PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEilBER 9, 1910. UI1.DEDIES JOB REPORT DECLINES DEPUTY CIIIEFSIIlP FOB AM COSSIDERATIOX. Flatly Denies lie Is Here for That Purpose and Would not Take It ntenced Mr. Hibberd said today: "If the shippers will follow out the ap pended suggestions, less - trouble than customary will be experienced In Christmas shipping: Write your own address In full somewhere on the package. "If not convenient to ship In wooden boxes, usa strong wrap ping paper (not newspapers) and tie nlth strong cord. ....... "If package contains anything of NnsnaDie nature, write the word Perishable" in large plain letters on the box or package, which will call for special attention and delivery. 'Ship your package early by the 15th of December if possible. The ex press company will glve you a small label to past on the package reading mju uoi upen uniu unristmas." This "I want to explicitly state that the persons who are circulating the re- will give opportunity for the' pack- port that I win he appointed deputy chief of police If either Mr. Richard son or Mr. Monrue are elect mayor, are telling a falsehood," said Lou Ray burn this morning regarding a re port to that effect. The former chief of police was emphatic in his denial that he was here for that purpose. "I would not take the office under any consideration as I have better things In sight and I am not here for that purpose. That la final" continued the chief. . " BAKES CITY DISAPPEARS. . Ju.xt riala Baker Is Official Same of Mining .Town Hereafter. Baker City is no more, says the Herald. The post office department at Washington has officially chang ed the name of the post office here to Baker, according to an announce ment received, by Postmaster Lach ner today. The name of this coramun- Baker by tne new cnarter wnicn went .Into effect Tuesday, and now the government has changed the name of the postofflce to correspond with that of the city. But one. of the big surprises came today when it became known that the name of the postofflce also nec essitated the appointment of a new postmaster. Congressman Ellis was notified by the officials at Washing ton that a new appointment will be necessary, and according to the prtBS dispatches he will be guided in mak ing the appointment by the wishea of the people of this city. Postmaster W. J. Lachner was very much surprised when, ho learn ed that his time had expired and that It would be necessary to appoint a postmaster here; He has declared his Intention of seeking the position again and today is busy calling on the local merchants and business men seeking their endorsement of his candidacy, His time would not ex pire for several months yet and he will endeavor to secure the nlaca attain. ' . V . Because of the suddenness of the move no other candidates have yet come out for the position, although other names have been mentioned at ifluuuo iiuies in i uiuiCT. noil wim iue office when Mr. Lachnerlf term ex plred. It la not known whether or not these candidates will come out now. . . reacn 1W Destination before vuribimaa ana give the additional pleasure to the recipient of the gift ofhavlnic it on Christmas morning. "Use. wooden boxes for packing specially for glass and other fra irotS!68' Wh,Ch 8houldb ell "Write the address In full state tXr CltT' ltreet and ib3-S the box or package, with ink or cray- ?ost. ' freJuently torn off and SHIP PACKAGES EARLY. Insures Safe and Prompt Delivery ' Without Danger of Delay. In keeping with business houses of all kinds, the American Express company through its agent. 1 G. M. Hibberd is. urging early shipment of Christmas packages. This will not only avoid congestion but will also Insure safe and prompt delivery of parcels. Speaking of the Christ mas rush which has already com- DEMONIAC PLEASANTRY. ... Humorous Diversion of the Roman Emperor Commodus. Professional barbers are sntd to have been Introduced Into-Rome by Menas from Sicily, of which island be was praetor In the days of Cicero. Under the empire their shops in some In stances became fashionable resorts at which every luxury of the toilet was Rome and the empire were discussed. The means, luxury and weaknesses of personal adornment therein carried to excess are amply Immortalized In the pages of Terence, piautus, Horace, Juvenal and Martial - . . . Other barber shops were mors re tired, as we learn from the annals of the Emperor Commodus, who. having wearied at tiaics of the wholesale trag edies of tbe Coliseum, wherein armies engaged lu murder at bis savage be hest, aud being desirous of a little humorous diversion, used, like the caliph of Bagdad lu the "Arabian Nights." to disKUlse himself and sally forth, accompanied by two or more of his favorites, and. having, hired a bar ber shop suitable for bis purpose, would place one of bis men at tbe door to solicit custom. Y Having secured a customer, the em peror barber would politely affix the towel and apply the lather, all the time keeping up a running fire of the latest Jests and little pleasantries until the customer aud himself were almost over come with laughter. Then the keen edged razor would slip, and among regrets and proffers of assistance the noseless victim would be assisted to the rear of tbe shop, where between threats and bribes be was kept from making a riot until one or two more victims were added to the number and Commodus, weary of his demoniac pleasantry, was ready to return to the palace .or to tbe arena. Charles Win slow Hall in National Magazine. n IS A PLEASURE AT , THE FAIR a rices our Most magnificent line of Christmas Goods we h and do your buying early and get the greatest pleasure out of Gliristmas. CANNIBALISM. The LAST Days Before Christmas are apt to be days of hurry and indiscriminate' buying. Do not buy carelessly. Come here and you'll find plenty of gifts mostly articles of every day utility. Such goods make the b8t gifts. , " . Hand painted china, cut glass, perfumer, mirrors, books, al bums, hair brushes, clothes bruBhcs. , pocket books, bags, pocket knives, scissors,; combs, hnt brushes, shaving setB, toil et sets, razors, safoty razors, rlpes stationery, purses, foun tain pens, chafing dishes, cigars confectionery, etc. . " These goods are staples with us and unless we have an un usually heavy trade In the next few days linos will not be broken before Christmas. We would advise, though, that you select before the last minute. There's excellent choice now. mm DrugCompn'y Both Phones. 