I T t 1 1 1 - ! t .I'M . . X 'Mi PAG2 EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910. ' " I 11.11 . - , M- ,. . . , , -I . . .11. I- i I " I II. SUCCESSORS TO C. C. PENINGTON & CO. '' - '., I J ' r . . pi ,lu ittir fin v 1 " " o J ' ' y WHEN we say that we are now showing by far the best values and the Finest Assortment of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Fur nishings for Men ever shown by any store in La Grande, we know we are not exaggerating in the feast f An inspection of new goods will prove a pleasure to you, we are sure, and will be ap preciated by us; V i ISIS -TONIGHT'S PflOGRRM The Masquerade Cop Esany. Hank and Lank. Grandmother's Plot Gaumont. ' Scenic Film. , Sunshine Sue Biograph. Song Show Me the Way to Dreamland. - Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matlne. See dis play In lobby. AMISSION 11c- o HE WILL BE HERE M01WIV,DEC,19 1 M QMS Outf itters , PERSONALS. : Ed. I Davis Is over from Seattle on business. A. L. Smith of Portland Is register ed at the Savoy. 1 H. A. Blair of Huntington Is a guest : at the Savoy today. O. Hansen came In from Shaniko yesterday and Is quartered at, the Savoy."- v. ' Dan Sommers of Elgin came up yesterday evening enrouta to Portland. C. A. Robinson of Red Wing, Minn., and F. H. Green of this city, both The LAST'Dayt Before Christmas are apt to be days of hurry and indiscriminate buying. Do not buy carelessly. Come here and you'll find plenty of gifts mostly articles of every day utility. Such goods make the best gifts. Hand painted china, cut glass, perfumes, mirrors, books, al bums, hair brushes, clothes brushes, pocket books, bags, pocket knives, scissors, combs, bat brushes, shaving sets, toil et sets,' razors, safety razors, pipes stationery, purses, foun tain pens, chafing dishes, cigars confectionery, etc . These goods are ataples with us and unless we have an un usually heavy trade In the next few dayr lines will not be broken before Christmas. We would advise,' though, that you select before the last minute. There's excellent choice now. I Wright BrufjComptfy Both Phones. stockholders and officers in the Blue Mountain creamery here, went to Un ion on company business this morn ing. " . , ' George W. Thomas came in from Cove last evening and is quartered at the Savoy. J. Tweedy, Carl Tweedy and N. E. Schwaller of Hot Lake were guests at the Foley hotel last evening. ; C. A. Benedict, special agent for the General Land office, is here look ing over the records in the land of fice. '., . H. E. Driver, a prominent mercan tile man of Wallowa, was In the city this morning transacting business matters. County ' Judge J. C. Henry arrived home this morning from Portland where he has been attending the State .Good Roads convention. . W. K. Davis has moved his family to La Grande for the winter. They were located at Meacham during the Summer and fall months. F. C. Bramwell, register of the lo cal United States land office Is trans acting business In Baker today. He ex pects to return tomorrow. ' Ex-County Commissioner Robert Blumensteln returned home this morning to Elgin. Bob is a prominent democrat in his home town. Attorney Robert H. Lloyd, former ly located at Elgin writes from Mt. Yernon, WaBh., -where he is enjoying a successful business In law. Mrs. Fitzgerald is ill with tonsolltls. Laura Green Wills went to Hot Lake this morning where she has accept- ted a position as stenographer. Nate Ardrey, the piano tuner is In the city again. He went to Elgin for the day but returns tomorrow and will be quartered at. the Savoy while here. Billy Welch, county commissioner of Baker county, stopped in La Grande today while on his way home from a good roads meelng in Port land. . TL J. Slater of Pendleton stopped off In La Grande the first of the week. Mr. Slater is on his way to Washing ton, D. C to look after some land Interests. .. ,. J,rh. Lambrlth the trustee for the Byllsbyes in the proposed gas fran chise, loft today for Baker City where he .will spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs, J.., R. Wardrop of Wellsvllle. Utah, returned to her home today af ter having been called here by the death of her daughter, the lat3 Mrs. F. C. Bramwell. ; r , F. A.. Harmon, manager of the Eastern Oregon Light and Power Co. came