LA QifAKDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. " it r iAiETm;r;:: Directory cf the Fraternal Order of La Grande, Oregon " f A. P. ft A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. P. & A. IL holds regular meet lngs first and, third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all jlasons. JOHN 8. EODGIN. W. M. JL1 C WILLIA22S, Secretary. B.' FA2. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's elnb, corner, of De pot street and Washington avenue. VifllUng brothers are cordially la- Tlted to attend. " 1 ;i ; ; DR. 0. L.'EiGGERS, Ex Rui: J : HUGH. MxCALL, Rec Sec WOODMEN. OP THE J WCMJDLa Grande Lodge No. 19 W. 0. W. '., meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting stem- ,.' bers waSoome. : '. ? U : ;- " Ksai iciac3..da;; fr m. . w. a l ocaon uonp K. Ttf3 : meets every Hobday la tla moctVat ; the I. O. 0. F. bafl. AM rteiang ' " v neighbors are cordially invited to attend. '',..'..' '.v ;-":..' 'i , :';,.'-:'.L R. 8NSQK, a Vj'. '. D. E.COX, Clerfc REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 6 meets every evening la the I. 0. 0. F. hall. AH visiting members are invited to attend, v MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. a MH3. JENNIE M. BMITIL eec KNIGHTS 'OF PYTHIAS Red Cros. - Lodge ,N 27 meets every Monday night In Castle tall, (old Elk's ha!L A Pythian welcome to aU ylsltma Knights. : '. " ,'','., JESS PAUL. C, C. ' R. L. LINCOLN, M, of R. ft & O. E. S Hope Chapter No. IS, 0; R ' C holds stated communkations tb second and fourth Wednesday or each month. "Vlaitl&g members cor dially invited. ' . ...MARY A. WARNICS. See. :l "; ; ,1 paulene EBssicqfr. vl'I WOMEN OF TTOaTCIUIT Craa Ronde Circle No 4X . meets every ' idrst and third Thursday stsfcteijs :. In the month at the 1. 0. 0,,P. tuSt All visttise; members are wetcora CHLOE ROBINSON, O. li. f ; v LIZZIE '.. ELLSWORTH, Clark, i SiKX DAT OF FALU COLLEGES That's What t ' ' V It's Good FbrWhat Ails You f"iggT'g'! , , - 1 ' ScmJ.Cntennlal Celebration of the Founding- f Agrlcultaral Schools Planned in 1312. Washington SUte College, Pullman A semi-centennial celebration of the founding of the agricultural col leges of the United States is one pf the events which the association of these colleges has undertaken and word from Washington to Professor Thatcher announces the date, AuguBt, 1912. Invitations will 'be issued by President Taft to send representa tives and congress will be petitioned at" the next session for an appropria tion to finance the Jubilee. The' invitations, which will be is sued by the president of the United States, wtll .be to attend both the semi-centennial celebration and the tenth Bession of the International congress of agriculture, which up to this time has never convened outside jplace at Madrid, Spain, thia year. The year 1912 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the passage of the Morrill act, providing for state agri cultural colleges and the twentieth anniversary of the supplementary Hatch act, which provided for the ex- rMtrlmant fH. . t.i ..... .,u - ed national alt for the maintenance of these institutions. For Washing ton the state college fulfills the con ditions oM)oth acta. The celebration and the interna tional meeting will both, take place at Washington, D. C. At the same time a second international meeting will be held in the United States, the world's congress of applied chemists which will 4e held in New York City. ,: ; Indians Taboo Biblical Names. Spokane, Wash.,l Dec. 8.