6 It Is the' Religion of th Savage Who Practice It In the course of bin thirteen years as a missionary In tbe Fill Islands the Itev. Joseph Nettleton trained a good deal about cannibalism aod even saw some of bis colleague killed and eaten. "It Is a common mistake to think that these men eat human beings because of hunger," be suld. "Cannibalism is their religion. The ovens In tbe temple where they cook their human sacrifices are never used, for any other purpose. I once witnessed the capture of a white victim. He was surrouuded, bound band and foot and dragged along to the temple, where be was dashed with terrlOc force against the altar. Then be was' pushed inside the compound, while the chiefs arrungwl as to the division of the body and be gan a war dance. Their hideous war dauce the 'dernna they call It-makes one's flesh creep An American sea captain who once visited the islands said he was not so much afraid of being enten as he was of this dunce It took all the courage out of blm." Mr.' Nettletou had to use extreme tact to avoid arousing suspicion among the savages. "My colleague, Mr. Ba ker, was murdered,' cooked and eaten with seven others while exploring." be said. "The cannibals thought he was spying. I never carried a revolver. Why? Because the canulbals say at once, 'lie doesn't carry mat to am himself; therefore be means to kill us,' and they act accordingly." N Tbe Rev. J. Calvert, another of Mr, Nettieton'a colleagues, had a narrow escape.' He was surrounded Dy canni bals, and it was decided that be should be killed. By a miracle bis life was spared. "My friend pleaded till be was hoarse," said Mr. Nettleton, "but It was of no avail Suddenly one of tbe cannibals remembered tflat Mr. Calvert had doctored bjm when be was v til That MTud my friend's life." Chicago 'New. . PKv LET SATURDAY BE THE BEGINNING Madies jiats ess Jlian jfcdf hat must be closed THE CHRISTMAS STORE mm wjmmm wmb Frofn; the many pleasant compll- menta heard today it is believed that visiting Elks were so royally treated ! last night that they wll always have a warm and tender spot in .their hearts for the La Grande brothers. The occasion was a clambake and following the regular work of the lod,?;e the banquet tables were spread and clams both large and small; fell prey to the hungry members of the Antlered herd, y "; ; ) Following the feast a smoker was held in the auditorium and, special vaudeville attractions were furnished from the Onpheum" theatre' by Man ager Gardinier. The occasion was one of the strong points of Elkddm, Il lustrating once more the good fel lowship that exists among those who wear the "horns" ; THREE DAY POOL GAME. Boatman, the Crack Cue Artist Will Compote With, Local Cue Adept - Commencing tonlght ; at 8 o'clock, at Paul's cigar store there will be an exhibition pool game between Tommy Boatman and Don McLaughlin. Same to continue for three nights. . The match will be' call shot 'and Boat man la handicapped. : . READ TI1IS.- AlMVno Snft'er From Catarrh," Sore Throat or Colds. Millions of people throughout Amer fV have breathed IIYOMEI (pro nounce it. High-o-me) and now own a HYOMEI In haler made of hard rubber. ; If you own a HYOMEI In haler, no matter where you live, you can get a bottle of HYOMEI at the Newlin Drug Co and druggists everywhere for only 50c. Ask for an extra bottle of HYOMEI Inhalent; it is only 50c and with it you can cure a cough or a cold in a day. ;. . . t You can get relief fromcatarrh or stuffed up head In two minutes and fiXo hawking and snuffling in a week." . Just pour a few drons of HYOMEI into the Inhaler and breathe it in that's all. It's so easy and so pleasant and so much more desirable than swal lowing nauseating drugs. Breathe Hyomel over the Inflamed membrane of the hose' an dthroat and its sooth ing, healing action will be felt' im mediately. , If you have not a HYOMEI Inhal er, get a complete HYOMEI outfit at once. This only costs $1.00 and- with it comes a HYOMEI Inhaler that will Inst a lifetime and ought to be in every family. For free ' sample of HYOMEI write Booth's Hyomel Co. Buffalo, N., Y. ; , Des. 9-19-30 7 .,' A Communication. Mr. Editor: . Sir, in reading your remarks on the passing of Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy I wish to say that she was not wrong in her ideas of the Bible. She tausht us how to rad, and understand what we read i taught how to keep well and live and bore no malice toward man, taught usv to attend to our own busi ness and let our neighbors do the same and to do unto others as we would that they should do unto us. She was always teaching the church in live according to the teachings of the uioie. i nave belonged to the church most of my life and thought I was a good Christian, but I never knew what a Christian Hfr was until I became a Scientist. Why should we not cling to her doctrine when it taught us how to Hr. as God meant us too: to lnv m neighbor as ourself in every sense of ine wora. on, hut It is the one beautl- RAI N'PROOF We make your old coat new and Rain proof Ladies Capes, Coats, Silks Made Waterproof 1118 Adams Ave,Tel. Main 735 ' BERT THOMAS FOR SUNDAY Hot House Lettuce Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes" r Cranberries -Bananas and Oranges Mince Meat ; nodgmss Gwery i iui rengion. MRS. I. M. VAN LEUREN. La Grande, Ore, urfi va vva