PAGE TTTO JA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1010. t Largest line of High Grade Ties in the city 50c to 2.50 Suspendersysilk, $ .50 to $ 2 Mufflers . . 1.00 to 5.00 Shirts, silk 2.50 to 4,00 WE .HAVE .THEM ,nevstyles 2.50 to 6.03 Scarf Sets . . ' 2.00 to 4.00 Smolanrr Jacli'ts 5.00 to 10.00 r '." ii iiH r A. V. ANDREWS Gome in : eem! get First Qioice If you do riot want them riovvy Kave'- em laid away for you; lew the danger from pneumonia and other liniment For prfios bruise, soreneu of erioos disease Mr. E. W. L. Hall, of the mucle ni rheumatic pains there b Warerly, Vs., mtk "I firmly belie? Cham- now better than Chamberlain's. Sold by berlain'i Cough Zeroed to be absolutely the l dealer. t best preparation on the market for ookla. I - - ' ' - - j ' have recommended it to my friendi and : - - ; r - r;. dealer? T . - 7 rIrs.RcbertPatlkca agent for WssitiiD CORSETS :- ' prices ; , $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Black 1481 t.. .C M. HCHPHBEXS 1 , 0 Candidate for City KecorCer Respectfully ioIIcIU your 0 aupport ' . THE GILA . MONSTER By DAVID WALTER CHURCH CoyrUrht. U10. by American Preaa . . Aasodatlon.. . ' European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.50 First class Throughout H', ' fit : :."Vt '; SAVOY M1E D.G.BRICHOUX Proprielor. OWBt0CKFr?0MDPOf U Grande, Oregon Pnrchase an Acre Lot In ; . GRASD YIEW ADDITION. This most sightly Addition Is sit uated at the Intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. We are beautify lng It by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil is the best Good drainage and sufficient water. We are selling these acres planted with trees at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a small building lot and our terms are more liberal. Our price Is f 500.00 per lot. Our terms . are $50 down and $10.00 per month with no Interest and no taxes. We ujbu agree 10 iuo careiuny &uer me trees during the contract period. Can you not see your money grow on an investment like this. Give us an opportunity to explain this magnificent Investment In detail, by cutting out and mailing the en closed coupon. . '; . - .......;......."i9io. La Grande Investment Co., La Grande, Oregon. . Please mall sue full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part FEED AND GiWdfiRcadaXat!iCp PHONE, MAIN 6 OIORCE PALMZS, PHta. F. J. HOLMES, Yb Pre. IT. L BRENIIOLTS, Ass't fash. EARL ZUTfDEL, 24 Ait fash. P. L. XSYEE9 ,Csk!er. Grande National Ban!: of La. Grande, Oregon United States Depository Capfa, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS. OE0RCI PAL17ER, Y. L..BRE5K0LT8 Tf. J. CHURCH , P. I- J1LTEIS F. i. H0LBLE3 W. 1L PIERCE C. C PEKIJfGTOS W. D. CLEAYER F. M. BYRIT Yfllh etur ample resourcci and facilities we oaa renter jea effl. cleat service ai handle jrenr baslaen te fear eatire latlsfactloa. Little Ines Easquemento. a Mexican girl I saw while engineering la the southwest, waa a merry child (If she had been born la the north she would have been a child; but. being a Mexi can, she was woman).., She might have been anywhere from fourteen to sixteen. She played the guitar and sang with a little birdlike voice, jab bered Spanish . musically, danced, and her face won a pwpetua! smile, which was for every in . Hut If any person attempted to jruy ber she would knit her brows and Uriuk away as though terriSed. And once her confidence was lost by a bit of banter her good will could never be regained. t; , v There was a young engineer engaged on the same work as myself out there, at the time fresh from one of the TeckH schools of the northern states. He was twenty years old. handsome as a picture and as bright as a new brass button. What must he do but make love to Inez with all the recklessness of youth regardless of the conse quences both to himself and ber! I, who was older, saw . his danger and warned him. X knew, what was up, for In the evening when the day's work was over I would hear on the Basquemento veranda the twang of Inez's guitar, her little flute voice, ber merry laughter mingled with sounds which I recognized as coming from Ben Egglestbn, the young man who was sowing the wind to reap the whirl wind. :; "Yon little fool," I would say to him, "don't yon know that the girl Is a min gling of child and woman-child In In experience, .woman la development; that she will fall In love with yon and then" , "I'll break it off at once,- would be the young fellow's invariable reply, The boy fully Intended to keep his res olution when It was made, but gave up trying to do so when it got cold. The next night I would hear the same pleasant sounds on the veranda and knew that they were breeding the same storm, This went on till the work on that division waa finished and we 'were about to move. Eggleston assured me there wouldn't be any trouble., The girl was such a child that he couldn't believe she had been attracted to him as she might have been if more of a woman. . He was going '. away and would simply bid her' goodby as. he would any other girl' of . Immature years whose companion he had been. "My advice to you," I said, "is to do no such thing. Go without saying any thing about your going. y". ., He didn't take my advice. The day before leaving he told her In a care- lass way that the engineering party to which he belonged was going to move Its headquarters. , , , .. "And 1 will not see yon agalnT said the girl, ber smile