LA GIU27DB EVEirilTG OESERVER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. Pi Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lcfge No. 41, A. F. A JL M. holds regular aeet , lugs Crtt and third Saturday at 7:20 p. a. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOHN S. HODGIN, V. M. - A. C WTLLIAM3. Secretarr. B. P. O. EL La Grande Lodge No. 432 meet each Thursday evening at o'clock la FJk's dob, corner otDe pot street ud Washington aveaae. Visiting brothers are cordially in vited to attends - DR. G. L. JIGGERS. Ex KuL KITH McCALI Rec. Sec WOODMEN 0? THE WORLD Ls Grands Lodge No. 161 W. O. W. meets erery second and fourth Tues day la the month. All rfsSting ' fcers vricome. ; ' ' KTEI ACKLE3, C C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. M. W. A L Graade Camp No. 7T8J meets every Monday la tie month at ' tie V O. O. F. haa. All visaing neighbors are cordially Invited to attead. D. EL COX. Clerk. Try, the Observer RAM PROOF We make your old coat new aad Rain proof 1118 Adaxas AvcTcL Main Handsdme r WITH Daily Evening Observer n by Carrier, One Year in AdvanceOt Jll Daily Evening Observer flC i $1.00 Cash, 10 Months, permnth UjC Daily, by Mail: in Advance Wee!dy,byMa in Advance ... . D": These beautiful gifts can be seen at the Observer Office. If the'solicitor misses you call us on thephohe ;;":' :;''V;"J 7 La Grande Evening Observer BELL PHONE, Main 13; IND. PHONE 1342 Remember, a Beautiful Berry Set FREE on the above terms BEBEXAII3 Crystal Lodge No. P rcecrta every evening In tie LO C F. ban. AH visiting members sr. invited to attend- , MIS3 ANNA ALEXANDER, X. O. MRS. JENNIE M. SXITHSec.. KNIGIITS OP PYTHIAS Red Cro. Lcx!ge No. 27 meets etery Moiula) nigtt In Castle tall, (old Eli's hail, A Pytblaa welcome to an viaitfw Knighu. JESS PAUL. C.C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of IL St S. 0. E. S Hope Chapter Na 13, O. C bo! da atated communications th second aad fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dlally Inrlted. a MART A. WARXICK. Bee. PAULINE EDERLE2, W. VI. WOMEN, OF WOOIX'RAJ'T-Craa.d Konde Circle Na 47 meets evert first and tMrd Thursday etealasi la the monta at the I. 0. 0. F. tutfl ,, All viaitiag members axe welccma, " CHLOE ROBINSON, CL 11." LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. for Job Printing Ladies Capes, Coats, Silks Made Waterproof 735 BERT THOMAS Berry Set I , , - ? ) ., ' THE 1 Year ... A AA KILLS CLCSUG LOWS Strained nLitns D"twea Lersrers and JUH Eta are (o BUme. Loggers are tying np lors and shut ting don carai rather than cut the price, and as sawmills cannot rtit at the price of logs with profit, the. mills are closing, giving as an excuse "clos ing for repairs." Meanwhile. th Cal. iforii'a demand for lumber Is being supplied on Pum Sound and Grays Harbor, where the buyers can eet the lumber It to J2 cheaper, says a Pen dWion enhacze. Milla In Portland which have been workina dar and nlcht hare lsi.l nff the nieht crews and ar vrnrktnp three-fourths 'time, walle milla along tne tolumbia are closing. The altua tlcn between the logging companies and the sawmills Is strained, each pjaririz a wa;t:ng ganie. bat as the loggers represent milliocs it dollars. they are In a position to maintain their stand indefinitely. The sawmill men ay there Is a ccmbiDe among the loggers to main tain prices. The price of logs has been 17, $10 and $13 for many months, and this the mills could pay, as there was still a margin of profit, but late ly the price of lumber has gone down, wiping outUhe margid for the mill men, until now the average price of logs is higher than the average price of lumber on the Columbia and Wil lamette rivers. In the circumstances the millmen have been forced to abut dowp their plant or at least reduce their forces. The explanation given by the sawmlliera la that they are closing for repairs. Some of the mills, however, have not closed for a long time, one is now cloainw for th flrat time In five years. ; ' - The Loop Lumber Company, of San Francisco, whlc bad four boats ply ing between California and the Colum bia Rivar, has withdrawn three ships from this ran and is sending them to Paget Sound. The fourth boat is also going to Puget Sound every alternate trip. : This trade has left the Columbia River because the lumber can be bought cheaper. At least, this is the contention of the millmen, who want the price of logs reduced, saying that the reason Puget Sound can under sell the Columbia river is that the price of logs is lower. , Logging companies have fielled theU boom-sticks, . one logging company having 7,000,000 feet, and are waiting until the sawmills are ready to buy and resume business. ' ' Ladd Canyon tt S. ladd Canyon, Dec. 12 (Special) A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krouse Dec. 9th. Dr. A. L. Richardson, being' the attending phy sfclon. Miss Jean Wadena La Grande nurse took care of the mother and child two days, returning home yes terday.' ' .; . ;?; ,', " - Mrs. W. O. Sherwood, who resides on the ' foot hills spent yesterday .with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Graham. A fair sized crowd attended the meeting which was held at the school house Dec. 4th in the Interest of the Chrlstjnas tree and program. Misses Kate Braden and Mary Banton and Mrs. Dick Peebler were elected to so licit and buy the necessaries for the tree. A very interesting program is being carefully selected and one fea ture of the program .will bo a comical play consisting of twelve characters. Every one la invited and a packed house is being expected. Mrs. Arthur Van Fleet returned on the train last night to her home in La Grande after a few days' visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McClure. Mr. and Mrs. B.. W. Grandy of La Grande; spent two days here last week at the home of their son. Charles Grandy.?