VAGti TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1010. THE:' ' PEOPLES ' 'STORE, f You Don't Know What ito 3 C to Oiir Store l: and, Ss! EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN PUT FORTH THIS YEAR TO MAKE OUR STOCK THE MOST COMPLETE EVER, AND WE NOW INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF THE MANY BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES ON DISPLAY, IN ADDITION TO THE INNUMERABLE FANCY ARTI CLES WE HAVE PROVIDED FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF USEFUL THINGS AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES i'UK WHICH THIS STORE IS NOTED, PICTURES FOR GIFTS, LOW PRICES. Never has more interest been manifested by Christmas Shoppers. This u makes Early Shopping all ai mea to innuence immediate buying and lessen the ' occur later. '.V ' vC: "'";' SMART STYLES IN SLIPPERS AND SHOES. , There is no use talkiner. when it comes to smart stvles in shoes, vou've , got to come here to get it. You'd be surprised to know are tryinsr to imitate the stvles we show. BIG FUR VALUES in Black Wolf, Jap Mink, Real - tiviu wool uu -maraKan. . There are lots of Good Things for a Man's Christmas in our House Coats, Sweaters, Fine Gloves, Ordinance "So, &00, Series 1910. ' (An Ordinance providing for the Is suance and tale , of Improvement Bonds for bonded assesments In Im iprovement DlstrlcU Nob. 16, 6 14 and 25 In the time and manner described fcy the provisions of Sections 2727 to 2735 inclusive and all amendments thereto of Bellinger and Cotton's An- ' notated Codes and Statutes of the State of Oregon, for the purpose of ' paying for the Improvement of Adams Atenue. including all portions there of betwen Third and Fourth Streets, Fourth and Hemlock Streets and Hemlock and Spruce Streets, Depot Street, Fir Street and Chestnut Street, in the City of La Grande, Oregon. Whereas, the city of La Grande by a resolution passed by the Council on the 2nd day of February. 1910, deemed it expedient and necessary to Improve the following portions of Ad-1 suns Avenue in the City of La Grande, 1 Oregon, to-wlt . . . ' , Adams avenue from the east curb line of Fourth street to the east curb ' Jlne of Hemlock Street; and I Whereas, the city of La Grande by ! a resolution passed by the Council on -August"?, 1910, deemed it expedient .And necessary to Improve the addi tional portion of Adams Avenue in the City of La Grande, Oregon, to-wlt: Adams Avenue from the west curb Use of Fourth street to the east curb , lint of Third Street, and Adams Ave- one from the "west curb line of Hem lock street to the west curb line of Spruce street, and, Whereas, the city of La Grande by a resolution passed by the Council on the second day of February, .1910, deemed it expedient and necessary to Improve the following portion of De pot street in the city of La Grande, Oregon, to-wlf. ',. Depot street from the east curb Hue of Fourth street to the north side of Jefferson Avenue, and Whereas, the city of La Grande by sv resolution passed by the Council on f the 27th day of April, 1910, deemed it ' necessary and expedient to Improve the following portion of Fir street In .' tne city of La Grande, Oregon, to-wlt: Fir street from the north curb line ' f Washington Avenue to the south (Contlrted on HI P.iUU. C.mm1a ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH GRANULATED' BONE. OYSTER U Uliry UUPPIICS SHELL GRIT. SCRATCH FOOD. PROTEIN A, FLAX SEED MEAL. AL r .;. FALFA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT rr-' '" , v prices.' :. sold By jat er-Sfancif i ed Produce Co. : K V.'0-y). HAY. KED, HCVR j , . V 1425 Jefferson Annul the more imperative and OUR Stiits 15.00 to I T FOH LOCALS NEXT WEEK While there is some indecision on account of uncertainty regarding a game for the high school basketball team, it seems definitely sure that the iglrls of the high school basketball squad will hold their tryout next Fri day evening, it Is possible that Un ion may be brought over to. play the boys' team and in that event the date of the girl's tryout may be changed to conform "with the matched, game between the boys. In the event that the boys do hot hook lip for a match ed game, the boys will try out the same evening as the girls giving the spectators continuous ball. BIG SHOOT IN THIS CITY. Three Departments Will be Conduct ed On Bange Near Hospital -This Month. What is considered to' be the best turkey shoot , in Union county this year is now being framed up for this city on December 22-23, when' Tod Conrad will be chief de affalfes on a rang In the Foley pasture near the hospital, . , , Arrangements for havlnit three dif ferent departments are completed and men to look after each have been ap pointed. The range will be fitted up in nice shape for the shooters. P. A. Foley will be in charge of the pistol range and will supervise that part of the program. Bert Hughes will at tend to the rifle range and Tod Con rad, assisted by Ed. Morris, of the Winchester Mm comipany, will look after the blue rock traps. The shoot ing at clay birds will be on the Jack rabbit system if the crowds so de sire it, , ;. . ., ", Fraslcr Wins Fame.!, 11 Frasier, the La Grande boy attend ing JeUflHOn high at Portland . has been awarded the position of tackle on the all-star scholastic league in Portland. He is credited, with being speedy, heady and heavy. Aside from football he has flmrd In truck work