9. : 9 . ts 4'- y ' ... -.- . . i 'A f .' ' A'' , '" x . ' r - i'-j .0 .. ,A , - f' i f OS MU, !J li-ii II I III! t : - - ' ?J . . .. -JV ' V v'v U' My,n W : .-V t j s - ; 1 1 ; - . I VOL.XTV. Iffli 111 111 j) EFEIiSE SRIfJGS With Jess Parker standing in the dim, gray twilight of an August day holding his little four-year-old boy clinging fast with his arms about his father's shoulder; with the wife., of Parker's choice pulling at the little tot's feet to get him away from his father; with Mr. Porter; father of the wife, eomlng at Jess Parker holding a gun and making bold threats; with Jess Parker's hand hurriedly grasping a pistol in his belt, and with a quick but accurate- aim, the tragic scene In a melodrama at Elgin reached Its climax when' the flash of the Jess Parker gun sounded the death knell of his father-in-law,5 and Jess Par ker still holding his only child, Baw the father of his wife fall to the ground pierced with a fatal wound. This in all probability will be the final scene put up to the Jury by the defense In the trial of the State vs. Jess Parker. At least all evidence now being introduced by the defense strengthens this picture and goes to show the Parker side of this unfor tunate case.' , , - Out of the eighty or more witness es several have been examined, who like a painter adding touches to a pic ture, have added a 'little testimony here and there to depict this touching yet terrible scene, that took iplace at the Porter home near Elgin last Aug . U8t. -3 ; ; " ' ; - - , Defense Forms its Chain. . The expected happened in the Jess Parker trial last evening when the state rested its case, the defense be gan firing in, witness after witness who testified to Porter, the man who Parker killed, : having not only car ried a gun but that he had a gun on his person the fifth day of August when the quarrel between Parker and Porter resulted In the death of the latter. ' :-: .r...:. Not only did the defense have wit nesses to show that Porter had a gun but also that he had a, pair of . brass knuckles.' - . - ; , - ,'.... A H. Stone was the first witness in the trial to state that Porter carried gun and brass knuckles. Following 0 DEMAND FOR BECOtfVT OTI ZENS GAIX 3IAIEEIALLT. Ter a Thousand GalneJ bylnsisUng on a Eecount of Census. - Tacoma, Wn Dec.. 8 A recount of Tacoma was announced today by Chief Statistician Hunt 0 the cen s bureau and shows, following ' a complete enumeration, a city of 83,743. Tb original announcement was first Riven out th rpnaiis bnrureau Wve tha population as 82,972. When ; we enumeration was first given out Toma citizens protested and it was nown that 33,000 name had ben cl,PP4 from the. count While di PPolnted probably, tlw cltlzena will Uk o further actloau: v Bf TESTI10II! lESEHCEJ TACQMARECOUNT SHOWS fl BIG INCREASE 3 i SEfJSATIOFJ mm o SEGDfJD PISTOL this statement came Dan Graham who had also been aware for some time that Porter was carrying a gun and ,...... ..... ... uut;u.. Airanam discovered this Important feature, he said on a trip with Porter from La Grande when the Parkers were discussed and, Por ter made threats on the life of. Jess. George Barnard was another wit ness who in riding to Elgin with Por ter on one occasion observed that Por ter waa a gun toter. He felt the gun in Forter's pocket. Frank Brasbius stat ed that at one time Porter had show ed him a gun saying, "I got It for the Parkers." He also displayed the brass knuckles saying he might have to use them also. .'. j '. ' . "' Oscar Swikert,-a former son-in-law of Mr. Porter's said ,he had worked with Porter day after day and saw the gun and brass knuckles in his hip pocket rfequently. j ;; , . ; ; In the estimony of 'Woodson Gray It Vas brought out that Porter said to Gray, "111 whip Jess Parker if It takes me five years." ' ! Wm. Furman told of riding In a wagon with Jess Parker when the two men met Mr. Porter on the pub lic highway. Jess at the time was out of the wagon fixing the brake block and as Porter rode by on horseback h held & gun on Jess until he passed.-. ,, , "'; '';''. ; ,' y:: -. ; Grant T. Gray was another import ant witness for the defense. , He re called his neighborly relations with Mr. Porter, now deceased, and told of several conversations they had had relative to the Parkers. On one occa sion, according to Mr. Gray's recol lection, Porter said, "I will give $10 to get either of them (meaning Jess or his father) to .touch me. All I want Is for one of them to even touch me." , Mr. Gray said he had later told Sam Parker of this statement of Mr. Por ter's. Another talk with- Pdrter was recalled In which he said, "I will get even" with Jess Parker If It takes me five years to do It." . The witness said he advised Porter to drop his , malice toward., the Par kers, stating thai Porter's daughter had married Into the Parker family and there was no use carrylngi It fur ther. , On Friday before the killing Gray and Porter wera, talking ' and Gray advised him agjaln' and again to stay away from Jess Parker or he would get" shot. Porter replied, "Two can work at tha.t frnme." ' . ' - State Scores a Tolnt In the cross examination of Gray, Col. Ivanhoe drew some, points from the witness apparently favorable to the state's cause. On . one instance from Porter or he would get snot Gray said he told Porter o may away "as sure tas hell's hot." 