PAGE FOUH LA (JlUiJfc EVKNLMj ULtoLli iut, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1910. Bruc mi: e Dennis, r and uwner. Entered at the postoffice at La Grande s 3econd-clasa mat:er. Published Dally Except Sunday. SUBSCK1PTION 11ATE3. Dally, single copy ." Daily, per week...... .'. Dally, per month............... 15c 65c This paper will not publish au ar cle appearing over a nom de plime. Signed article: will be revised iub the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and Bare lisaopolntmenl. XAMISG CITY OFFICERS. Again we would respectfully ad monish the people of the dire need or having an able administration to take , care of the city business for the next two years. Personality counts ror little, what we need is the man who "can make good. Of, the candidates named it would seem to us that Dr. ! Richardson is the ablest. This does not mean that La Grande does not possess plenty of v men -who , would make Just as good officials as the doctor, but of those who are now In the race Dr. Richardson is the prop er person to support. When It comes to the chief of po lice Mr, Walden Is almost the unan imous choice of the people and very rightly so, His ' experience In the Office an hl Mr .- trrC-.sCCi questioned. . . For recorder C. M, Humphrey Is an admitted winner. Merit In - this case Is also the .strong point and he is not running1 on any personal .pull platform. Ha la running because he wants the office and has reason to believe he can properly fill It, which he undoubtedly can and will do. The recorder's Job Is an important one, so important that a man like Hum phrey should always be chosen for If Tha rtv fvinnrll flchf la nna that la scattered over he entire city and re solves itself Into local district. Most of the men named appear to be rap able, and it la up to their neighbors and friends to do the choosing. - it should carry. The re&dcn I pijtia. tiua t'omitany aud the City o A publ'c Improvement has "been ua ; Cranio, for v'aiug Auams avanu ri?i taken and it i3 found that addk:ou-. rween 4 h street and Kid nu-eeL al expense piled up until the original said work will be dons as soon as t.n ' Issue is not sufficient. So far aa tne ; weather permits: and sa:d contra; t H contract of construction of the sewer j with' Bald Grandy shall contain a goe3 it has been cared for and ther promise and agreement to pay h a i- is ample means for that, but the pur- j sessment for the Improvement of his chase of lands for a sewer farm and said property Including the amount 4 other things of that nature; all per-1 assessed for build'ng said curb, that safd Grandy will make and Un , H an application to pay his said ass 3;- T ment and the whole thereof in x -. M equal annual instalments as provided V by Ordinance. ft Section 2. This Ordinance shall b published in one Issue of the La Grande Evening Observer, and after Its approval by the Mayor, shall be fir force and take effect from and after the 9th day of January, 1911. Passed the council on the 7th day:V of December, 1910, by eight members voting therefor. . - Approved this 9th -day Of December ' , . .: ' P.L. MEYERS', j. . ' . - Mayor. Attest: .. , , D.'E. COX, ' ;, . ' " .Recorder. ' : ' V: it LET US HELP YOU THE fectly legitimate and proper, have been so great that the original amount wil lnot cover the cost. It is there fore necessary for this city, if we would have the sewer improvement, to vote the additional amount. ' THE TOCLTRY SHOW. Ileik'w of Its Purpose and What is Asked of All , Concerned. APPOIXTMEM IS MUCH BETTER, 1 At the coming election voters of La Grande will vote to adopt' or re ject an amendment to the city charter permitting the mayor with consent of the council to appoint the chief of police instead of electing him by pop ular vote, as Is now the case. At present La Grande is very well provided with an able chief, and his re-election is practically certain, but there is no assurance that such will always be the case. There are many reasons why an appointment of this official Is much preferable to an elec- uuu. ine mayor nrsi is neia oy xne. .people for the success of an admin ' istratlon, and next to him the council is held. In order to have a success ful administration the mayor and council must always have a chief who Is in accord with the policies outlined. Under present conditions the chief is named by the people and there is no recourse should he refuse to obey orders. .