FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1610. ill N j ii I 3 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, f liilK ( i A. t I I WW vL ' ' ' than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, including Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glassy Hand Painted China, Brass and Silverware1, all the best quality money can buy, and vhich you can procure at lowest pricesyquality considered. Call and examine goods and prices before buying. You will save money and get My guaranteed goods which, if by any chance should not prove satisfactory, you know you can have made right or exchanged, o o o o e"" naasssaanaaa tSmmm aaaaaai aaaBBaaaaaanaaaaaaBanBSi mhmmmmhm mm wmmmmmm Baassaaanaaiaiaav ansaiflMM i a llxilJ.m.H 4 iitttTtttttttttttTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1 r Established 16 2 1 .1 n i,Uer a cold U gotten rid of th the danger from pneumonia and otner Krioo diseases. . Mr. B. W. I Hall, ol WwerW. Va., says: "I firmly believe Cham Sin? Remedy to L m preparation on the market fo , cc d 1 thet aU agree with we." t or sal by aU dealen. , ' '' ' Ordinance No. 503, Scries 1910. An Ordinance declaring the cost of Improving Jefferson avenue between Fir street and Greenwood street, as sessing the. property benefited there by, declaring such asbesment, direct ing rim entrv of . the same in the Docket of City Liens, authorizing the fits accruing to each lot, or : part thereor, or parcel of land within the BHRpqnment district, bv reason of said t nnd in lust nroDortion to Buch beneiflts, are in the respective r amountB set opposite the numoer or dPHpHntlon of each lot. or nart there of, or parcel of land In the annexed Dr. W. H. Keating! i .... . . For Quick Messenger Service Call Main 24, or lnd. 21 UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars , IX Smith-La Grande issuance of Improvement bonds to pay I assesinent roll, and Bald assessment for Bald improvement, and declaring I rou wmcn is uuuiucibu xv o mo.m...v ; i anmnrea ana auDrovea &a xuc noocoo- au cuicucuv.;. ... . i -- r . A The City of La Grande doea or- meni' ior sam luiyiuvcuicut, uu i dain as follows: Recorder of the (Jity 01 uranae is Section 1. That the Council . has directed to enier a siaiemeui ot iuc 1 1 uRseRBment hereby made In the Dock- for Improving Jefferson avenue do- ei ot yuy wens, atiu voum vv tween Fir street and Greenwood thereof to be published as provided street, and all objections made there-, - - , on j k.nk.r ..rioina HntorminoB I That the amounts set out In tha an IU, BUU UdCU .Miwm., T.l "77 1, . allu UCViai CO MID n uuio vudw " I " , - improvement in the manner . provfd- hecome due ana payaoie on ornuu.. v,w he. I sixtv dava after the date of this ,ur- Council on the 24th day of August, dinance taking effect; provided, how- 1910, to be the sum of jneo.zs. ana ever, uiai. ujr jnwnj that the special and peculiar bene- In said annexed assessment roll, may. II I 1 1 1 1 1 H. 1 1 1 1 1 IIjULIUII t.V LUTj '-l-' the City, be permitted to pay his said assessment in ten eaual annual in stalment8. deferred Daymenta to bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum;, but, if such application De not made as aforesaid, then the whole of said assessments and each ot them will be and become due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. Section 2T. That improvement hnnrin in the said sum of $1160.28, Bhall be Issued and Bold to pay for said imDrovement: said Donaa to run for a neriod or ten years, and 10 Dear Interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum. - Section , 3. . inasmuch as tne oam imnmrpment has been completed, and It is necessary and expedient that the same be ipald for, at once, now, mere fnro in nrrtnr to nreserve the Peace health and safety of the City,, and to I i V t y 'V I hy pay cnf ?f We loan yoi money fo build, and pay us as you would rent. V- J. R. OLIVER. John Melville W8 Adam An ; lAGRAHDE- ORE European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class5 