AGE-FOUR LA GRANDE 'EVENING OBSERVER, ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910. THE OBSERVER Bruce Dennis, " E!iti r and Owner. Catered at tlie postofflce at La Grande ' s second-class a:at:er. PuMlshed Daily Except Sotdaj. SUBSCRIPTION RATES O&lly, single copy 6c f Dally, per week., ' Daily, per month 15c 65c Thla paper will not publish ai ar cle appearing over, a nom da pi line. CIgned articles will be revised ub- Jsct to the discretion of the editor. Please alga your articles and tare llsappointment, AN A WAKEMXG SEEDED. . Such Immorality has teen fluanted : In the faces of La Grande and com munity of late convinces everyone that there Is aa awakening of the pub lic conscience needed In this city. Our courts are filled with murder trials, with adultery cases and even a worse crime .than adultery claimed the at tention of the court yesterday. . Police court 'yesterday furnished a pathetic spectacle when fourchildren ; t of tender yeara were arraigned charg ed with Immoral conduct. Mere babies, they are Just, the axe when tnAr -" care and home training should count. Yet these four children are charged with a revolting breach of moral con- ; iuct. ; V,. , '. ' Who Is to blame T That is the aerlous creation. Everybne looka with pity and charity upon the acta of the child no matter how bad they may be, but the child la a product of older people who are aerloua and gram The child la but plaster In the hands of" the moulder and parents are those mould ers. Rare' exception may mark a child with cussedness that dates from the cradle. Nature very rarely marka ' a child with the bad traits of a parent. ., The law of heredity Is of Importance, tut environment and right teaching will elevte a child 6f the most lowly origin;1 ... "" ,'. ': ,V-. . Then why this fearful scene In pol - lice court a acena. that ' should shock every man and woman inf theclty, for what la worse than to Bee bright boys and girls starting on the primrose path? .v :.. Some one at once aays, ?'the officers flo not do their duty." In a small measure thla may be true, offlcen may not do positively everything they they should do, but la our opinion the parent Is to be, censured before the officer,' If any father or mother anti cipates that the world la going to1 pro vide offlcera to teach their boys and $ Iris ot do right they are mistaken. That lesson must first be taught at home; that lesson must come from the dearest altar in all this ! world the hearthstona. " j Then are we to understand that ome parents In La Grande are fall-! 1ng to do their duty. Positively true. ! Walk down the streets in the even ing. Notice the young girls without their mothers; observe the freedom of their manner. In many cases tbre Is nothing bad and nothing absolutely wrong in their actions, but thre Is Uack of restraint; there la a freedom , that takes away relnement; that de troya the finer feelings, if prststed Y0V CAH SAVE BE BEATEN ANYWHERE. AND WKOAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON OurtGlasi in. ' ' ' The same la true of the boys. Ci.r few ordinances cannot be enforced mi lees the parent are heart and sou In favor of that enforcement. Occ& slonally officers will be able to gral seme boy8, but it Is only occasion ally for La Grande Is too large to be covered on such errands by two ind ucement, and besides when bos tie elded to disobey such ordinanc e the are sly In their work. MAY INJURE ALL OREGO.Y ClTIEfc '.' In another column of this Issue will bo seen an account of a letter received by La Grande officials from the bond buying firm of E. II. Rollins & Sons, of Denver, In which that firm calls attention to a tax amendment passed by the people at the List election. The firm states that its legal department is working on an opinion regarding this law and If found to be as antici- pated this firm of buyers will withdraw isgm uregon ana reiuse to accept mu nicipal bonds from any city in this state. '.. ",r. ., Should such, a thing happen public improvement will be hung up indef initely, for, once the bond buyers be gin to pass up a state it takes some time to get them back even if the statutes , are changed and radical measures eliminated. The rural dis tricts will not suffer from this pro ceeding, except to the extenfof a sympathetic Buffering, . for no matter what men may say land values ad- vance ana recede in proportion td the way the nearest city of size advances and recedes. Thla natural law la fre quently overtake by men who own land when they become convinced that the country can live without the towns. Such a thing la aa impossible as it la for the towns to live without the rural sections. There Is a common Interest between the two that no one can get away from. ' It happens that Rollins & Sons have been good customers for La Grande PrnrltlA. fnr hfa rin- fl I... .A. , - led a great deal of the bond Issue made here. The information coming direct from them that there Is a pos sibility of leaving thla field causes thoge who have the handling V the business end of the city take notice. And what effects'La Grande wllj also affect every other city In the state. Fort quick work the circuit court of (,Union county must be reckoned with. A prisoner was arraigned for trial yeBterday on a eerlous charge. He was found guilty and aentenced to four years the same day. England may have rapid courts, but this is going aome. 1 : I It la hardly to be expected that Taw ney will ret a cabinet 1fth? Th Av of putting "crippled ducks" In appoint ive poflltlona has about passed. For merly when a man waa defeated for the house or senate In hla district or atate the rumor waa at once, atdrted that a cabinet poaltlon was open to him. . . : ., - T. Roosevelt haa been heard from once more. He addressed MthArino' of business men . but strange to say the metropolitan press did not print hla apeech In full. How the mighty do fall.'