- This city and all other cities of La Grande's size will find it much better to place subordinate offices under ap pointment and then Btrictly hold the administration responsible for results. Than will than fcA nn ,V... .Lin Ing responsibility. One cannot lay hlame on the other, for it win be up to the head of the city government to see that his officers make good. TOTE FOB THE BOND ISSUE. The small issue to be voted upon at the coming election is essential and (By D. B. Stoddard.) December 13, 14, 15 will mark the second 'attempt to hold a poultry ex hibit in the Grande Ronde valley. Much care has been exercised and great effort put forth by the board and members of the Grande Ronde Poultrymen's Association ' coupled with that of the business men of the city to make of this show one of the greatest mediums of education along the lines of poultry breeding possible to be had. If the poultrymen of this county and the adjoining counties can be brought together, so that all phases of the poultry question can be discussed, whether It be egg produc tion or the fanciers standpoint, and acquaintances formed between those already successful in the business and the amateur much good will already have been accomplished. The poultry show has done more to promote suc cessful breeding than any other me dium In the poultry world. And it has grown to such huge prodiportlons that the single entries of some of the East ern shows run . into the thoiini a ftiauctj'Ht conuiuoiiB ai nome war ranto the fact that a great Interest is manifested in poultry breeding than ever before. Any person having poultry which they wish to show can do so by bringing or sending them In care of G. J. Wagner, secretary. W, C. Hansen will act as superintendent of the show and will see to it that the proper care will be given to all the birds entered. The show will be held in the large and well lighted hall up stairs over the Star office and one door east of the post office. -The Judge Is amiable and any question asked of him by poultrymen will be cheerfully answered. All are cordially invited to come out and see the poultry show. - ' , . ' Ordinance No. 4D, Scries 1910. - AnJDrdlnance authorizing the May or and Recorder to enter into contract with B. W. Grandy, guaranteeing the construction of cement' curb on . the south side of Block 3, Grandy's Addi tion to La Grande, Oregon, in accord ance with the terms of the1 contract entered into by and between the War ren Construction Company and the City of La Grande, t ' Whereas, B. W, Grandy, fwner of the portion of the lots in Block 3 in Grandy's Addition to La Grande, on Adams avenue, which street has been improved by laying hereon bttullthij pavement, objects to paying for the curb built in front of and along his said property, for the reason, that said curb, as claimed by him is de fective and of no value, now therefore In order to settle the matter in con troversy, and in consideration of the agreement and promise by said B. W. Grandy, to pay the amount assessed against his said property tor the prion of said curb, and la consideration that said B. W. Grandy will make and sign an application to pay the assessment against his said property, including said curb, now therefore, . The City of La Grande Does Or dain as follows: v .Section 1. . That the Mayor and Re corder be, and they are hereby au thorized to enter Into a contract with B. W. Grandy to the effect that the City of La Grande, will guarantee the proper construction of the cement curbing on and along the property of said Grandy, In Block 3. Grandy's Ad dition to La Grande, so that the same shall be in accordance with, the terms of the contract made and entered into by and between the Warren Construe- mti . "I J w ETXu. MtVdL iSiJ-. r 3 JLA . . .. - RABIES AFFLICT COYOTES ANIMAL WHICH BIT BOY TROVEX ' TO HAVE BEEX MAD. Investigations Demonstrate That Orl glnul Suspicious Were Correct , "It has been conclusively proven that the .coyote which some time ago ran amuck in :, Wallowa county and bit several sheep, & pig and a mn Lo;, as tmectea with the rabies. At that time Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veter inarian, made a trip