--"Spok-ane Indians do . not like Biblical names," said J. McWebster. of Fort Spokane, recently. ; , ' "If you should be dropped blind folded into the Spokane Indian reser vation you might easily v imagine yourself In a Jewish synagogue. You hear Moses speaking to Isaac. Reuben whispering! soft -words to Judith and possibly Benjamin, Aaron, Levi ' and Joseph In, a heated controversy over money matters. ' ': -.. "... ". : , "When I first took charge of the Spokane and Colville agencies six years ago I thought the Spokane Ind ians, a very religious lot of people but I soon found it was in name only, and that they were not at' all . satis fied with the" names." ; V :; ; Almost the first day, said Captain Webster, an Indian came to him with an Interpreter asking to have his name changed.; He had a "very bad" name, he said. His name was Benja min Isaac..:'.1: 'J., ' Hundred of Indians have asked to have their , names changed and today they are "Tom, . Dick, and Harry;" Biblical characters are - becoming scarce. 35 When in need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, V . cot glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried ' by a first class Jewel ry store, Investigate our prices before 1 buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing ..; first quality good a '. .,".';- ,:. If your eyes tro uble yon, have them fitted by an opV ODDOsIfcj the IT. 8. Lead Office, Adams At In the early days when the French Catholic priests were the only white men among the Indians in this coun try, the natives adopted their bid pic turesque,, descriptive ,'names, . like "Good Thunder.", Afraid of a Cow,!1' "Rain in the Face" and so forth, or else, French names, but about 25 years ago an evangelical missionary changed al lthelr names and caused the trouble which Captain Webster has had in furnishing common "Am erican' names.. "':''Y:";:'. v -." II : ' Btuutlal 1i1i.a1,ii. Notice is hereby given to the le gal voters of School District No. One of Union . County, State of Oregon, that a Special School Meeting pf said District will be held at Old High School building in said District on the 10th day of December, 1910, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the fol lowing objects:. To vote on the prop osition of levying a tax for the main tenance; and for the other necessary expenses of the District; and for the payment of interest on the ' bonded debt of the district and for the pay ment of bonds of the district and for payment of debtof the district. Dated this 28th day of November, 1910. .v .v ' HENRY HENSON, . Chairman Board of Directors. ' Attest: "ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, V : District Clerk. Get the Genuine Always. A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine.. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds quickly and' Is in a yellow package, contains no opiates and Is safe and certain In results. , Hills Drug Store. n 1 M! til ! L LLhlL.L$ U i t r M Kinds of Ciiy, Farm, Fruit and Stock thatvjill hQurinvestiquiion j pommities VJ1 9 Office 100 Elm Slf i wnaMMMwiMMawMMMMBMwmaawawawiMnMMMMM ' ' : 4 '1; I do strictly a commission business; no prices. padded Your property will be sold at exactly tho. Price you place on it when listing it 'with me. If : ; . . : - i you want 1o buy, seJl, rent or exchange come in and talk it over with me" j keep in touch with the best bargains on the market and will at all times be glad to show you. We invite yon to read carefully the ; following listings and then come in and tell us what you want. .,.'.'''''