LA GItAKDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. PAGET FfiflilllSE Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon . j&uas&oir me mm i! I! f r$ me k 4 F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. j REBEKAHS-Crystal Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M. noias regular meet ings first anl third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOHN S. HODGIN, W. M." A. c, WILLIAMS, Secretary. g. p. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington arenue. Visiting brothers are cordlallyln Tited to attend. ' ! V : DR. G. L. BIGQERS, Ex Rul. HUCH McCALL, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE ' ; WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All Visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES, C. C. . . J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. , M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. 0. ,0. F. hall. All visiting attend.' . ' . -' , I. R. SNOOK, C. , . D. E. COX, Clerk. ' meets every evening In the I. 0. C F. hall. All - visiting members ar Invited to attend.' . ; . MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N, Q. ; MRS. JENNIE K. SMITH. Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croa Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday . night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all viaittnf Knights. JESS PAUL, C. C. ' '.. R. h- LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E C. holds stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dlally invited. MARY A WARNICK, Sec. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. VI. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT C rand Ronde Circle No. ,47 meets 'evqrf first and third Tuursday evening! iu tlit uioutu ai mo i. u. u. Dn ' All visiting members are welcome ' CHLOE ROBINSON, Q.IL i LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk.' y That's What They 11 Say V It's Good ForVhat Ails You Something New in a Heater I Have Exclusive Sale in La Grande of the Greatest Possible Economy in Fuel. V Will Burn Any Kind of Wood or Coal, together or separately. , v Will Hold Fire 24 Hours Without Renewing. , JUST THE STOVE You have been looking for. COME in and I will show you. Trade me your old Heater on the "ALL FUEL." Best Ever Made.--':-"' v?-' :.-' .' ' ; $26.00 $28.50 $31.00 . i 0 DDo Dikfefemi GAS DOCUMENT WILL BE ACTED ON NEXT WEEK. Several Ordinances Introduced Last Sight, Including Bond Issue. The gas franchise went through its first, reading' last night and is now in the hands of the committee. It is believed the. document will be finally acted upon next Wednesday evening when various other import ant ordinances will come up for fin al passage at the next meeting. , ' Blgr Bond Ordinance. One of the largest ordinances pass ed by the council in many months, was read the third tlma and passed last evening and will bu published in , tomorrow's r issue of the Obser ver. The document Is a monster, and was one of the matters keeping the council at work for two nights In suc cession. ' v .- Ordinance. No. 493, Series 1910. ' An Ordinance authorizing the- Mav or and Recorder to enter Into a con tract with Beall & Company for-the purchase by. the City of. a street sweeper. The City of La Grande Does Or dain as follows: ' . Section 1. That the Mayor and Re corder be, and they- are hereby . au thorized to enter into a contract with Beall & Company, of Portland, Ore gon, for the purchase by the City of a street sweeper. and equipment at a price not to exceed the sum of $548.05. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be published in one issue- of the La Grande Evening Observer, and after Its approval by the Mayor, shall be in force and take effect from and after the 9th day Of January, 1910. Passed the Council on the 7th day of December, 1910, by. eight, members Approved this 9th day of December, 1910. . ::: y :" ' - y-y . ' F. L. MEYERS, y;y,'y' Mayor,- Attest: . . ' . ' D. E. COX. '- Recorder. , ":,. ' v'y . " I do all my Lens Grinding I Will Grind , You a New Lense Exactly Like Your -Broken One in a Few Minutes ..... ' ZT3 There is No Excuse For Me to Substitute as I Can Grind j Your Lenses '.Exactly Right 1 as Easily as Some One Else Can Substitute I I H. PEME " . LA 0RAHDES LEADING JEWELER -. ' When In need of anything In watches, clocks. Jewelry, cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried by a first class-jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will save money, and be sore of securing first quality good..: If your eyes tro able yo. ba? them fitted by an opt mi. . j i t- .1. . v jvtij.t6 m iijoiuiauo wi jjo uittuuc ait? jwuw Deuumg oi Tneir Jfa-" tients to me when They Suspect Eye Strain. Three Years in La Grande and All My Glasses Giving Satisfaction. ;v ;,v - , v ,iv Ordinance Ko. 499, Scries 1910. An Ordinance authorizing the May or and Recorder to enter into a con tract with John Winn, for the con struction of a board sidewalk on Ce dar street. The City of La Grande Does Or dain as follows: . : Section 1. That the Mayor and Re corder are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with John Winn for the construction of a board sidewalk five feet