La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 10, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from column t)
Jefferson Avenue:
W. J. Church, Lots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, Blk, 115, Chaplin's Add to city of
La Grande, $929.05.
O. II. Sutherland, Lots 15 & 16, Blk.
115, Chalin'a Add. to city of La
Grande, J332.21. .,
Maggie D. Mabaffey," Loti 17 & 18,
Blk. 115, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $166.10. - - - .
J. E. Foley, Lot 1, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, Blk. 114, & Lot 14. Blk. 115,
Chaplin' Add. to city of La Grande,
$1409.45. -
Julius Roesch. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Blk. 114, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $599.49. ;
Total. $3,436.30.
Depot Street from Fourth Street to
Jefferson Avenue.
John McKenna, Lot 15, 26ft., Blk.
V114, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $72.88. .
Dan Marx, Lots 1, 2 & 20 ft. of 3,
Blk. 113, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
113. Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $833.24.
Maggie D. Mabaffey. Lots 10 & 13,
Blk. 104, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $925.04. .
. Grande Ronde Meat Co. Lot 15, Blk. '
105, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
jGrande. $117.01. I
D. H. Steward. Lot 13. Blk. 113,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
8. A. Gardinler, Part of Lot 12, 13,
14, 15, Blk. 114. Chaplin's Add. to city
of La Grande. $135.14.
Oregon Land Co., Lots 13, 14, 15,
16, Blk. 106, ft Lot 10 & 5 ft 11, Blk.
105, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $1240.31.
. .Thomas Loftus. Lots 17 & 18, Blk.
105." Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $364.38. , .
Wa Allison, Lot 16, Blk. 104, Chap
lin's Add, to city of La Grande, $558.80.
Snodsxass Estate, Part of Lot 19,
20, 21. Blk. 105. Chaplin's Add. to city
of La Grande, $373.89.
M. H.-Kirtley, Lots 15, 16. Blk. 102,
Chanlin's Add. to city of La Grande,
. $230.34. . : W
Julius Roesch, Lots 6, 16, Blk. 114,
21 1-2 ft. of Lot 4. Blk. 113, Chaplin's
Add. to city of La Grande, $152.54.
Palmer & Roesch, Lots 14, 15 ft 16.
Blk. 113, Chaplin's Add. to the city of
. La Grande, $799.28. , .
Win. Selgrlst, 24 ft. Lot 11. Blk. 105,
Chaplin's Add. to the city, of La
Grande, $27.60 .
Blue Mt. Creamery, 21 1-3 ft Lot 24
ft 25, Blk. 105. Chaplin's Add to the
city of La Grande, $152.74.
Christian Church, Lots 19 & 20, Blk;
102, Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
. Grande. $873.81. '
'-Mrs. N. S. Kelly. Tts 14 ft 15,, Blk.
104. Chaplin's Add to the city of La
'Grande, $665.05..' , V. ? .-J
Bird F. Lewis. Part Lots 19, 20. 21 1
. jt2, zi, z-j, tiiK, 105. rnaplln's Add. to
city of La Grande, $726.01.
1 Rofhclilld TiroR., Pnrt of Lota 12, 13,
14 & 15. Blk.; 114, Chaplin's Add. to
city of La Grande, $149.30. .
' Magpie L. Ackles, 'Lots 12 & 13, 1
ft. 11. Blk. 105. Chaplin's Add. to cUy
r of La Grande, $102.00.
J. E. Foley, Lot 17, Blk. Ill, Chap
lin's Add. to city of La Grande, $t6.82.
Llchenthaler Estate. Lota 17 & 18,
. , -; 13I6 Adams Avenue 7
I -5 .
I RIGHT NOW Our Stock is at Its Best.
X Ladies' New Velvet Hio-Vi' V
Ladies' New Felt Comfy Slippers arid Juliets'. " '
' Ladies' Nifty New Dancing Pumps, in velvet,
'. - Satin and Patent. . ) ' 1 ' .
ONYX HOSIERY For Men, Women and
' i Children, in Silk, Wool and Cotton; Assorted
Colore. . ' "
i. .1 - . " 11
Blk, 102,' Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $458.17.
E ThorBen, 10 ft. o( Lota 8 & 9, Blk.
114, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $7728. - '
H. W. Stoner. Lot 3, Blk. 103, Chap
lin's Add. to city of La Grande, $141.85.
Total. $9277.36.
Fir Street from Washington Ave
nue to Monroe Avenue.
W. H. FerguBon. Part Lots 31, 32,
33, 34, Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add. to the
city of La Grande, $167.64.
