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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1910. - ' " -Tim in J "sy A Beautiful line f embroidered RTIll drswa wax-It . . , , "Juicr pieces, du- reau scarfs, table covers, etc. A 28 Inch , N linen Battesfcurg bordered round center piece, $2X0. A 48 'luck .Battenburg acarf, 11.75. ThlrTto nothing more appropriate or that will please lady friend more than a pice of hand-made linen. , ' WAISTS AW TYAISTIXGfl. ; Persian patterns la silk hate become very popular, and we have a beautiful line bought for our Holiday Trade. Our line of Robinson waists ..Is second to none. Each one is made as well as you would espect a waist to be t you would hire a drees maker to come to your home to eew for you. We have them made ap in a beautifuMlne of patterns ranging In GLASSWARE Beautiful star cut patterns, jugs or water bot tles, $2.00. Thin tumblers," straight or bell shaped, , per set $2.25. Sherbet glass and stands, per set, $2.23. This star cut pattern is one of the neatest pat terns on the market today.' ' . Fancy colored and highly decorated water sets, consisting of jugsix glasses and tray, per set, $2.00 to $3.00. Imitation, cut, very heavy, massive glass ware, almost impossible to tell from the genuine cut glass. Fruit bowl and six saucers, per set, 5Cc. Four piece set. consisting of sugar bowl, butter dish, creamer and spooner, per set, $1.00. Heavy plain glass, 9 inch fruit bawl, 43c. Four piece set, Ijc. In- . Hri1r1 . - ' .... ....... I , M4. B. UUti Itf.f MKL. --.-f.':- ... ....-. a-. T "' .rlccf from KM to $18X0, also a nice line of wa!it patterns in three and one half yard lengths. These are useful Items that can be given as mm v '41- 1 : : : MCKWEAB. Urge Ilolldar Line Mens four-in-hand ties, new patterns, new silk and new weave, 26c Wide' end in four-in-hand, Me values, three for $1.69. Boxed Three pair of men's hose, and tie to match In fancy Christmas box, gotten up very neatly for Christ mas gifts, per set, $L60. Also large line of men's fancy hosiery and fancy suspenders in Individual boxes, 60e to U0 Ladies' Neckwear, Ties, Jabots and stock "collars. New Line that la eem plete In every detail. '$&xL f09$ ;vS ' " Christmas g!fU. Handkerthiefs are items that are always largely used as Cbxtetioaa gifts. We have given particular attenttoa to this line. Be sides our regular stock, we have a large sample line" at greatly reduced prices. Children's eolored bordered school handkerchiefs, le each. La dies' plain white handkerchiefs, 2. 1-2 nts each. Ladiep' embroldlered large complete line, le eeth. Better grades from 12&c to ?2US9 each. penUemea'e plain white, fair Quality, each 8 GeaUemen's bordered, It eaoh. naln white linen, We U 25. ' Table linens for Christmas, 7Se v'&loe, large assortment of patterns, Tn.t.we Uaen JrMlB from to Per yard. Napkins to match the better grades. , Also large line of napkins for common use, mercerized, full sized, hemmed at $1.15 per. dozen. M.m , BASEMENT TOY - LAND ih , . ve ' At this season, there is a great de mand for warm and comfortable gar ments to slip on while around home, doing one's work or lounging around Our line consists of the cheaper grades in cotton np to the high priced silks In the long klmonas. Neat pat terns In cotton, well trimmed at, 95c Good grade of Flannelgtte trimmed with satin and braid to match mater ial, belted or loose, at $1.33. Heavy outings In fancy assorted patterns," with band and braid to match at $L9o. J.-A 'silk. This line Is very extensive, consist ing of a very good grade of 'silk, in large fancy patterns, ranging from $&50 to (1S.M. Nothing more appro priate in the garment line than a nice klmona for a Christmas gift. ' Bath robes is another Item that can be made useful for this occasion. Our line is complete In all grades .and prices. :,. ' ;' $0 German Bisque Dolls, EH V Jointed, 24 Inches talL dosing Eyes with winkers, natural kab 'swe wlg.; la every way a beautiful doll one that an older child would prize highly "as a last one to keep." CHINA LINK BOLLS Good Cloth Body. Colored eyes and hair. 84 Inches Tall ..... r.c 9H Inches Tall 8e 11 Inches Tall ... ...... ,iV......i9C UNBREAKABLE IIEAI) neavy Cloth Body, Kid Hands, 12 Inches Tall, a Boll for the younger child that will last .......... ............. . ... 26c BOLLS BEABS PAINTEB CHINA 2M In. Wide Across Shoilders, Sli Jn. High ...................... 7c 8 In. Wide Across Shoulders, i In. High ......................... 