LA GRANDE EVEimTG OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER II, 1910. Dr. W. H. Keatiiij Directory of the Fraternal Order If Trea ! of La Grande, Oregon rations i of all 4U F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 1 REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. M CAUGHT BY OFFICER JIcLAt'GH. LIN IS LA GRiXDE. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEITIXG CALLED OFF OTIL TIIl'BSDAY 41, A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet- ( meets every evening in tbe I. 0. 0 F. halL All visiting members arc Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. Q. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec. Logs first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all . Masons. JOHN S. HODGIN, "W. M. A. d. WILLIAMS, Secretarr. Taken to Pendleton Where He Mill Stand Trial on the Charge. At That Time Enough to do Buiuess Will be Itaruited Is Belief. PAGE EE! DDK IH THIEF CAUGHT HERE 00 cno-TD DO ISIi'ESS t z B. P.' 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. DR. 0. L, SIGGERS, Ex Rul. t HUrHMcCALL.Rec.8ec WOODMEN OF TUB WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month, All visiting mem ber! welcome. . .JNERI ACKLES, C C. ,: J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. M. -W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday In tne month at the I. 0. O. F. hall. All visiting nelgbbers are cordially Invited to . attend. . ;:.;! 'i v. - . ...... ,(1 i,a snook; cl-... . : ; ; D. E. cox. Clerk. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Crow Lodge No. 27 meets every UonU) night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all visltlnr Knights. jess paul, a c. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft 8. ' 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E C. holds stated communications tht second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dlally invited. MARY A. WARNICK. Sec PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Orand Ronde Circle No.. 47 meets even first and third Thursday evenings In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. lull All yialttag members are welcome . . v ; CHTrB! PVRTMKAV, fl - LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk, Try the Ob server" for Job Printing KMN-PR OOF We make your old coat new and Rain proof Ladies Capes, Coats, Silks " Made Waterproof 1118 Adams Ave.,Tcl. Main 735 BERT THOMAS A man " named Hlnchcliff, caught here on a charge of box car robbery, was returned to Pendleton last night in custody of Tom Gurdane, the Pen dleton official. Speaking of the cbq ture and the charge, the Pendleton East Oregonian says regarding the case: '' - 1 Hinchcliffr the third person Impli cated In the O. R. & N. boxcar rob bery, has been captured In La Grande by Officer McLaughlin of that city and is being held until Agent O'Brien of the local O. R. & N. office gets ,some Instructions as to' the disposition . to be made of him. It Is probable, how ever that he will be brought over from La Grande tonight and be given a preliminary hearing some time to morrow. He was formerly employed by the railroad -ompany in the lo cal yards as a fireman. : ex-switchman -who was arrested Sun day night and Is now in the city Jail, is ready to go to the penitentiary ac cording to the Chief of . Police, Gur dane. He confessed his part in the robbery to the chief last night and told him the story of hU life. From this confession it seems that he has been1 an inmate of a state prison be fore. The woman who ws aTrested still denies her complicity In the af fair, and hag retained Attorney Will M. Peterson to defend her. FEED AND GrandsRonde'CashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 Notice for Sale of Bonds. $81,433.03 Improvement Bonds. " Notice Is-hereby given that the city of La Grande in Union County, Oregon will receive sealed bids for the pur chase of improvement bondj in the sum of $61,433.03, bonds in denomina tion of 1500.00 each, bearing 6 per cent interest per annum, up to 8 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, December 14th, A. D. 1910; said bids to be filed with, the Recorder of the City, and to be ac companied by a certified check for the sum of (3,000.00. The successful bid der will be required to pay for . said bonds within ten days after notice that said bonds are ready for delivery. ' . (La Qrande, Oregon, December 9, 1910 D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. , n . t ,11 -; Jewelry, Silverware oiletwate Novelties Gtit Ijila TT-.T i.'fl!! .;c;.VH umbrell SIS Only a mere handful of men pres ent last, evening at the 'meeting of the members' of