.' ; Cify No. 39 Six room house with pantry) first cla&s condition, stone-foundation with cellar, woodshed, chicken house with yard fenced, city water and well,, , firuit trees. Lot 140 on Adams by 200 feet on Cherry. Price, $2,500. Terms. ' : , ' , No. 41 Good two story house situated Bouth end of 4th St., nine rooms papered, spalnted and stone foun-' datlon, wired, barn room for eight head of stock, 16 tons of hay, chicken house and woodshed, 200 fruit trees, all fenced. - Price $3500.' Terms. No. 85. On U Avenue. I have a 1 acre' tract; v good five room house with stone foundation, city ,--;water and watertight, barn room for three head of stock, chicken house, fruit trees and berry patch, good soil. Price $2,850. ..Small payments, f ; , No. 31. South La Grande, Cor. 2nd and D St Sev en room two story .house, bath and city water; also water for Irrigating, barn and chicken house. Price '$2,300, Terms $250 down.. ;.. - - - - ., . () No. 5 On east Adams Ave lot 60x114, good four room house, woodshed,; city water, nice lawn. Price $L600. $1,000 down.. ,;(, ,-tt,. : , No. 65 1-2 New house and two Kood. lots, .five jno. ta l-z wew nouse ana two good, lots, five , irrigaieo rrom springs which run through rooms, bath and toilet, very nicely, arrawted, and PIace' balance timber and pasture, 60 acres timothy Add, for $W00, with easy terms. , . No. lv-Lot'4. 70x112. tlQQ, Part of lot C, 70x112: Ad? 1 70xI12, 1300 eacb' BIOCk 15, c&' tfS0, t'irJ1 3' 58' Chaplin's Add.. Price luo. $350 down and balance can run for three years. Fa ' No. 64.-Here is a 588 ace farm ten miles from La Grande: 110 acres in cultivation, 15 acres in tim ber, balance pasture, family orchard of 50 trees SflT US .bar?x50' chlckea h0USQ ad other" outbuildings.' Price $6,000. . No. 38 The Geo. Chllders Farm is now on the ftrknet,iM Jtf ucerd P,rlce-res of cholce'land, cultl,vatlon, 60 in pasture, 20 In alfalfa, 20 in .0th ,plendld large nouBe- barn nd other build- Srtt's??" been rent-ed " 'll00 cash for five years. Price $55 per acre. . - v No. 66. Nice 215 acre farm; 2 1-2 mHes from is land City, all tillable land. 30 acres in meadoT and balance in cultivation; two story seven room house barn two cellars, and other buildings; family oS nflt', W,ell,m,poved; bulldlns insured for $3,600. One of the best farmJn the valley can be bought for iio per acre. . : No. 68. JuBt one mile from town Is a 30 acre tract, 25 acres tillable, good six room house with full basement, barn 16x24, 280 fruit trees; can be M1 S' 200 wrW 50 acres In cultivation, S5LSM!Sft?re:'encel and cr08S fenced. 25 acres In alfalfa, 400 fruit trees, plenty of water to Irrigate first two crops, water piped to house, barn, chicken house and, other buildings. Rural delivery knd tele phone, close to; school.,, price $300. :,v ,'ti T -' No. 42. -Farm 850 rrua A .s. ' $LftS3Z!&" ."PS?". wbiQ run trough strictly modern. Price EZjQOO. ' i No;"13.-Four room ' house on North Sprnce,' two lots, woodshed and xellar, el ty. water In yarded , sewer runs In front, of .place, near school. Prlca :'"$14O0 Tenni. ..'v.- "'-".'... ; ?- ' No. 43. House East Adams Ave. Eight room plas tered house facing north, stone foundation and base ment, lot 50x110. 'Price $2,100, - ; ;:U "-- ' v No. 40. Fraction of lot 1 and all of. 3-4-5 in, block , 3, Arnolds Add D. St Seven room house with ctoae foundation and cellar, barn for four head of stock, two good chicken houses and about 20 fruit troes, , 1 city water and well. Price fljtti. Terms. ., .. ... , No.' 43. Mladison and' Fir;' iot 45x110, five room " house; stone foundation and cellar, city water and " barn., Prke$l,400. Terms :h:W; ,.-,.. , , ' ' No.' 47v Fine large two story house with basement full size of house, three large bed rooms-up stairs ,well built and double papered,, shingled and painted two years ago,' hot and cold water, bath and toilet, can be heated with furnace. ; Henry Henson's home. "Price IISO.'