la GitANTsij evenetg OEGERVEIl TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. kW'o. W fc 'vfc. w t aa. J'" . ."'r- -y a 1 ... . j. . TT MAI1' p . V X 5 3 tWtY 41a J. tl 7 a fi fit. ! , v ... . J ! 1 1 i i ? wo 1:5 wu i i ' M ' V ' ' i i S ' V J . AH r i lilt f? 1 5 than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, including Diamonds, . Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Bra cioo and Silvervare, all the best quality money can buy, and vhich you can procure at lowest prices, quality considered. Call and examine goods and prices before buying.' You will save money and get fully guaranteed goods vhich, if by any chance should hot'prove satisfactory, you know you can have made right; or exchanged, o o o o ' t t 1 4 T - - : . t. - C3 E30 Established 1891..Opposite Land Office, -o- LA GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELER bNt wi ttw LM ... it VA.4tnM a! rAmniAMilal P1nti The annual meeting or the members '. vu T o nvanilA r1nh will be held in the Club rooms Tues day eening, December 13,11910, at 8 o'clock for the purpose if electing three directors and for the transac tion of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. It is desired that there be a full attend ance as Boreral matters of importance are to be considered. A special Invi tation la extended to all citizens in terested in the welfare of our city and community to be present and give their ideas of what should be done for the ensuing year1. -, JOHN COLLIER, President EXTEND wOnivlfJ EXP1HTS Want ads car. one cent a word. Plumbing and Heating John Melville M28 Adams A n-.:'t LA GRA NDE, - 'i:0RE 0. A. C. HAS PLAJf OX FOOT TO BESEFIT OREGON. f , President Kerr and Government Anth- orltles Working Ttogethcr. O. A; Corvalllar Ore., Dec. 13 (Special) Practically every part of the state of Oregon will be benefit ted by the plan for the extension of experiment work in all phases of hor ticulture and agriculture . which is now under consideration by President W. J. Kerr of the Oregon Agrlcultur al college and the authorities at Washington. The plan will be sub mitted to the regents of the college at a meeting which will be held within the next two weeks. In all probaD lllty r the : regents will approve the plan and it will then be ready for presentation to thei legislature at Its next meeting. ,. While at Washington Dr. Kerr pre sented his plans to the officials of the various deoartments and secured their coooeratlon. The Federal bffl cials have aareed to give material financial support and have offered the services of their experts. ' ; The nlan Includes extensive experi ments in Irrigation In the Willamette valley. The experiments will be car ried on in cooperation with farmers and fruit growers at such points in the valley as will best test the' vary ing conditions. This (may necessitate work in as many as fifteen different communities in the valley. It win m- or of farming and the time and methods of tillage. Harney Valley, or Borne other lo cality In the central part of Oregon, will probably be the location for an other experiment station. The two or three million acres of land which will be opened up hy the building of railroads into this section and which are now almost entirely unproduc tice will by means of experimental work, be redeemed and made produc tive.. This will be a station at which the problems f dry farming1 will be studied exclusively,- Some point in southern Oregon will also be selected as a site for an ex periment station which will be a cen ter for extensive operations through out that section of the state. The offi cials at Washington have expressed themselves as favorable to the sta tion at that point and are now at work oh the plans. This station wilt take up not only the study of the various branches of horticulture but will also make extensive investigations along all agricultural lines. The station authorities ; will ; cooperate with the fanners and fruit growers , in this section in the solution W whatever problems may present themselves. Dr. Kerr believes that If these plans meet with the approval of. the legis lature and receive the support of the people of the state the agricultural products of the state will be increased many millions of dollars, , ' The experimental work which is to be carried on through these stations will be under the control of the Col lege and will be conducted by experts of the College Experiment Station' and the federal government. The great va- rety of soils, climate, elevation and other : natural conditions make this state a rich field for experimental work. The Xact that the state Is be ing settled very extensively at this time by people who are not familiar with the conditions