C. L. Mackey, Lot 29, Blk. 108,
Chwlln's Add. to city of La Grande,
$58.31. ' ' ' ' " "
J. C. Henry, Lots 10 ft 11. Blk. 112,
Chaplin's Add. to the city' of La
Grande, $594.35. .""'
J. A. Russell, part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add. to the city of
La Grande, $244.08.
. Elizabeth Burke, Part Lots 31, 32,
33. 34. Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add. to the
city of La Grande, $158.84.
J. H. Childs, Lots 10 ft 11, Blk. 107,
Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
Grande, $762.11.
Ella White.Parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
and all 6, Blk. 116. Chaplin's Add. to
the city of La Grande, $488.85. ,
Julius Roesch, Part Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
Blk. 116. Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $238.87.
Julius Roesch, Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. 108,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
Julius Roesch, Part lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add. to the city of
La Grande, $266.60. . .;- ' '
J.- M. Bull, Part Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Blk.
116, Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
Grande, $166.15. -.
S. R. Hawortb, Lots 31, 32, 33, 34,
Blk. 108, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $764.53. , . ,?
-. La urtuiue iuvettuiiui Co., Lma i m,
6, Blk. 124, Chaplin's Add. to city of
La Grande, $161.26.
S. II. Dalton, Lot 9, Blk. 107, Chap
lin's Add. to the city of La Grande,
$447.03. . ,. ? ;
E. R. Haworth, Lot -8, iBlk 107,
Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
Grande, $243.01.
Wm. Miller, Lots 12 ft 13. Blk. 107,
Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
Grande, $251.13.
May White, Lots' 6, 28 ft 30, Blk. 108.
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
$172.68.' ' ...... ' .. ..'
G. T. Fleming, Lots 1, 2. 3, 55 ft of
Blk. 121, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $372.61. , i
John Palmei . Lot 5, part 6, Blk. 121,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
$110.02. - . ,
Chas. G. Bunte. Part of Lot 14, B1U.
112, . Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $16.24. :'.
S. A. Gardinler, Part Lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add. to the city
of La Grande, 389.93. - v ,
John 'Wilson, Part of Lots 8 & 9,
Blk. Ill,, Chaplin's Add. to the city of
Grande, $34.81.
Henry J. Young, Lots 32, 33, 34, Blk.
124, Chaplin's Add. to the city of La
Grande, $885.73.' .. .
Mrs. A. M. Anthony, Lots 1, 2, in
Blk. 121, Chaplin's Add. to city of,La
Grande, $593.22. , " ' :'
r S. V. Keltz, 1-2 Lot 30, & 29.Blk.
124. Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $125.89. - !
Mary Noble. Lots 26 & 27, Blk. 108
E Nl
"I '!!
and Lot 26 ft 27, Blk. Ill, Chaplin's
Add. to the city of La Grande, $82.14.
C. A. Dunn, Lots 7. 20 ft 6, Blk. 121.
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
Rose Harris, Lots 7, 8 ft 9, Blk. 125,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
Laura V. McClure, Lots 10, 11, 12.
13, Blk 125, Chaiplin's Add. to city of
La Grande, $1261.38.
S. C. Zuber, Lot 3, Blk. 124, Chap
lin's Add. to city of La Grande,
$134.69. .
Fred Dutli, 1-2 Lots 1, 2, 3 ft all 4,
Blk, 124, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $567.09.- , .
Lizzie Galling, Lots 27 ft 28, and 1-2
26, Blk. 124, Chaplin's Add. to city of
La Grande, $108.02. ,
J. H. Slater Estate,' Lots 6, 7, 8 ft 9,
Blk. 112, Chaplin's Add. to city of La
Grande, $1182.78.
A. C. Huntington, Lots 6 ft 6, Blk.
107 Chaplin's Add. to ; city of La
Grande, $80.71.
Wm. ErickBon, Lot 12, Blk. 112.
Chaplin's Add to city of La. Grande,
Lydia Erlckaon, Lot 13, Blk. 112,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
$65.26. : .
8. A. Weagel, Lots 6'& 6, Blk. 125,
Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande,
$89.83. "
Total, $13462.35. -
And, whereas, each of the ' above
named owners within ten days after
such notice of such assessments were
first published duly filed with the Re
corder bf the City of La Grande a
written application to pay in' Instal
ments said assessments so assessed
against his, respective parcel of prop
erty, each and all of which said appli
cation stated that the said applicant
all irregularities or defects, Jurisdlc
tlonal or otherwise, in the proceed
ing' to' improve the street for which
said- assessment was levied, and the.
apportionment of the cost thereof.
