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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
IA GRANDE EVENING. OBSERVER, THtmSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910 it .. ii . . . ' t:: directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon Aw F. & A. LL La Grande Lodge No. . 41. A. P. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first - and '. third Saturdays at .7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOHN B. HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In Titea to attend. . : '? ' Dh. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. iruCH McCALL, Rec. Bee, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W., 0.. W. meets every second And fourth Tues day In the month. All TlslUng mem bers welcome. ' ' N3RI ACKLES. C. C. J. IL KEENEY. Clerk.' II. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets bvery Monday In the month at the I. O. 0. F. hall. AH, visiting neighbors are cordially invited . to 'attend. -. .. . : ..... ' L R SNOOK, a .... , - COX, Clerk. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. M meets every evening In the I. 0. C F. balL AH visiting members art , Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. a MRS. JENNIE IL 8MITH, Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croe Lodge No. 27 meets every Mont night. In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.t A Pythian welcome to all vlsltlw .Knights. ,; ' u - jess paul; c. c. . R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. A S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13,' O. E C. holds stated communications tb second and fourth Wednesdays ol each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec , PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grand Ronde Circle No. '47 meets every first and third Thursday evenlnp In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. hall All visitmg members are welcome, v , ' - rrmHn prantoanw; n --' LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. S.'P.VJILL JOT BE IH11 KRCTTSCIIMTT TALKS REGARD. , I5G FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. , Try the Observer for Job Printing mm JJlL We m&Le your bid coat new and Rain proof Ladies Capes, Coats,. Silks Made Waterproof Director of Maintenance Talks About Prospective Developments. Construction of a new railroad from Redmond, the terminus of the Des chutes line, to Odell, on the Klamath- i Natron cutoff, has been authorized by the I Southern Pacific - directors; the line from Grants Pass to a point on the .northern coast of-California, pro bably Crescent City, may be built, and the Coos Bay line Is being considered ware announcements made last night by Julius Kruttschnitt, director of operation and maintenance of the Un ion Pacific and Southern Pacific sys tems, after a day of inspection of the' property in andabout Portland, says the Oregonian. ' , -i; ; ; ' v llowever no definite time for be ginning work on the Redmond-Odell road has been determined. In the meantime the company, will endeavor to complete as early as possible all the projects already undertaken! Aft of. the present contracts on. the Klamath- 1118 Adami AveTel. Main 735 BERT THOMAS FEED AND GrarideRonde'.CashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 ass European Plan . Only ' Rooms 60c to $1.60 First class Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX '. Proprietor. r'; 'OHE BLOCK WOM DtPOt La, Grande, fittgon- 0 : Jew HaaaaiiHaM' x r5r,;:'Silverre; 10 netware Cut Glassi Natron cutoff, says Mr. Kruttschnitt, will be completed before the end of the present fiscal year June 30 after which he will recommend that the re mainder of the route, whtah he view ed on Monday, be contracted for and the work ifinlshed with all' possible speed, so that the new 22-hour sched ule between Portland and San Fran cisco can be put Into effect on the earliest possible day. 'The directors of the company have authorized the road from Redmond to Odell,'r said Mr. Kruttschnitt, "but it" Is impossible to determine the time when work will commence. The road will ulUmately be built; that is cer tain. It will open a rich country there at present has nb railroad facilities. , "We have started surveys on the line from Grants Pass to the sea, for which purpose we have Incorporated a com pany. This Incorporation does not mean that we are to start operations at once, as It is necessary to take such action in order to have the (surveys made. Whether or not the line will be built and how soon It win be built depends entirely upon the reports of the engineers. . '"No decision has been reached with reference to the Coos Bay project That road has been suggested and may eventually be built, but our board of directors has hot yet autholried It." 