! Terms. ..;-':. - '. y-. . ,: No. 37 In Sunnyside Add., and in reach of steady ', employment, eight room new house, cellar, wood-" shod and outbuildings. Lot 40x120. Price $1,000. " ; Terms very easy. , :',.' :, :,. ....; ;'.',': ; No. 67 On east Adams Ave. lot 60x114 and good four room house,' very good location for $1,400.' Terms.' ' :'. :: :: ,, ' No. 53. No. 2110 First street there is a good five ' . room house and one lot 60x110 which can be bought for $1,750. ;:",:'.,'"'" ', -J No. 21 1-2. One fourth block and four room housi on Fourth street which can be purchased for $1,000. $100 down. : .. ,No. 65. One fourth block and a good four room bause on Fourth street which can bes purchased for $850. ' $300 down. : -i"., ' . No.' 7. Four room house, Monroe Ave., nice barn , and well built poultry house, cellar and city water; three lots and everything in good ccpdition. Price1 $1,400. $300 down, $15 ,per month. No. 11. On the corner of Oak and Adams is a nice eight room house: thoroughly modern in every re : spect. Price $300. Terms. . . s No. 21. Nice location, nice lawn, and good five room house on Wash. Ave., has a cellar, barn and one large lot, city water. Price $1,400., Terms. , . No. 25. Good five room house in North La Grande, large lot, good barn, Truit trees and water , right. Price, $1,750. Terms. . l ' " V.;' '';'" .":' ' TOWX LOTS. I have some splendid buys in town lots In all parts cf the city. Very good lots for $100. choice ones from $300 to $700. ,' ,, . . ' , N6. 51. Block 13 and 14 In Arnolds and Drays two acres alfalfa good new six room house and lum-I vu mrvxwa ivt narn. z.uoo cords of wood or saw ' .r .reefrom frost8 1 mllfis(?rom mala street of La Grande. Price, ,', , , , No. 40162 4-2 acres all '''la cultivation except a small portion which is in pasture, pirt alfalfa, good house,' barn and family orchard, depot on place and good roadto La Grande, F,.D., aad telephone. 1-2 -mils, Price $35 per acre.- ..r . ' ' ..- Na 4880 acres tillable land, five acres ta 8 year ;d(,npi)j' yan Iwrry orchard, and other small 1 'Lm e,ght Toom 0UM- tarn, woodshed, windmill,' etc.; near school and five miles from La Crande at Mt Glenn. Price $3,000. T- -'A Nil ;The W Homestead,. 160 acres uo Mill Creek Canyon. 4 acres cleared, 24 acres stump land ?W??ld,malt? a B00d fleld 11 dered more than half the the land to level, all fenced with two, wires, 1 LAh0U8? 18x20 1,0X6,1 on ln!de.; rn, good well,' 5000 cords of wood and some saw. timber, eood mountain road. Price $2,000. ; i i- 5 No,' 20. Eighty acres of good land near .Valeria school houe soil first class, on rural delivery and , telephone. Entire tract fine alfalfa land, $74 per :,.acre.:,,,,,,-v , , feuit faems and aceeage." y,:..: t . No. 6b Tract of 35 acres In Cove, 7 acres In com , toercial apple orchard of different varieties, 5 acres in pasturage, price $7,000. , , ; , , No.; i" rofiteble 6 acre tract In May Park. 11-2 miles from town, well improved with good house, barn, all fenced and under Irrigation water ; is pumped by 6 H. P. electrical pumping plant: 475 : s . treeB-22 .No. 70 Eight acres one and one half miles from :w.;t vVr 5Pm'h0U8e. B' acres under irrigation, all tillable, three acres good alfalfa. Price$2,700. . No. . 16 Commercial apple farm in Cove. 7 1-2 acres of five year eld trees, 17 feet to water, house of five rooms and two good wells, barn, cellar and ; chicken houst, household goods and 100 chickens in cluded with the place. Price $4,500. . . No. 24 Five acre tract, 1 acre in cherries differ ent varieties, 1-2 acre family orchard, eight room house, barn . room for eight head of stock; water t?mlcl PlaC6' R- F'-vand telephone. Vrtcl . I feW b8jneBs propositions, one of which s a good blacksmith shop, well equipped with all the mV0018 BUcll,a8 eng,ne' tr,P h&Ta band saw drill power machine, emry wheel, three Good fo "ges etc., located In a good country and nd competition $3,009!eQ g bUS,ne8S f ,6,0 t0. .000. Prl?e ,A,M have ' a GOOD FEED ''iJuSINESSgrocery ' store, restaurint and confectionery Wlch will ndv tny interested party to Investigate. - P y 0OOOOOOOOKA &4&&&&&&&&4& Want ads ray. one cent a word.