THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. IUGi SEvi::; LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, . rm - - f i : Heinz.. Is prepared under tie : most .'rigid Inspection. . la . , clean, model lltchem The Ingredients 'are fresh Bee!, tie best Suet, 'selected Apples, Valencia Eal. ; las, seeded entrants, candled 'fruit and peels, and par Spices. Ib class Jars, CSc ach. , HOSE SUCH5 MNCE' JEEAT J AND GEONEIS BULK MINCE JfEAT. ' l, ' V'aV Use either phons- ': f J. Ladies and Gents J , Shoe Shine Parlors -1 u to 11 18, Adams Aye., where j he will servo all custom- ers, new and old Franklin Would HaVeBeeh Amazed ? r If his vision could have extend- : ed far enough Into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of incandesant electric lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC madza LAMP. ; ' V ' ; The sage old pbloBopber flew his kite during, a thunder storm, and b.y means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but evolution decreed that modern Inventive genius Bhould discover an . incandescant lamp ; that is revolutionizing artificial light , THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP gives ; ' nearly three times the light. of the or dinary ; carbon v Incandescant and costs no more to operate. In addition to this it gives light of . a vajtly . superior ; quality a . clear white light like the sun's rays. V'; Everywhere people are having -their houses wired for electric light, since the Invention of ythe GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA : LAMP. It has made electricity as cheap aa it is convenient Come in for a moment today and let us prove to your entire sat isf action that there is no longer a possible excuse for you to v be , without the greatest" of , all household conveniences elec- trioiicsx. y;;:- i-'.x-.-: EASTERN OREGON light and Pbver NewTrahsfer M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED3762 Company H4 44444l44i M Mill V. What Others' Think. ' Miss Grace Cameron aa Nancy, in ihe play of that name, began three night's engagement, pn Sunday even ing' at the Colonial theatre. "Nancy" is the story of rural and city life in New .York state, throughout 'which tha author has distributed amlles and tears with, a Javiah, hand, Bays the Bait Lake Tribune.;. At first , Nancy is lery unpromising. She i a simple ggllng girl, utterly , irresponsible, and .whose . child-love, is brutally ' re; pulsed by her father. . The;; father lives only for Flora, his eldest daugh ter, who poses to binx'aa a reigning society queen, of New York City, but who, ... la reality . is a ember of a tough theatrical company . ana doubtful 'morals. ', ; " j To keep .this daughter in comfor table circumstances as he thought, but really, to keep the show going for her lover, -the father disposes' of all hlB earthly goads', reduces himself and Nanc. to. poverty, that the New York girl might Jive her , life, She comes home, for Christmas demanding mon ey,' ana . wnep tni ,w roiunou uo steals the only thing left to the little family, a pair of .earrings which are heirlooms, and .escapes, Jroni the old home. .' Nancy accused by the old man, :being;the .thief. and Is sent out into tbe, world on "the ,eold night, when all the world ls( expected to be, happy and full of forglvenees, in the most approved , te'ar-produclng fash Ion. But Nancy makes good despite her natural handicaps, the sinning sister is humbled and a good taste 1b left in the mouth at tbe end. Miss Cameron 'as Nancy was the center about which', everything? re volved, and ahe, swayed her audience with her humor and .'pathos at her will. She was in splendid voice' in acts two and three with the songs, "Good-bye, My Dear Old Home" and "If Adam Had never Been Introduced to Eve." Miss ; Louise Wagner aB Flora maintained an unlikeable part with pleasing ability, having that use ful asset, beauty. Al.- C. Newman as Ezra Peckham looked and acted the mart of the , farmer father, , and the company throughout was t able ana enjoyable. '.'-.; ,; r1.;. . "Nancy" appears at, the Steward theatre December 14. ' ' . Change at Orpheunv - The Orpheunj offers tonight Swor and Westbrook, song and dance art ists, and they are Bald to be the best the world produces." Connected' with the Btrongest circuits In the country these artists have pleased the most fastldous crowd's. The remainder of the change is of excellent value. ' : Tlctnre Stories Please, , The Isls held a ; large , audience laBt evening to Bee the pleasant pic ture stories. The Isls never falls in results. Supremacy of the filmB and the, superb lighting has won for this house an enviable reputation through out the entire . coast. Its , manager makeB a study of the, moving picture business day to day and there Ib noth ing new in tho east that does not find its way Immediately to the