during his school years In Portland. , our low prices are ( congestion likely to how other dealers Mink. White For mm $35.00 -o- 11T XT iW 1TGA Wl' W :': Hosiery y Neckwear, Coach Carruth has his girl squad In splendid trim. Never before,' declares followers of the game, has the ma terial been so promising and interest so keen as nowy so that the ones who win their spurs next Friday night have not acquired a life job for those left out by superior playing! at that moment can, easily enough, remain in grabbing distance of any of the positions. With the boys pros pects have not been definitely ascer tained. Captain Bohnenkamp has had the candidates on the floor two or three times and it 'appears the school will have a winning team. HOW THE " ENGLISH LIKE IT, London Mail Tells Its Version of : American Football as Seen in , v - v England. ,. . A very artistic description of an American football as viewed by, an Englishman who has never seen, a real game or lootnau, is included in the story from the London Dally Tel egraph: ' ,' ' : 'i . ' -C'- The first . exhibition in London of the American Rugby game was given at the Crystal Palace football ground yesterday afternoon by teams select ed from the crews of the United States battleships Idaho and Vermont. The ' 6,000 people present witnessed a rousing struggle, which, though rendered somewhat one sided by the superiority of the Idaho men, was nevertheless thoroughly enjoyed. Resembling the British Rugby game in many ways, the American game is much rougher and more ex citing. , Opponents hurled. themselves against each other when at full speed in a manner which alarmed the crowd with the exception of that portion which was composed of v American sailors, who displayed their partisan ship by cheering, shouting advice and waving flags. The band from the battleship Idahp struck up lively airs (Continued on Page Seven.) 1 - . CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES IN ENDLESS ARRAY. V Space here forbids our naming the different kinds of hundreds of beautiful things ' and all, we can say is, Come and see them all. 'V ' HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Umbrellas are especially acceptable as gifts NEW GLOVES IN THE FINEST GRADES, FOR EVERY NEED AND OCCASION. ' . ' - v : , , SILK HOSE-Unusual Variety for early gift buying. 4- ' ' )' JIANY WILL THOUGHTFULLY GIVE HANDKERCHIF.FS-Yvu'II-auiu every tiling in hanaKerch ief s here and many sorts, all econom ically priced. . . V ; .", ; :: ,:: ,. ' Clothing Department. Ovecbats J Altirvn rnnwna tinW'www;..- . Suit Cases, Traveling IS 01 BOATMAN nAS GAINED BUT SET- EN FOISTS THUS FAB. With Four Hundred More to Go, Pro- fessional Mast Show Speed. ' ' " m ' ! '. ' ' ;'- '; ' ' ' ' ' t ... : ' With one of the three-night pool match over. Boatman, the Northwest champion pool shark has gained but seven points of a total of fifty against Don McLaughlin, the local crack who is pitted against the professional for a six hundred point match, Boatman handicapped' fifty. The first night's match ended, Boatman 201, McLaugh lin 194. This in a decided advantage for McLaughllr for Boatman will have to overcome torty-three points in two more night's playing. , ' A large audience was at the Paul's cigar parlors to witness the first night's scores. McLaughlin electri fied the audience, and startled his professional opponent by running down ten,, eleven, thirteen and. four teen in as manv frnmna. unit na ttia 'championship pool rules are adhered w, mm means inai Boatman naa less , than a dozen during) that time. But McLaughlin lost . some of hisi brilliancy, partly through Inexperi ence with some of the championship rules. McLaughlfa . plays spot ball while in this match when the rack is run down the balls are spotted and not before. On this account many of the runs are spoiled. Another han dicap for McLaughlin is a steady con. slstent player and his supporters are confident be will win out, notwith standing that his big lead early In the evening was cut down by the whilwlnd finish of the professional. Boatman's Shots never. . Boatman - executed some 'difficult strokes, one or two of them which are noteworthy : was a kiss shot across the table and a four-ball com bination kiss shot of long range. His eye and stroke improved as the match progressed and j if McLaughlin falls down materially he stands a chance of winning at the final finish. The match differs ' from 1 amateur matched in that the balls are spot ted at once at the drop of the fif teenth ball and the opponent breaks and retires, whereas It is customary to spot at the conclusion of each run and not before. ; ' . -i ; Much interest is attached for th principals in the . match represent the best there is in La Grande an-" about the best in the Northwest Wara Is referee. He too is a shark of repu tatlon and his thorough know ledg of the game avoids disputes. . . . . " ir HOLDS H .Big things and smalLJIolhing could be 7.50 to $25.00 Bags, Suspenders, We do all kinds or furniture and carpet work, .unholaterlng and vac uum house cleaning. Call L, L. Bell FOR i ATI Kinds of Pistol,' Rifle and" Shotgun Ammunition. Any information wanted re-. garding the Shoot and guns or suitable ammunition t call V and see me. ' -r - practical and serviceable jj V: Slipper inger, phones Red-562 and Red-14L Want ads pay, one eent a word THE jflBBOf Ml i 1 Want ads nax, one ceat a word.