'i Gray , told Porter inasmuch as Jess had drawn a gun on him once the next time he drew it would quite likely go off. . But the most "important statement Gray made on cross examination was tq the effect that after he had remon strated with Porter on one occasion for the trouble Porter had said. 'I won't hare Jess on the place. I had nothing to do with the separation of him and his wife, and I don't want Jess to bother, me and won't let him bother me." ' ' , : ; Attorneys for the state seemed sat isfied with this statement and the wit ness was soon excused. lodg-es Tried to Heal Breach. It has been shown in the trial that members of the Woodmen lodge and also prominent Odd Fellows in Elgin iad goai to, both Jest Purler antf ETr. in U 1 H H U HI VILA Porter and urged that the family feud bo dropped. So strong did the lodge brothers bear down on the "two men that promises were exacted and for a time' all seemed peaceful. , Like the McCoy-Hatfleld ' feud in Kentucky however, it smouldered on ly to revive with itnense fury. And the story of this fearful tragedy, us told piece by piece on the witness stand, calls to mind one of those hatejtul Kentucky feuda .which lasted for gen erations. The playwright eeeklng a plot for a drama that will make the hair rlBe every time tha curtain goes down could do no better than tike the Elgin case for his ploC .... . ... . . BATH TUB CASE EEYIYED. Mrs. Martin Must Stand Trial for the Murder of Daughter. : Newark, N. J., Dec. S Mr4. Caro lina Martin is sane .and must stand trial for the alleged murder of her, daughter, MrB. Ocle Snead, according to a decision of Judge Teneyck here today. The rial halted in 1909 on the plea of insanity. Mrs. Snead's nude body was found in a bathtub in her home In East Orange. It was allegied In an Indictment against Mrs. Martin 4hat she murdered her daughted to secure 930,000' life insurance. : , TRIAL POSTPONED. Register's Trip to Portland Without I ' Avail on This Account ;.v Government - proceedings against Dr. W. J. May, well known in Eastern Oregon, has been postponed until Ap ril, according! to Register F. C. Bram well who returned' this morning from , Portland where, he. was called as a . witness but did not officiate in that I capacity because the case has been ' 'postponed on account of sickness of the defendant The government , is bringing suit to recover S1600 , which Is the value placed on some wood cut New York, Dec. 8-Indivlduals and not corporations will be benefitted by the revivified government in Califor nia,' according to the assertion today of Governor-Elect Johnson of Callfor nia who Is here. "For ten years,", he said, "we seemed to have gone crazy protecting tne property of the cor- poration and the Individual seems to have been a minus quantity. This is au 10 ue cnangea. fiereauer m uaur rorma, at least, the Individual, will bo considered and not the machine. Oth- er states will follow our lead. .... V : San Francisco, Dec. ; 8 Pending early returns of Chief Immigrant In spector Keefa from Hawaii, rumors of the biggest shake up In the Immi gration bureau at San Francisco Is rife. It la reported Keefa will lnves tlgata the chargest that Chinese art tmuggSed to. Honolulu in Bailing Tee eS cad then reemugrled to the Un NEW ERA DAWSIS FOR BAY BIG SHAKE-UP OF IMMlGRATIDN G FFI GERS AT SAW FRAN CISCO IS DUE tO BREAK IN J3EAR FUTURE flUWRSV C M! limmrwr tim w H I li from government land by Mr. May near Durkee. Ills wife was supposed to have filed on the land, but neglect ed to do So and in due time the land reverted back to the government. In the meantime May., hi alleged, to have cut wood from the tract. Bryan Warns Democrats.' Lincoln, Neb. Dec. 8 Protesting against the "Btupid" policy of winning the victory of retreat the "Common' er,' Bryan's sheet, warns the Demo crats against forming a combination with Wall street He writes "Demo crats are being asked to accept Wall Street, not because Democratic prin ciples are advanced but because a vic tory is promised. This promise of victory is not 'new. In 1892 the party was victorious on tha tariff issue." . Christies May Reunite. V Zanesvllle, O., Dec. 8-Mrs. Howard Chandler Christie, wife of the artist is expected here next week to spend the Christmas holidays with her hus band and daughter. If is rumored that a reconciliation between the es tranged couple has taken place. They separated two years ago. It is under stood the daughter brought them to getHer again. . . v . 'The initiative,' referendum, recall, and absolute control of public service corporations and ', a comprehensive Jemjvlcers liability law, abolishing the fellow servant clause will be among the measures to be considered and undoubtedly they will' become laws. We don't intend to pass confis catory legislation.1 Large property owner And rirnnrfltfKnjn will ha nrn tected. We simply go back to the ori giual plan of. the . nation that the peqple shall rule. . We shall compel corporations to respect the rights of Individuals." ited States via the Pacific Mall boa whenever , these vessels touch at Honolulu. When the .'thop docked at : San Francisco they were only searched unsystematlcally because they came from a domestic port . The govern ment agents have been digging Into the muggllag for nix montha. . rfla ? Wi 1 ,. 