La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 10, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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is still 40c
per lb.
or less than lc a cup. Ia spite
of the advance of coffee, Har
rington Hall Btill maintains the
game quality and the .i same
price. .' . . ; "
It Is steel cut (not ground)
The dust and chaff Is blown out
Drink as much as you want, S
no had after effects. ,
The lalwl . Insures the best T
quality and full weight.
f Pattison BroSi
Use either phone "
Ladies and Gents
! Shoe Shine Parlors "
to 11 18 Adams Ave.; where
he "will servo all custom
ers, new and old
Franldiri Would
Have Been
If his vision could have extend
ed far enough Into the haze of "
evolution to foresee the ultimate
triumph of lncandesant electric
lighting the GENERAL ELEC
The sage old phiosopher flew
his kite during a thunder storm,
and by means of a key attracted
and discovered electricity, but
erolutton decreed that modern
inventive genius should discover
an lncandescant lamp that is
revolutionizing! artificial light
MADZA LAMP glyes "1 nearly '
three times the light of the or
. dinary carbon lncandescant
and coats no morV to operate. In -'
addition to this it gives light of '
a vaatly . superior ' quality a '
clear white light like the sun's
rays,'" '; '
Everywhere people are having
their houses wired for electric -light,
since the invention of the
LAMP. It has made electricity
as cheap as It is convenient
Come In for a moment today and '
' let as prove to your entirt tat-'
isfaction that there is no longer
possible excuse tor yon ,
without the greatest of. all '
household conveniences-elec-'
trio UAL '" '.fpH'''
and Po wer
New Trcmsf er
M. L. Leader
House Flaying to Full Capacity Mu
sic Good and Pictures Interesting.
The Isls picture houae played to its
full capacity with the new change of
reels last night The gold digging
pictures in Npw South Wales by Hy
draulic pressure 1s by far the best
and most Instructive picture ever
shown in this city of its Wnd. The pic
ture starts with a perspective of the
buildings, ground, - etc., and goes
through the wh61e process, down to
the separating of the amalgam from
the pure glittering metal. At this mine
412 ounces of gold a day are taken
and it requires over 400 cords of wood
aay to furnish fuel for the machines.
You should see this 'great picture by
all means. Another headllner is the
Honeymoon from Canada to . Hong
Kong. The world loves a lover and
you will love this picture. The reel
starts with the loving couple in Canada,-with
many amusing episodes
and lovers stunts until the boat, Em
press of Chine, sails for Hong Kong,
The Two Little Waifs is the title of a
picture with a heart Interest Btory,
Slay Emcral, the popular Contortionist at the Orpheum who closes her
' .- run Tomorrow Afternoon. ,. '- ,
Purchase an Acre Lot In ,-
moat sightly Addition 1 sit
uated at the Intersection of the Ma
cadam Road and the road leading to
South La Grande.' are beautify
ing it by planting each lot to the
choicest varieties of fruit trees. The
soil is the best Good drainage and
sufficient .water. We are ' selling
these acres planted with, trees at the.
same price yon would be compelled
to pay for a small ;bu!lding lot aad
our terms are more liberal. Our
price is $500.00 per lot. Our terms
are $50 down and $10.00 per month
with no interest and no taxes. ' We
also agree to look carefully after the
trees during the - contract - period.
Can you not see your money grow on
an Investment like thiB. . .
Give us en opportunity to explain
this magnificent Investment In detail,
by cutting out and mailing the en
closed coupon.
.;.'( .-.-... 1A
. .... I ,191V.
La Grande Investment Co.,
, . La Grande, Oregon. . '
Please mall me fall particulars re
garding Grand View Addition, with
out any obligation on my part ,
, The Paris Hair Store win open up
a special hair manufacturing depart
ment and all weaving turned cnt will
be fully guaranteed to five absolute
satisfaction. Miss" Maris Swann, late
of Los Angeles, Cal., Is now located
at this store. W do private work by
m m ii store
tZi r CUvst l Cmsiai Ors.
shewing a modern orphan asylum,
and how the little waifs found a per
manent home. The , popular song is
also good this week and the orchestra
music la always good. The popular
matinee thla afternoon was well at
tended, women making up a majority
of the audience. . .
Grace Cameron. "
It Is seldom that the management,
of the Steward placeo his personal
si amp of approval upon an approach
ing attraction and in the 'past when
the personal guarantee of the local
management has been placed prior
to the appearance of an approaching
theatrical event, Ihe merits of the at
traction Itself have invariably sus
tained the management's recommend
ation. ' , '.
