La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 12, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    t OKAS UK KVKMN( rT.!VV,: MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1910.
1 1 I!
rr-, W:
Nothing will be left undone for your convenienc e
Our Mailing and wrapping counter, where all mail matter will be prepared for you free
of charge appropriate cards of greeting and labels furnished and packages mailed. at
any specified time. This will save your man y errands to the P. 0., besides trouble and
worry - , '. " -
-lief .lis : TSiis For. Y&m
MfMpiuiHiiiiiliii'Mviiaiiiii W ipajK. . ,.Jjjr, - , Mtm-m-mM n n - 1 f M f M n ,inim.. n.
t-.'. ... " , . , . . .
nd SAUIKV. Ifh'e ?n Rule, As for sever-r
seasons pas, he much ionored personage ivf "
Satfday, Dec. 17, .and fhe oUmng; Week
L,,,;IH .)l .rV ti.'j .....
Easy Shopping v Early Shopping
For the convenience of "Holiday Shop- If it is possible, you will find it much
pers, we have compiled a Holiday Shop- more satisfactory to do your shopping be-
ping List, and we would be pleased to fore the Holiday Rush is on, and in the
mail you one for the asking. forenoons is a convenient time to do
Staple Merchandise is always accepta- ; shopping
mQTTPQmf m G' ftS Our Assortment of Fancy Dry Goods
D??SSw?55TA Was NeverMore Complete..
-7::KAin)aAHGES:.-: SILK GOODS '
V v il .. .
rv 1 v 1
i v- SJS
K-"-'-'- -!--- ---t-.' I
.;.vv:v;rvx:x.-----;.--V:-.:o:': : -
fifosf complete stock of Toys, Books, Games, Dolls,
Etc., ever gathered together, will be found in Our Toy
A. (Bre)t Feature Vof Gn QJ&
Direct importations of nearly all foreign made tloli-
- day Tares, and huyng drec from factories, all Ameri
can, made goods enables us to make much lower pric
es than we could otherwise.
Mi . Co'mpainiy
E3TRAY One iteer and one cow
branded T L on left side. They may
hue other branda also. Notify V. E.
Stilwell, u Qnnde.
A Double ElopementVIta
grajph. '
Scenic Ptetures Oaumont
Both Were Stung..
For a Woman's Honor Kalem,
Song Night and Day.1 '
BeauUful dishea gWen to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dia
Play In lobhy.
. Buy your holiday goods at Daltons
Store open in the evening., -
The Cherry New Laundry wanti
two experienced hand Ironera at once.
WANTED Good driving horae,
about 1200 lbs. On easy terms. Inquire
at Observer Office.
Cleailarf l Fressla?.
Ladlesaad Oca's Clothing cleaned,
pressed aal repaired wkh satisfac
tion. Ladles work a specialty. 1704
Bast Adams areata, IT. R. Baxter,
Prop. .
The berry set that the Observer is
giving free Is a nice piece of ware.
Same can be seen by calling at the
office and taxing the paper on terms
offered.- Ton can save big Interest
and get the set free.
A C. Huntington who has been very
sick for the past few weeks has great
ly Improved.
Dir. Rader, -' editor of the Paciflc
Christian Advocate, ' is .'a . patient at
the Hot Lake Sanatorium this week.
Mrs. F. B. Currey and daughters.
Carol and Gladys, spent Sunday at
Hot Lake. , , . . ,
Mrs. W. D. Long has returned tr im
Pendleton' where she has been visit
ing for the past ten days,
P. B. Smith of Brynmawr, Wash.,
who is a mental healer, is in the- city
today transacting business. '
Mrs. Fred West and Ester Johnson
of Union were in the city yesterday,
stopping at the Sommer.
' HI Chambers who attended the
Threshers Convention, which was held
in this city Friday and .Saturday, re
turned to his home in Cove yesterday.
Mrs. Geo. H. Milllgan Is In Milton
visiting her daughters, Miss Edna,
who Is manager of the telephony com
pany and Miss Francis who is a stud
ent at the Columbia Academy located
there.'.'.,;;;. ;
J. L. Hlndman of Elgin was at the
Sommer over Sunday.
W. Bl McCarty of Baker, stopped at
the Sommer yesterday.
J. L. Dodson, a well known Baker
man was a Sunday guest at tho Som
mer . y ?.
Horace Baker of Welser, Idaho, Is
here visiting his mother, Mrs. Jane
Baker. H ie a brother of City Attor
ney Joe Baker.
Mies. Edna Wissler, daughter ' of
Conductor and Mrs. Wissler, arrived
from Pendleton this morning end will
spend a few days viBltlng with rela
tives and friends here. -
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Palmer re
turned yesterday from Red Oak, Iowa
where they have been visiting for
several weeks. Mr. Palmer went to
Red Oak the second time this month,
after the death of their little son.
John Phelln of Parma, Idaho, is
here today the gueBts of Jack Peare.
Mr. Phelin took up his naturalization
papers this morning and is now a
bona fid American, having Bhaken off
the allegiance to the Old Sod.
Miss Jessie Greene, wbo has been
employed for some time by the Paci
fic States Telephone Co. In this city
will leave WediJsday evening for
Spokane where he will make her
home with her sister, Mrs. Walter
Van Duyn. . A ;.
Mr. Huff, a farmer of Moab county,
southern Utah, Is now in the city to
be with his son who has been criti
cally ill wdth a combination of ty
phoid and pneumonia. His present
condition is greatly. Improved.'
Fred Curroy, secretary of the Un
ion County Exposition, is over from
Hot Lake to attend a meeting of the
board of that organization. The board
met today, to make a final settlement
and to pay the prize winners of this
year's fair.
Receiver and Mrs. Colon R. Eber
hard are now comfortably located; at
their new home, 1403 N. avenue, foi
merly the Frank Holm property. The
residence vacated by Mr. Eberhard
will be occupied by C. M. Lockwood,
formerly of Enterprise, but now con
nected with the abstract department
of the La : Grande Investment Com
pany. ,
Apples For Sale. r
Six boxes for one dollar. Good
keepers. 2105 East Adams Ave.
; WANTED Position by man and
wife as cook, wife as helper. Camp
preferred. Jnqulre Observer.
Tru-Frult Chocolates. No imitation
flavors. v v ' : -
Buy your holiday .goods -at Daltons
Store open In the evenings. .
Tru-Frult Chocolates please the
DO NOT Let Men, who know but
little more about your eyes than you
do, practice on them if you have no
aasu ranee of their competency. IS
NEARLY 30 YEARS of practical
experience in fitting glasses, the ref
erence of over 2200 satisfied people
In Union and Wallowa counties, the
Indorsement of all the leading ocu
lists In Portland and all of the phy
sicians of this city, Is the assur
ance and convincing evidence that
you will be treated rizht if vnn hart
your eyes fitted at Dr. Mendelsohn's
omce. roiey Hotel building. The
prices are lower than elsewhere for
the material and service that you
flit Pi L
II. hi. Is l.iUs!