Isls In La Grande... -V '-:-. " i .J;. ' r1-- Big Socialist Tote. , Olympla, Dec. 7 An enormous so cialist Vote, is revealed by the election returns canvasaed by the state board today.1 Tha hlgheBt socialist vote waa 15,994 for W. E. Richardson for su preme Judge, a gain of 12,970 votes over the highest Boclallst tote for supreme. Judge in 1908.", Inthe con gressional elections the ' socialists polled three times as many votes as The .Paris Hair Store will open up a special hair manufacturing depart ment and all weaving turned out will be fully guaranteed to give absolute eatiafactlon. Miss Marie Swann, late of Lds Angeles, Cal., is now located at this store. We dp private work by appointment ; . ''' THE PARIS HAIR STORE .' MBS. PALKTEB -.'..: tit Fir Street La Grande, Ore. thePublk 5 ! HVH iHHHtFJ they did two years ago. ; , The republican and democratic per centages were about normal, although the total vote cast, for congressman this time was only 1S8,?96 aa against 167,850 compared with two years ago. The official vote on congressman and supreme' court Judges follow: ; , Feeling; a ' Part ; By REGINALD D. HAVEN . . ' . ' Copyright,' 1910. by Americah Prt 'l never did but one good act in my life," said the old counterfeiter.' "There wasn't much credit In it to me, but It was productive of a lot of happiness to ethers." It occurred, many years ago. and an. 1 am now, a vy old. man and haw h vH-y.long, troubled life to look back upon. Including several terms In the penitentiary, it stands out from the rest of my acts in odd contraat - ! was m the summer of 1859 that several of us got together In a north ern city and manufactured, a niuaber of twenty dollar counterfeit bills. Aa soon as We bud 'finlsbeu the Job we destrpyed the outfit divided ,the bills and 'started for different' parts of the country to put them out on the public, my section being the south. ' Boarding one of the crack steamers of that day, I started for New Orleana In order the better to impose on people I dress ed , myself in ministerial black and wore a. white cravat , I had been an actor and could personate a clergyman, or atjy one ' else, for that matter, to perfection. . , . ' : "The main cabin of the steamers run ning on tbe Mississippi river in those days, when tbe table was not set for meals, was occupied principally for gambling. Poker, seven-up, euchre and other games were played, though the parties playing were not large and of ten two persons only occupied a table. I was sitting on the guards one day when a negro came out of the cabin, wringing his hands. " 'What's the matter,,boyr I asked. " " 'Mars done gone lose me to a nig gah trader. . Ma wife an pickaninnies won't nebber see me no moV : ' "I found that his master, a planter, had taken him to Cairo as his body Bervant, Vas returning, had lost all the money he had with him at cards, staked his darky and lost him too. 1 went Into the cabin, where the'plant er and the trader .were settling up, the planter being at the moment occu pied In making out a bill of sale for the slave. .' . ' ' v ' "1 beg your pardon, sir 1 said to the planter. ; 'On account of my voca tion I am opposed, of course, to gam bling In any form; but I dislike ex ceedingly the separation of families. I understand that you . have lost your negro.; I would be pleased to lend you the money to win him back.' ' "The gentleman accepted the offer, I brought out some new", crisp" bills, Just from tbe press, and the' game started anew. . It, was euchre. I soon saw that the gambler could go on winning from the 'trader all day if he liked, for the former was perpetrating one of the commonest tricks on' him that Is, turning Jack.'; In other words, when he dealt he would always turn up a knave for himself. . Seeing this and other cheating, I interfered. , I told him that 1 had learned the game before becoming a clergyman and In sisted' od taking the planter's place. Since I was backing the latter he was obliged to yield to me in the matter, which he did with a bad grace. "I had not only , learned the' game 'before becoming a clergyman,' but all the tricks that went with It and many other games. . I walked into that card sharper in a way that opened his eyes. The negro at stake had follow ed me Into the cabin and was standing watching the game with bulging eyeay It was hard for me to keep a straight face, playing as 1 was, a supposed min ister of the gospel, with counterfeit money and doing as neat bits of thim blerigging as had ever been prac tice on that palatial steamboat Tbe negro trader was not a professional card sharper, though he didn't hesitate to cheat tbe planter, and never dream ed that the somber man, before him In a spotless white necktie was placing the cards exactly where he wanted them.,. , "Of course .1 soon won the darky for his master. Then I arose from the table, delivered a homily on the sin of gambling and returned to the guards. I was followed by the planter,' who said to me: " Te'mit me, sub, to say to yo that yo're.the flrstman of the cloth that has eveb obtained my unbounded re - speci, sun. xo' nave savea my . boy, ' sun,' from- being separated from his wife and children, an act fo which I wouU tire bea .to biaaje. I bive ssdeicat iaSuence, rah. to control a t tia Fl'.