f PAGE TWO LA (JKAXDE EVENING ODSEUVKH. ' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. -THE PEOPLES SI If Yon Don't Know Wliai to Bny. &i . GMstmac Gome Z3 C 5nr Store v and EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN PUT FORTH THIS YEAR TO MAKE OUR STOCK THE MOST COMPLETE EVER, AND 7E NOW INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF THE MANY BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES ON DISPLAY, IN ADDITION TO THE INNUMERABLE FANCY ARTI CLES "WE HAVE PROVIDED FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF USEFUL THINGS AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES FOR WHICH THIS STORE IS NOTED. , PICTURES FOR GIFTS, LOW PRICES. Never has more interest been manifested by Christmas Shoppers. This make3 Early Shopping all the more imperative and our low prices are aimed to influence immediate buyingand lessen the congestion likely to occur later. : . ' . " , SMART STYLES IN SLIPPERS AND SHOES. There is no use talking, when it comes to smart styles in shoes, you've' got to come here to get it You'd be surprised to know how other dealers are trying to imitate the styles we show. v BIG FUR VALUES in Black Wolf, Jap Mink, Real Mink, White Fox. Hear eeai ana Ascrzr t-? r .t". c-v1 v? 'V ; CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES IN ENDLESS ARRAY. : Space here forbids our naming the different kinds of hundreds of beautiful . . . mm . n " il f - trung3 anaau we can say is, uome ana see inem an. HOLIDAYiUMBRELLAS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Umbrellas are especially acceptable as gifts practical and serviceable j; while the outlay is smalL : ' ' . - ( j NEW GLOVES IN THE FINEST GRADES, v FOR EVERY NEED AND OCCASION. ' SILK HOSE Unusual Variety for early gift buying, t i IIAirY WILL THOUGHTFULLY GIVE HANDKERCHIEFS. You'll find ftvfirvthincr in hTirlVAili ofo r? !ld ZZHJ SOrtC, ill CCCZLCH- ically priced. T -:- ' OUR Mmim EATS' MP There are lots of Good Things for a Man's Christinas in our Clothing-Deparimehh...Big things and smalLUIothing could be a belter gilt than a suit or ah overcoat of Hart; Schaff her & Hark Quality Stits J 5.06 to $35.00 -o-i Overcoats 1 7.5Q to $25.00 is WE HIVE ALSO SUSt OTHEETIIIXGS FOB MEN. House Coals, Sweaters, Fine Gloves, Hosiery, lleckmar, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Suspenders, Slippers, Hats, Etc. Opera House Block F MK7 1HE AO) STORE n 1 jifj ';. i i La Grande Ore. Xttict to StoekheUers, Kotic is hereby drea to the Stock holders of the United States National Bank of La Grands, Oregon, that ths animal meeting cf ths stocklkolders of Cie said back, will be held at their tanklsa: hou in La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, between ths hocrs cf 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for the purpose of tranaactlni: any other twines that mar corns before the aieetlag.' Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this sixth day of December, 119, T. J. 8CR0GGIN. Cashier. Want adp dit. one cent vrA SPECIAL WALL PAPER SALE in order to make room I have reduced the price on Wall Paper 10 to 50 per cent OCE1X SIGHT LETTERS. IDIGLSTI0. Many choice patterns at low as 7 l-2c double roll High Grade paper cut in two JAMES A;BUGG 1420 Adams Leral Office Sew In Readlnp8 to Ac cit Sew Kind ef Mail Hatter. Th Western Union Telegraph Co. announced today another Innovation in telegraph service called the "Spec ial Ocean Mail Service," designed to bare time in foreign correspondence. A letter from San Franclaco to Lon don requires as much time crossing the continent as it does crossing the ocean. A New York merchant writing to Yokohoma must post his letter practically a week .before the mail steamer sails from San Francisco or Vancouver. The Western Union has arranged for the use of its night letter and oth er telegraphic service, in connection with outgoing ocean mails so that ihls week of trancontlnental tf me may be saved. Its New York office will receive telegrams from any part of the country destined to European addresses and will forward them In a sealed specially addressed envelope by the first outgoing Atlantic Bteam- ship mall. The same plan will be fol lowed in San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver for trans-paclflc malls. This will enable correspondence to be dispatched from any part of the United States fpr an ocean mail with in a few hours of Bailing time. The only charge in addition to the usual (telegraph tolls to the ocean mall port will be five, cents for postage. Telegraph should bear the full mall address to the foreign correspondent for San Francisco, Seattle or Van couver, as the case may be. No charge will be made for the address. Belief la Five Minates and Permanent Core r Money Back. . ) When the Newlin Drug Co. state that they have a remedy that only costs 50 cents and is guaranteed to cure any man or woman who suf fers from food fermentation or money back, what are the pooi stomach sufferers in La Grande and vicinity going to do