r ' it s n PAGE TWO Come to Beautiful China and Silver PreiriiuriDs Opera House JoUce to Trespassers.' Positively no' hunting: allowed of our premises. Do not ask for permla Ion. Blocklaod Bros. uREuOii ThtlAST CML of the VStST - Did you see . this beautiful -article picturing Oregon .In four couors In the November SUNSET T $25,000 IS BEING SPENT BY SUNSET MAGA ZINE on a series of articles superbly Illustrated In four colors picturing and describ ing the attractions and re sources of the ' WONDERLAND OF THE PACIFIC ' tye will send you the next thre issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special De cember issue In which begins the best serial novel of the year "The Spell" by C. N. & A. M. Williamson and a sup erbly . illustrated article in four colors on "San Francis coThe Exposition City; and in addition we will Include a copy of the November issue containing , the beautlf jlly illustrated article on Oregon, ALL FOR 25 CENTS Stamps or Coin) ' . SUNSET MAGAZINE Wells largo Building. Portland, Orec;or..- That this is the place to biiy ybur XrlMCANDIES and NUTS Our Asjortmeot Is Complete and Prices are'Rfgbf Pop Corn, Figs, Dates and Navel Oranges Snodgmss Grocery Pnnlfi-tr Qlirmlioo WE ARB PREPARED TO rORNI SH GRANULATED BONK. OYSTER rOUltry UUpPllCS SHELL GRIT. SCRATCH FOOD. PR OTEINA. FLAX SEED MEAL. AL-.,......-..!Lr P ALT'" A MEAL. POWDERS AND TflVTna ivt aw rtnimTm, iiiiii.i - Sod By afer,SfancMed Produce Co. WOOD, tlRY, ntD, FLOUR. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, our store and see! "What a Heap of Happiness it Would Brine; to La Grande JIom.&. Hard to do housework with an ach ing back. t . , Brings you hours of miaerv ai ure or at work: ,;- " '. " If women only knew the coune that . Backache painB come I ro.u nhk kidtt'JS. .. . '. , ' . ' J 'T would save much needless wo. Doan'j Kidney Pills cure jfick kid neys, , ; , v.. . - Many residents of this viclnitr en dorse them, i ? , Mrs. A, D. Allen, Auburn St., humy ter. Ore., says: "About, a veir a?o I used Doan's Kidney Pills and I bavj held a high opinion , of them ever since. I suffered a. great riml fi backache and severe pains tlirnugh my aioneys ana, bins. Whenever I stoj.ped, sharp twinges danei a'cioss Illir Bldea and I wt nlnn mnrlt trouble by a kidney. weakness. Uoan s money r ins relieved all these diffi culties and restored my kidnes to a normal condition." For sale bv all dealers. PHca Kfi cents. Foster-Mllbum Co.. Rnffain New To-k. sole agents for the United States. . ' . ; v Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Dec. 12, 14, 16 Notice te Stockholders. Notice la hereby siren to the Stock holders of the United States National Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the said bank, will be Held at their banking house In La Grande. Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for the purpose of transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. .ivr -,! ; Dated at La, Grande, Oregon, this sixth day of December, 1910. T. J. SCROGOIN. Cashier. I r. ' PRICES- 'IF W03EEX OXLY KNEW. ""''' nnll R1T1I Ortll nTIA 'm Too d t .nX. ,t ! . .-. ..... : . -. " T" . -. "TT-25 Every section in UllUlyl I uUUIll J DDnncrnlEinn I IIUULLUIUDJ TRANSACTIONS OF THE DECEK. BEB TERM OF OOUKT. ' Considerable Detail Hatters Gone Into at the Last Session. .-::): .- 1 - ' : . Transact.'ons of the recent session of the county court follow; ' . ' In the matter of the report of the county treasurer. Report allowed. . In the matter of the monthly state ment of the county clerk of Scalp bounty warranto Issued. Statement al lowed.:' '; ' . : In the matter of the monthly al lowance to various indigent- ipersons. Clerk authorized and directed to draw warrants on General Fund as follows: D. W. Souder, $15.00; Maggie Slagner, 112.00; Mrs. John Hllderbrandt. $25.00; Elizabeth' A. Garren $12.00, E. M. Fellers,. $lg.00; Clara Searles.lO.;; Rose . Hornbeck, $25.00; Mrs. F. B. Huntley, $15.00; Mrs. Orlando Jdoffltt, $15.00; Layton Tripp, $15.00 Mr. and Purchase an Acre Lot In ' i GRAND TIEW ADDITION. This most sightly Addition is sit uated at the intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. We are beautify ing It by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil is the best ' Good drainage and sufficient water. We are; selling these acres planted with trees at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a email building lot and our terms are more liberal. Our price Is $500.00 per lot. Our twirns are $50 down and $10.00 per month with no interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after thj treea during: the contract period. Can you not aee