s. - ' LA GRANDS EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1010. 1'lniave' Ims ifesiF I t I 7.-71 rvMTCr c I ' ! 1 M MM hijl! ! I ii M f ! r, I1. 11, i i n n Si v I J i . a V W T "W W - wn, on -m, ' ' 11 ' -T-- iL!!'.' T"?' -- - ' '' wwwpwijpjlu,. -TtiaBW.. II Hi . mi mm 1. .- f I r k------r ! 4 - " " WW i r i 1 rii tt as 0 v $ than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, includin?; Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Bra and Silverware, all the best quality money can buy, and which you can procure at lowest prices, quality considered. Call and examine noods and prices before buyinrr. You will save money and get fully guaranteed goods Which, if by. any chance should g not prove satisfactory, you know you can have made rinht or exchanged, o o o o l xXiI.A41iXJ.A4,4.4i4,j.j,X4XiI.4,j,4,xj,xj,x . . .............. .'4 1' r t TTTTTTTTTTITTTTTTTrftTTTtlTfTTfVTTTtTff J 2 I n Established 1891:...Opppsitc Land.Office -o- LA GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELER A V, i The quicker a cold is gotten rid of tl ten the danger from pneumonia nd othT wrioua diseaaM. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Warerly, Va., gaT "l firmly believe Cham berlain'i Cough ftemedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my frierids end they all agree with ie." For sale bj all ' dealer. fi. EllPIOT AID IBE1EIT OF DETAILS Messenger Service Call Main 24f, or lnd. W2i UMBRELLA REPAIRS Go vers from 50 cts to Three Dollars L. C. Smith-La Grande and Heating JbjamM H23 Mains An ''i"f W GRAHDE, - ORE La Grande'g new $75,000 school building which will be the largest in Eastern Oregon, is rapidly ,'nearlng completion. In the convenience of the arrangement of the several de partments, in the number of the de partments provided for and ' the ex tensivenesB of each La Grande will soon have a building that should house one of the most complete and up-to-date high schools in the state. ' The auditorium is able to accomo date about 600 and will give the school a place to hold debates and en- j tertainmenta that in style , and ap pearance can not be excelled. The various departments are separ ated from one another by a most con venient arrangement The English, language, mathematics, science, his tory, manual training, domestic scl- ' ence and comemrclal departments are entirely separate and will not inter fere with one another. Manual train ing and domestic science are two en-, tirely new departments that will make a valuable addition to the school.. The science department will be greatly en larged and , improved. A long felt want wlll.be filled by the addition of chemistry, geology and toology and the courses in physics, physiology, physical geography and botany will be wonderfully benefited by adding the necessary facilities. This will en able graduates of La Grande high to enter the universities -without being conditioned in chemistry as .has hi therto, been the case. In . general the scientific course will be greatly broadened. , ' '' Commercial Course Superior. The commercial course will be one m '""'- - fl. ft ; '' ' MMf DT WOULDN'T A MCE Be fast as acceptable, a gift as you could give ; ' MM or HER i We will sell you as. OEDEB nicely gotten up pod for any Amount ypn see fit to'giTe ;-;'; t : : r"- On return of this ORDER by the' recipient, they will 1e properly fitted to a pair of jihoeg to their liking. , f SIVaiTH Su GREENE SHOLMEN DEPOT STREET of the best in the northweat : It' will 6e in a way separate from the rest of the Bchool and will le an up-to-date business college, with its offices, banks, clearing houses etc., all con ducting their business the same as In.1 actual life. ' The other departments will also be greatly strengthened and many additions wil lprobably be made. "Gym a Feature. ' ,f A large gymnasium is by no means an ' addition of small consequence. Shower baths and dressing rooms are provided for the girls as well as the boys, and It will be possible to have regular gym exercises given to the entire school. It also affords afnDle room to play basket ball and will un doubtedly be a means of greatly ini; proving that branch of athletics as well as furnishing a 'place for early and regular" training for the track and other athletics, - ; ;. An automatic program ; clock has been ordered that will automatically announce In all the rooms the time, for