Li GltAKDE EVENING OBSERVER. SATURDAY, DECEilBER 10, 1010. page Timi:i; (Continued from page 2) " ! , ,rh iin of Monroe Avenue, and,. ! vrhereas, the city of La Grande by t re80iution passed cy tne Council on Ihe 17th day ' August, 1910, deemed it excfd'.ept and necessary to improve following portion of Cbtstnut gtreet in the city of La Grande, Ore eon, to-wit:. Chestnut street from the east curb line of Adams avenue to the west curb line of Jefferson Avenue, and ifterwards by an appropriate reso lution caused the City Engineer to prepare plans and speciacatlons for an appropriate Improvement; and, Whereas,' said plans and speciflca- tons were duly prepared by said en- '.V... tnr iAamu AvpnilA . )wtvwn itnew ------ jje East cum line oi ounn street and the east curb line of HemlocR Street and adopted and filed on the 16th day of March, 1910. and for Ad aioa Avenue between the west curb line of Hemlock street and the west curb line of Spruce Street, said plana and specifications were adopted and filed on June 1st, 1910; and Adams Avenue between the west curb line of Fourth Street and the east curb line of Third Street, said plans and tpeclflcatlons.were adopted and filed on the 28th day of September, 1910; and for Depot Street between the east curb line of Fourth street and the west side of Jefferson Avenue, said plans and specifications were adopted and filed on the 16th day of March, lotn. for Tlr Street between the jicrth curb line of Washington Ave nue and the south curb line of Mon tr Avenue, said plans and specifica tions were filed on June l3t. 1910; and er Chestnut Street between tha east ie of Adais3 Avenue and the west Hue of JeSerson Avenue, said plans filed on the 28th day of September, 1910, and ever since each of.eald dates the respective plans and specifica tions have been and now are on file In the office of the Recorder of the Citv of La Grande, Oregon;, and. Whereas, by the adoption of said plans and specifications upon the aforesaid dates, ' said Council found the same to be satisfactory, and duly pasBed a resolution approving the toe, and the boundaries of the dis tricts benefited and to be assessed for such Improvements were fixed by res olution, as follows; .' All that portion of Adams Avenue from the east curb line of Fourth Street to the Easts'de of Hemlock Street, ' which said resolution ' was passed February 2nd, 1910; and, all that portion of Adams Avenue be tween the east curb line of Third Street and the west curb line" of Fourth Street, which said resolution wet passed August 24th, 1910; all that portion of Adams Avenue from the west- curb line of Hemlock Street to the west curb line of Spruce Street, which said resolution was. passed by the Council Ausrust 24th, 1910; : all that portion of Depot Street from the east curb line of Fourth Street to the north side of Jefferson Avenue, which said resolution was passed Februnrv 2nd, 1310;' al lthat portion nr. , Fi" Street from the north -curb 1,ei.,o st Washington Avenue to the Bouth curb line of Monroe Avenue, which said 1 resolution was (passed April 27th. 1910; al lthat portion ' of Chestnut 1 Street bettWn the east line, of Ad-; ams Avenue and the west line of Jef ferson Avenue, which said resolution Tag passed Au4ust17thf,.191'0; and, Whereas, said Council by said reso lutions last aforesaid declared Its purpose to make such improvements, and on-the 16th day of February, 1910, for the. Adams Avenue, ..Improvement between Fourth street , and Hemlock street by resolution appointed the 2nd day of March. 1910, at 8 o'clock P( M., at the Council Chambers in said city, and on the 7th day of September,, 1910. for the Adams Avenue improvement between Third Street --and Fourth Street, by a resolution, appointed the 21st day of September, 1910, .'at; 8 o'clock P. M. at; the Council Chambers and on February 9th, 1910, for Depot Street Improvement between Fourth Street and Jefferson Avenue by reso- lutlon appointed the 23rd day of Feb- .