' " . " - - ' PAGII LIGHT L hiXSbE EVEMXG QrEUVTi: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. ' 0' 1! tJ as a 6 t m rl e 1 .1 ' ." : i . i : ' 1 A '' 1 ' r-r rr r 1 1 !J H La L 9(g 'Gornor' Adams ' and Fir, : La Grand HEAD QUARTERS --;;: ;;V; J and :',V. E, YTirlNG FOR- mmmm s.l v.lM- : Wltl Handkerchiefs Scarfs ' Hand Bags Jewel Gases Fancy Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Pictures Post Card Album Fancy Baskets . Fancy Stationery Silverwa Cuff Buttons Ladies Rings SaskPins Stick Pins Fancy Belts Clocks & Watches Watch Chains Hand Mirror 2 piece Brush Sets Suspenders Tie in Fancy Boxes Traveling Bags Pocket Knives Pipes ' Candle Sticks Rugs . Petticoats Ladies, Mens and Childrens Sweaters Gloves, Handkerchief Boxes, Combs, Barrettes, Etc Shaving Sets Mufflert Suit Cases Smoking Sets Umbrellas mwm SETSlllTU OF IBS tioisa2 Manage to ti p!ac nufiaa cf a Lloct None were !rjirsi. Tt cccaal aj na Zlmck ITanJ are concrcl bet private rere&se is ocgLt Ttere U oo trace of the mea wtoa Le cars te !elleve be knows. - T1X !S21SS105X215 PISSES IT soxrncrEEs to EQruju. iO.LtS.Cu Talxx& f f!7,&S&9 , letrCxi U tit JtrL . , 5 Trtatia? i TMima. -Txccsn. Dec S. "Hare ose on me 31 be cbao!et ia Taccma titer De cember 15. aai aaj bartender tLat Is foolish eaocgh to alio treatlig will b. subject to 115 Cae. Ctj cosimls skraers yesterday passei an ordin ance prohibiting treating la saloons and unless tliey obey the licenses rill be reroked.- Saloon men declare fol ly one hundred saloons "will be put olt of bnslness by ti ordinance. Tcsal Talsadocs ca some of tie Lar- per corpomicss doing business In the ! state of Oregon nave been completed ! ty tie rate Board of Tax Commls jsiosers for the benefit of "tie State ! Board of anallzation, says a Salem 'dpatci. j In tiese TtinaUons tie total does cot. in all cases, represent the grand -total for which corporations vHl be ' taxed. Inasmuch as there are certain classes of personal property osraed by these corporations epon which tie assessor is required to place tie ral- Assecsaunt of tie Oregon Short Line Is on a bus is of a mil. Tils assessment does not include ser- eral bridges along tie linet Tiers are 28.71 miles of tils road assessed by tie Tax Commission, tie total as sessment being 114130. The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co.'i assesed raloatlon'ls placed at 1 47.6S0.05O. This assessment is practically on tie same basis as tie assessment of the Ore gon Short line and is for 738.15 miles of track including tie main lines and brancies. ' " . V: ':. Tie Oregon ft California, or Soutb ero Pacific lines are assessed for 618.15 miles of track and the total as se?d valuation Is placed at $32,688.- 950. The Portland Railway, Ugit ft Power Company's system Is assessed at $22,186,748. Notable in the case of this corporation tie total valuation is not compreiended by tie report of the Tax commission as there Is con siderable property In possession of this company wbici comes solely un der the Jurisdiction of tie county as sessors in preparing tie valuation. Tie Pullman Car Company operates over 817.48 miles of track and is as- eesed at $605,010. Tie tssesed valua tion of tie Pacific States Teleptone ft Telegraph Company is placed at $4,- 879,400. These estimates are subject to change by tie State Board of Eqni-lizatlon. Tie Board received a number of pe titions today and statements consti tuting a portion of tip routine sub jects of tie session, no business of importance being transacted. Tie force in tie Tax . Commission office Is hurrying to close tie work in con nection witi tie assessment of