beginning! and dismissing school, the first and last of each period and any other calls that are required. This and many other modern (Jerkes will Introduce perfect system Into the school. It of course will take some time to accomplish these Improve ments a will also be the case in ac quiring a first class reference library. The building itself Is of the best material and construction. The large halls and stairways, the entrances, the four large panels on which wtyl Boon be painted four famous paintings the building inside and out will' all tend fo give La Grande the most at tractive as 'well" as 'useful and modr ern high school In ' the state.' It is most certain that Contractor Bartlett and Architect Gauntt will ' not be backward In claiming their relations to, this magnificent structured .There will be about twenty rooms for recitation,' study and laboratory purposes besides the r auditorium, gymnasium, store rooms, etc These are all furnished In j-ed fir stained in light oak, which give them a very at tractive apeparance. " The Keewaunee ventilation" and heating system Is the latest and best obtainable. The beating plant Is in a separate building eliminating the danger of fire. : In addition to the many large windows' the building is provided with several large skylights which will light the Interior perfectly. Mr. Bartlett who has the contract for erecting the building says that he will finish his part of the work some time next week. It will then remain only to furnish and " equip. Prof. Stout believes that the high school will be able to enter the building by 3 the beginning of the second semester provided that the furnishings are or dered and shipped promptly. At that time about 215 will be enrolled. . This will also leave the central school for some of the 900 grade children !bQ are now in a most crowded condition.. The building will cost 180,000 be fore it is completely equipped, . Get the Geruine Always. A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine. The gen uine Foley's., Honey and Tar. cures roughs and colds quickly and is in a yellow package, contains no opiates and is safe and certain in results. Hills Drug Store. Tru-Frult Chocolates. flavors. No imitation . :.'' i ... . , ,-,,.,,., hi. i 1 1 10 REASONS WHYTOU SHOULD COXSULT II K ACOCK ABOUT ; . YOUR E.YES. 1. ; I devote my entire time to the Optical Profession. 2. My examination of . the . eyes is thorough and accurate by a method, not 20 years out of date, but the latest scien tific method known to the pro fession. ' 3.' All my glasses are made V to fit the face, as well as the ! eyes. .'' 4. All my glasses are ground in my workshop in La Grande, therefore you are not obliged to wait but a few hours. 5. The Heading physicians . are now sending all their t a- . tients to me when they suspect eye strain. ? ' 6. I duplicate, exactly, any . lens, ho matter who made or ' prescribed it 7. I guarantee all glasses to be entirely satisfactory. 8. IF, AT ANY TIME WITHIN ONE YEAR, I CAN IMPROVE YOUH VISION WITH GLASSES, " THERE WILL BE NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE CHANGING OF LENSES. . - 9. Most people cannot afford to pay high prices for their glasses, yet they should have the best work, and here is where we can serve such peo- , pie.: ',. 10. IF, AT ANY TIME, YOU REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF A SPECIALIST, YOU WILL NOT BE OBLIGED TO WAIT SIX MONTHS UNTIL I RE- TURN, BUT I WILL BE HERE , ALL THE TIME. Eyesight Specialist XEXT D00B TO POST OFFICE. R I S T I A N S O N' S , ANDY m-z-z lixA I T CHE N LA GRANDE FOR ML MUDS OF CHRlSjmS OIUDIES . i ....-" - j , :"s . 1316 Adams Avenue GEORGE PALMER, PRcs. F. J. HOLMES, Vice Pres. TT. L. JIBEMIOLTS, Ais'L Cash. EARL ZUNDEL, 2d Asst Cabb, P. L. KEIESS .Cashier. La Gsande National HariHz of La Grande, Oregon United States Depository , Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 GE0ZG3 PAL5IER, W. L..ESXSECLT3 . C C, PEmGTOJT it. j. cnuEcn p. l. aiEvrrs w. d. clsayeis V. J. IICL3ES W. ULYTZZCS . F. E. BYHT . , - -r r , With our ample resources and fsdl!t!ei we eaa reader yet e2. cleat ierylce aad handle yeur luslness to jour entire gailsfwtion. Largeshipm Pumpkin f or Pie--1 can make3 3 pies 25c per can .1. ; ., - Preferred Stock Asparagus is , Nice and Tender 'y' -r SwiftVPremium Hams City Grocery andBakeiy i The Home of Fancy Groceries