. ' : , : v Governor Benson is now in Califor nia and there Is good, reason for be lieving that he will soon be much" stronger. . ..- . .; ; ' ' gVi Plenty of , yam Christmas Presents ALMOST ONE HAT.P nK vnn, ,,O M,T;, MLSOX XO EXCEPTION. In turning down the men who nly following the modern example o :clitlcians, a,nd It has ceased to be i crime or even to receive special ntnt!cn. P.ooaevelt turned down th? mn who started him in national poll - tirs. Joe Folk turned down Sam Cook and the remainder of the old mach'ne after that machine had backed him and given him state prominence. Joe Brlstow Is a product of the old Kan-' sas macnine and for 'years saluted Boss Leland on every occasion, but he turned them all down when he saw a band wagon labeled "Insurgency." And the list grows Just as fast as one would care to repeat names. So Mr. j Wood row Wilson fa nnf Annr nir-i thing out of the ordinary when he frowns nnnn h fcv 1I1, v r KJ J Tl 1 II H O did ascend. , Peary has deposited his medals with the United States museum and Dr. Cook has ipublkly confessed that he is a fraud. Let us call the North Pole in cident closed. ' ; Ancitnt Enginring. When Mosea tmots th water Long time ago . The children tney paised over. Walking- In a row.. -It was, aa you mint all agree The flrat canal dug- through the i Thinking Ahead. "You heart less tiin: Coming home with four suiuiiifi' vngagementa!" "What could 1 d.T, WUen 0U K0m news to themr' ' -Not till after Christmas Would She Enjoy Itf " "Her husband is a conductor." Then she ought to be able to ride for nothing." ? ,; i "I don'j know how." : ''Just get on the car. - A married man never can see his wife when oth er girls are around." . ' ; . ; .v ' Funds. " : "What are you doing?" " TRalalng bens." . " ''Getting anything oufof itr ' "You betr : . "Whatr , "A big fund of experience." "'. -v-.:;v.V;.. ';- ' t ; Getting Ready. '. .. Ton know the old sayinrf. "In Hm ef peace prepare for war.'" "That la Just what I am doing." "How are you going about It?" "Practicing foot racing! every day." . Always Follows. "What would be the first thin n would do ff you found yourself rich?" "What; ; I found myself rich?" Tea."..; ' "Wake up." ' U.'-; 7-':... ' '' ""lta Easy. "He hasn't hardly any bralna." , 4 "Great Scott! How dof he manage to get on?". . "Ob. he hardly notices the lack." 1 ' Nowadays. , : "la he married r. ; , ."Well, he waa the last time I saw him." . - . V via a. rf- Jt-' 1 . j ( 1 ' $ ' i j h ', $ H 1 t J M ; I r.: ar ' -a a ,i i;a - Only 10 days shopping before Christmas. Don't wait until the last day to vail I V- IBM B laUiC Indian Robes & Blanlicts Fancy Linens All Kinds House & Boudoir Slippers Swiss Embroidered Hasdk'fs . Keiser Neclcwear Hull Um Virlln s i I Hand Bags & frayeling Rugsv For the little folks 1 i We invite you compare our t-) Boyal Haa Mixer. ''; ' Tn taut Avnnlnp'B Innua nf tha Ob server the City .Grocery and Bakery wan mentlnnprt as Tinvlnsr recnlvnil a new bread mixer. The story , should have read the Royal insteaod of The City. UD ON IN BASB CITY. , New Mayor of Baker City Orders Re form In Tenderloin. " . Mayor C. L. Palmer haa instructed Chief of Police Riley to see that no more liquor la sold , by the women of Mpiiey m m we TTP TT "T A nv.x ', LADIES' HAND BARS AND SHOW YOB TKT, LARGE LHJE TOPTOK ; 3) .1. ''W.1--A "-.M"",'. I'. .!,..' .IT- -' 3 AT ALL FOR ALL It makes no difference hovi much you mnt to pay oryho you want to buy for you IV find many acceptable gilts on display at this store. select your gift! we have Billikens, Teddy Bears, Babv anq Leggings to visit this store tod quality and price with others 'SWtQUALiTX STORE rv""' V "' n"' V" " "y" ' City Herald. There la a atate law pro hibiting the granting of a liquor li cense to. a woman and there a a city law to the same effect. In the past some of the women have bought small quanttlea of liquoj which they sold at a good profit.' Thla order will be strictly enforced and will have the ef fect of cutting out much of the rough ness and trouble that haa occurred in the district. , .. ; ; J '; There la a law against bawdy hous es and Mayor Palmer stated that he W EinyieF ( i ) PRICES PEOPLE c i 4 MM 4 i ::1 Bath Robes and Smcldng Jackets'1 $:C-rJ., Keiser Mens Neckwear House Slippers Silk Suspenders , Pajama Suits and Night ; Shirts, rSweaters,Gloves '.V' had not fully decided what' course would be-pursued in regard to the district in thla city. All the women were arrested recently and'paid their fines but it ja not : known whether the will be a monthly occurrence or not. if the women were fined every month it would be a virtual license from the "city, : and thla t would be against the state law8 , - An effort -will be made to prevent trouble in thia district and keep all' minora away. -:; t