LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12,,1910. LA- .A. E3 t PAGE E1GIIT s t I U i I i Prices cut as never before, making rooni for Qhristmas. For this work ive vjjll sacrifice the totiovAng Ladies Rea LRDIES SUITS PRICED LESS THAN HALF A large assortment of - these choice Garments. fit test of the line prked at Money Losing Prices LADIES T . The Figures TelllktSlaty $5,oo nrices cut to - 5.5o ".v;W:-; . 7.5o " -8.50 ' " ". $2.20 2.89 3.48 3.87 We have all the Latest Styles to select from . 1-3 to 1-2 OFF COME AND SELECT NOW ! 1 ! LADIES COATS Keep Eye on I I J 1 1 X 1 The Christmas Store . OLD FKIEJiDS MEET. rioncor Thrcshormrn Eujojcd Picas ant Kennlon at One Time. Among the iploneer threshermen In attendance at the state meeting; last, week was W. H. Fletcher of McMlnn Tille, Yamhill county, who has been operating a machine each year for over 30 years. While here Mr, Fletch er renewed the acquaintanceship with an old time employe in the person of Receiver Colon It. Eberhard of the United States land office. A number of years ago Mr. Fletche was the first to introduce In his neighborhood one of the separators with the "blower" attachment for disposing of the straw but txlYt'e that he employed twju boys to "buck" It away. One year durla? the financial de pression staring in 1892, Mr. Fletcher employed Rpcolver Rherhard. then a lad in the lower school grades, to work for him "bucking" straw, being "six bits" per day of 12 or 13 hours. Both remember the employment, but Uncle Sam's present employee much th9 more vividly. GRIEF COMES TOMORROW Delinquents Will Suffer Shortage of ., Water Tomorrow Morning, There wtll be gritting and grinding of angry teeth about tomorrow morn ing when Assistant Water Superin tendent Hoyt starts out 'to enforce the water payment resolution passed by the council. Thiti month no notices were sent out relative to paying of fwater rents before the tenth of the month, and as a consequence scores of consumers have not yet produced the necessary dollars and cents. On account of election matters, Mr. Hoyt could not make the rounds today, but he Is "off" tomorrow morning and grief will certainly be the cry of the hour. The dollar fine must be paid before the wator is again turned on. , Tammany Had a Fire. ' New York, Dec. 12 Tammany Hall the historic center of the political ac tivity of New York is heavily dam aged by fire today which broke out in the top Btory, Paintings of various boKcses were saved and piled on the streets. , Fruit Condemned. . ' ; L. Stilwell, county fruit Inspector, condemned three boxes of apples at one of the local grocery stores last week. He also held up a carload cf apples that had not been stamped properly and had them restamped. : Big Crowds Attend Meetings. . Crowded houses both morning and evening greeted, the preachers at the Methodist church yesterday; Rev. L. C. Elliott held the large audience which became so Interested it did not leave until near 10 o'clock. Meetings con tinue every day both at 2:30 and at 7:30. , ' .. iiJEamoiKDi Jewelry, Silverware Toiletware Novelties Cut Glass, Umbrellas t The Largest Stock Ever Shown in Eastern Oregon for Christmas Gifts Diamonds and Watches are Our SpecaZy. Examine Our Stock and Get Our Prices before buying elsewhere. It mil pzy you. If they see our name on the box the gift will be more highly prized. They know it is good: . WE WILL SAVE YOU. MONEY LARGEST imttRY STORE IN EASTERN OREGON PROMPT ATTENTON GIVEN TO filAt ORDERS Steam Heat In Orpheuni. Manager S.'A. Gardinier is Installing- a steam heating plant In the Orph eum theatre today. The plant will be in operation in about three days and will supply heat to the 4ressing rooms, stage, auditorium bo office and offices of the building. The wook Just closed has been larger In Its runs than the opening week declares Mr. Gardinier. , .'. ; . terested In the welfare of our city and community to be present and give their ideas of what should be done for the ensuing year. JOHN COLLIER; President UMBRELLA REPAIRS Annual Meeting of Commercial Club. The annual meeting of the members of the La Grande Commercial Club will be held In the Club rooms Tues day eenlng, December 13, 1910, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of electing three directors and for the transac tion of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. It is desired that there be a full attend ance as soveral matters of lmnortanofl ere to be considered. A special invt- I T Qmifli.T n ViniJft tatlon is extended to all citizens In- V: iJllllin-Ltt UroUUC, Gov6rs from 50 cts- ' to Three Dollars SUCCESSORS TO C. C. PENINGTON & CO. ' fr tA - f 1:4 f i showing that HEN we sav we are now by far th and the Finest Assortment of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Fur nishings for IVIen " ever shown by any store in La Grande, we know we are - not Exaggerating in the least. : An inspection of hew goods will prove a pleasure to you, we are sure, and will be ap preciated by us. . Men's Outfitters i