to vWallora to investigate the case but as the cojote had been burned, he was unable to make a direct 'examination. ; However, he took the precaution of sending the little boy to Portland, where he could be given the Pasteur treatment, and he also sent the heads of the pig and one of the sheep which had 'been bit ten to the state bacteriologist lor an examination.' . -'-. The announcement of the findings of that specie st' was made in the following Btory by the Portland Jour nal last evening. . y Germs of rabies have been found by Professor Pernod, state bacteriolo gist', in heads of sheep and a pig bitten by a coyote in Wallowa coun ty. The same coyote bit John Bosley, a boy, who Is being rglven Pasteu treatment by Dr. White and Professor Pernot, in order than any tendency to hydrophoba may be checked. Professor Pernot's discoveries give foundation to the numerous reports that rabies or hydrophobia la epidem ic amonr coyotes in eastern ' Oregon. With Negri bodies, germs of Hydro- Lfhobla, Professor Pernot yesterday injected rabbits. One of the rabbits was dead this morning. The other will be expected to develop rabies in about two weeks, and if it does, will be tak en as conclusive proof by Pernot that "mad coyotes" of eastern Oregon are really afflicted with rabies. The heads of bitten animals were brought to Portland by the. state veterinarian, Dr. W. II. Lytle. Professor Pernot is anxious that the results of tests which he made up on the heads of bitten animals shall not be the cause of general alarm till the results of the injections : in the rabbits are obtained. The parents of the Bosley boy have come to Portland to be with him un til it is proven whether or not he will develop rabies from the coyote's bite. His face Is badly scarred where the coyote bit him. .'" ' iv 1 MM-W---WMMa-WMMMMM ' - I We're showing a more complete line Vpf as eful and beautiful gifts than ever before. Gins that will suit r any fancy anfl v prices to suit any pocket book. V WHAT TO GIVE HIM Smoking-Jackets $4.50 to $12.00 V House Slippers 50c to $2.50 Bath Robes $6.00 to $14.00 Keiser Neckwear 50c to $1.50 ' Fancy Suspenders, Linen Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Hosiery, Hull Um brellas, Traveling B&ik and Suit Gases ' : ; l8li SHE WILL APPRECIATE THESE ; Table Linens i "$2.50H$a Keiser Ladies a Neckwear 25cto$1.50 Embroid'd Linens 1 D 25c to $6.00 "House Slippers 1 to $L75 r Swiss Embrbide red Hand kerchiefs, Initial Handker chiefs, Gordon Furs, Silk and Linep. Waists, Pendle ton Indian Robes and Indian ? Blanket Lounging Robes Unbreakable Dolls for Little Folks y GUARD ' ' : against serious lung trouble by get ting rid of your cough at once. White Pine Cough Balsam will malte short work of it. It removes the cause of the cough promptly. Newlin Drug Co. ' Guaranteed, 25c to 60c. . . White Pine Cough Balsam when those (paroxysms of coughing occur and re lief wlllbe almost instantaneous. Quaranteed, 25c and 50c, Newlin Drug Co. - ' - FOB SALE Black gelding, good driver. P. O. box 777, La Grande, Ore. : HITS - . the spot every time. Take a doBe of "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all'of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn, and they could do nothing for me," writes The. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham ierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured i me." fox sale by all dealers. n . ' MZZ ' General and C ommercial Job Prlrvtirvg La Grande, Oreqon - LEWIS BUILDING - -BOTH PHONES - USE THEM lie Gif t: rooiem for BY CMMG AI HMS DRUG STORE You will easily find what you want here as our stock is running over with Christmac; down in price within the o o Goods marked reach of all We have the largest stock ever PERFUMES make nice Xmas Presents, shown in La Grande. STATIONRY-We have the Big Line with the Little Price. WATERliAN' FOUNTAIN PENS always please-exchange them if they don't suit. . . .ys ; . , BRASSWARE is very popular-We have a Good Assortment at low prices. PICEARD HAND PAINTED CHINA None quite so good CUT GLASS in fancy shapes and rich designs. 'r'-ij&i ii BURNING OUTFITS and lots of wood; ex tra bulbs. " F :, COMBS AND BRUSHES-The best there is, can be found here.; : V HAND BAGS and all kinds of Leather Goods. v COM o IU1 li-iiUil f o La Grande, Orcgbn