I I 1 LA GRANDE EVXNUTG 03LIIVEIL FBID1Y, DECSMBHl P,.IDI0. t , am SpiWcfi . i: ;aragus 7ps mson Beets t ncy Squzsh am Pumpftn Under tbe -v . Jfeebed stock label some of the1 new tege we are now - carrying. I label Insures the best jlty and full weight atbson I Use either phone jn til I 4 j Ladies and Gents JshoeShuiePa.rta, l)M, 77f BOOTBLACK" HAS MOVED; ;i , 18 Adams Ave.,- where b will serve all custom ers, new and old ranldin Would Have Been Amazed his vision could have extend- d far enough Into' the haze of i solution to foresee the ultimate lumph of Incandesant electric fghting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. ; 'V I The sage old phioaopher flew !is kite during a thunder storm, , nd by means of a key attracted nd discovered electricity, .but Tolutlon decreed ! that modern Inventive genius should discover in lncandescant lamp that la Revolutionizing' artificial light I THE GENERAL ELECTRIC jplADZA - LAMP gives nearly three times the light of the or dinary carbon lncandescant and costs no more to operate. In addition to this It gives light of vaatly superior quality--a clear white light like the sun's rays. ' .,,!' Everywhere people are having jthelr houses wired for, electric light, since the Invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It kas made, electricity as cheap as It Is convenient H ? Come Is for a moment' today and let us prove to your ntlrt tat lsf action that there Is ho longer a possible excuse' for 700 to be without the greatest of all household conveniences elecie trie llgtt ' ' EASTERN OREGON Light andPower Company NewTraiisfer M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE REM 3762 ntofall lands t ancy'" Author Popular. , One of iMb season's great . play increases Is a play called "Nancy" which was written by C. IL Kerr, author of The Beauty Doctor. Little Dollie Dimples, : Papa's Baby. Over The Fence, etc etc, .This piece will be presented In this city for one night at thet Steward, Dec. 14 and comes with a great company, head ed by the peerless comedienne, Grace Cameron. The play Is dellght iful and refreshing, full of heart In terest and highly diverting comedy situations. The production comes here in Its intlrety the same as in all the Metropolitan cities. There has been some controversy amongst our threatre goers as to whether we were to hav the original No. 1 (or big city) company in Nancy or a sec ondary company. , 'Sew Team at the Orpheum. , : The change at the Onyheum last night was one of the best -that has been presented at the Orpheum this 'sea son. The new team, Swor and West brook, in a singing and dancing act made good from the start with the auT dience. Their songs were original and the dancing was good, Introducing new and intricate Bteps. Miss May Em eral. the clever contortionist put some extra touches to her; pleasing act and - . . ,. . . beginning of the week. Those funny Jugglers, the Parrots were also before the footlights again and - did , their clever feats of skill that is ever pleas ing. Their pet is one that a person nev er tires of and is well worth going to see a second time Ordinance No. 496, Series 1910. . An Ordinance authorizing the May or and Recorder to enter Into contract with B. W. Grandy, guaranteeing the construction of cement curb on the south side of Block 3, Grandy's Addi tion to La Grande, Oregon, In accord once with the terms of the contract entered Into by and between the War ren Construction Company and , the pity of La Grande." ' ' r : v , ' Whereas, B. W. Grandy, owner of the portion of the lots in Block 3 in Grandy's Addition to La Grande, on Adams avenue, which Btreet has been improved by laying thereon bitulithij pavement, objects to paying for the curb built In front of and along his said property, for the reason, that said curb, as claimed , by him is de fective and of no value, now therefore In order to settle the matter in con troversy, and. In consideration of the agreement and promise by said B. W. Grandy, to pay the amount assessed against his said property for the price of said curb, and In consideration that said B. W. Grandy will make and sign an application against his said prop erty, Including; said curb, now there fore, The City of La Grande Does Or dain as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor and lte corder be, and they are hereby au thorized to enter Into a contract with B. W. Grandy . to the effect that the City of La Grande, will guarantee