-yuary, lain, at 8 o'clock P. M.. at 'the Council Chambers In the City of La Grande, and on . the Z7th day of . ; April. i9io, for Fir Street improve went between Washington Avenue and Monroe Avenue appointed May Hth, 1910. at 8 (vVWlt P M.. at the Council Chambers In said city of La Grande; and on September 7th, 1910, w the Chestnut Street Improvement between Adama A-twmiA anA Jpffprsnn Avenue 8Tmn1nt1 iha 51 of Anv nt fffn- tember, lflio at 8o'clock P. M., at the vrcncil Chambers asthe times and Dlaces when and wherA nnirt Council would meet for the consideration of written remonstrance , nrnlnBt . the making of such proposed Improve ments; ana, . .. ;,. -';. -Whereas, nil nrinertr nnmi nhnt tine the Adams Avenue improvement , Between HathWv etuf on thmw street, and petitioneoV the Council of uty or La Grande to make such Proposed improvements and are by Z.roetltlnn thereby bound: - and. whereas, the Recorder or the said , )"? of La Grande,' gave notice of the i 'Vne? and nlflrea wTion M PnnnHI " would meet for the consideration of scn , written remonstrances in, the "iKuner prescribed bv law. to-wit : ror Adams A and Tiemlock Streets personal notice " "ar as possible to the nronerty ,vlfr8' Rent or persons in cbrre of , Mid property affected or benefited by . "rn imnroveraent :and bv publica .'on 'n the La Grande, Mornln? Star 'r the full TAr!vJ r 1A nnaan. ""If issues beginning with the issue rruruary 18. 1910. and ending with issue of March 2. 1910. proof of t "n is nied In the office of said Re- "-raer; and for Adams Avenue be- wwn uaMi..L m the tiroperty owners waived notice by petitioning for said improvement; and for Adams Avenue, between Third and Fourth Streets personal notice oa the 10th day of September, 1910, and by publication In the La Grande Evening Observer, a newspaper published dal ly in the City of La Grande, once evt ery day for ten (10) consecutive days commencing oa the 9th day of Sep tember, 1910, and ending with the Is sue of the 20th day of September, 1910, proof of which notice is filed In the office of the Recorder of the City ui lm uranae; ana ror Depot Street between Fourth Street and Jefferson Avenue personal notice to the prop erty owners affected or benefited by said Improvement on the 11th day of February. 1910. and by publication thereof in the La Grande Evening Ob server for the period of ten (10) days commencing with the issue of the 11th day of February, 1910, and ending with the issue of tho 21st day of Feb ruary, 1910, proof of which notice is filed In the office of the Recorder of the City of La Grande; and for Fir Street between Washington Avenue and Monroe Avenue personal notice to the property owners affected and benefited by said Improvement and by publication in the La Grande Evening Observer, beginning with the Issue o fthe 29th, day of April, 1910, and ending with the issue of the 10th day of May, 1910; and for Chestnut Street between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue personal notice on the 10th day of September, 1910, and by publi cation thereof in the La Grande Even ing Observer, beginning with the is sue of the 9th day or SeotrW, 1910, and ending with the Issu of the 20th day of September, 1910, proof of which is filed in r the office oi tne Recorder of . the CMr f Lfl orande;; said notices 'described generally the street or streets or por tions thereof proposed to be improved and referred to the character of the improvement,, and also described gen? erally the property within the1 Assess ment District, and; , ; v , . , , , Whereas, the Council of said city met at the Council Chambers in the said city of La Grande on the respect ive days at the hours specified for the respective hearings 6n said proposed improvements and at each of said meetings there were no written re monstrances against the making of such proposed improvements, and the Council thei eupon by . resolution in structed the Recorder of the City of La Grande to advertise for bids for the various street improvements, as follows: ; ;. . ' i : For Adams Avenue between Fourth and Hemlock streets for five days by publishing a notice to contractors for five ,(5)' successive issues in the La Grande Evening Observer, a dally newspaper published in the city of La Grande, Oregon, beginning with the