-t leftist church cf , MbMT'rrL If yo' win accept it it shall be jo's with a tit salary.' 'I thanked the gentleman for bis c'-1 fer, but declined It VTLcn we reach ed his landing be Insisted so l.eartl'.y cpon my, visiting him at his-plantation that I onwnted. "I was made welcome by bl9 family. and tbe wife and children of tbe negro 1 bad saved from the trader came to the bouse with tears la their eyes to thank me. . I was a good looking jouhj fellow In those days and could see that I made en impression on cne of the planter's daughters. I bad every thing at my .disposal to perpetrate any rascality 1 might choose. ' 1 could get the planter's indorsement which would enable me to dispose of my ;'feen goods.' and I believed 1 could wla.hls daughter. - , . "I did neither.'. For a brief season 1 enjoyed the Sensation of being a fine fellow. During thatlme permitted myself to feel the part Just as an actor will feel the character be is person&t ing. Then when it was over I depart ea. resistta with Clfflculty the re proachful look of the girl who favored me. and as soon as I was on another boat was.ssaJl) a dog of a counter feiter." - . , f , Ought te. Chars Gtortg. ! "What Is tbe matter with him? He has an idea In his head." That ought to be a good thing." '"No, it isn't" "vnyr" - v s -ry ';" f"Because he cant get It out" . . Embarrassing. "I don't like rich friends." : "Nor ; , "I should say ' notr ':'' "Why r?v ."They xsever re member to pay back the money they borrow- of you." ;' ''v!;" ; Left No Surplus. "Oh, comer - "What?" -f. 1 . r "Can't" "Why?"- "Grocries are too high." - , Notice to Stockholders.' Notice Is hereby given to the Stock holders of the United States National Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bald bank, will be held at their banking house in La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th,' between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for the purpose of transacting any other business that may come i before the meeting.;. '-'Oc;.,- c,; ""'' V Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this sixth day of December, 1910. ' " - T. J. SCROGGIN, CaBhier. Notice of Street Improvement To whom it may Concern: . ' '.. Notice ia hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon; on the 15th day of December, 1909, creating Improve ment district No. 13, and designating N. Fir street,- as such district and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by sld Common Council on tha 2nd day of ; November, 1910,: whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of N. Fir street; In said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon Blthullthlc Pavement, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners Of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement order that said above ' described Improvement be made; that boundaries of said dis trict to be so Improved are as tolfows: All that portion of N. Flr street, from the South Curb Line of Monroe Avenie to the North Line of S. avenue. Notice .is hereby further , given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such- im provement. That the estimated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of $2529.40. That the Council will on the 7th day of December, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., to consider said es- tlmated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag- I grievea ny such assessment ! ' ' La Grande, Oregon, November . 23, 1910. . v 1 City Council of La Grande, Oregon. By D. E. COX, - Recorder of the City of La Grande. Nor. 26th lOt ' : :- -; .", T7) i S. A. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE-PICTURES- EAT EE2ALContort2on Kevclty AV , - . SW03 ASD TSTBHOCX, World's best singers and Dancfcrs. Complete Change that Is AacBij the best bills eTr prcdaffi la. tie -Korthwest ,. " SAH BALTOS Eccentrl Lecal 'Comei!fla . KISS LTLUAX TIUTILLS-. Light BallaJ 1 Tftcallst, goubrette and eharMtsr change artist '.' ."""'. ' Evcrilnj Prices 15 and 25c Matinees Vedasdays-Salurdays-Stirays, 2 o'chc!: anij All HiiidaytHatintailM 10 arl Itc A..Slaula Safeguard, for Hotheral Youngetown. Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My little, girl had ft se vere cold and coughed almost con tinuously. My slater recommended Fo ley's Honey and, Tar., The first dqse I gave her relieved the lnflamatlon in her'throat and hfter uslAg ono bot tle her throat and lungs were entirely free from lnflamatlon.., Since then I always keep a bottle of Foley's Hon ey and Tar in the house as I know It la a surp cure for coughs and colds. ' Hills Drug Store. ", ; V : Election Notice. December 12th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day of December, 1910, af gen eral election will be held in the City of La Grande, In the County of Union, State of Oregon, for the purpose of electing the following officers: ' Mayor .'T'"- . Recorder ' ' ,' .' '.V '. Chief of Police .'. ; .Treasurer ' ,. One Councilman from each ward.. That at said election there will be submitted to the voters of the City the following Question: "Shall the Council of the City be authorized to issue and negotiate bonds of the City in the sum of 110,000 to bear interest not to exceed 5 per cent per annum, to run for ft period of twenty (20) years from date, redeemable and pay able at any time after ten (10) years from date at the option of the City, which bonds are to be issued and sold for the purpose of completing the sewer system . la th City of La Grands." . ' ' "v":;, . That at said election there will also be submitted to the voters of the City the question: "Shall sections 6 and 7 of the Charter of the City be amended so as to provide for tne ap pointment of Chief of Police by the Mayor, instead of being elected, by the voters of the City." 7 1 1 J ; " The polling places designated for said election, and ; the Judges , , and clerks appointed to conduct said elec tion are as follows; First ward--Pol: ling place, Court 'House. Judges: M. P. Sheasley, Jacob Baker, M. McMur ray; Clerks: Elmer Curtis and E. W. Kammerer. ; r :- 'J;;-i., Second ward Polling place. Coun cil chambers. Judges. H. W. Stoner, Merritt Reynolds, George ; Ball ; Clerks: j. E. Reynolds and Perry Ol iver. , j -' :';';v-.',.': Third wardPolling place, tent at corner of 4th street and Adams ave nue. Judges: J. M. Hilts, M. A. Harrison,- W. ' D. Grandy; Clerks; Adna Rogers and Lee Leavltt -y , '. . , Fourth ward Polling place, Ged- des store. Judges: G. W. Allen, E. S. Brasel, J. T. Williamson; Clerks: J. M. Kochensparger and John Ladd. . Said election will be held and con ducted and the returns thereof filed as provided by law in the case of gen eral city elections of said city., . V The polls of said election will, be opened at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. and closed at the hour of 7 o'clock p. m. on said day. ' ' , 'All qualified 'Oters of the City will be permitted to vote at said election. ' By order of the Council of said City of La Grande, Oregon. . : Dated November 30th, 1910. F. L. METERS, Mayor. Attest: D..E. COX, Recorder. Nov. 30-Dec. 11. .' i 5' Esses. COz A A A A O riLOFESSIOJIAl EIEECTC?!. O00000 N. MOLITOR. M. D-Physlcian and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and . Depot street : OSce, Main. 68; ResU - dence 69. . . C. 1L UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . Office in La Grande1 National Bank Build ing. Phones: - Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32. ft. L. RICHARDSON Physician and , surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones : Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 65; Ind. 312. ' GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 89 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951.' Successor to Dc C. E. '': Moore. . DR. M. P, MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses , Fitted and made to order. All er rprB of Refraction Corrected. 1105 : Adams Ave. Fole' Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. . DR. H. 'L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office OT er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. . Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. V J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 299. DR. R- L. LINCOLN. DENTIST First ' class services given; Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-45L DR. P.f A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La, Grande. Residence phone, Rel ' 701; Offloe phone, Black 1361; Inde ' pendent phone ,63; both phones ai residence. - 1 ' ' " , ATTORNEYS AT LAW COCHRAN tc COCHRAN Attorneys : ' Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T, Cochran.-' La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. v Practices In al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg.; Lft . Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon, C. C. WILSON Teacher of Violin. ' Call any time at 801 Malt ave nue. . : v.1, ' ' IJSNA McREYNOLDS Teacher of Pl- ano and Voice Culture. At 142f Washington Avenue on Wednesda and Saturday. Telephone, on thesr dates to Red-1122. Notice to Trespassers. , . Positively no hunting allowed ot our premlseB. Do not apk for permls slon. Blocklatd Bros. Want ad? pay, one cent & word.