Each of said applications also contain
ed a provision that said applicant and
property owner agreed to pay said as
sessment in ten annual Installments
with interest thereon at the. rate on
all of sai dlnstallments which have
not been paid as that expressed in the
bond issued to pay for such improve
ments, to-wit, at the rate of six per
cent per annum. ' Said, application
also containing a statement by lots
or blocks or other convenient descrip
tion of the property ft the applicant
assessed for such improvement; and,
Whereas, said applications are sep
arate and are now on file In the office
of said Recorder of the City of La
Grande and in a book kept for that
purpoBO under separate heads for
each street Improvement, the said Re
corder has entered the date of the fil
ing' of each application, the name of
the applicant, a description of the
property and the amount of the as
sessment shown in the application
and, , ' ' '
WhereaB. immediately after the ex
piration of the time for tiling appli
cations for the payment of said as
sessments .by installments, the said
Recorder entered In the Bond Lien
Docket of said city under, separate
heads, for each street, each name or
number, a description of each lot or
parcel of land or tother property
against which such assessment is
made or which bears or is chargeable
for the cost of such improvement with
the name of the owner and the amount
of such unpaid assessment; and, ;
Wheeras, the , amount of such un
paid assessment aggregate the sum
of $61,433.03.
Now, therefore, the city of La
Grande does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the city of La
Grande issue its bonds in all equal
to the total amount of $61,433.03, be
ing the total amount of unpaid assess
ments for street improvement in ' As
sessment District No. 1 b. 6, 14 and
25, for which applications to pay the
same have been filed as shown by the
Bond Lien Docket of said city, which
snld bonds shall be numbered, from
1 to 123, both inclusive, consecutive
ly, pnd shall be In denominat'ons ot
$500 each, except bond No.1 123,. which
shall be for the Bnm of $433.03 ' -
i Fald bonds shall bear date Decem
ber;. 1st, 1910. and shal lpay by the
terms, thereof, mature in ten years"
from said date thereof, and be payable
in gold coin of the United States, and
bear interest at the rate, of six per
cent 'per annum, payable semi-an
nually, on the first day of June and
December of each year, said interest
to be evidenced by coupons attached
to said bonds, both principal and in
terest being payable at, the office of
the City Treasurer in La Grande, Ore
Ron. ;
Said bonds shall be designated "im-
provemenrBondsi' and shall-have, at
tached thereto twenty-coupons, rep
resenting semi-annual ; interest pay
meiits, Such bonds before .issuance
Bhall be signed by the Mayor of the
city, ' countersigned by the Kecorder
of Che city of La Grande, and authen
Ucated by the, seal of such city at
tached thereto, and shall be regis
tered consecutively by ' number and
denomination of each in the Improve-
meat Bond Register of Bald city. Said
bonds shall have distinctly and plain
ly Inscribed or (printed on the face
thereof. the register' number of said
boud and the words "Improvement
Bonds with the name of the city is
suing the same. '
Said bonds shall be in substantial
ly the following form: ,
$500.00 . No.:....
PRESENTS: That the City of La
Grande. In the Countv rt Vni
of Oregon, for value received hereby
agrees and promises to pay the Bear
er, the sum ot Five Hundred Dollars,
in Gold Coin of the United States of
America on the presentation and sur
render of this obligation on the first
day of December, in the year of our
Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twenty, without grace, with In
terest thereon from the date hereof
until redeemed or until the time of the
semi-annual interest payment next
ensuing the publication of notice by
the city of La Grande, that this Bond
will be taken up and cancelled. ,and
that interest thereon will cease at
the interest payment period next fol
lowing such publication at the rate of
six per cet per annum payable semi
annually in like coin on the first day
of December and the first day of June,
in each year on the presentation and
surrender of the (proper coupons here
to annexed. i - '
Principal and interest . payable at
the office of the Treasurer of the City
of La Grande.
, This Bond is one of a series author
ized by the Acts of the Legislative As
sembly of. the State of Oregon for the
issuance of Bonds for the improve
ment of streets and the laying of sew
ers in incorporated cities and for the
payment of the cost of such improve
ments by installments and is an obli
gation of the City of La Grande afore
said and is not to be deemed or taken
to be within or any part of the limi
tations by law as to the Indebtedness
of said city, and it. is further certified
that all the requirements of law have
been fully complied with by the prop
er officers in issuing this bond and
that the total amount of this issue
does not exceed the limits prescribed
by said acts. - ,
This Bond is redeemable at the of
flo of mM TrMirr At the nnt.tnn of
the City of La Grande upon the pay
ment of the face value thereof with
accrued Interest to the date of pay
ment at any semi-annual coupon per
iod at or after, one year from the date
hereof as provided in said acts. '
For the fullflllment ",of the condi
tions of this obligation the faith and
credit of the City of La Grande are
hereby pledged. , -'
has been signed by the Mayor and at
tested by the Recorder of the City of
La Grande, and the conporate Beal of
the City of La Grande affixed this first
day of December A. D., 1910. -
... ,
Recorder of the City of La Grande!