10c 3W In Wide Across Shoaldew, 44 In. High ..................... .is METAL UNBREAKABLE 2 In. Natural Flesh Color, 8 In. - HlRh ..loc Zh In. Natural Flesh Color, ZH .,!Sn,?h .....15c 9U I ft. Nararal Flesh Color, Hi In. .; High 25c BJSQUl WITH II AIR 2H In. Natural Flesh Color, 84 In. High ........10c 8M la. Natural Flesh Color, 44 In. : HP ......lie BISQUE WITH NATURAL HAIR AND CLOSING EYES 84 In. Natural Flesh Coler. FURS ANB FUR COATS The popularity of furs and fur coats this season is much greater than , some past years, and nothing would be more appreciated by any lady thaa a nice set pf furs r a fur coat. A 27 lack Astrakhan Far Jacket, lined with the best Skinner satin, high roll collar, one of McKibbon's good grade. moo A 24 Inch Near Seal, plain high col lar, HUM. A 45 Inch Black Pony, very fine quality, lined with the best " quality of satin. In every way as ' good a coat as money can buy, $125.00. Neck Fnrs. Small coney neck pieces, either black or brown, $1.00. Widej" end, 86 Inch throw scarf, $1.85. More expensive furs, larger pieces, ranging in price up to $28.00. Far Sets, con sisting of muff, 86 Inch wide neck piece, per set, $4.70. Large pillow or -rug mu and large neck piece, made ' of German martin, with natural heads and claws, per set$2&50. ; ;:' .',-;(" ' MEN'S FUR COATS. : : J '' , Wten, as a rule, think more of an ar ticle given them as a Christmas re- :. mi . wrri. -vvv., .7.. , u, 5.vBn mem as a iristmas re- 8aitnWlFie;h'Coio " Ugh ..i.-..VtSo---4 00(118 one can hardIy ., itAAva ' - mistake, aa thin (.llmato ..j. i,if nAAva SANITARY Can put them in with the towels and laundry. Color last-. guaranteed ,6c, 80c 15e OHSAMENTS. . ' BELL8 ALL SIZES Paper fancy fea. tooning la strings) these look nice kn Tree or room decorations, and are cheap. Also a fall and most complete 1 line ef Tree Pecorattons we have ever shown. Candles and Holders. SANTA will he with ns on Saturday and during the following week. Our SouTenlr Pins this year are very neat, and will be open Saturday, something warm, for those living out of town, who have riding to do. , Russian Calf Coat, Jarge shawl col lar, quilted satin lining, made up with cuffs and knitted wrist protectors. ' $30.00. , A- Hair Seal, a large roll collar, and cuffs of beaver, $65.00. '..,.-.'. Coon Coat, trimmed with otter collar and cuffs, $88.00. Our fur line is of Mc Kibbon make and we can truthful ly say there Is nothing better. ' V,'V '' w , $ f '' I .' I ' If mm LOCALS iahy w.ant 8weet oranges, call up j a 4Meddes Bros.. I Wg reduction in Christmas tree -nts at Selders. KX BWpment of P. B. Pineapple UWIaes Bros, today. None like it Genuine Hubbard . Squash. They bake perfectly. Geddes Bros, sell them for only 2 cents. ''J V For a few days only we will give a small acquarlum free with each two gold fish sold. The price of the 8sh are 25c and 50c. each at'Silverthorne's Family Drug Store. A big reduction In Christmas tree ornaments at Selders. Tru-Frult Chocolates please the palate. Apples For Sale. ' Six boiej for one dollar. Good keepers.. 2105 East Adams Ave. Thfjce vho have been locking for Santa Claus the uact fev , - - - - - J - vv' li.iii ; Not only Toys and Plaything for the children, but the Lart guC generally in demand at this Sanon. HAVIlDC Nothing is nicer, as a gift to the mo ther, wife or married sister than china. ' It is appreciated as much as anything 'can be and appropriate for Christmas gifts. : ' ... Plain white Haviland, 42 piece set, $13.15. . Bea'atif ully decorated and gold embossed Haviland, 42 piece set, $17.25. English Summer porcelain, five beauti ful tlecorated patterns to select from. ! 42 piece set, $6.03. .Plain white Eng lish summer porcelain, 57 - piece set $5.48. . ' 9 BaJ 9 mi i Henry Van Dyke's story' in the Jan uary Scribner has for its hero the Prodigal Son. Dr. Van Dyke's jour neys In the Holy Land have enabled him to give picturesqueness and real ity to the background of his tate. ' Ernest Thompson Seton, In the January number of Scribner's Maga zine, estimates the total number of caribou in the barren grounds at thir ty millions. He finds that the number killed by Indians and. Esquimaux Is of not particular Importance 'with ref erence to the natural Increase of this great herd. L Wintergreen as compounded in liquid farm known as D. D. D. Prescription, A trial bottle of this D. D. D. Pre scription at only 25 cents will Instant ly relieve the Itch. We have sold and recommended this remedy for years and know of wonderful cures from its use. We recommend it to our patrons. The Newlin Drug Co. ' Dec. 13 15 "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried ail of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., nnd they could do nothing for me," writes Thou. E. William, Milllel)oro. Kt. "Two iii Uci. nf f'lmm. jerlain's Ktomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. iCIassffiedl $ Advertising $ FOR RENT Furnished room. 1603 Pennsylvania avenuo. Phone Red 2681 LOST Purse with calling card and receipt, and some change. Between Thorns store and L. M. Hoyt's resi dence. Finder leave at the Hoyt resi dence and receive reward. WANTED Position By man and wife as cook, wife as helper. Camp preferred. Inquire Observer. FOR SALE 2 heavy work teams, cash or on time by easy terms. In qnlre at 1108 First street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet, Golden Rule. We do all klnda or furniture carpet work, unholsterlng unm house cleaning. Call " leger, phop' Re4-CC2 and .