issue of the 19th day of March 1910, and ending with the issue of the' 24th day of March 1910; , and proof of which is filed in the office of the.Recordar 'of the City of La Grande; .: and for Adame avenue between Third and Fourth Streets by . publishing; ,a notice to con tractors In the La Grande Evening Observer for five (5) consecutive days comemncing with the issue of tho 23rd day of September, 1910, and end ing with the issue.of the 28th day of September, 1910, proof of which was filed in the office of the Recorder of the City of La,Grande; and for Depot Street between Fourth Street and Jef ferson Avenue by publishing a notice to contractors in the La Grande Even ing Observer for five (5) consecutive days comemncing with the issue of the 19th day of March, 1910; and end ing with the Issue of the 24th day of March, 1910, proof , of ; which Is filed In the office of the Recorder of the city of La Grande; and for Fir Street between Washlneton and Monroe Ave nues by publishing a notice to con tractors in -the Li Grande Morning Star for the period of five (5) consec utive days beginning with the issue of May 13, 1910. and ending with the issue of May 18, J910; nd for Cheet nut Street between Adams and Jcf- forson Avenues by nubllshing a no tice to contractors In the La Grande Evening Observer for five (5) consec utive days commencing with the issue of the 23rd day of September, .1910, and ending with the issue of the 28th day of . September, 1910, ': proof of which is filed in ths office of the, Re corder of the City of La Grande. By the terms of said notices proposals for making such improvements according- to the plans and sneciflca- tlons filed in the office of tho Recorder of the city of La Grande and specify ing e time within which scaled bids mav be filed in bis office; ana, times bids were received and one of them accepted;, and. Whereas, such, proceedings were thereafter, duly had in the premises that ordinances were duly and regu larly passed authorizing the Mayor and Recorder to enter into contracts for the improvement of said . streets heretofore mehtlonort in accordance with said : plans and specifications; and Whereas, said work provided for in said contracts was completed and ac cepted by the city of La Grande:, the Council by resolution determined the cost of making such improvements and duly , met and consider , and crmnlPtPd 'tb '"Nvproents' to cover the cost of said proposed Imnrove meM and did apportion the costs and expenses of such improvement upon and anion the several parcels - of property affected and benefited there by, and in. no case did such assess ment exceed such benfiflts.. and. Whereas,: the said Council after having apportioned the cost and ex penso of such improvement upon the propertv bounding.' abutting, contig- rious. frontine. adiacent and tributary to such Improvement declared the! same by ordinance and directed the recorder of the city of La Grande to enter a statement thereof la the dock et of cit yliens and whkh ordinances are as follows: Ordinance number 480, series 1910, entitled "An ordinance declaring the cost of improving Adams Avenue from the east curb line of Fourth Btreet to the east curb line of Hemlock Street, assessln gthe property benefit ed thereby, declaring sjich assess ment and directing the entry of tho same In the docket of city liens, au thorizing the issue of improvement bonds to pay for said Improvement and declaring an emergency." Passed by the Council of the city of La Grande pn the 2nd day of November, 1910, and approved by the Mayor on the 3rd day of November. 