f n. X: LA GUaKBE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1910. PAGE TITHE IT IT IT ' - Vcl TsT i oave -jinis near H3 1 v THY : v- than any previous year, of yell selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas 2 miu mciuum xumiunus, vvmciies, jeveiry, vut jiass, nana ramtea cinna. Brass - ' ' tA ? not prove satis and Silverware, all the best quality money can buy, and which you can procure at lowest prices, quality considered; Gall and examine You will save money and get fully guaranteed goods which, if by any chance should factory you y you can have made right or exchanged, o o o o 0 D0 no J Established 1891. ...Opposite Land Office -0- LA GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELER ." Take Caret ; , Remember that when your kidneys ire affected your life is in danger. -M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y:, says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wonderful discov ery and I heartily recommend their use. My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse each day. I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney action was Ir regular and lnfrqeuent with a fine sand-like substance. "While, the dis ease was at its worst I started using Foley kidney Pills. Their prompt and efficient action was marvelous. Each dose seemed to put 'new life and strength Into me, and now I am com pletely cured and feel better and stronger than for years." . Hill's Drug Store RAPID PROGRESS IS MADE STORMY WEATIIER WILL 1IAYE K OHLNDRAXCK. Krutschmltt ITill Not Likely Come to La Grande This Time. Want ads nay. one cent a word. BR HOME MADE MIUCE MEAI AND New Raising Currants, Citron; Orange and Lemon Peel Fresh Walnuts, Almonds, Pe nc:B Nuts v Ripe and Green Olives in Bulk Swifts Premium Hams CityGrbiiyandEal JhejJHpme pf Fancy Groceries 1 ''r r,t ' 'n:':'y-,''''i''- '.'' ''" '''"'!.' .'.'"' ' I Favored with suitable weather and with a full complement of men, con tractors on the 0. R. & N. machine shop building are able to rush their work, and the structure will soon be finished to such a. point as will ipre clude any hinder from bad weather. The brick work Is not quite finished but so nearly so that it is but a mat ter of a few days until it will be. The roofing gang has made splen did headway. The entire space has been covered with boards iand paper and laying of tar commences tomor row. The hot tar is spread over the paper and hot pebbles are scattered over the tar making a mater proof and substantial roofing. Nothing has been done toward in terior work, but that is a matter which can be attended to if stormy weather should set. in. . , Krutschnitt Sot Coming. ' : It is the general belief that Jul ius Krutschnitt, former director of maintenance for tho Harrlman sys tem, but now assuming the position field by Judge Lovett after the death of Harrlman, will not come to La Grande. Newspaper reports herald his approach to Portland tJftay, and while it is possible he will inspect the East ern Oregon wlng of the Harrlman system, Buch is not thought likely. Local officials had not heard from Mr. Krutschnitt directly or Indirect ly this morning. , ; tion of $300.00 each, bearing 6 per cent Interest per annum, up to 8 o'clock p. m on Wednesday, December 14th, A. D. 1910; said bids to be filed with the Recorder of the City, and to be ac companied by a certified check for the sum of $3,000.00. The successful bid der will be required to pay for ; Baid bonds within ten days after notice that Baid bonds are ready for delivery, La Grande, Oregon, December 9, 1910 D. E. COX Recorder of the City of La Grande, ; , -Oregon. .