1 !,. H . ,1 li I, TAIiliLhi im 1 II I I m,di)id : iWil - 4 " ' J ; ' ';...'' ' ' ' ' .( ' . ' ;- ; ; SII IILLIOI DOLLAR ASSOCIATION in Pvepresentatlves of an organiratlon of 1236 men of Oregon whose com- bined Investment totals more than $6,000,000 were called to order by tha gavel of President A. F. Flint Shoala at 1 o'clock this afternoon In the I. O. O. ; F. auditorium-Hlelayed . be cause. of, the lateness ; of , trains. These representatives standing aside from the enormous capital In vestment, for the fathers and chief promoters of the recent amendment to the constitution providing for bet ter roads, wasted no time In com mencing their program of deliperta tlons and Immediately after the op ening exercises, the matter of good roads and other -legislation bearing on the threshennen's' Interests was commenced with a vim. I, rrayer and Address of Wellcome Doctor W. S. Seeman opened v the regular procedure of business with Invoking divine blessing and' Mayor F. L. Meyers enthusiastically and warmly welcomed the guests to La Grande. His wprds were warmly re ceived, j ' .? ' , " The two day's session will be an energetic one, for aside from inter ests which they "represent Individual ly, the association as a body has an enviable reputation to maintain. Bar ring none, the Oregon threshermen's association la the strongest west of the Missouri river. Measures which : the threshermen have initiated and j succeeded In placing on the statute books of Oregon are being copiously .Imitated. In the east and the entire ;Unlon Is looking toward Oregon for pointers advice and example In good roads and threshermen's legislation. With such enviable records already theirs, the delegates got down to good hard business. ! Yamhill's Crowd Big. Aside from the : representation from Union county, Yamhill sent the largest number of delegates, five be ing registered In from that county. Men of prominence throughout" the state are here. The presidentSecre tary, Phillip S. Bates, former presi dent and now chairman of the execu tive committee, Willllam H. C. Flet cher of Coos, and several others be-) ing In this class. . ' " . ; A Anti-Han Law Attacked. -" Less than an hour after; the con vention same to order, a concerted action to have' the bridge planklug law 'stricken from the statutes came into being and when the committee of legislation reports tomorrow it Is evident that this clause will be In culcated Into the grist of reports. Hi Chambers of Cove held the floor for nearly an half hour and deplored the fatal accident at Cove last year. In cidentally he paraded the fact that he had not been elected to the legis lature at the last election, blaming the fact to his being a member of the farmers union and the Threshermen's union. , W, H. Fletcher of McMinnville, was one of the speakers on this Issue de claring the law Is a nuisance. E. I. Berry of Heppner delivered an In teresting address on the useleasness of the planking law. It is violated continually and of no real value as it is the structure anr not the decking that gives in. President Flint drove home tha fact that bridges are al lowed to be too near the breaking point at til times, and legislation to NUMBEtt 37 create bridge inspection at stated intervals was brought up. Hi Chambers came to the floor again and outlined hor he was de feated for the legislation. ; the "baoquet tonight at, 9 o'clock at the Foley house will be one of tha important features of the convention. The "visiting threshermen are anxious to meet more of the people of east ern Oregon and the best way to be-' come ' familiar Is around the festal board. . ' Antl-Trust Law -FonghV Tacoma, Wn." Dec. 8 In a letter to a local newspaper today Mayor Faw sett declares that he has information that a fund of " approximately $50, 000' Is being subscribed by the Royal Arch In an attempt to defeat the antl treatlng ordinance which passed Wed nesday by council. Tacoma saloonmen are greatly wrought up over the measure and allege that 75 per cent of the saloons will be put out 'of busi ness If the law obtains. Girls Escape From Fire. Los Angieles, Dec. 8 Eight women students of the college of fine arts of the university of Southern California were driven to the streets in their night clothes this morning by a fire which destroyed, the college build ing adjoining the dormitory. Loss Is $21,000. ; New Altitude Record Set A Eau, France, Dec 8 Aviator La Oagneuzx, in a Bieriot monoplane to day broke tthe altitude record, going 10,400 feet. It Is unofficial as the In strument has not yet been verified. ' Returns From London. London, Dec 8 With . 199 more seats to be voted on the election in Great Britain today! stood as follows: Conservatives 206, Liberals 156, Na tionalists 56 and Laborltes 29. THEATRICAL MANAGER WHO KILLED MILLIONAIRE FREED. Protected by Cnwrltted law In Kill, ingr his Wife's Assaulter. Vlncenhes, Ind., Dec. 8 Menlo Moore, the theatrical manager was acquitted today on the charge ot mur dering! Charles Gobson, a millionaire whom it Is alleged by Moore's wife assaulted her in a barn la which, ha' persuaded her to enter by the alleg ed statement that Moore would be found there with another woman Moore's wife was on tha stand and testified to this and said she told Iter husband shortly before the shooting, which, occurred at the depot where Gibson was buyfag a ticket Moor pleaded the an written law.