1910; and Ordinance No. 481, Series 1910, en titled "An ordinance declaring the cost of improving Adams Avenue from the east curb line of Hemlock Street t6 the west curb line of Spruce Street, assessing the property benefited thereby, declaring . such assessment and directing the entry of the same in the docket of City Liens, authorizing the, issuance of Improvement Bonds to pay for said improvement, and de claring an emergency," passed by the Council of the city of La Grande on the 9th day of November,, 1910, and approved by the Mayor on the 11th day -of November,-1910; and, Ordinate No. 492, Series 1910, en. tit'", an Ordinance . declaring the r-lnproving Adams . Avenue ' he west curb line of Fourth biwoc to "he east line of Third Street, assessing the property here filed the entry declaring such assessment di recting th 9 entry of. the same in the isiiunuce and sale of Improvement Unn and declaring an emergency , passed by the Council of the city of La Grande on the 16th day of November, 1910, and approved by the Mayor on the 18th day; of November, 1910; and, Ordinance No. 482, Series 1910. en- titled "An ordinance declaring the cost of improving Depot Street from the east curb line of Fourth Street to the Bouth curb line of Jefferson Ave nue, assessing the property benefited thereby, declaring : such assessment and directing . the entry of the same in the docket of City Liens, authorizing the issuance of improvement bonds to pay for said improvement, and de claring an emergency," passed by the Council on the 9th day of November, 1910, and approved by the Mayor on the 11th day of November, 1910; and, Ordinance No. 493. Series 1910, en titled "An ordinance declaring .the cost of improving Fir Street from the north line of Washington Avenue to tho south curb line of Monroe Avenue, acessing the prooerty benefited there by, declaring such assessment and di recting the entry , of .the same in. the Docket of City Liens, authorizing the issuance and sale of improvement j bonds to pay for said improvement, and declaring an emergency," passed by the Council on the 16th day of No vember, 1910,' and approved by the Mayor, on the 21st day of November, isnu; .ana, - , . Ordinance No. 491, Series 1910, en titled "An ordinance declaring the cost of improving Chestnut Street from the north line of Adams Avenue to the south curb line of Jefferson Avenue, assessing the, property bene fited thereby, declaring; such assess ment and directing the entry pf the same In, the docket of City Liens, au- ttoorlzing the issuance and Bale of improvement bonds to pay . for said Improvement, and declaring an emer gency," (passed by the Council on the 16th day of November, 1910, and ap proved by , the Tayor on the 18th day of November. 1910; and. , ; Whereas. 'the Recorder of the city of La Grande did thereafter enter, a a statement of such assessments t in the docket of City Liens of the city of La Grande, and gave notice thereof to all 'property owners whose , property is assessed by publication thereof in five Issues of the city official news paper1, to-wit: The La Grande Even ing Observer, f6r Adams Avenue be tween Fourth and Hemlock Streets, beginning to the issue of .the 11th day of November, 1910, and ending with the Issue of the 18th day of November, 1910, and for Adams Avenue between Hemlock and Spruce streets, begin ning with the issue of the 14th day of November, 1910; and ending with the issue of the 19th day of November, 1910; ; and for ' Adams Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets, beginning on the 21st day of November. 1910, and ending .In the is sue of the 26th day of November, 1910: and for Depot street beginning with the issue of the 14th day of November, 1910; and endin ;. with the . is sue of the 18th day of November, 1910: and .for Fir -street between Washington and Monroe Avenues commencing with the Issue of the 21st day of November, 1910,' and ending with the Issue of the 2Rth day of No vember, 1910; and for Chestnut Street between Adams and Jefferson Ave nues, beginning with the Issue of the 21?t day of ' November, 1910. and ending with the issue of the 26th day of November, 1910; proof of publication of which notice is now on file in the office of the s Recorder o said city; and, , Whereas, among other parcels of property directly benefited by said Im provement and included within said Aesessraent Districts,- together with the names of the owners thereof, and the amount apportioned against each lot or part thereof or other parcel of land wlihln such Assessment District is as follows, to-wit: Adams Avenue from Fourth Street to Hemlock Street. Mrs. Mae Andrews, 64 4-10 feet of napun Aaaition to me, city V wae, dbi.uj. S. H. Dalton, Lot 9, Block 107, Chaplin's Addition to the City of aL Grande, $309.98. j Geo. H. Sutherland,' Lots 15 & 16, Block 115, Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grande, ISG3.07. J. C. Gardner, Lot $ and 1 ft. of lot 4, Block 106, Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grande, $250.06. Wm. Selgrist, 24 ft. Lot 11, Block 105, Chaplin's Add. to City of La Grande, $186.55. J. E. Foley, Lot 14, Blk. 115, and Lot 22, 21, 20. 