vanishing. . ' . "Perhaps not," replied Ben. not think' lng It wise to leave ber to look' for ward to meeting him again. "You'll grow up soon and get married. Then yon won't want any young men friends like me." . , ; In order the better to kill In her all expectation of cettln any nearer to him he told ber he hud a girl In the north. That evening 1 met Ines carrying a cudgel in oue band and a canvas bag In the other. - she nore the same Inno cent look ebe bnd always worn, but I noticed a peculiar glitter In her eye. There was something incongruous in a little girl's carrying a bludgeon, and, naturally fearful tor lieu, Eggleston, I could not . help vaguely connecting the act with the Jilting he was giving her. She pa r?d me . irUhout looking back, and. ' taking position behind a tree, I watched her. ' ' She went along, looking about her on the ground as If searching for some thing. She spent half an hour in this way, I following ber, taking a new po sition now and then where I, would not be observed by her. Presently I saw her hit something with her weap- tw ua uuui ituvri uisumctt u a baby alligator. She held it by the taO. dropped It Into the bag, closed th mouth and went away. I didn't know what it all meant; bat, still timorous about Ben, I told him he had better not wait for the moving of the party, but get out at once, . He laughed at me and said there was nothing to fear and If there were be wouldn't ran from a little Mexican girl who had scarcely given up her dolL fv . , , ..... We engineers, slept In a long tem porary building one story high. That night I was startled by an unearthly yelL Lpringing out of bed. I ran along to a room where Eggleston and a rod man slept. The window was open, and Eggleston had Jnst struck a light His roommate was holding one leg and writhing with pain. , , Kill it!" be yelled. f ' Then I saw a little alligator looking thing on the floor. ; "Kill It! It's the GHa monster and has bitten me. I'm gone up.' 1 ' Inez's actions were explained. . She had dropped the reptile in through the window on Ben, she supposed, but really on his roommate. For a week the poor devil howled in agony, then died. That was years ego. Ben Eggleston has never married. .The bare men tion of a woman produces on him a temporary insanity. ; - . FREAK TREASURY NOTES.; The Faoe of the Bill, Net the Baok, In. ) , dioates Its Value, - Despite the careful scrutiny given every bill that leaves, the bureau oi engraving and printing, a number of freak" notes find their way into cir culation from time to time. Such a one was a note that once came to the Bubtreasury at New York., ' It had the imprint of a twenty dollar note on one side and of a ten on the other, I, Bat, in asmuch as the face showed the figures 20, 20 was the legal value of the bill- In most cases the "freak" "bills that have escaped the vigilance of the bu reau's officers are national banknotes. which, like the regular treasury notes, are printed there. As Intimated . al ready, the face value Is always recog nized when, the freaks" come to be cashed at any branch of the treasury. The Imprint on the back has no lawful status whatsoever. :; ? The notes are printed, in sheets. Usually there wm be one twenty and two tens on a sheet . They are print ed one side at a time, so it can readily be seen that the printer In turning over the sheet might get It upside down and thus put a ten dollar back on the twenty dollar note or a twenty On the back of one of the tens. , When errors are discovered the mis printed sheet Is laid aside to be de stroyed. It cannot be torn up at once, for every sheet has to be accounted for. After some formalities it Is ground Into pulp. ! v,. - ' Almost all the "freak" bills that have been Issued in the past have found their way back to the treasury, there to be. destroyed. It is thought that very few of them are now scattered about, and these are for the most part in the hands of curio hunters. Har per's Weekly. ' . s " STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE J . ; v-i. Wednesday, : December , X4 America! Favorite, the Greatest of Con cdiennes and Prima Dcnnas .: "... . , daintt . -. . ; i hi C H.JCerr'a Great Masterpiece A Sonl Stirring Play. A Beautiful Sjory of Home Life. Full of Pathos and Comedy, with Special Xaslcal Xumbers. IOC WILL LAUGH, TOU WILL SCREAM, YOU WILL ROAR AXD THEN SOME. l Some of the Attractions She has Starred int .. . Henry W. Savage "Grand Operan Whitney's PIff Pafl roufT The Bostonians In "Robin Hood" "The Tenderfoot" , . When Johnny Comes Mart h lng Home ; Foxy Qufller "Sousa's Famous Band" "Beauty Doctor And Many Others. ;' , ENTIRE PRODUCTION CARRIED BY COMPANY Secure Your Seats Early. Sale opens Monday, Dec 12 PRICES: Boxes; $1.50; First Floor, 75c and $1.00; Balcony, 25c"and 50c H A'PIC ' ANH Uptown office Maui 720 AMBULANCE E.LBUSSEY Gcheial Contractor ; Plain and ReKforcedl ; r THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY HAKES STAHD WE WEAR Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. V ' LA GRANDE IRON WORKS , . ,.v D. FlltQERALD, Proprietor ' , s Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Poultry Supplies WE ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH GRANULATED DONE, OYSTER P-11ELL GRIT, SCRATCH POOD, PROTEINA, FLAX SEED MEAL. AL T' ALFA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT l'lUCES. ,...Vi. . Sold By Wafer ; IV00O, HH, H0, fit I v : !: !: . ' 125 hUmon flirenae