down from Baker City today to look after tha business. Baker Is headquarters for the corporation. " ' . H. H. Scudder, district manager for the Spokesman-Review with head quart at Walla Walla passed through the city this morning en route to Joseph. He was joined here by Cir culation Manager Broughn. amuel Pace, one of the staunch democrats of Wallowa county, return ed tUis morning from Portland where he has " attended a meeting of the state Democratic committee. He went on to his home this morning. Robert Clark of Cove, was In the city today with a load of produce which' he readily disposed of. La Grande has the reputation of being 'one of the best markets in eastern ' Oregon." ' Jay ' Reynolds returned home this morning from an extended sU' In -orv 'lis, where he went to attend 'be ". hanksgiving football game an1 t) laliend .tho "Ralph Reynolds-Miss Kir weli!Ing Wednesday. 7- I ' Jerry P. Rusk, accompanied by his j wife were In the city last night from as Joint representative from Union and Wallowa countleB, ' Is heralded as the coming speaker of the lower house. ' ; ; , C. M.; Lockwood, the- abstractor at the La Grande Investment company, is having his household goods moved Into the residence at 1303 N. avenue. His wife will come to La Grande from Enterprise, their former home in a few days.,. -: E. P. McDanlel of Baker City stop ped over yesterday for a few hours. "Mac" as he 1b better known by all of the early pioneers of the county, made the foundation of his fortune in Cove where he still retains consider able property. Arthur M. Runriells, city attorney of Joseph, reached here, this morning from Portland and is awaiting . the arrial of tonight's train - which will bring his mother from Chicago. Then they go, to Joseph where Mrs. Ren hells will spend the holidays. G. J. Graham, a local bollermak.?r has returned from Spokane, bringing with him a bride. He was married thcie to Miss Ellen Sheehy and Mr. Mid .Mrs. Gratlam are now located in temporary rooms on N. avenue but plan to buy property here and loc:te permanently. Miss Louise Kelly who has been spending the summer and fall at home is preparing, to go to Chicago" and again re-enter her calling as an ac tress. She has an engagement there laa'lng several months. It ls"probabl-t that her mother, Mrs. N. S. Kelley will accompany her. . H. H. Swartz, Jr., a son of the well known attorney of Portland who was FEZ M m EVERYBODY ICNOWSHIM THE FAIR DEP'T STORE I A. GRANDE o 0 department of the entire ' United States under the commissioner of the general land office, is in La Grande today. The young man is a well known timber cruiser. John C. Coe of Portland is a Som mer hotel guest today. Harry Wells of Portland was a Som mer guest while here today. ; Dan Hynes the Portland drummer is calling on his friends and the "Fifty Seven Variety" trade today. Mrs. R. Fairbanks of Portland la a guest at the Sommer. today. J. B. Stopple and J. Callahan are Portland people registered at the Sommer. C. W. Powell of Boise was a busi ness visitor In the city last night stop ing at the Sommer , while here. -, W. L. Sklpton, the Salem horsebuy er will be here tomorrow to buy a carload of fairly heavy draft horses. Jennie Grants of Haines is regis tered at the' Sommer while transact ing business matters in the city to day. '' ,, .;, .; Want ads pay, one cent a wo 1 night the audience was housed in formerly chief of the special agency l warm compfortable place. Steam Heat Turned On. vwThe Orpheum theatre is now heated throughout by steam heat, the plant having been completed yesterday. Las: FREEBREAj 'We are going. to give away! morrow, Saturday ' OWE LOAF oh BREAD FREE to any lady or gentleman ' calls In the store made with new sanitary Bread. Mixer the Turkey Bed Frenr Ft .r.. r., the La Grande Milling Co, the Bine Stem ;FIonr from Pioneer Mill Co. . . ' I Royal Groce g Bakery 1 Vf A ; I I.. f Second Annual ASH CLEARANCE SMJ For the next Forty Days, Besinninp- DecemKfir 16, every piece of Furniture in the house will be reduced from 15 to 40 per cent Carpets, Rugs, Trunks, Suit Cases and EVERYTHING GOES Wall PaPer EVERYTHIUG GOES $35 Buffets going at $27.50 $18 Couches going at $14 ptw iicssers going atJJ)U COME EARLY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE ' f " f i "r:r