19, 18, 17. Elk 114. Cha llu's Add. to City of La Grande, $1817. 45. Henry Fisher, Lot X Blk. 108. Chan l'n's Add. to city of La Grande, $235.11. Mrs. Mary Noble, Lot 25, 26, 27, Blk. Ill, Chaplin's Add, to cjty of. La Grande, $637.49. Mrs. Kate E. McWhlrter, Pt. of Blk. 9. Chaplin's Add. te city of La Grande, $689.12. . Mrs. S. C. Zuber, Lot 24. Blk. Ill, Cbaplln's Add. to city of La Grande, $218.45. John McKenna, Lot 15, 26 ft. Blk. 114, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $203.38. John Melville, Lots 14 and 15,. Blk. 108, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $489.56. S. R. Haworth. Lot 8. Blk. 107 Chanlln's Add. to city of La Grande, $307.60. Maggie D. Mahaffey, Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 115,' Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $421.87. V ' Grande Ronde Meat Co., Lot 15, Blk. 105, Chaplin's Add to city of La Grande, $267.80. : D. H. Steward, Lots 11. 12, 13. Blk. 113. Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $734.48. .-,:; f, O. O. F. Nck 16, Lot 9, Blk. 105. $237.82. F. S. Bramwell, Pt of Blk. 9, Chap lin's Add. to city of La Grande, $968.42. ' -: ' , ' W. A. Wade, Lots 14 & 15. Blk. 110, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $524.28. :):-.'..-.: .. S. A. Gardlnler, Parta of Lots 12, 13, 14 & 15. Blk 114, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $119.53. Oregon Land Co., Lot 10. & ft of 11, Blki 105, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $267.63. - ' ' W. H. Ferguson, Half of Lots 31. 32, 33, 34, Blk 11, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande $392.05 ! C. L. Mackay, Lots 11, 12.& 13, Blk. 108, Chohlln's Add. to city of La Grande. $672.87. , , . , ' Jesse A. King and G.'A. Lincoln, Pt. of Blk 109, Chaplin's Add.; to city of La Grande, $896.11. . David Bay, Lota 9 and 10, Blk. 108, Chaplin's Add- to city of La Grand, $423.89. ;:, ; F. W. Bay, Lot 13, Blk. 110. Chap lin's Add to city of Ia Grande, $236.22. J, C. Henry, Lots 10 and 11, Blk. 112 Chaplin's! Add- to city of La Grande, $652.04. " r- , Genevieve Bohnenkamp, Lot 18 ana part of 17, Blk. 112, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $459.25. '"; A. C. Huntington, Lots 4, 5 & . vi. 107, and Lots 22 & 23, Blk. Ill, Chap lin's Add. to city of La ' Grande, $1140.54. "r,:' Gust Benglesdorff, Lot 6, Blk. 106, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $257.08. f ,.- .;.''; v-v;,,?,: ' Thomas Loftus, Lots 17 ahd 18 Blk. 105. Chanlln's-Add. to city of La Grande, $575.21. - 1 " Turner Oliver, Lots 1 & 2, B1K. J07, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, $661.88. Elizabeth Burke, Part of JLOts n, 32. 33 & 34,' Blk.-Ill, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, $212.03. 1 Laura Mav White. Lot 5, Blk. 108, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $228.28. .;;- : ,':': ,'; :; C, W. Noyes, Lots 16, n & is. m. 110, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $$1059.28. , ' I J. B. Fisher, Lot 8, Blk. 105, unap- lln'8 Add. toclty of La Granae, $234.07. J . : - Julius Roescn. Lots l, z, i, m& iuo, & Lot 16 In Blk. 114, Chaplin's Add. to cltv of La Grande, $1054.2Z. Palmer & Roesch. Lota l. is t io. Blk. 113, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $922.56. , .