- - ' !?AGE FOUR LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910. re si i b i tl b y : , I, i ! V i ( i t i Bruce Dennis, ' Ertlttr and Owner. Jtntertd at the postoflice at La (Jrrnde 8 3econd-claBS mat:er. J'ubltslu'tl Dally Except iSuiidaj. SUBSCRIPTION RATES- Dally, single copy...,. 6c Dally, per week. 15c bally, per month ..." 65c This paper will not publish au ar cle appearing over a nom de pi una. frlened articles will be revised ub lict to the discretion of tte editor. Please sign your articles and save llsappolntmenL IS IT WORTH WHILE I Last nJght a few members of the Commercial club met. It was the an nual meeting of the organization, or rather the second attempt at an. an nual meeting, and the question of par amount Issue before the house was, shall the commercial club live? Those present seemed of the opin ion it should and three new directors were elected to fill the vacancies caus ed by outgoing members. It is now up to the board of directors, consisting of nine members, to cither chloroform kill outright or inject new life into ';Zs, '..CriJ Cwuiuiercial ' club. Which tbtl it be? That is a matter for the people to decide. If a com mercial club is not deemed worth while;, if there Is no disposition to bare unity, of., action; if the belief exists that it la not worth the price, then there is but one . thing to do. On the other hand if La Grande wants to hold her position in the state and northwest, that will be very hard to do without some k'nd of a com mercial organization. The club cannot run without heav ier support It will not attempt to run unless there is more support, but with Increased support and inter est there can be guaranteed some re sults. Something can be done. The sheet of events will not be blank If there Is sufficient money put up to do things. Now, the question for La Grande to decide whether or not the Commercial Club Is worth while. y courage the gv'Eertl public to make their ourchases early. In the tn: place It is to the advantage of t'a. purchaser because he has full line to select from hence It does not re quire the tide otherwise consume;! It Is better for the merchant for it prevents the heavy congestion on tho lost few days and all will admit that the clerks will be treated with some consideration if the buying is done early. 'With his heart still firmly planted in the GraDde Ronde volley, E. P. McDanlels, formerly .of Cove, could not refrain from stating to the Ob server that no place in the entire northwest is so good a place for the poor man who is willing to work. He lived in this valley for a number of years, made plenty of money, and like many others, sought other fields for Investment. It is very doubtful, how ever, if Mr. McDanlels would not have realized more had he stuck to the Grande Ronde alley all these years. The man who grabbed $150 at the. La Grande National Bank yesterday afternoon said he went in to ask for the price of a meal and when he saw the money pushed through the wick et he took it. That man must have been eating at the Portland grill or the Louvre, for here in La Grande one can buy three good meals for that amount. MILS. STAGEBEUG lXa'UED. CATA1RH WILL GO. ust;iins Erolen Ankle by Fall Frora l'ofch At Her Home Today. Mrs. Ole Stageberg 13 suffer'ts xuch pain today through an acc resulting this morn!ng, in the tjre of her ankle. Sha stumbled fro::, the porch of her home and by tha slight fall broke her ankle. Due to the badly swollen condition of tha ankle, it was difficult to set the bre; and she has been In excruciating pa'u most of the day. 50 MORE CATARRH. THE EARLY ;BTJYIG. Regardless of the campaign which has for the past two years preceded Christmas relative to early shopping there to yet much to be said to en- Relief Come In Two Minutes Com plete'Cnre In Few Weeks. ' Dont go on hawking yourself sick every morning; It's cruel, 'It's harm ful, and it's unnecessary. If after breathing; HYOMEI, .the wonder-worker, you are not rid of rile catarrh, you can have , your money back. No stomach dosing just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that ccmes with each outfit, and pour into it a few drops of HYOMEI. Breathe it according to directions. In two min ute it will relieve you of that stuf fed up feeling. Use it a few minutes every day and in a few weeks you will be entirely free from catarrh. Breathing .HYOMEI is a very pleas ant and certain way to cure catarrh. Get an outfit today; . it only costs ll.OOffi It's worth $1,000 jto any,' ca tarrh sufferer.' For sale by the New lln Drug Co. and druggists every where who guarantee it to cure ca tarrh crouR coughs and colds, sore throat and broncihitls. After you once own a Hyomel hard rubber, inhaler which cornea with the outfit, you can buy an extra bottlo of HTOMEI liq uid1 for only 50 cents; the inhaler lasts a life time. Not. 5-Dec. 25 The George Palmer mm eds Do RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit yourorders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening FeltBuilding Paper - We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, ' promptly. Phone Main '8. The Tvlin Drug Co, Has a Guaran teed Cure That Has Stood the Test of Time. Catarrh cures come and patarrh cures go, but HYOMEI continues to cure catarrh and abolish its dlsgust tlng symptoms wherever civilization exists. . Every year the already enormous sales of this really scientific cure for catarrh grows, greater, and the pres ent year will show all records brok If you buy a' HYOMEI outfit for $1 5f and hide it in a dark cupboard it won't cure your catarrn. ,. If you breathe it dally as directed It will nllfA vnnr rnivrrVi r.r It nrnn'J -" vu. mvu. . yj j. .v v. lu V cost you a cent, ask .the Newlln Drug Co., - , . If you have a hard rubber Hyomel inhaler somewhere around the house, KAt f Af -stsrt ml uiu 10 ror ever rid yourrralf of catarrh. - r The NewlTn Drug Co. will sell you a bottle of HYOMEI (liquid) for on ly 50 cents; start to breathe it and notice how quickly it clears out the air passages and makes the entire' head feel fine. . HYOMEI used regularly will cure catarrh, coughs, colds, bronchitis or sore throat, A complete outfit includ ing a hard rubber ipocket inhaler costs $1.00. No stomach dosing. Just breathe it It kills the germs, soothes and heals the inflamed membrane. Dec. 16, 26 Jan 6. . f-o aw- -'' '-,y ill A-f' W,V 11V il ;a ' II hj ))h? ; 1J ;;Vb l3alja 'ii II L a AT ALL PRICES FOR ALL PEOPLE It makes -no difference how much you want to pay ot who you want to buy for you will find many acceptable gifts on display at this slore. Ton Hast Read This If you Want Benefit. J. W. Greer, Greenwood, Lai, suffer ed with a severe case of lumbago. "At times the pains were so intense1 was forced to hypodermic injections' for relief," he says. "These attacks' started with a slight pain in .the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralysing in efTect. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wonderful medicine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy, lumbago." Hills Drug atore. Only 1 0 days shopping before Christmas, Don't wait until the last day to select your gifts m tmm HOiOOO CITY OF LA GRANDE, ORE--G0X, BONDS FOR SALE. Proposals will be received by the undersigned Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesday, December 28th. 1910 at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the (purchase of $10, 000 Additional Sewer Bonds. Denomi nation $1,000, rate 6 per cent per an num to be paid semi-annually, ma turity twenty years from the date thereof, optional after ten years from date. . . Proposals shall be sealed and mark ed "Bids for Additional Sewer Bonds", and a certified check for $1,000 must accompany each bid. Bonds to be sold for not less than their par value. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. La Grande, Oregon, December 14tli, 1910. D. E.. COX, Recorder, Dec. 15-St on io Mini WILL Indian Robes & Blankets Fancy Linens All Kinds House & Boudoir Slippers Swiss Embroidered Handk'fs Keiser Neckwear Hull Umbrellas , Hand Bags & Traveling Rugs Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets Keiser Mens Neckwear House Slippers Silk Suspenders Paiama Suits and Ninht Shirts, Sweaters,Gloves f for the little folks we have Billikens, Teddy Bears, Baby 1 Bxjimps, Talking Dolls, Acrobat Dolls, tinit y Sweaters, Bootlees and Leggngs- i We invite you compare our ijr -nys-njsr TyrsLsj-yr i " ' i " " I " I i i"wy'v'"" i i ..ij.y..-.-,----.-,,-. yir-LL. rrJ"M'r' s' " ""ii' ' ii -mj y'lt Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank of La Grande, of La Grande, Oregon, will be held at their banking house in La Grande, Oregon on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of direc tors ' to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly present ed to said meeting. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 10th, 1910. - P. Lu MEYERS. Cashier. . Mahaffey Building i t s Depot street t W CLEAN ANYTHING, FROM A NECKTIE TO A HORSEBLANRET: Yhrk called for and delivered Elite Dying and Clewing Works PHONE MAIN I !3C F Moiiiev ml by your Christmas Presents sit Our Store YOU CAN SAVE ALMOST ONE-HALF ON YOUR CHRISTMAS STATIONERY AND HAVE A BETTER SELECTION THAN ANY PLACE ELSE IN LA GRANDE. WE CAN SAVE YOU QUITE A LITTLE ON BRASS GOODS, PERFUMES, BURNT'WOOD AND "JEWEL CASES. WE CAN SHOW YOU THE BIGGEST, BEST LINE OF PERFUMES YOU EVER SAW IN THIS COUNTY. OUR; LINE OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES CAN NOT BE BEATEN ANYWHERE. AND WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON LADIES' HAND BAGS AND SHOW YOU THE LARGE LINE TO PICK FROM .v,,: - . , , .. ... Our Cut Glass and Pickard Hand Painted iCIn -.- .. ' wot overlook ;' - j- : L REXALL 1 J II I I II' IU, III, II , . .1.1,.-....-.,-., - r , j-..... ..... ... n -l7n-l f REXALL