'Divorce" Jfot Necessary. "I think it will not be necessary for I the Oregon-Washington Railway & from the Southern Pacific, the probab ility of which has been frequenUy dis cussed in the past few weeks," he con tinued. VThe present arrangement by which the same heads of departments have Jurisdiction over the two roads In Oregon comes within the law and can continue unless we choose to separ ate them for economic reasons, and I see no necessity for that." ; :, Mr. Kruttschnitt expressed, the, posi tive belief that the wage ' difficulty with the Brotherhood lot Locomotive Engineers would be settled without a strike "V - ' " ; "AH I can; say," he . declared,v "is that the engineers "Compose one of the most Intelligent and,. conscientious bodies' of men with whom wa have to deal. They have able men - directing their, affairs. The railroads have the same kind men representing them. I am sure that ; these committees can find, some convenient solution 'of the difficulty," - . ': ' ( , V Mr. Kruttschnitt; accompanied by his secretary, left last night tor Se attle, where he will confer with local officials.,'';" ' , Possibilities Are Remote. . With, reference to the proposed East and Wst lines from Ontario, near the Idaho state line, to a connection with the Klamath-Nfatron line, Mr. Krutts schnltt declared that the possibilities for early construction were somewhat remote. He expressed the opinion that such a road eventually will be built, however.'. . .'' , .V,:. In the work through the Deschutes canyon, he said, Joint trackage agree ments had been entered into with the Oregon Trunk Railway over some of the most difficult portions. The Harrl man line has progressed ahead of that of the Hill system in some", places, and the former line likely wttll be complet ed over the 137-mile stretch from the Columbia river to Redmond be fore the latter is finished to Bend. p , rr if V i. The WeH Known Eyesight Specialist again in the city ' ' v. s .... . 800 Loaves k 15 '-minutes That's what our new Bread Mixer does. Elec- i tncity does the work and well. Yss, it cost consider-1 able money but this store leads them on all, . even if it does cost to doit. . JNhtn you - trade here you are getting . every thing of the very best. t Royal Grocery ar.i and is kept very busy, as so many hate been waking for this , noted specialist to visit, here to have prop er glasses . fitted, as they run no chances of being misfitted. He , has with, him v special grinding outfit so you ' can ' have your ; glasses the same'day, or in two hours' notlco, af ter having 'your eyes examined end and carries the latest Instrument for testing the eyes.- No guess work in fitting glasses with the. use of these Instruments. So don't fail to see -him about your eyes or glasses this vlBlt if you are having trou ble with them. If glasses are requir ed , they are fitted scientifically, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Call and let him give you references of the many satisfied peoplewho are war ing glasses fitted by him In , La Grande. -., ", .-; V:.'.; I '. : Now at O'CONJTELL Booming louse. jn.hy pay Rent ?We loin w ., money to build, and jba pay us as! you would rent THE . PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL AND SEE IN OPERA TION: OUR 3 NEW PRESS MACHINES' FOR LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AND GEN TLEMAN'S '.SHIRTS. SOME PHING NEW IN LA GRANDE. CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY The Largest ' Stock Ever Shown in Eastern Oregon for Christmas Gifts . .-, '; ' y:-. " , ' ' ;' ,; v - ; : ...-,,' - ' '". . ' '' -L .' '" - 't "' .' . , .- .' . "' . Diamonds are Our Specialty. Examine Our Sio ahd Git Our Prices before buying 'elsewhere. It mli p?y you lf ttiey see our nam&MboK:tth'i gift mil be more highly prized. They knbw itigbqd. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY o largest nmm STORE IN EASTERN OREGON PROMPT ATTENT Oil GIVEtl TO MflL ORDERS FIVE MINUTES. IN Upset Stomach Feels Splendid. Ml-p-NA stomach tablets will re lieve a distressed, Bour or gassy sto mach In five minutes. ' In three day they will make the most' miserable ,or cranky dyspeptic feel that there is plenty of sunshine in life. . In a week he will have an appetite for and will eat without any bad af ter affects food which now causes his stomach to strenuously rebel! Jf continued for from two weeks to a month iCI-6-NA wllj thoroughly renovate and cleanse the stomach and will compel' It, (no matter how oh stlnate it may. be) to throw off its weakness and become, as nature In tended It should be, strong and elas tic. V Of course you want a good syringe when you buy one. The pains we take In selecting such goods insure you one that will be right In every , way The George Palmer SEEDS' mm (Ed) 0 We solicit yourjorders for Shingles, Rubberold RooVng ; ' Fclt,$uildlng Paper, : v, VVe are prepared to' furnish and deliver material, Z . r prfjmptly.V Phone Main 8. ? NOW IS THE TIME TO ' Rainy, weather will set ill soon. have plumbing ' fixtures of &11 , kinda. i BM 6 I ZWEIFEL Mahaffey Buildbg" fiepotstree WE CLEAN AHWHMG; FROM A NECKTIE TO A HORSE BLAKKETi" 7ork called for and delivered Elite Dying and Ckahinf Works if you buy here. The Newlln Drug Co. FRESH CANDIES V SnvJal Prir nn Vnui ClrAer Fanv arA Assorted Candies NUTS OF ALL KINDS NEXT DOOR TO POST dFFICiE ( v