about it? . t Food fermentation causes belching, sour stomach, gas eructation, heart burn and that lump of lead feeling as you probably know. ; The name of this most remarkable stomach prescription is MI-O-NA. Most people call them MI-O-NA stom ach tablets because they known that there is no remedy so good for indi gestion or stomach disorders. Here Is one opinion: "I have been troubled with indiges tion for1 more than a year. I bought ote box of MI-O-NA and it cured me. Now I would not be without a box in the house for 15.00. It saves a lot of doctor bills when you can be cured for 60 cents." Arthur Sederquest, 6 Nicholas St., Wakefield, Mass. MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 50 cents a box at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere and money back if they don't cure. ' Dec 13-22 Jan 3. ' in diameter, for which the City is to pay said Railroad Company, the sum of ten (10) cents ier month during the continuance of said license, pay ments to be made as follows, on the signing' of said agreement and con tract, payment to be made op to and including the 31st day. of December, 1910. and afterwards the sum of J 1-20 payable yearly In advance, on the first day of January of each year during the continuance of said license. - Section 2. This ordinance shall be published in one issue of the - La Grande Evening Observer,' end after its approval by the Mayor, shall be in force and take effect from and after the 10th day of December, 1910. Passed the Council on the 8th day of December, 1910. F. L. MYERS, Mayor. Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. , Ws do all kinds of furniture and tager, phones Red-Ms and Red-141. carpSl work, onholsterlnj and vac- ' ' ' ' anm hoase cleaning. -Call L. L. Bell- Want ads pay, ons cent a word Eamels Personal. Kamela. Dec. 13 (Speclal)--ErneBt; Morgan, engineer on one of the help ers here has resigned his position and is about to move to La Grande where he expects to run on the Jos;ih line. Who will take his place here perma nently Is not known yet. Mr. R. R. ColllnB wbo has been a resident of Kamela for the last six teen years has gone to Freewater where he has a comfortable home to reward him for all his hard labors here In the timber. Blackboard. Just the thing for Chrlstmhs. Call and p them at H17 4tt St. Ordinance Xo. W)l, Series 1910. An Ordinance authorizing the May or and Recorder to enter into an agreement with the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company for a li cense to lay and, maintain two sewer pipes 0 inches and 18 inches in dia meter across the right of way of said company at the points described in Section I of this Ordintnce. The City of La Grande does ordain as follows: Section L That the Mayor and Re corder of the City be, and they are hereby; authorized to enter into an agreement with the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company, for license to lay across the right of way of said Comnanv. at the following described points, towlt: at a point 3007.5 feet east of mile post 306 on the main line; also at a point 870.6 feet north westerly of said mile post 306, on the main line of said railroad, two 1 Rower nlpps. SO Inches and 18 Inches Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the La Grande office for the week ending Dec. 9th, 1910. Rafter, Miss Mary . Russell. Mrs. Joseph Appleman Mr. A. M. Blunker, Mr. Rhos. Bell J. W. , : ; Robxouski, Alex. Carr, Mr. C C. Dunlap, Mr. W. H. Elliot, Mr. John Ellis, Paul. Fitzgerald, Mr. -M. A. Harding, Richard (2) V Hendricks, Mr. Herman Muncey, Mr. W. L. Myars, Mr. S. IL McEwen Mr. Charles . Oliver Dr. S. D. Porter Mr. L. A Rice L. M. Shaw Mr. Leo ; Sterns Mr. Sidney . Wise Mr. Wm. E. . , Walker Mr. Walter. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office on December 23rd. 1910, if not delivered before. In call ing for above, please say Advertised, giving date of list G. M. RICHEY. P. M. n 1 ' P 1 WE ARE PREPARED ' 1 GUltrV OUDDilCS SHELL GRIT, SCRATCH J J.r FALFA MEAL, POWDERS WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNI SH GRANULATED BONE. OYSTER FOOD, PR OTEINA. FLAX SEED MEAL. AL- A MEAL, POWDERS AND TON ICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT PRICES. Sold By MafeSfanchied Produce Co. YJ00 , HAY, KED, FLOUR Main 70 InA.Ui 1425 Jefferson Avenue 3 -(." ICwi FOR THE olloe. Notice is hereby given that the er. nual stock-holders meeting of th?t Cove State Bank will be held at th :'r office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesd'v, January 10th, 1911 at the hour or p. pi. for the purpose of electing c -cers for the ensuing year and bu " . other business that may prope ; come before Baid meeting. ' G. A. STOCK, Cashier, Pec. 3 Jan. 10. Bee, All Kinds of Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun Ammunition. Any information wanted re- -garding the Shoot and guns or. suitable ammunition call and see me. . " Tl 7H TT OT1T .Mm Haradou's Tru-Fruit Chacolat Made just right. At all of the leadL confectioners. f! I