makes the experi mental work of exceptional value to the state. WHY SALVES FAIL s TO O RE ECZEMA i Scientists are now agreed that the eczema igerms are lodged not in the outer skin, or epidermlB, but in the Inner skin. Hence, a penetrating liq uid is requred, not an outward salve that clogs the pores. .We recommend to all eczema pat ients the standard prescription Oil of Wlntenreen as compounded In liquid rarm Known as u. u. u..rrescnpuon, trial bottle of this D. D. D. Pre scription at only 25 ents will instant ly relieve the itch. We have sold and recommended this remedy for years and know of wonderf&l cures from its use. We recommend it to our patrons. The Newlln Drug Co. Dec, 13 15 TTi nnleker a cold la gotten rid of the tea the danger from pneumonia and other serious dloeases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, oi FEED AND GmaaRcsXCo HnriA inveRtieatlonfl of methods ' 1 ,B""U "uu ! ."e r Wlv. V. l firmly V Cham- age and aaaptammy or various juhub r. Mt'c-U to U ab8olutely the il : ' lr " t 1,1. t t-M 1.1 i beat treDaraiion on m luarnet r wiu Z - - j j. j have recommenuea , 11 w mj ineuu uu they all agree with me." or sale tj au dealers. r 6 "I R I S T I A N S O IV S ANDY IT T U CM i i l u iu m LA GRANDE Tru-Frult Chocolates. flavors. ;''.;.: v f No Imitation 10 The Up-Building 1 tli . .';.;t. iJjW SHOES and SLIPPERS RIGHT NOW Our Stock is at Its Best. Ladies' New Velvet High Shoes, H & vr f i i V Ladies' New Felt Comfy Slippers and Juliets.: Ladies' Nifty New Dancing Pumps, in Velvet, Satin .and Patent, ' , ' 1"? ':V'r'- iu:. k,:'-iE.Ji'0T!B FOE HEN ONYX HOSIERY For Men, Women and Children, in Silk, Wool and Cotton; Assorted.' Colors. Vv'Lo' v." : ',v .Vs; ' - SMITH ;&;GREEN SHOEMEN DEPOT STREET of This Bank J! FOR llLL muds of amisnms owdies 1316 Adams Avenue 8E0EGI PALMEB, PtteB. F. J. HOLHIS, TIce Prei. TT. L. BREM'OLTS, Asst. Cash. ; EAEL ZUITDEL, U Ass't Osh. F. L. itEIEES ,CashIer. h&::i(ten Ban!: of La Grande.'Orecon - United Siatc3 Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $2Q0,QQQ.C0 is due to the fact that we have, t ample capital and that we tave m . 1 aonerea 10 uc7 wnwn oum been cpnsWvutlTe, yet .alouif progressive lines. We offet tOj our customers modern facilities I t for the prompt and proper tran-; T saction of tneir financial anairs; . ample ' vault nd safe room for storlaf and safe-ruardlng of their mof&cy, ntos. Insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as 11 consistent with pru dent banking.,-' :): TOUR account Is cerdlally soli-. cited." ::' I The United Sktcs I National Banls, y ? LA (W, OREGON J zx.'-.- i-H T .SEASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CONSULT JIEACOCX ABOUT . . Y0UB EYES. !:..;.;.. ' 1.- I devote my entle time to the Optical Profession.'1, 2. My examination of the ' eves is thorough and accurate ;by a method, not 20 years out , of date, but the latest sclen- -title method known to the pro .' feBslon. ' ,. , ; : . ,. ! 3. . All my glasses are made to fit the ,face, as. well as the eyes. r- ' ' ' v; 4. All my glasses are ground v in my workshop In La Grande, ' ; therefore you are not obliged to " iwalt but a few hours. " L , 6. The leading physicians are now sending all their pa tients to me when they suspect eys strain. -v 6. I duplicate, exactly, any lens, no matter who made or , 1 -'prescribed, itr ' . ... 7. I . guarantee all glasses ' to be entirely, satisfactory, 8. IP, AT ANY TIME WITHIN ONE YEAR, I CAN . IMPROVE YOUR VISION WITH GLASSES, THERE WILL BE NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE CHANGING OF. .... lenses. r-' '':': ' 9. Most people cannot afford to pay high prices for their ' glasses, yet they should have '. the best work, and here is . .' where we can serve such peo pie.; ;. ;'. v- - '. fT 10. IP, AT ANY TIME, YOU REQUIRE THE SERVICES OP A SPECIALIST. YOU WILL ' NOT BE OBLIGED TO WAIT ?' SIX MONTHS UNTIL I ' RE-; TURN. BUT I WILL BE HERE ALL THE TIME. V HEAGOCH Eyesight Specialist. v NEXT D00U TO POSO OFFICE. BXEECT021S. , GE0SG3 PALKEE, , Yf, L. .DHS3H0LT9 W. J. CIIITECII F. L. MET EES F. J. nOLHES Yf. BLPIIKC3 C. C. PENINGTCN W. D. CLE AYE 3 P. B. BYE3T Yflth ear ample resources syid facilities ire can render yea eS cleat icrtlco aad handle year bssinesi to year entire satisfaction. Somethiiig New inVa i Heater I Have Exclusivo Sale in La Grande of the - Greatest Possible Economy in Fuel. ty:';: "Ml Will Burn Any Kind of Wood or Coal, togc or separately. . ! . . y; -. Will Hold Firq 24 Hours Without Renewing. JUST THE STOVE You have been looking for. COME in and I will show you. Trade mo your old Heater on the "ALL FUEL.' V ; Best Ever ' Made.: .v 'r-:'"' i'V: -'' ri':.'': -,'.;:';:.... ; 26.00 $280 $31.0Q f 1