-' ' - OREGON The LUST CALL of the 1VST Did you see this beautiful article picturing Oregon in four couors In the November SUNSET? $25,000 IS BEING , SPENT BY. SUNSET MAGA ZINE on a series of articles superbly Illustrated In four colors picturing and describ ing the attractions and re sources of the woxderiaSd of. the PACIFIC ' We will Bend you the next' ' thre Issues of SUNSET com mencing wjth the special De cember Issue In which begins the best serial novel of the year "The Spell" by " C, N. A A. M. Williamson and a sup. erbly , illustrated article in four colors on "San Francis co The Exposition City; and in addition we -will include a , copy of the November Issue containing ., the beautlfilly illustrated article on On'gon. ALL FOR 25 CENTS .'.Stamps or Coin) ' SUNSET MAGAZINE Wells Fargo Building . Portland, Oregon. Ill EES ill iifhiy EXCITIXG C05TEST BETWEEN GIRLS OF THE SQUAD. Boys lTni Sale Initial Bow te the PbMIc That Mrtt Basket ball will be given au aus picious Introduction to 1010-1911 next Friday night when the Skating rink will "be the scene of two interesting games. One especially will be of local interest in' that it determines largely who will constitute the first five of the girls' basketball squad. The game between the girls of the high school will be known as the annual tryout when the various candidates will be given an opportunity to display their talents. The games commence prompt ly at 8 o'clock. In addition to the ex citing game sure to insure from the tryout, there will be one between the boys of the basketball squad. This will give the fans a line on what they may expect from the male contingent of the school manager. Neubauer of the high, school boys team has a series of arm.nnlr rmnp-mn mnA tfc contest Friday night will' give him a line on how strong teams he will be justified In .booking on for this winter. - ;- UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars : L C. Smith-La Grande Soo-Spokane Route -THE SHORT LINE - . TOv :)-. '( Minneapolis, StPaul ASP ALL rOCfTS gASTr ; EQCIPMESTi Electrie-Ughted Observation Cars and Standard ' Sleepers, the most up-to-date ; Tourist Cars aad through din ers. - - '; "-' ' : Through tickets to all ponta east are on sale by your local agent at lowest enrrent fires, . DctaUs Berths' Ltteratare O. M. Jackson, Geo. a. Walton. Trar. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt 14 TTaH 8L, Spokane, European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 j First class Throughout D. G. BRIGH0UX - Proprietor. . . a ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOl ta Grande, Oregon - E? O sLl SSMBSSMHBlSBBMSMBBSSSSSSSHMSSSSi mm Special Prices on Xma. Orders. Fancy and " P.? ' Assorted Candies. NUTS OF ALL KINDS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Br. U. H. Keafc3 Y V V The Well Known Eyesight Specialist again in the city and Is kept very busy, as so many fiave beea waiting . for this noted specialist to visit here to have prop er glasses fitted, as they run no chances of being misfitted. He has with him a special grinding outfit so yon can have , your glasses thf same day, or in two hours' notlco, af ter haviag your eyes examined and and carries the latest instruments for testing the eyes. No guecs work in fitting g'laBses with the use of these instruments. So don't fall to see him about your eyes or glasses this visit If you are having trou ble with them. If glasses are requir ed they are fitted scientifically, and satisfaction Is guaranteed. Call and let him give you references, of the many satisfied people who are war ing glasses fitted by him !a La Grande. ... . ' , ; . ' yw at (KCOXXELL Booming noose. The George Palmer MM v RETAIL DEPARTMENl : ' We solicit your orders f ' . ; Deadening FeltBnildlng Paplr. " .'A We are prepared to furnish. - and deliver material, promptly. , J s W 15 WE TIME TO J : : Riny-' wemthet -will j jet . 'in; .tootw-i.We - f I iiuuttiug I: t " Mahaffey Building t 1441 I I ta-rliit I Mil lit I i 11 ......'..'..- WE ' CLEAN 'ANYTHING; FROM A HtCKTlE TO A H0RSEBLAMET. SrYcaM (oTand delivmf t I ... ' f ec Dying znd n' r I ecorationo I of all ICind Get them at Royal Grocery zr.i ' i" 'i oaliery I if .fty pay Rent ?m We loz i "5 money to .'Mid,, and yj' pzy us as) you ivouW rent THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL AND SEE IN OPERA TION OUR 3 NEW PRESS MACHINES FOR LADIES SHIRT WAISTS AND GEN TLEMAN'S SHIRTS. SOME THING NEW IN LA GRANDE. CHERTS NEW LAUNDRY Phone Main ,8. ;v ; iuiure or; au; Kinds, ta Depot street .r. Ceanng Works ' a t