, We, ba3 n'ever: heretofore ; made
special -. mention of an approaching
theatrical event with greater assur
ance and confidence than in thla In-
' s(ance when it is our pleasure to an
; nounce the forthcoming engagement
in this city of the dainty singing com
i edienne. and a superb acting com
l pany In C. Herbert Kerr's latest four
Grace Cameron as "Nancy" at the
- Steward December 14.
act comedy, 'Nancy' which occurs
on December 14. We take gfeat plea
sure in adding to that of Mr. Kerr's
that both the company and scenic en
vlrements he sends here ' will be of
the highest order. , r '
in V ,, ' -
(Continued from Page Two) ; v
whenever their side effected a score.
. Both elevens wore wierd looking
padded clothes, and these doubtless
accounted for their escaping) from ser
ious injury. Scrummaging forms the
principal feature of the game, and the
majority of the Idaho's goals eman
ated directly from "scrams" In front
of the goal mouth, the goals being
kicked following slight infringements.
The Idaho team won by 19 points to
0, and their success was signalized
by a demonstration . on the part of
their bandsmen, who, after cheering
loudly, played passages from "The
Pirates of Penzance" in quick sucess-
Ion.-' ' - ; ' i '. ";-
. At the conclusion of the game the
sailors on the touch line almost de
lerlous with delight at Idaho's suc
cess, "cake-walked" all over the field
and sang American ditties. As a spec
tacle the game was an entire success
but it was regarded by those of the
onlookers who were British as Incom
parable with English Rugby as re
gards science. A silver cup was pre
sented to the winning side.
i Lyman Knocked Out
, Bernard (Bob) Lyman, the local
youth, took the count In the ninth
; i
'Hi - .
'',1 ' :
canto of an Indefinite go at The Dal
les on the sixth of this month. A fel
ow by the uama of Jockle Dennett did
the business. Lyman is a lightweight
of considerable skill.
Chicago Hatch Flayed Tudor New
Rules That Eliminates. Monotony.
Chkago, : December 9. t.Speclal).
Believing that the present form of
championship pool Is too monotonous
for the spectators Thomas Foley will
stage an experimental match at his
rooms on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday next week. - '
Charles "Cowboy" Weston and Mar
tin Fey will appear in a handicap
match in which each . player will
break' the balls alternately and drive
three of the objecVballa to the cush
tlons. This will open up the play
fro mthe start ; and do away .with
much of the monotonous safety plays.
Ia their recent match in New York
De Oro and Keogh took five and one
half hours to play their second block
of 200 balls, and this Mr. Foley thinks
is too long a time tor. any sporting
event to occupy.
'.Mr. Foley expects that some of the
leading players who owe much of
their success to the strategy of safe
ty plays, will object to the three ball
break he, proposes but thinks that
some such innovation is necessary to
popularize the game with the public.
Popular Second Baseman ' SoeU in
rv.v , ew'r . VMIIimV 1W" '.
.WM. - .-. :, -
Chicago, December 9. (Special)
Johnny Evers made nis first ap
pearance on the stage last night at
the College theatre In "Going Some."
Cub fans who made ud part of the
Mg audience had Johnny "going
some," and in turn Johnny had his
listeners "going some." This , about
sizes up the reception of the popular
second baseman, who touched every
bag and hit a .400 clip. .
', '- Election Notice.
. December 12th, 1910. ; ' .
v Notice is hereby given that on the
12th day. of December, 1910, a gen
eral election will be held In the City
of La Grande,ln the County of Union,
State of Oregon, for the purpose of
electing the following officers:
.'Mayor ; . . ; ' ' ..''
Recorder 'z' ' ' ' '' ' '" . ' .
; Chief of Police
Treasurer ,' i ' ,
One Councilman from each ward. :
That at said election there will be
submitted , to the voters of the City
the : following auestlon: "Shall . the
Council of the City be authorized to
issue and negotiate bonds of the City
in the sum of $10,000 to bear Interest
not to exceed 5 per cent per annum,
to run for a period of twenty (20)
years from date, redeemable and pay
able at any time after ten (10) years
from date at the option of the City,
which bonds are to be issued and sold
for 'the purpose of completing the
sewer system in the City: of La
That at said election there will also
be submitted, to the voters of the
City the question: , "Shall sections 6
and 7 of the Charter of the City 'be
amended so as to provide for tae ap
pointment of. Chief of Police by the
Mayor, instead of being elected by
the voters of the City." " .
