4 y r V. I I I A 4i " AL. ANDREWS If vou crave :. Eagle Valley HOfJEY IVE HAVE IT f Une gabion can costs $ I. i Comb Honey 20c a cake? ;;3r50c:;.vf:;,.-i; i California ITW Rose. Honey r.ri 35c a hr m Use either phone . HI III I II f I Vru-Frult Chocolates. No, lmlUtlon aiainviDuia Amazed If Mb Vision could have extend ed far enough Into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of lncandesant electric lighting-- the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. The sage old phlosopher flew bis kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but etolutlon decreed that modern ; inventive genius should discover an lncandeacant lamp ' that . is ; revolutionizing artificial light THE - GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA' LAMP ghea nearly three times the light of, the or- dlnary carbon ; lncandeacant and costs no more to operate. In addition to this it gives llsht of a vaatly superior quality a clear white light like the sun's rays. ' Everywhere people art having their houses wired for electrlo light, since the Invention of the GENERAL-ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity : as cheap as It is .convenient , '; Some In for a moment today.and let us prove to your tatlrt mK lsfaction that there la no longer possible excuse for yon to be without the greatest-of all household i , conveaiencet elec tric Ugkt v ' eastern"" . OREGON Company ; .iA.GnAOTn evening olshrvi n EVtaVTHIMG PACKED IN A NEAT BOX' TO SliiP inn''Vi'.v'''.' .'':i-,1..On.. r, l'W-:' ft n n n arm ' . S FBOFESSIOSAL DI11ECT0KY. S PHTSICLLKS XSD Sl'BGEOS N. MOL1TOR. M. D. f kyilcian and Surgon. Corner Adama Avo. and Depot itreet Office, Mala 68; Real-. Cv H. UPTON. Ph. Q, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention le - Eye.' Ear, Nose and Throat, Office In La Grande' National Bank Build ing. .Phones:- Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32. " - i a :L. RICHARDSON Physician ano surgeon.1 Office Hours:" 2 to 5 p. m. except SuBday.v Sundar hy appoint .ments.' . Telephones: I Office, Black .r 1362; Ind.: 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312.' . ;' GEO. - W. ; . ZIMMERMAN Osteopath PhyBlelan. Sommer Bids-. Rooms 7, 8, and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Mala 63, Residence phone, Black 51. Successor to Dr. C. B. Moore. " r ' v-'V; DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Classes ' Fitted and oiade to order. AH er rors ol Refraction Corrected, r 1105 ; Adams Ave. Foley" Hotel Bldg. La ;Crande7'Oregon; ' " ' DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. , DORA J. UNDERW001V--01HC ov er Wright Drug store. Special at tentlon paid to diseases and surgery lot the eye. - v--)' '--" Phones Office Mala 22; residence, Main 72S. """ J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Bund lng. Phone Black 399. DR. R. I LINCOLN, DENTIST First class services given. Office over Lil ly's HdwJ store. Phone Black-451. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. ; Office at . Hill's Drug Store La Grande."; Residence phone, Re 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 63; both phones aJ residence'-"'";.',"'-' "--:' ." i ATTORSITS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCERAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch- i ran. La Grande National Bank Bldgt, La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD-Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of tne SUte and United States. Office In La Grande Natural Banc Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. !r D. W. C. NELSON Mining . Engineer. Baker City. Oregon. ' - C. C. WILSON Teacher of ' Violin. Call v any time at 801 Malt ave- ' t nne. "V LENA McREYNOLDS Teacher of Pi ano and Voice Culture. At 142f i Washington Avenue on Wedneadaj - and Saturday. .Telephone, on thea dates to Red-1122. ! s When you have a cold get a bottle ol Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. It will unit At mn nn all riplit and will Wartl On J"" "r --0-- . iinv ipndfncv toward Dnenmoma. lnif -j - , and may be given an confidently to a baby is 1o c i"H. Bold by all dealers. ' ; Want ads par. one ceat a word. ! '. -"sr w II fT ' " ' J?1-! - i I. . Billy Robinson ' Piccaninnies Arrive. 1 Coming as a stellar attraction from the Pantages circuit Billy Robinson, and his piccaninnies arrved this morn ing and will be at the Orpheum the rest of the week. These people are i touted by the managers of the Pan tages as being' up to snuff and Man ager Gardinler thinks he Is safe In saying he has a s,plendld pfoductlon for tonight n the Robinson crowd. The little colored people arrived on the morning train. Their first appearance will be this evening , at t the , Orph eum.' ;' '- :" ":' . . :' ; , Grace Cameron Good. : - Grace Cameron in "Nancy" enter tained a medium sized crowd at the Steward last evening with a string of comedy and songs. The play Itself is insignificant, having nonweight or no serious fault. Miss Cameron though is a talented personage and while the au dience was somewhat' disappointed in the nature of the play, it came away well satisfied with Miss Cameron. "THE CITY OF BOTS." . Interesting and Instructive Film at The Star. . ;. Along with entertaining features the Star theatre tonight presents . the