-; Peter Kuhn. Lots 18 & 19, BlK. ill, Chaplin's Ad(i to city of La Grande, $605.41. ,' ' --' t Chas. Barnell, Part Lot 12, Blk 110, Chanlin'B Add.. Part Blk. 3, Coggin'B & Chaplin's Add. to, city of La Grande, $700.00. - ' ' O. M. Noyes. Part bik. 3 & nu, uok- gin'8 & Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $646.80. Henrietta Day, Fart of bik. , & iu, Coggin'B & Chaplin's Add. to city or La Grande. $223.02. ' v ' A..W Rvneareon Estate. Lota zo & 21. Blk. 115, Coggln's ft Chaplin's Add. to city, of La Grande, $489.27. Rothchild Bros., Parts of Lots iz, 13, 14 & 15,' Blk.' 114. Chaplin's -Add. city of La Grande, $74.45. -Maggie L. Ackles, Part of Lot 11. and Lots 12 & 13, Blk. 105, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $398.00. ' C. G. Bonte, LotB 14 & 15, Blk 112, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $453.20. '' ,, ' H. D. Heldenrlech, Lot 3, Blk. 107, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande", JK77.46. 1 W. D. Grandy & E. B. Johnson, Lots 22 & 23, Blk. 115. Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande. $290.44. Zora E. Patty, Lots 16, 17. Blk. 108, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, J400.00. . : - Wm. Erickson. Lot 12, Blk.' 112, Chaplin's Add. to city of La Grande, $273.96. Lydia Erickson, Lot 13, Blk. : 112, Chaplin's Add. to city of La uranae $2,32.93. :. " . l-; " "' Totai, $25,172.20. ; ' ' Adams Avenue from Hemlock to Snruce streets: ' M. L. McCormlck, 51 ft, of Lot 1. Blk. 8, Cofrgin's Add. to city of La Grande, $461.23. W. G. Noble, Lot 6. (1-2) Bit 6, Cog- pin's Add. $441.65. ta city of La Grande,! Mrs. S. C. Zuber, Blk. 8, Lot 1. 50.2 I ft., CoEgln's city of La Grande, $453.98. , j J. E. Reynolds, Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 4, Copgin's Add. to city of La Grande, $ltis7.37. , J. G. Johnson, L ot2. Blk. 8, Cog gin's Add. to city of La Grande, $811.86. E. P. Staples. Lot 5, Blk. 4, Coggln's Add to city of La Grande. $1088.56. Chas. Norby. 1-2 Lot 6, Blk. 4, Co gin'B Add. to city of La Grande, $441.65. . , E. E, Conley, Lot 4, Blk. 8. Coggln's Add. to city of La Grande, $1087.76. - Laura, Woodel, Lot 3, Blk. 8, Cog gln's Add. to city of La Grande, $883.29. Total, $7,357.35. . Adams Avenue from Third Street to Fourth Street: a A. W. Rynearson Estate, 1-2 of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9. Blk. 2, Grandy's Add. to city of La Grande, $741.48. Mrs. R,- W. Laughlin, Lot 5, Blk. 2, Grandy's Add. to city of La Grande. $121.52. ', - Martha J. Long, " Lot 4. Blk. 2. Grandy's Add. to city of La Grand?, $40.72. B. W. Grandy, Lots 1, 2. 3 & 4, & part of 12, 13 and 44, all of 11, Blk. 3, Grandy's the city or La Grande, $1412.16. A. W. Rynearson Est, 1-2 of Lots 6. 7, 8 & 9, Blk. 2, Grandy 'b Add. to city of La. Grande, $741.49, Total, $3,057.57. Chestnut from Adarns Avenue to (Continued on Page Els i GEORGE PAL5TEE, PEes. ; ; F. J. K0LEISS, Tlce Pres. IT. t. BKEXIIOLTS, Ais't. Cash. EAEL ZUITDEL, 24 Ass't Cash. r--'-:- , F. L.HETEES .Cashier. ' - : La - Grande - National Bank I . of La Grande, Oregon United States Depository : Capfal, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 WEECTOES. GEORGE PALMER, W. L.BEEKHOLTS W. J. OIIIECH F. L. MET EES F. J. UOLMES ' W. M. FIERCE Kith our ample resources and facilities we 'enn rcnaer you effi cient service sail handle your business to. your entire satisfaction. 1 Something New in a Heater I Have Exclusive Sale in La Grande of the . "All Fuel"- Heater Greatest Possible Economy in Fuel. .. ' . f, t , . Will Burn Any Kind of Wood or Coal, together or separately. . Will Hold Fire 24 Hours Without Renewing. , JUST THE STOVE You have been looking for. COME in and I will show you. Trade me your 'old Heater, on the "ALL FUEL." Best Ever Made. " ' $26.00 $28.50 ' $31.00 To DDo I , .' I 1. H. LA 6R ANDES ' When In need of cut glass, hand pain by a first class Jewel buying and you will s first Quality goods.'' . If your ejiei tro Opposite the V f. QO- OO OOOOOO European Plan Only Rocrns EOa to $1X0 First class Throughout 3 Dim ?7 3 n "flstiiijj D. G. BRIGHOUX Proprietor. OtlE EXCX FROll DEFO! La, Qngsa ' Messenger Service Csli !.hin 2, or hd. 2! C C, TEXISGTOS TY. D. CLEAVER F. 51. BYEIT DIlaio&feoTi SEE " ' 'l FEME LEADING JEWELER anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, ted China, or any other article carried ry store, investigate our prices before ave money, and be sore of securing utile yon, have them fitted by an op- Land OfflM. A flams An 0.0000000