the Commercial club to elect officers or. to outline the fut ure pol'cy of the club. As a conse quence the meeting was postponed until Thursday evening -when strenu ous efforts will be put forth to have, enough men out to transact business and either reorganize the club on a new basis or make a radical change in the working systems of the association. States' Populations In Order. " Washington, D. C Dec, 11. The ranking of the states, territories and possessions, in the order of their pop ulation, is as follows: , New York Pennsylvania , Illinois Vt4 -9 Texas ', Massachusetts . Missouri y. Michigan Indiana. ....... Georgia . New Jersey .... California ..... Wisconsin , . , Kentucky ..i... Iowa North Carolina. Tenessee .. .. ... . Alabama ...... Minnesota yirginia ... Mississippi .... Kansas . Oklahoma ..... Louisiana Arkansas . .... South Carolina Maryland ... West Virginia 1 .9,113,614 .7,665,111 ...5,638,591 . .4,101, til . . .3,896,832 13,366,416 ...3,293,335 ...2,810,173 ...2,700,876 ..'.2,609,121 ...2,537,167 ...2,377,549 .......... .2,333,860 2,289,905 ....2,224.771 2,206,287 ..........2,184,789 .7.... 2,138,093 ...... 2,075,708 ........ ..2,061,612 . 1,797,11 4 1,690,949 ..........1,657.155 1,656,388 ....1,574,9 .........4,518,400 ..........1,294,400 ...........1,221.119 Nebraska . . . . ; , , .V. . . . : .1,192,214 Washington . . . .',. . . . . ...... 1,141,999 Porto Rico ; . . . . . . ; . . .1,118,012 r A WAV; The Wei1 Known EyesigKt Specialist again in the city .1 ... ... . ..... .: and ' is kept very busy, as so many have r been waiting for this noted, specialist to visit here to have prop er glasses fitted, as they run ' no chances of being misfitted. He has with film, a special grinding outfit so ' you can have , your glasses th same day, or in two hours notlco, af ter having; your eyes examined and and carries the latest Instrument for testing the eyes. No guess work in fitting glasses with the use of these Instruments. So dont .fall to Bee him about your eyes or glasses this Tlslt if you are haying trou ble with them. If glasses ere requir ed, they are , fitted scientifically, and satisfaction Is "guaranteed. Call and I let him give you reference of the many satisfied people who are war ing glasses fitted by , him in La Grande. : Now at CCOXJfELL Roomlno; nouso. s Get them at.. lioyaiuroc mi Bakery and p.hy pay Jfenf ?:iVe'oa m:f money to build, and yo.v r - 'i ! mvm I villi J. -R. OLIVER. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL AND . SEE IN OPERA TION OUR' 3 NEW PRESS MACHINES FOR LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AND GEN TLEMAN'S "SHIRTS. ' SOME THING NEW IN LA GRANDE. CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY Connecticut Colorado , . . Florida Maine "..... Oregon ...... South , Dakota North Dakota Rhode. Island ........ New Hampshire . ; . . . , Montana .............. Utah 4.,.. Vrmnnt District o Columbia . . ;New Mexico ...... . . Idaho ........... Arizona , Delaware Hawaii '.. ........... Wyoming Larg est Stock Ever SHbwh in Eastern Oregon for Christmas Gifts Diamonds arid Watches are Our Our Sto$k and Get Our Prices before buying elsewhere. It will pay you. if they see our gift will te wore highly prized. They Mow it is good. . V 4 .4 4444 WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY , i.f. ." i II mm- I ; WR6ST iEmLRY ST0R !N ASTERN OREGON I PRorm mEtiTioti giveu to mil orders Nevada .; Military and Naval... M.M..', ..1,114,756 999,024 . 752,619 ... 742,371 , . 672,765 .'. 583,888 577,506 . . 642,610 .. 430,572 ., 376,053 .. 373,351 .. "355,956 . . 331,069 .. 327,301 .. ,325,594 204,354 202,322 190,109 115,965 81,875 v64,356 55.608 Jhe George Palmer ' itDMlDj EDS (E)o RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit yourorders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Oesdenhg Felt,Bnilding Paper. We.are'iPreij.ared to furnish and deliver. material, ' ' 'rprompUy."; Phone Main 8. -: .European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.50 ' First class Throughout ; 'I uv... ,?:.U','sv- i:"S ' ;r.i-.hri - v lofa D. G. BRIGHOUX ' .Proprietor. OWE BLOCK FR0MPEP0I , ; la Grande, Otegon . w.w'km.,'.'m,mmw... WUW lb IHE ; liME TO 3 LookAfter That EveTrougKl J J t Rainy breather will set in soon. Wc have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. 03BB& . and sec ' -: ,rrt . ; is . ' s; '". ' . i Mahaffey Building Depot street J H0RSBtANKET.i$?oti talle4 for Mi delivered Elite Pytog m4:Cte?hty Hi t I i 19 I I mHfW-H WWWWffH CANDIES Special Prices on Xmas OrdersC Fancv and Assorted Candies. NUTS OF ALL KINDS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE 2 I A t it