wide, at a price not to ex ceed his bid made for said r work. Said walk to be built on Cedar street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be published in one issue of the La Grande Evening Observer, and after its approval by the Mayor, be In force and effect from and after the 9th day of January, 1911. , ' Passed the Council on the, 7th day of December, 1910, by eight members voting therefor. Yy Approved this 9th day of December, 1910. - y, j ,: .. F. L. MEYERS Mayor, Attest: -' , : . ; ,; - D. E. COX. . Recorder. ( 8peclal School meeting. ' 'Notice, is hereby, given to the le gal voters of School District No. One of Union County, . State of Oregon, that a Special School Meeting- of said District will be held at Old . High School building In said District on the 10th day of December, 1910, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon for the fol lowing objects: To vote on the prop osition of levying a tax for the main tenance; and for the other necessary expenses of the District; and for the payment of Interest on : the bonded debt of the district and for the' pay ment of bonds of the district and for payment of debt of the district. . Dated 'this 28th day of November, 1910.:'. .' . . v. -k : ' ' HENRY HENSON, Chairman Board of Directors. Attast: ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS. . y ; y y. District Cleric, Get the Genuine Always. , A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds quickly and Is In a yellow package, contains no opiates and Is safe and certain in results, Hills Drug Store. Cleaite and rresstn?. " LAdles and Gen's Clothing cleaned rreaaed and repaired with satlsfac tion. Ladlef work a speolaltr. 1704 . THE one great cause of eve disease is eve strain. T)ismsp? nftriA ova -mMr, causes blindness, are caused by imperfect circulation of the blood in and cuuuuu uie uye. . . t .. - . .. (- . i THIS poor circulation can nearly always be traced to over use or strain of the eyes, bv usinsr them under imwroDer conditions. ' , . ' axxxj sjuaiu mus p'Juuceu causes lmiauon ana congestion of the delicate nerves and muscles of the eye, and an imperfect blood supply results. A general weakness of all the nerves and muscles of the eye is the result of this imperfect blood supply, and the circulation may be cut off entirely from cer tain parts. IP from the OPTIC NERVE, the result is paralysis, either partial or complete. If from the lens of the eye, CATARACT results. ' . . , ANY other eye disease may result fro m a like cause, according to the part af fected. ;. ; AN INJURY will act in the same way by interfering with the circulation. - . WHEN you consider the intricate mechanism" of this delicate organwith its numerous muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, you realize how easily its useful ness may become impaired. ' : ' GLASSES THAT I FIT RELIEVES THIS EYE STRAIN. I make a special study of the art of fitting glasses an dassume the entire responsiblity, not only for the correctness of the lense, but. also for the accuracy of the prescription. My work combines that of both oculist and ; optician so far as prescribing and fit ting glasses are concerned. READ WHAT SEVERAL PEOPLE SAY ABOUT GLASSES I FITTED FE0M DR. IIOISIXflTOX, PEXDLE. TON, OREGON. 0. M. HEACOCK . ' This will Introduce a patient of mine, Mr. Waterous, whom I am send ing to you for an examination of the eyes. He has been suffering from nephritis which unqestionably ' In fluenced the eyes, but which Is now well relieved, while some of the eye ' trouble remains. I have assured him most careful and skillful work at your hands. Sincerely, ' y . ' Signed 0. S. HOSINGTON. FROM ft E. DUDLEY, ELGIN, ORE. O. II HEACOCK ; , ; . ; Dear Sir: Please find enclosed $5 to apply on my account. This will leave a balance of $5.00 which I will send sometime during the next month. The glassess are giving perfect sat isfaction now and I can see a won derful Improvement In my vision and ' I certainly can recommend your ser vices to any one In this part of the valley. I remain yours truly, Y C. E. DUDLEY, Two More From Teachers Fitted During November Teachers' Institute. LOSTINE, OREGON, DEC. 4. O. M. HEACOCK Dear Sir: Am sending my glasses back for. repair. Fix them as soon as , possible and if there is any charge send bill back with them and I will send you the money. They have been giving perfect satisfaction so far. Yours truly, ; V . THEL SMITH, ' i ' . ' ; Box 13 .". IIER3IIST0N, OREGON. -O. M. HEACOCK : v V Dear Sir. I haie sent you by reg istered mail my glasses to be repaired. I have forgotten how much they were,, so If you will be so kind as to repair them and forward the bill to me I will pay you by return mail. The glasses have helped my eyes a great deal. ; y' ; Yours respectfully, CATHERINE CARSON. - IT PAYS TO ASK YOUR PHYSICIANS WHO YOU SHOULD GO - GET GLASSES THAT FIT THESE PEOPLE ALL CAME , ME AT THE REQUEST OF THE PHYSICIANS. TO TO TO Glasses That FIT' If at any time within ouo year ; I can Improve your vision with glasses, there will be no charge for the changing of lenses. Glasses That: FIT What Would Make a More Useiul Xmas" Present Than a Pair of Heacock's -J Glasses. : ts: East A&uds areoM, W. R. Baxter,