great lecture in pictures of the ';Clty of Boys" by Judge Willis. Brown, who Is an authority on Juuenlle court mat ters and ranks with Judge Ben Lind say of Denver when: it comes to hand ling the boys of , the country. VThJs film tells the story of advancement be- in Maria (n luvenlle'work and Illus trates that remarkable city; unarie-1 voix. : Michigan, which - is known throughout the world as the natienal city of boys. ".: ' r v, If you are a parent, or if you love a boy, be sure and see the pictures at the Star tonight, tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night i.. ' ' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank will be held at their office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at the hour of 2 p. m. for the purpose of electing offi cers for the ensuing year and such other business that may properly come before said meeting. ' G. A. STOCK. Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10. TnURSDAYDnCKMIiEU A. F" H 7 f A I ft? - I j f I .1 . 1 I 'V fc .1 "H x nd Ills Piccaninnies. Baker lias A Team. ' Active practice for the basket bal season opened - this week and ; the : nro8Dects 'liow "are for " the fastest team that Baker has ever had. and the school here" has had some good ones, relates the Herald. Some "of the "old Btandbys are one hand again and will form a nucleus for ' a fast quintet. Floyd Howard, forward on laBt year's team, and Ray Flnley, who played guard are doing good -work ' this year. Malone, who was here a snort time last year, will probably play the season here. Claude Bronaugh, Hen ry Burke, Elliott Flnkelnburg and Hai Ryder are showing up well and stand, a chance to make the team. Active practice began Monday r night , and about 20 boys are turning out every evening for work.: r ' ' " f. ; The girls have about 16 candidates out for the various positions and will probably have a good team.-Most of the members of last year's team are here and It Is expected that some good games will be played. No games have been definitely ar ranged yet but a trip Is being plan ned for the boys which will include games at Pendleton, Milton and Walla Walla. It Is probable that . several f games will be played here. ,' Unusnal Jug and Jar Sale. We have a -windowful of one and two-gallon Jugs and glass fruit Jars of various sizes that we are almost giving away. These are products of our large soaa ousiness during me past summer and we want their room for fresh fruits,, Juices, etc., already ordered; for next season's business. The Newlln Drug Co. The berry, set that the Observer Is giving free Is a nice piece of ware. Same can be seen by calling at the office and taking the paper on terms offered. You ' can save big .' interest and get the set free. Every family baa need of a good, reliable liniment. For eprf.'.ns bruises, soreneM of the muscles and rlpenmntic pains there ia noiift botUT tht.t Cliam'iKit'ain's. Soli b all !i?k1cn; ' . 13,-1310. - It TO FRIEtJES J Purchase an Acre Lot In , -GRAND VIEW ADDITION. This moat slirhtlv Addition is sit njitpd if thA Intersection of the Ma cadam' Road and the road leading to South La uranae. we are Deautiry lng It by . plantlng each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The I soil is the beat Good drainage ana sufficient water. We ' are selling these acres planted with trees at the same price you wouia no compeuea to pay for a small building lot and our terms are more liberal. Our price is $500.00 per lot. Our Urms are 850 down and $10.00 per month with no Interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after thJ trees during the contract ' period. Can you not see your money grow on an Investment like this. Give us an opportunity to explain this magnificent investment in detail, by cutting out : and mailing the en closed coupon. , :. i -h.i.::i i -f' ,V; 1910. La Grande Investment Co.', . . . : La Grande, Oregon. ;.'! Please mall me full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part; Haradon's Tru-Frult Chacolates. Made Just right. At all of the leading confectioners. .. :.:' 7HE 4' .f CM BUY I 'torn... f - r -,v ' : ? ';. ' S.'A. QARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. I VAUDEVIL WEEK BEGINNING DECEMBER 12 .,- . , , . v y ( ...... LEO BAYS In Artistic Feminine Type. 7 BURLIN & URBEN, Some Dancers. - 'v..:--- : .' . v. v ;, ':;:' ' .;; ; r i-.j-, GOLDEN & KEATING, Anstra Ulan representatives. Novelty talkers singers and dancers. ' Evening Prices 15 and New People Mondays & -Thursdays Matinees Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 2 o'clock " and All Holidays Matinee Prices, 10 and 15c HACK AND AMBULANCE . L dussey LA GRANDE , Blackboards. JuBt the thing for ChrlBtmas. Call and see them at 1617 4th St TTsnt "afli pay, one' cent wnrd. The' Paris Hair Store will open up a special hair manufacturing depart ment and all weaving turned out will be, fully guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Mica Marie Swann, late of Los Angeles, Cal., is now located at this store. We do private work by appointment-' .v.; TIIE 'FIS in m ' - a r ;: Fir girect I Craaiss tjre. IJrs.RckrtPdlis2a agent for; -; v:-;;" ; . PRICES 'ni- $3.50 and Up f; PHONE, f Black 81, or Black 1481 25c Boxes 50c Uptown office Main 720 . Pocirlnr nhrvn Main OK I! 2t: V 1 .