.. (Form' of Coupon to be numbered
from one , to twenty inclusive with
signatures of the Mayor and Recorder
engraved thereon.)
-Will pay to the Bearer Fifteen' dol
lars In Gold Coin of the United States
of America at the office of the Treas
urer of said City on the first day of
(June) or( (December) ! being six
months Interest on , (improvement
Bond No. ......... unless said, Bond
is redeemed as therein provided which
redf mptlon . will render . this coupon
cid. . v . ''- r."" ..
Recorder of the City of. La Grande.
Section 2. ; Said bonds shall be ad
vertised for sale by the Recorder of
the city. of La Grande by publication
thereof . In .'x issues of the La Grande
evening Observer, said, publication to
appear not less than five days prior to
the date fixed , in Bald notice for the
sale thereof, and in at least one issue
of the Portland Daily Abstract of Port
land, Ore., and m some financial paper
published at Denver, Colo., and Bhall
be Bold for the highest price obtain
ablei but for not less than par and ac
crued interest. The proceeds derived
from such sale shall be paid, by the
purchaser to the Treasurer of the
city of La Grande and shall be placed
by him to the credit of funds to be
known and designated as, "improve
ment bond sinking fund ', and "Im
provement bond Interest fund." .re
spectively, subject to disposition as in
section 2732 of Chapter V." or Bel
linger and Cotton's Annotated Codes
and Statutes of Oregon provided,
section 3. rrom ana aiier tne pas
sage .and taking effect of this ordi
nance the Mayor and Recorder of the
city of La-Grande are hereby auth
orized, directed and empowered to
cause to be issued and printed and
duly executed Improvement bonds of
the city of i La' Grande, - Oregon,' In
denominations as hereinbefore stated
ahd of the form as' herein fully set
forth, and in all equal to the total
amount of Tinoald assessments for
said streets and avenues for which ap
plications have been filed as shown
by said bond line docket.
; Section 4. This ordinance Bhall be
published in one issue of the La
Grande Evening Observer and ' after
s approval by the Mayor shall be in
force and take effect from and after
the 10th day of December; 1910. '
Passed the Council of the City xt
La Grande. Oregon,' this 8th day of
December. 1910, by seven councllmen
noting therefor.
Approved this 9th'day of December
1910. .- - . .
' L R L- MEYERS. Mayor
Attest: D. E. COX. ,.i .,. .,.,,....
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Special Prices on'Xm
Assorted Candies. NUTS OF'ALL KINDSi ! NEXT,
Dr. W; H. Keating
.- ;
V Li.-
f -'V, I
-.V '' . . ' : r ' -'.y-' . '.
- -: , .. V. ,"!'.'-.
Tile V ell Kno vn
Eyesight Specialist
again in the city :
and is kept very busy, as so many
have been -waiting: for this noted
specialist; to visit here to have prop
er glasses fitted, ' as they run no
chances of being misfitted. He . has
with him' a special grinding , outfit
so. you ; can have your glasses the
,same day, or In two hours notico, af
ter having! your eyes examined and
and carries the latest instrument
for testing the, eyes.1 No guecs work
In fitting glasses with the use of
these instruments. So don't fail to
see him about your eyes or glasses
this visit If you are having trou
ble with them. If glasses ere requir
ed , they are fitted ; scientifically, . and
satisfaction is guaranteed. Call and
let him give . you references of the
many satisfied people who are war
ing glasses fitted by ' him in "La
Grande. ' - v. ; .."-V: ,
Now flt OTOWELL Koomfii? Honse.
The George Palmer
We solicit your ordersf or ' Shingles, Rubbetoid RooVng
:":, Deadening Felt, Building Paper.
: We are prepared to .furnish and deliver material,
'promptly, Phone Main 8.
Uook After That Eve Trough
Rainy - weather will
have plumbing
I I 1 1 li4if
J : Mahaf fey Building '
. i --. .
- ,
. c' .
I tlitciDying and
fir A
I Xmas Tree
. . -.
' of
J ' '' " ' r
' i ;
Get them
iRoyal Grocery
n.hy pay Rint?l7e oa t ym
money to build, and , you
nav lie ac vaii uahM font
' ' J. R. OUVER.
- ;'r--'-t -
- set in soon. . W
fixtures of all kinds
:.; "''2 ' is, d
: r: ; '
' Depot street
called for and delivered
MAIN ' 'A :
t :