La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 10, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    L GRAND MNi; -ryv- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1910.
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Nothing will be , left undone for your convenience
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Our Mailing and wrapping counter, where all mail matter will be prepared for you free
of charge appropriate cards of greeting and labels furnished and packages mailed at
any specified time. ; This will save your man y errands to the P. 0., besides trouble and
OLD SANTA CLAUS WITH THE GOLD EN RULE, as for several seasons past. The
Much Honored Personage will favor us wit h his Presence. "
ft'ft-ftWft--ftftftftft'ft;' -'-ft' ft. 'ft:' ,rrx
Old SM1UXLAUS is Willi thGo'des Rule. As for several
seasons past, the much honored personage vill
s favor us with his presence '
Saiutday, Dec. 17, and the Following Week
' ft ft- j ,;:
Easy Shopping
For the convenience of Holiday Shop
pers, we have compiled a Holiday Shop
ping List, and we would be pleased to
mail you one for the asking.
Staple Merchandise is always accepta
ble as Christmas Gifts. .
Early Shopping
If it is possible, you will find it much
more satisfactory to do your shopping be
fore the Holiday Rush is on, and in the
forenoons is a , convenient time to do
Our Assortment of . Fancy Dry Goods;
Was Never More Complete. - i
'ft - - . ' ' ,
: ftftVv. -f'()WMWW
.. . . . . ..'. j ... ' ....
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Host complete stock of Toys, Books, Games, Dolls,
Etc., ever gathered together, mil be found in Our Toy
Land Basement. J v
(Sreat treaty re y of h (Us
Direct importations of nearly all foreign made Holi
day VJares, and buying direit from factories all Ameri
can made goods enables us to make much lower prc
, es than ive could otherwise.
'he OoldeE. RMe fCompaMy
Dress making parlors, rooms 4 and
5 OTer SllTerthorn's Drug Store? Mrs
Kta B. Wins, Prop. V';
A Wedding Trip, Through Can
. to Hon Kong Edlaon, :
Hydraulic Gold Mining Pathe.
The Old Yongshoreman. ,
Two Little Waifs Blogniph.
Song Simple Dotty Dimple,
Beautiful dishes given to lady.
Ptron of the mating. See dia
J1 a lobby. I. . -
in tMlSSlSS He-
. Lost, one steer, a cow and heifer.
Branded P. L. on left side, but may
h&ve other brands on them. Notify
P. E. SUlwelL .
- Read In December Sunset Magazine
SanfPrancisco The Exposition City.
Superbly Illustrated tn four colors.
Now on sale All News . Stands 15
centi :ft' vft .. ' " ft-
The Cherry New Laundry wants
two experienced hand lroners at once.
, ESTBAY One steer and one cow
branded T L on left side. They may
have other brands also. Notify P. E.
SUlwell, La Grande.
White Pox Terrier dog, flea bitten:
two brown ears can be found at the
Foley hoteL
If : you : need drugs, phone the
Wright Drug So., they delirer. '
& Vvft;,-: .,-v-ft:"
Peter Wall : of Union, Is at the
Foley. -..
Frank Smith of Elgin returned
home today. v."--:-ft',
Judge Webster ,of Portland is reg
istered at the Foley.
George T. Coyne, the True Fruit
candy man is at the Foley;' s
Homer I. Watts, an attorney of Ath
ena is registered at the Foley. . '
H. D. Ashmede is oyer from Union
transacting business In this city.
' C H. Finn, a prominent lawyer of
the state returned to Portland last
erenlng. , . . ; .. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Ben G randy expect to
leare Tuesday night to spend the win
ter in California. . , ,
C. A,' Robinson of Red Wing, Iowa,
a large stockholder In the Blue Moun
tain creamery, arrived Joday to look
over property interests. '
City Attorney Joe Baker la a Tisl
tor In Pendleton today and will ar
rive home tonight"
Mrs. NewMn, who has been visiting
in Pennsylvania, is expected to ar
rive home thiff evening. ; ;
J. L. Overton, a lumberman of Un
ion, returned home last evening after
transacting business in this city.
M. Sachs Jr., of Reading, Pa., is reg
istered at the Foley. Mr. Sachs is rep
resenting Vasa cigars clear Havana.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer are ex
pected home this evening after spend
ing several weeks In their Pennsyl
vania home.
Rev. J. E. Youel and wife came ov
er from Union today. Rev. Youel wlU
make a short address at the Presby
terian church tomorrow evening.
Hot Lake was the scene of a lively
hop ilast Thursday Evening. Plans
have been made for a big time Christ
mas when a public tree will be quite
a feature. ,
Mrs. Williams, mother of Arthur
Williams. Is expected to arrive tonight
She will spend the winter bore be
fore returning to her home In Zanes
Tllle, Ohio. . , -
F. M. Barton of Nahnonen. Mian., a
brother of Mrs. J. K. Wright arrived
last evening. Mr. Barton and Mr.
Wright went to Imbler today to look
over some orchards. . " v
T. T. Glenn, one of the largest land
owner of the talley, la in the city
today and reports that the prospects
are good for bumper crops next sea
son on account of the thorough soak
ing of the ground thia fall,
L. C. Smith while demonstrating
the Ford y yesterday, plowed his way
up Fourth street to the foot of the hill
and back to Adams avenue. This
street is in a practically Impassible
condition having been torn sp pre
paratory to paving.
The berry set that the Observer Is
giving free Is a nice piece of ware.
Same can be seen by calling At the
office and. taking the paper on terms
offered. You can save big interest
and get the set free.
ft;. Cleaalng and Ymshjf.
Ladle and Gen's Clothing cleaned,
rresssd and repaired with satisfac
tion. Ladles' work a specialty. 1704
East Adams avenue, W. R. Baxter,
and tieauiig
ft IMi Aisas Ah