the proper . construction of the cement curbing on and along the property of said Grandy, in Block 3, Grandy's Ad ditlon to La Grande, so that the same snail be in accordance wun me terms of the contract made and entered Into by and between the Warren Construc tion Company and the. City of LA Grande, for paving Adams avenue be tween 4th street and 3rd street That said work will be done as soon as the weather, permits: and said contract with said Grandy shall contain a promise and agreement to pay his as sessment for the Improvement of his said .property Including , the . amount assessed for building said euro, ana that said Grandy will make and sign an application to pay his Bald assess ment. and. the whole thereof In ten equal annual Instalments as provided by Ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be published In one Issue of the La Grande Evening Observer, and after its approval by the Mayor, shall be in force and take effect from and after the 9th day of January, 1911. Passed the council on the 7th day of December, 1910, by eight members voting therefor. Approved this 9th day of December 1910. , , P. L. METERS, -.-vr f .-,', .. Mayor, Attest: lf D. Et COXr V ! . Recorder. " k The Paris Hair Store will open up a special hair manufacturing depart ment and all weaving turned out will be fully guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Miss Marie Swann, late of Los Angeles, Cat, Is now located at this store. We do private work by appointment mm iii' store , 1 KT5. PAIZZZ2 : ' To tKe Public FHEATERS 4 Aristocratic T - : Equincs Mix ; in society in aocietjr : HE day -of the equine aristocrat la at hand, as fash ionable seasons for horses and humans are the same large ly. Thousands of p ilars are required . to bedeck each for the upholding of prestige, and col umns of" newspa per space are nec essary to c', attention to the same. . riv'spwia indicate that this will be the gayest winter season the horse and society have spent together.' The New York show will tn th foarlvt- ties Nov? 14 to Id at Madison Square warden, and to attract the largest and most classy entry list 140,000 will be distributed in prizes to the winners in 151 classes. For the first time in the' history of cue National Horse Show association's exhibitions special trophies of a value of 1500 each will be donated by the f y. : a - !'1 'rtSi;. , 1 ' I'" 5 4 I ' ' JVTXHSQ HATED VkXSA. International horse show of London, which has the same objects. A pretty feature of the opening day of the New, York show will be the filling of the balconies with thousands of the city's crippled and - orphaned wards as the guests of the show directors. For the special entertainment of the' children' there will be a procession comprising the largest-and smallest horses the huge draft horses and the diminutive ponies. .f. ;;:,;,v,.:;--': .. .-. One of thrf most spectacularof the events will be the classes for officers' chargers, open to all nations and all branches of tbe service. As all riders are required to appear in full military uniform and many nations are expect ed to be represented a brilliant blend ing of colors will be'Seen;-' ; , ... Queen Wilhelmina Is', taking a keen Interest in the horse show this year ana is sending two of ber best horses to the exhibit These will be ridden by two noted horsemen of Holland. For the first time the militia officers have received attention, and they will compete in a special class in full dress, V , A JTUMPtB AT TUB 8S0W. equipped with saber , and ' regulation bridle and saddle. The horses will be required to Jump three high brush known rh th r-nn,iim hoiiA Huuiuuuaj UBU iH and 1. open to officers and government j w -w -wmm vuHUGUaa LUU uiww. .uKiisn CTencn. ana. Beinan IP oCicers will ILeet tLe Wbt Iu"the Cnil td States army in Uiese events. - -' The improvenjents of the last few years la the Ircedmy cf tuuters lend additional inttmt . to thee classes, and the eutry lists aro krjer than usual. Twenty-four claasea Lave been set apart for hunters and Jumpers, with a prize total of ?T80. One contest that has always been of a spectacular nature Is likely to be closed this year by the winning out right of the trophy. This is the Ar rowhead Inn cup for road teams, the eourse extending from the Inn on the Hudson's banks to the arena at Madl sou Square Garden. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbflt ,'and Morris E. Hewlett noted four-ln-hand drivers, each have a leg on this trophy. Saddle horses ridden' by amateurs only will again lompete for' the Holland House cup. Several foreign champions have been entered in the heavy draft horse classes, and the success of last year Is likely to be exceeded. FLAG ETIQUETTE. Displaying th National Epslgn at Half ' :-!v; . ,- MU- ; . ', There have been many mistakes made about the etiquette of the flag. When President William 1 McKiflley was assassinated thousands of loyal Americans raised flags at half ; mast over their places of business and let them By by night and by day until they. -wore out They undoubtedly thought they wert showing respect to McKinley's memory,1 "But they were Tint ahftwln www, i. The United States government display ed at that time its flags at half mast from sunrise to sunset from the presi dent's death until his buriaL The gov ernment regulations provide that on the death of a president in oQce ta flag shall be displayed at half mast only one day. In memory of the 850,000 Union sol diers who' lost their lives during the civil war May SO, Memorial day, each year the United States displays Its flag at half mast at all army posts; stations nd national cemeteries from sunrise to midday. Immediately before, noon a dirge is played by the band or field music, and tbe national salute of twen ty-one guns Is flred. At the conclu ion of this memorial, tribute at noon the flag is -hoisted to the top of the staff and remains there until sunset The idea Is that tbe national ensign Is too sacred an object to be long In mourning for any man or number of men. no matter, bow exalted their rank, Tbe flag reversed, with the union down, indicates distress.; Tbe flag on anything but a fort actually, besieged should never be displayed ' between sunset and sunrise. When the flag is to be displayed at half mast it Is lowered to that posi tion from the top of tbe staff. It Is hoisted to the top before It is finally lowered. Washington Post 8he 8nt It Back. There has always been a lot of give ana take in American women's social adventures in England. But American women have spirit and if they have taaen a good deal they have given back soil more. k . . An Englishwoman called on American countess in Belgravia. ' an "Oh, 1 thought yon were out That's why 1 called," the Englishwoman said In ber sweet clear. Insolent English voice. . !.'. :?::.- "Welt do you know, I thought I was out too,", the American replied. "My stupid man must have mistaken you for some one else." v ' The Klokless Dog. "I ; wonder -why so many people In sist on ' keeping dogs that are 00 goodr ': ;-,-i ''"'' t i Well," repUed the proprietor of the village hotel. "I always, keep a few dogs because it's a comfort to see 'em take their meals regular without kick- to', even if they dont pay any board." -Washington Star. , A Great 8eoret7' ' ' ' v Old Bachelor; Uncle WelL Charlie. what do you want, now? ; ';'. Charlie Oh, I want to be rich." "Eichl Why sor -";V "Because I want to be petted.' ' Ma ays yon are an old fool, but must be petted because yon are rich. But lf a great secret and I mustnt ten it" Every time a man comes across a lot of old clothes tn the house be searches tbe pockets, though be sever finds anything. ;. "Come Aoress." : , ' :' ' Do these Englishmen understand American slang?" ' v "Some of them do. Why r "My daughter is to be married to London, and the duke has Just cabled me to come across." .. "Welir "'.;'..'','.-.''' Does he want me or my wad?" niladelphia Bulletin. - , When you have a cold get a bottle el Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will "n nx J00 nP "gbt snd will wsrd ofl n - nMXJS AMW &.JAM.. A 1 . Ml . and may be given a confidently' to a babv the . (ij) r?) on-nr u jr S. A. GARDIKIER, Prep, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE.-PIGTURS v:VEEIC-BEGINNING DECET.1BER 5th MAI EanESAL Contortion Novelty Act SWOB AND WESTBEO0X, World's best singers and Dancers. Complete Change that Is Among the best kills ever produced In the Northwest. . . . . .. SAM DALTOX Eccentric local Comedian, MISS 'LILLIAN TRAYELLE Light Ballad YocaUst Soabrette and character change artist . Evening Prices 15 and New People Mondays & Thurcdaya Matinees Wednesdays-Saturdays-Sundays, 2 o'clock and All Holidays Matinee Prices, 10 and 15c ' . Election Notice. . .December 12th, 1910. .1.. ,1... ' Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day of December, 1910, a gen eral election will be held In the City of La Grande, In the County of Union, State' of Oregon; for the purpose of electing the following officers: Mayor ' " , Recorder Chief of Police Treasurer - - One Councilman from each ward, v. That at said election there will be submitted to the voters of the City the following question: "Shall the Council of the City be authorized to Issue and negotiate bonds of the City in the sum of $10,000 to hear interest cot to exceed 5 per cent per annum, to ran for a period of twenty (20) years from date, redeemable and pay able at any time after ten (10) years from date at the option of the City, which bonds are to be Issued and sold for the purpose of completing the sewer system In the City of La Grande." s - :v..-.;'o,;.'. ., ;. . That at said election there will also be submitted ; to the voters of the City the question: "Shall sections and 7 of the Charter of the City be amended so as to provide for tne ap polntment of Chief of Police by the Mayor, Instead of being elected by the voters of the City." s ...r , , The polling places designated for said ' election, and the ' Judges and clerks appointed to conduct said elec tlon are as follows: First ward -Pol ling place. Court House. Judges: M. P. Sheasley, Jacob Baker, M. McMur- ray; Clerks: Elmer Curtis and E. W. Kammerer. 'tV ir Second ward Polling place, Coun ell chambers. Judges. H. W. Stoner, Merrltt , Reynolds, George Ball; Clerks: J. E. Reynolds and Perry Ol iver. ''.:., Third ward Polling place, tent at corner, of, 4th treet and Adams ave nue. Judges: J. M. Hilts, M. A. Har rison, W. D. Grandy; Clerks ; Adna Rogers and Lee Leavitt Fourth ward Polling place, Ged- des' store. Judges: O. W. Allen, B. S. Brasel, J. T.' Williamson; Clerks: J. M. Kochensearger and John Ladd. - Said election will be held and con ducted and, the returns thereof filed as provided by law In the case of gen eral city elections of said city. ; The pells of said election will be opened at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. and closed at the hour of 7 o'clock p. m. on said day. ' All qualified tters of the City will be permitted to vote at said election. By order of the Council of said City of La Grande, Oregon. , Dated November 30th, 1910. i ! F. L. METERS, Mayor. Attest: D. E, COX, Recorder. Not. 80-Dec: It. - , Kotice te StoelkoMers. Notice Is hereby given to the Stock holders of the United States National Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the said bank, will be held at their banking house In La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, between the hours of 10 a, m. and 4 p. m. for the purpose of transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. " ' - ,: Dated at La Grande, Oregon,) this sixth day of December, 1310. 25c , Boxes 50c o f o o o o o o $ rEorEssi PUISICLOS AND SUEG20NS, N. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Aye. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Resl- . : dence 69. : -. C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OQce In La Grande 'National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main ?, Resi dence Main 82. ; 4. L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; Ind.'S53; residence. Main 55; lad. 812. 1 '..-''. ; ; GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific,1 Main 63. Residence phone. Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. v ' DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 ; Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD OlSce ov er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 399. DR. R. L. LINCOLN, DENTIST First class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur. geon. .Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, ReJ 701; Offioe phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones si residence. ATT0ENES3 AT LAW. COCHRAN it COCHRAN--Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al Ithe courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande. Oregon. W. C NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. C. C WILSON Teacher of Violin. Call any time at 801 Malt ave , nue. - LENA McRETNOLDS Teacher of Pi ano and Voice Culture. At 1427 Washington Avenue on Wednesdaf ., and Saturday. Telephone, on the : datos to Red-1122. Notice to Trespassers. . r Positively no hunting allowed A our premises. Do not ask for perm is Ion. Blockland Bros.'- til I'j Cmt La Crnle, ere. T. J. SCROGGIN. Cashier. Waal ad? cay, one cent 'a word.