tie smaller . corporations. Tils will pro bably be completed wltiln a week or two. . : Tate Faksawa Jp t Bescew. tewiston,v Idaho, Dec. 5. Ia ac cordance witi tie provisions of tie statute, which prohibits tie commis sioners of -one county from .paying for tie maintenance of an indigent frotn another county, tie commission era today sent tie unknown Japanese struck by tie westbound Northern Pacific passenger train on tie trestle beyond Kendrkk last Saturday. " to Moscow, where be will be cared for Kuriy Gees te Eesemfioa. Cottonwood, Idaho, Dec B. Knrdy. an Asyrian, who has crated a large mercantile establishment here for the last frre years, is closing out his stock preparatory to removing to o homestead. near. Harrison. CvJ H i) v i nr.- CANDY CAIJDY . aiG5ina:5T picxices cf coirEcnoxiiir. 3I0EE JiyP J10EE ElCfl T?12 (HEIST31S BOIES OF HJZ C15DI XEZ IX DE. 2ASD; CHOICE . COX FIC TIONS HATE EIC03E OI TIESAL GIFTS. TO SEET TEE DE2TJXD THIS TEAS TIE HATE PEG TIC ED A STOCK OF EOX CAXI5II3 XE. TES EEFGEE EQUALLED IX THIS LOCALITT. CC3 A5D SEE THE3. THE PEICZS EAXCE FEOa lOe TO JX3 PES FACXACE. EEffiESnBIB 1TE D ELITES CA5DI AS 0THE3 GOODS. ' ' ' -. ' , a on DrugCompify ' . ' Beth Phones.', n n r' UU Li mm Closing Out Entire Stock of Fancy China Store Open Evenings Beginning Monday TOYS OUR TOYLAND IS COMPLETE Our 5, 10 and, 15c counters TOY S Are Loaded Down with Most Wonderful Bargains Christmas Post Cards ' 3 for 5 cents o o Buy Where Your Money Goes the Farthest BUY AT RAIN PROOl We make your old coat ' new and Rain proof Ladies Capes, Coats, Silks Made Waterproof - THE WARDROBE 1118 Adams AveTeL Main 735 BERT THOMAS 2 u - - . " gpanlsh Leader Shot ' " Ban Francisco Dec. 8. Domingo NaTarro. president .of tie Ship Scal ers' union was shot ana instantly killed here yesterday at tie Union Iron works. Ills slayer escaped. It is reported that tie shooting resulted from a quarrel centering orer tie strike which tie scalers are consider ing calling. Later it was learned that August I na re vale, a Spaniard siot Navarro. According to Arerale ie did not know that tie strike was on and seeing that men were wanted he started to apply for a Job, wien a number of men including NaTarro set upon him and. struck him several times when be pulled his revolver and fired, and the crowd scattered. Arevale was ar rested in ilding on tie waterfront 8 Attack Steel Trust Cleveland. Dec. 8. What purports to be the first step In the plan to break the steel trust will be started here today when the gorernment files a suit against the Great Lakes Tow ing company according to semi-official statements of E. P. Chamberlain, special counsel for tie government Chamberlain asserts his Investiga tions developed enough evidence on wiloi to base the suit for dissolution of the steel merger. Hand some Beiry Set TO) p3 O WITH THE 50 5c Daily Eyeninij Observers 17 Carrier, One Year in Advance w Daily Eveiiinj Observer J $1.00 Cash, 10 Months, per ninth V Daily, byrMafll Ye in Advance . ; . Wee, by Mail, l 'Yr 1 C H in Advance . ; . . . ... .. . " 4, . " ' 1 . -I "i - ' ., ' . ' ... " " " ' i' ' These beautiful gifts can be seen at the Observer Office; If thejsojicitor misses you call us onthephone La Grande Evening Observer BELL PHONE, Main 13; IND, PHONE 1342 Remember, a Beautiful Berry t FREE on the above terms Itlack Hand In Seattle. Seattle. Dec. 8. In revenge for some fancied grievance two men, be lieved to have been Italians dynamlt-' . ed the garage In the rear of Dr. A. J. 1 i( I Chlgllon. the Italian consul iere ear- . " , - r 2 jly yesterday. Tie Explosion did a -v.3l.u,:r-vr- .fJZZ&Z3i&UK$ 3kjf;