The polling places designated for
said election, and the Judges and
clerks appointed to conduct said elec
tion are as follows: First ward Pol
ling place, Court House. Judges: M.
P, Sheasley, Jacob Baker, M. McMur
ray; Clerks: Elmer Curtis and K, W.
Kammerer. ' ' '
Second wardPolling' place. Coun
cil chambers. Judges. H. W. Stoner,
Menitt Reynolds, ' George Ball ;
Clerks: J. B. Reynolds and Perry Ol
iver. ':W! - y J'-; . r v
, Third wardPolling place, tent at
corner of 4th street and Adams ave
nue. Judges: J. M. Hilts, VL A. Har-
rlson. W. D. Grandy; Clerks; Adna
Rogers and Lee Leavitt."'-'", ;
Fourth ward Polling place, Ged
des' store. Judges: G. W. Allen, E.' S.
Brasel, J. T. Williamson; Clerks: J.
M. Kochensparger and John Ladd.
Bald election .will be held and con
ducted and the returns thereof filed
as provided by law in the case of gen
eral city elections of said city. '
The pells of said election will : be
opened at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m.
and closed at the hour of 7 o'clock p.
m. on said day. ' v-
AH qualified iters' of the City will
be permitted to rote at said election.
By order of the Council of said City
of La Grande, Oregon.
Dated November 30th, 1910. .
. F. L, MEYERS, Mayor. .
Attest: D. E. COX. Recorder. ;
Nov. 80-Dec. IS.- !
Notice te Stoctholden, ;
Notice Is hereby given to the Stock
holders of the United States National
Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the said bank, will be held at their
banking houas in La Crinde, Oregon,
on Tuesday, January 10thf between
the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for
the purpose of transacting any other
business that may come before the
meeting. '
Dated at La Crande, Oregon, thb
sixth day of December. 1910.
T. J, SCROCGIN. Cashier,
Notice for Solo of Bonds. ,
$G 1.1 3.1.03 ImproTcmrnt Bonds.
Notice is hereby given that the city
of La Grande in Union County, Oregon
will receive sealed b!ds for the pur
chase of Improvement bondj in the
sum of $01,433.03, bonds in denomina
tion of $500.00 each, bearing 6 per cent
interest per annum, up to 8 o'clock p.
m. on Wednesday, December 14th, A
D. 1910;. said bids to be filed with the
Recorder of the City, and to be ac
cotnpanled by a certified chock for the
sum of $3,000.00. The successful bid
der will be required to pay for said
bonds within ten days after notice that
said bonds are ready for delivery.
La Grande, Oregon, December 9, 1910
, D..E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Want ad oftv, one cen. in'i'
, ; S. A. GARDlNlERProp..and Mgr. ;'
"MAT EMEBAL Contortion Novelty Act
SWOB AND WESTBEOOK, World's best singers and Dancers.
Complete Change that Is Among the' best bills ever produced In the
SAM DALTON Eccentric Local
character change artist
Evening Prices 1 5 and
New People Mondays & Tlmrcda
'Matinees Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 2 o'clock
and All Holidays Matinee Prices 10 and 15c
Wednesday, December 14
America's Favorite, the Greatest of Com
ediennes and Prima Donnas
in C H. Kerr's Great Masterpiece
A Soul Stirring play. A Beautiful Story of Home Life. Full of Pathei
and Comedy, with Special Vnslcal Numbers. -: , VI
Some of the Attractions She has
Starred lm '
Henry W. Savage "Grand Operft"
Whitney's PIH Paff PoufP
The Bostonlans In "Eobla Hood"
"The Tenderfoot
Secure Your Seats Early. Sale opens Monday, Dec 12
PRICES: Boxes, $1.50; First Floor; 75c and
$1.00; Balcony, 25c and 50c v V :
Gomplete equipment for
rubber buggy tires. : -
U:-' . D FilZQERALO, Proprietor .
' Complete Machine Shops and Foundry
.. .c i. .-.,
CanlUlate for City l:e?ord,-r .
Respectfully solicits jour
o o o o o o
agent for
$3.50 and Up
Black 81 or Black 1481.
Light Ballad Vocalist, Soubrette and
" r )r ,' . v jj
Boxes 50c
N.C Y"-'
"When Johnny Comes March?
tag Home ' ;", .--
Foxy QuIUer
"Sousa's Famous Band" .
"Beauty Doctor"
And Many Others.
. resetting and repairing'