Throughout SAVOY MOTEL D.NG. BRIGHOUX Proprietor. ONE BLOCK fROMpJEPOl La Grande, Oregon ... , . , - - - ,(. The Well Known Eyesight Specialist again in the city PS 'Celery Turnins a. M Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes Rutabaga Cabbage Spinach Pompkins z Oranges and Banana POP CQRU THAT VJILL POP Swifts Premium Hams and Bacon Parsnip Cranberrie Green Onion Squash is- ccery mm mumy- The Home of 'Fancy Groceries t IS protect 1U credit, an emergency l and j8 kept very busy, as so many hereby declared to. exist and this Or- a vItlne for this noted wvitiii ha in rnrAA a n n thkh i . to visit here to have prop a1 ir..H. Ita mnhMADTmn 1T1 nnfl I aw lnaaaf TITT Afl BH 1 nfv .. run uu issue of the La Grande Evening Ob- chancea of being misfitted. He has server, on the 17th day. of,, December, .nMial Krlnding outfit Passed the Council on the 14th day bo yon caa u ni n(vomher. 1910. bv eieht members I same day. or In two hours notlco, af Tmtlnar therefor. ! ' ' I a iiorinm vnnf eves examined and Approved taia l&m aay 01 ueceui HT7 D I Q T TAN S fl IM N X A IN U I 15) I . IVOUtDNT A WICE ; Be iusfijacccpiaWe afliffas you could give r ; ; HIM or HER t J ' We will sell jou a,i 0EDEP nlcelj gotten sp-good for otj Amoant yo see fit to give -: .Oa irtarsUf this ORDEB by the recipient, they will ie lioperly fitted to a pair of shoej to thelr Using. SHOEMEN DEPOT STREET bar. 1910 , Mayor. I Attest: 1 . ... T4 W WV J Recorder of the City of La Grande, Be8sment Roll No. 10: . . ' . 3 Lot J5, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy Woods, $84.60. Lot 6, Block 111, Chaplln'B Add. to La Grande, Lucy Woods, $84.60. Lot 7. Block 111. Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy woods, ?84.tu. .One half Lot 8, biock m, v;nap lin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy Woods, One half Lot 8, Block 111, Chap lin's Add. to La Grande, John wu on. J42.30. " ' it 9. Block 111. Channa'fl Add. to La Grande, John Wilson, $84.60.. I Lot 10, Block ill. Chapnn s Add. io La Grande, John wiison,584.6i. Lot 11, Block 111. Chapnn s Add. io La Grande. John Wilson, $84.60. Lot 12, Block 111, cnapnn s Ada, to i La Grande, John Wilson, $84.60. i Lot 13, Block 111, Chapnn s Add. io La Grande, John Wilson, $84.60. . . Lot 14, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. io La Grande, Jennie Masterson, $90.60. Lot 15, Block 111, Chaplin's Add to La Grande, Jennie Masterson, $90.60. Lot 16, Block 111, Chapnn s Add. io La Grande. P. Pengruber, $84.60. i Lot 17, Block 111. cnapnn s Aoa. w La Grande, P. Pengruser, $133.08. Every family bft need of good, reliable liniment : Tor sprn. bniiflei. soreneu of the tnugclei and rlienmiitic pniM there i none better thnn ClianiUrlain a. . SoU by and carries the latest instrument 1 for testing the eyes. No guess work! In fitting glasses with the use of these Instruments. So, don't fall to Bee him about your eyes or glasses this visit If yon are having trou ble with them. If glasses are requir ed they are fitted scientifically, andj satisfaction is guaranteed. Call and let him give yon references of the many satisfied people who are warl in? classes . fitted by ' him In La Grande. '., Kow at COONNELL Booming House. I I T C H E N! LA GRANDE FOR Alt KINDS OF CHRISTMAS CAUDIES ; 1316 Adam Arenuc - TIIE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL AND SEE IN OPERA TION ... OUR 3 NEW PRESS MACHINES FOR LADIES' I SHIRT WAISTS AND GEN TLEMAN'S SHIRTS. SOME THING NEW IN LA GRANDE. GEORGE PALMER, FSes. F. J. H0L3IES, Tfct Pres. W. L. BBENH0LTS, Ass't Cash. EAJtt ZUlfDEL, t4 ' AM .Casta. k :: . :"l F. L. METEBS .CasUer. La Gfande National Banli of La Grande, Oregon United States Depository V Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 GHERRYS NEW LAUNDRY 'Vr 'V' BIBECT0BS. GE0BGB PALMEB, W. L. .BS13THOLT8 If. J. CBTBCH F. I METEBS p. J. BOlltES Tf. M.HEBCE T, D. CXEATEB With ear ample resoarees and faelllUed we eaa reiaer cleat service aad handle yenr Basiaes? w jw 7 J all dealeri. , , ' , .