- . .. FEED FUEL PHONE, MAIN 6 mays XT .1 SHOES and SLIPPERS EIGHT NOW Our Stock is at Its Best. Ladies' New Velvet High' Shoes. - ' Ladies' New Felt Comfy Slippers and Juliets. Ladies' Nifty New Dancing Pumps, in Velvet, , , Satin and Patent. J L NEW DRESS SHOES FOR MEN.; ONYX HOSIERY For Men, Women and : Children, in Silk, Wool and Cotton; Assorted Colors. 'X-, '-. - ' 'r ; ,. . SHOEMEN SMITH 8, GREECE DEPOT STREET & BAIIEOAD NOTES. ; General Coast Manager .Herrln of the Pacific Fruit Refrigerator .lines Is In the city today transacting bus iness matters, f . .s (,. .,; . S; European Plan Only ' . Rooms 50c to $1.50 ;f First class Throughout mm ; I,-. , . .... ' V,. ,6 x.: .-.('.': D. G. BRIGHOUX Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP0I La Grande, Oregon RISTTANSON'S ANDY ITCHEN& LA GRANDE FOR ALL MUDS OF CHRISTMAS CMDIES 1316 Adams Avenue Engineer Frank Pike is having troubles with full recovery from in juries sustained some time ago. He has not been able to return to his post and It 1b doubtful Just when he will be. One wtist , is m bad ehape and it is ndt definitely known when he will be able to again operate: the throttle. - . -v.;" ',, '.I '" Engine V Joe Fontaine "Js ,towa from Pleasant Valley today transact ing business matters. -Ton Must Eea4 Jhls If , yon ' Want -,, ... , Benefit,. .. .... ... . J. W. Qreer, Greenwood, 1., suffer ed with a severe case of lumbago. 'At times the pains were so Intense, I was forced to hypodermic Injections for relief," he says. "These attacks started with a slight pain In the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyxlng In effect; My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wonderful medlcfpe I am no longer tarthered In any way by my old enemy, lumbago." t , Hills Drug store, , ; , ; Xotlce for Sale ef Bonds. Wl.133.03 Improvement Bonds. Notice is hereby given that the city of La Grande In Union County, Oregon I will receive sealed bids for the pur chase of Improvement bondj In the sum of $61,433.03, bonds in denomlna- The LAST Days Before Christmas are apt to be 'days of hurry i and Indiscriminate buying. . Do . not buy carelessly. Come here 'and you'll find plenty of gifts mostly articles of every, day utility. Such goods make "the lest, gifts. - : ::- .", jf' Hand, painted china, cut' glassi perfumes, mirrors, books, al-r bumB, hair brushes, clothes"' brushes, pocket books, bags, pocket knives, scissors, combs, . hat brushes, shaving sets, toil et sets, razors, safety razors,' pipes stationery, purses, foun- tain pens, chafing dishes, cigars confectionery, etc. These goods are staples wlth us and unless we have an un- usually heavy trade In the nestl few days, lines will not ba broken before Christmas. We -would advise, though, that you select before the last minute. There's excellent choice now. L GEORGE PALMER, FBes. ' F. J. HOLMES, Tlce rres. W. I. WIEMIOLTS, Ass't Cash. EARL ZUTSDtL, 2d Ass't Cash. F. L. METERS ,CasliIer. La Grande National Ban!: of La Grande, Oregon United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 . ' wt,,'V 'v,-v:w-. B',..i..-.v:.; , DIRECTORS. . GE0RG8 PALMER, XT. L..BR2STI0LT8 C C. PENIJfQTON . W. J. CHURCH , , F. L. 3IETEK3 W. CLE ATE R P. J. HOLMES ; W. M. PIERCE 1 ; P. HL BTDIT : - " ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' : ' ;! ; -.. . . ' ':. -r:. With our ample resources and facilities ire can render ' yea fcQ elent service ted candle four bnslness to four entire satisfaction. W.Fl am Drug Comply Both Phones. Something Nev in a Heater 3J A I Have Exclusive Sale in La Grande of the . ;;lpl;;Fllel,, Heater i " Greatest Possible Economy in Fuel. ' ", f 'Will Burn Any Kind of Wood or Coal, together : or separately. : Will Hold Fire 24 Hours Without Renewing. JUST THE STOVE You have been looking for.' ; COME in and I will show you. Trade me your ' old Heater on the "ALL FUEL." Best Ever ' Made.',.- " . ' v:' d:.A:i:S-:'- ; - $26.00 $28.50 $31.00 y ; I