.56 D. W. Souder, Relief for Nov.. 15.00 Maggie Slagner, Relief, Nov. ,12.00 Mrs. John Hilderbrant, Relief for Nov. Elizabeth A. Garren, Relief for Nov.. j. . . .......... E. M. Fellers, Relief for Nov.. Clara Searles, Relief for Nov.. Rose Hornbeck, Relief for Nov. 25.00 Mrs. F. B. Huntley, Relief for Kov. Mrs. Orlando Moffitt, Relief for Nov.' Layton Tripp, Relief for Nov.. Mr. & Mrs. Jas. R. Land, Relief for Nov. Henry French, Relief for Nov.. P. H. Marley, Refund of taxes C. S. Dunn, 'Approbation Un- ion Co. Fair 500.00 John Baker, Services as Grand Jury Bailiff ...... .......... 9.00 Road Fund. Bolton Bodmer Co,, Cement; as per bill ....... 375.00 Geo. Gassett, Work on Clark's Creek , road J. Keer, Work on Clatrk' Creek road .'.v..';... . Otto Klfnghammer, Work on Clark's Creek road ......... Otto Kllnghammer, Vork on Clark's Creek Road Joe Keeler, Work on Clark's Creek Road Albert Allen, Work on Clark's Creek Road ................ Ben Bussear, Work on Clark's Creek Road A. D. Bussear, Work on Clark's Creek RoadV .......... C. A. Galloway, Wk on Clark's , Creek Road ............... Roy Poulter,. Work on Clark's Creek Road ................ T. E. Smith, Work on Clark's Creek Road A.'B. Llndsey, Work on .Coun ty Roads ........ .'. ; .-. .". . . . Wm. Taw, Work on County Roads) ..'...!. V. D. Barnes. Work on County Roads .., y.t. ...'..' F. H. Gray, Work on County ' Roads Walter Young, Work pa Coun- ty" Roads ..i . . . ............. Iee' Young, Work on County Roads Joe Hessett, Work on County Roads ......... ..... . . .'. .''." Frank Atkins, Work on County Roads Dick Gordon, Work on County Roads W. D. Gilkey, Work on County Roads Elmer Houston. Work on Coun- 25.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 6.33 9.00 4.50 48.00 8.73 40.00 55.00 21.50 5.00 60.00 18.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 7.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 ' 2.25 7.00 ty roads ......... .......... M. O. George, Work on County Roads E. J. Yeck, Work on County Roads ............. Chas. Miller, Work on County Roads T. E. Smith, Work on County Roads J.. D. Fitzgerald, Work on Countv Roads ..' John Wood, Work on County Roads J. M. -Gar red, Work on County Roads J. M. Garred, Work on County Roads John McCttbe, Work on County Roads Henry Davis, Work on County Roads ........ ..A Capt. Tuttle, Work on County Roads ........ Jess Kerr, Work on - County Roads J. F. Campbell, Work on Coun ty Roads i.. ............. . . . . J. F. Campbell, Supplies etc., as per bill ...v. Earl Roberts, Work on County Roads Mrs. C. Shaw, Cooking for Road crew . . . . . . . .......... Ed Tuttle, Work and Supplies for county road ............ Ed . Tuttle, Work on County roads ............ ......I... H. 'A. Kllnghammer, Work on county roads .............. i H. 'A. Kllnghammer, Work on ' county roads H. A. Kllnghammer, Work on county roads . . . ......... (To be Continued.) ." 24.50 10.00 22.75 32.25 48.50 9.00 J'28.75 20.00 9.65 10.00 47.20 27.50 9.00 94.50 13.20 91.25 80.00 40.00 86.35 10.00 15.00 82.50 . ! Want ads par. one cent a word. held at their banking house in La Haradon's Tru-Fruit' Chacolates. Grande, Oregon on Tuesday, january Made Just right. At all of the leading 10th, 1911 at 2 o clock p. m. for the , conrectloners, purpose of electing a board of direc tors to Berve for the ensuin? ,-year and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly present ed to said meeting. - - Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Doc. 10th, 1910. ' ' F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. J iiyhy pay Rent ?tVe loaz yon " i money to build, and yoa $10,000 CITY OF LA GRANDE, ORE. GOX, UOXDS FOR SALE. , Proposals will be received by the undersigned Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesday, December 28th. 1910. at the hour of 8 o'clock p; m. for the ipurchase of $10, 000 Additional Sewer Bonds. Denomi nation $1,000, rate 5 per cent per an num to be paid semi-annually' ma turity twenty years from the date thereof, optional after ten years from date. , , . , Proposals shall be sealed and mark ed "Bids for Additional Sewer Bonds", and a certified check for $1,000 must accompany each bid. Bonds to be sold j for not less than their par value. The j Council reserves the right to . reject any or all bids. . La Grande, Oregon, December 14th, 1910. , ' D. E. COX, Recorder, Dec. l5-5t ... , . pay us as you woutd rent. 7. R. OLIVER. Notice of jlcnnal Meeting. . Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank of La Grande, of La Grande, Oregon, -will be Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank, will be held at their office In Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at the hour of 2 p. m. for the purpose of electing offi cers for the ensuing year and such other. fcusineas that may properly com before Bald meeting. G. A. STOCK, Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10. European Plan Only J Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX,; T Proprietor. - ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOt 7 La Grande, Oregon To) ally Mw WOULDN'T A NICE t pair of shoes Be iusi as acceptable a gift as you could give HM or HER We will sell you an OKDEP nicely gotten op-good for any . Amount you see fit to give On return of this ORDER by the recipient, they will lxr properly fitted to a pair of shoes to their liking. 1 : ' 1115 IT? il i r ursimire, carpet .r loot Visit our furniture. Department Every article on the second floor AT PRICES THAT SELL ;THE GOODS ?-flllgS Suit Cases Trunks aiid SMITH & GREENE :SlhiftcrokSiilh) DEPOT STREET SHOEMEN