your money grow .on an Investment like this. Give us an, opportunity to explain this magnificent Investment in detail, by cutting out and mailing the en closed coupon. , .' '. mo. La Grande Investment Co., . La Grai.de, Oregon. ' Please mall me full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part - '"" iiiilim v,, t, m t HUAim ai mum Main 70 Ind. Ui 1425 hUmon Avenue WEDNESDAY, DECEJIBER 14, 1910. complete readiness for all Cash Purchases, of $5.00 Mrs. Jas. R. Land, French, $10.00. .. , In the matter of the county road pe titioned for by John Shaw et al. Or dered that County Road Viewers meet "t, "orUi rwnuct, TtTtxiueBuay, Dec. 14th, 1910, to view and lay out road. In the matter of the .vacation of a county road petitioned for by A.' J. Colt et al. Continued for the term. In the 'matter of the application of Rug Erothers for , cancellation of tax Hen. Application "granted and clerk ordered to draw warrant In favor of P. H. Marley for $6.38, refund for taxes erroneously paid. In the matter of the county road petitioned for by J. A. Hoatson. Pe tition denied. - In the matter of the appointment of a special county fruit Inspector,' J. E. Hall appointed. , '. ' - In the matter of declaring the re--suit of local option Liquor, election. Ordered that there" Is a majority of 462 votej against prohibition. Former order declaring prohibition revoked on and after Dec. 8, 1910. ; ; In the matter of working prison ers on county road. Ordered that Thomas Bruce be worked on county road. : ... V. :' r; ' . In the matter of opening bids for wort on Burnaugh road. Continued for the term.' In the matter of the cancellation of Road Fund warrant No, 4370. Warrant ordered cancelled. - ' In the matter of the nairmant tn county clerk for conducting: elections. county clerk directed to , draV war rant In his favor for $100.00 for con ducting elections. ' ' In the matter of the appointment of a truant officer for school district No. 15. Joseph Orton appointed. In tHe matter of . the payment of steel bridges erected at Cove, Elgin and Willow Creek.; Clerk directed to draw narralit on the road fund for $2540.00, in payment of balance due for steel bridges. ' v Victim of Drink Needs Orrine. . Drink cunningly destrova the will power, and while the drunkard wants tO do What VOU tell hitn. h wnnta ' q thousand, times more the drink that he craves. Medical treatment 1b nec essary. Orrine will destroy the desire for liquor, so that the drink will not be missed and restores the patient to health. . This remedy Is thoroughly scientific and is so uniformly successful that it is sold with a registered guarantee to refund your money if it falls to ef fect a cure. Booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." free on request The Orrine Co., 574 Orrine Building, Wash ington, D. C. Sold In this city by Sll verthornea Family Drug Store Dec. 12, 14, 16. v t ' Then you have a cold get a bottle et Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward ofl any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all dealers. ' '' ' " " ' " i'"" " " ' '' " '!: " A . :" .' - Notice. ' 1 . - - Notice Is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting - of the Cove State Bank will be held at their office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th; 1911 at the hour of . 2 p. m. for the purpose of electing oV cer8 for the ensuing year and su i other business that may proper 1; coine berore said meeting. O. A. STOCK, Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10. Haradon's ' Tru-Frult Chacolaf Made just right At all of the leadl confectioners. . to assist you in your The Up-Building j f of Is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we ive adhered to a volicy.wnid ha been 'censenaave,: yet $alo progressive ?lnes. We offer; W our customers modern facilities for tha prompt and proper Jtran- saction of their financial affairs; ample7 vault and safe room for storing' m4 safe-guarding k of their money, notes,- Insurance policies and other, valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. r TOUR account is cerdlally soil- I cited. t:' . .... ,. i The Med States I National Bank, : :r .LA M HVEi OREGON t ' V1 " ' ( t'tr f FOR All Kinds of Pistol, Rifle and ; Shotguni; Ammunition. Any information wanted re garding the Shoot and guns or suitable ammunition call and see me. A ! ', .Firaik buying !! or over SPEGIAt -) in order to make room 1 have reduced the pride onAVaU Paper ' 10 to 50 per cent Many choice patterru at low as 7 l-2c double roll MgK Grade paper cut in two JAMES A. BUGG , W0 Adams THE PAPER : !.")? ; :.! .u- own Till II try . ' g Want ads nay, one cent a word